WHAT NEXT??? ; "It doesn't take much time for evil to raise its head, and ? tke sick mind emptying doesn't take muck time to fill uitk _ madness." George Seferis - Many point and blame others for the various problems ~ that exist in Robeson County. Rarely do we examine our . behavior, beliefs or inaction. Because of the vacuum we create, evil and madness invade our county. Once again ' we must remind ourselves that citizenship is a daily ~ task -progress can only take place if each of us chooses to . make the sacrifice and effort to nurture the positive ispects of our citizens and community. School officials in Bladen County recently applied for a ; rrant from Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation. The grant is to assist" at risk students." The proposal asks for $135,580. lhe main problem as we see it, is that 82.6 percent ? '$112,000) will be spent for personnel; only 3.7 percent ? i$5,000) will be used for educational materials. In our opinion, too much money is being devoted to salaries for staff and too little is being spent on the - 'at-risk" students. This proposal calls for an executive director position which will pay $36,000 per year. The - project is called "Project Uplift." We hope the officials at I Z. Smith Reynolds take a close look at who is being I "uplifted." President Bush's choice for Secretary of Defense. John Tower, is still facing a tough battle in his bid for Senate confirmation. Tower really wants the job -in fact he wants this job so bad he has said he would abstain from alcohol if the Senate would approve him. John Tower has been questioned about his past consumption of alcohol and fondness of women. All ? published reports, excluding the FBI report, have been a ? collection of rumors. Nothing has come to light that ? documents the charges against Tower. But, in our ? opinion, by his own action (i.e? swearing to give up alcohol), John Tower has given credibility to the stories floating around him. To give up something that is not a problem would seem to be (1) needless and (2) a hollow effoft to generate some much needed support. Unfortunately, Ruskin's words appear to sum up John Tower's recent attempt to gain support: "The essence of lying is in deception, not in words." The Commissioners of Robeson County met with our legislative delegation to seek support for a two cent county tax increase. This proposal would distribute the burden across the board rather than hit property owners only. Robeson County will need additional revenue. With the passage of school merger, the new county jail, and additional projects, our county must generate additional revenue to fund these activities. Commissioner Sammy Cox stated: "It's going to be the worst budget to have to balance...of course, the people have brought it one themselves..." Thanks, Mr. Cox! Perhaps you would rather for our children's future to be mortgaged to an unequal education by continuing a five-school system. Perhaps you prefer the government to take over our jails or perhaps you would just like to pay the lawsuits that will result if we do not do something about our current jail. Mr. Cox, did the citizens of Robeson County really have a choice in merging our schools and in pushing for improvements in our jail system? We think not! The cost of the projects is a result of small-minded, nearsighted thinking. As a result we believe officials, who would rather be elected than make tough derisions which would help Robeson County move into the future, are crippling progress. Mr. Cox, the burden of the taxpayer will bear can be directly traced to you and previous cohorts. Because of your inaction, we are now forced to pay a high price. But, Robeson County citizens will pay and our county will be better for it. It is t shame you escaped the consequences of your inaction and failed leadership! Perhaps on election day, you will reap your just reward.' Have your noticed the big promotional about Sears and the closing of their stores so they can reduce prices, some by as much as 50 percent, so the ads say? We fail to understand why we should be so thrilled by Sears action. Are they now saying they have been charging us too much for all that merchandise, but now that they have some serious competition, they will give us a break and lower prices? Thanks Sears---but no thanks! THE COACH'S CORNER BY KEN JOHNSON ? The Objectives Of Education The seven cardinal principles of education set off the main goals of education and as long as the so-called new Basic Education program ignores putting physical education in its prescribed program, it is not doing what the taxpayers trust the educators to do. Physical education is a part of the first cardinal principle and that is: 1. Health-There is no health without strenuous physical activity. 2. Ethical Charagjer-People need to learn to " Be "honest and this honesty they get from learning to obey the rules of all of the games. When the sophomores, juniors and seniors don't get P.E., they lose this opportunity to develop honesty. 3. Worthy use of leisure time-Gym class sports carry over to their leisure time as all educational activity supplements a child's life. 4. Worthy home membership-When a child is physically fit the whole family is proud, boy or girl. 5. Coomand of the fundamental processes of reading, writing and arithmetic-If this isn't rote memory, I'll eat it. The critics of rote memory should take heed. 6. Social efficiency-The only way people are learning to get along is to develop this cardinal principle. 7. Vocational efficiency-All big industries support recreational programs thereby improving workers' j morale and efficiency. Citizenship is promoted through the TOTAL PROGRAM. So when the State of North Carolina says Basic Education, why do they leave out the most basic of education and that is physical education. Where is Pete Hasty, Charlie Rose, and the rest of them? WMM W2&& Should Dependent File Separately? When a married dependent files a Joint return, the parent cannot claim an exemption. The loss of the exemption may cost a parent more than the joint return saver the couple. In such a case, It may be advisable for the couple to file separate returns so that the parent may benefit from the larger tax saving. If the couple decides to revoke their election to fie jointly and then file separately in order to preserve the exemption for a parent, they must do so before the filing date for the return. Once a joint return is filed, the couple may not, after the filing deadline, file separate returns for the same year. THE TAX SHELTER College Plaza, Pembroke N.C. Phone 521-8381 PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS & LOAN. LTD. I! Minimum ba^nce I M CHECKlNGrAjCOUNTj H^A No Serv""? Charge rv * This $100.00 Minimum Balance Checking Account Allows You To Write Checks WITHOUT A SERVICE CHARGE As Long As The Balance Does Not Fall Below $100.00. If The Balance Does Fall Below $100.00, A $5.00 Monthly Charge And 25tf Per Check Is Necessary. This Account Does Not Pay Interest. Deposits Insured Up To $100,000.00 FSLIC A PROGRESSIVE . SAVINGS & LOAN. !>. Road 720 Hirria Attnua 410 E. *r* Stm4 UmboVm N. C. Lumbcrton, N. C. Ruford, N. C. Pambroka, N. C. 731-14*1 738-141S 87S-24M S31-4308 THE READERS" FORUM I READER ENCOURAGES ROBESON I ANS TO " KEEP THE FLAME ALIVE" Dear Editor While I am no longer in Robeson County, I still look forward to getting the Carolina Indian Voice each week. So, I feel a real need to keep informed about what is happening in our homeland. I read the January 5th issue of the paper and I was deeply moved by the front page stories. With feelings of pride, mixed with some pain of memories, I read about Mr. Dexter Brooks becoming the first Indian Superior Court Judge in North Carolina. I would like to say to Judge Brooks that he has my prayers and best wishes. We change him to serve well for all mankind to always remember that everyone who ? omes before his bench is human and not just another | ' umber; to not look at the color of the skin; nor the weight 1 of the money; nor be persuaded by pressure from anyone. It is my hope that at no time wfll our judges lose sight or forget the Supreme Judge before us all. While He is not visible in person, we can still be guided by his perfect counsel. He has left a standard by which one can always be just and fair. He will always be with us. Just remember what He stood for and the message He left If you remember that and remember the man, Mr. Julian Pierce, you will do just fine and serve a long time. To the new public defender, Angus Thompson: a lot of eyes wall be on you. Some will want you to fail and go back to the way it always was. But is is a new day in Robeson County. Nothing will ever be the same again. A lot of people worked hard for a Public Defender, myself included. With you. Angus Thompson, comes a renewed 1 hope that people will get the best defense and not a defense which accomodates the system; one that doesn't care and operates for the money. Find the best people to make up the staff that you and the people deserve. You also have my prayers and best wishes. To the people of Robeson County: I am no longer there, me may like that. And hope it will never be necessary r me to come back. But that is a different story. I would ke to say to you who are working for a better place to live: keep the flame alive. There have been many tears and broken hearts and even deaths to get where you are now. We didn't get everything we wanted.'.But we didn't go away empty handed either. I thank God for letting me be a part of what has taken place there & for my job with "Friend in Court." I thank Him for being able to meet great men and women in my county such as Julian Pierce; John L Godwin; Joy Johnson; Sidney Locks; Horace Locklear, Connie; Ann and Jen. There have been so many others. I God called me tola new area in November 1988-to South Broadway Baptist Church in Batlimore, Maryland. I may not be in Robeson in person, but my heart will always be there. May God ever bless us all. And. finally to a good friend. Horace Locklear, hang in there to the end. Sincerely, (Rev.) Jimmy Hunt Baltimore, MD ? 1 Call 521-2826 and subscribe to The Carpllna Indian Voice. Say You Read It I r? The Carol ina I ndian Voice tcrna B 9 7 Seminar for I ndian V 1 Business Leaders I n 7 ( North Carolina 1 I The United Tribes Of J 1 North Carolina Invites You To f f Attend A Seminar On \ 1 Resources For- Developing / '. m,'~~ trsSSfc- " '.'tyflWi'l I Itl' ? Bu slnesses \ 1 In North Carolina 7 # *THURSDAY, MARCH 16 , 1989* \ \ Bordeaux Xnn & Convention # / Center V 1 Fayetteville, NC # \ AGENDA I ( 3:45 P.M.-5:15 P.M. WORKSHOP ON ) 7 BUSINESS PLANNINC \ 7 7:00 P.M. INDIAN BUSINESS LEADERS CAUCUS ( 7 7:30 P.M. MEETING WITH AGENCIES ( ) PROVIDING BUSINESS ASSISTANCE 7 f SERVICES 1 7 Call (919)733-5998 For More Information S ML Mitchell Baker, III, RA. ATTORNEYS AT LA W Fiqhtinq for victims' rights is what we do ...and its all we do. PRACTICE LIMITED TO ? Wrongful Death ? Serious Auto Accidents Offices in Lumberton M and Wilmington K 1-800-542-2664 [1 _ ' iTsrsumWimaHi "iii'mrssraT?L. Ffaiai'mWi^Sn |j r*?kv^f t>r?f ( 04+m and ? 3rd. I'rabiokf, NC. Dial S1l-4Mft ? I Pharmacist ftlite I #-v ? LHal A2I ??># 'Smokeless', or not? The A.M.A. has filed legal petitions, contending*] that the "smokeless cigarette" is a "new,( hazardous" drug that needs testing. RJ. Reynolds said that it is making no medica/il claims for the product But, since the health hazards | contained in cigarette smoke are well known, doesn't j i the label "smokeless cigarette" make an inherent ? health claim? j I As concerned health officials, we are committed toij II providing you, our customers, with honest and top [ quality health care, and advice you can TRUST. biiiihhb mm^rrrvTTj^m ?Bali flfoux Pfafim&cy ' F-or- Health I nsurartoe That's A Curt Above The Rest Consider the 24 Karat Major Medical Plan from Time Insurance. Time's plan outshines the competition because more valueh^^n^^j^g^unhou receive. ? F^edom to^vnoos^our docto^jmd'hospiifll. ? 15?cinon-smokcr'sdiscount jp??y ? Prescription drugTf ambulance, and x-ra^coverage ? 100% c^erage fof pre-adnjlssion ttttffg, second surgical opfft^is, floine health carr and more. In addition, becauu thi 24#KaHu is a hospital pre certification plan, it iKysied'of managed health care to ensure that every host|itaL^reatment and service you receive is medically appropriate for you. For more infor mation on how you can receive 24 Karat protection, contact: James Harris or Vardell Bullard at HARRIS INSURANCE AGENCY 521-0906 Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday MAP TIME INSURANCE COMPANY "When my parents wrote to me saying they had Flanned their own funerals, was shocked. Then I realized how sensible they are* ' ? They chose Forethoughts*, funeral planning My first reaction was, ; "What's the hurry?" But, the way they explained it in the letter made me aware of all the responsibility ; I would have if things weren't planned in advance. : I'd have to make more decisions in a couple of days ~ than I make in a month here at the office... and all :: without sufficient information, not to mention the emotional stress. Forethought is funeral planning... : before the need arises I'm not saying I agree with all their choices, but I ~ think it's more important that the choices be theirs. * At least this way there's no doubt because they I planned it with Forethought funeral planning and - paid for it with the Forethought life insurance policy designed and approved specifically for Forethought. - And, because they're both between 40 and 90 years \ old, they couldn't be turned down for any reason. Now : there won't be any confusion or rush when the time ? comes. I think they did a very loving thing and I'm : going to call them right now to tell them thanks ... and that I love them. e 198b Forethought Call or write for details today ? ... while you're thinking about it ? THOUGHT. ?= ? I Funeral PUrmmjL _____* Before the Need Arties A44nm LOCKLEAR ? SON FUNERAL HOME P.O. Box 1026 City State Zip Pembroke, N.C. 28372 521-4149 521-2020 Ftione Number Member Forethought Croup"* *