Established January 18. 1973. Published Each Thursday 11 m OoollfeDQ ^^0? I N.C. "Building Communicative Bridges In A Tri-Racial Setting" Robeson County VO MBER 5 THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1990 2S4 PER COPY FFj i CUMMINGS OF LUMBERTON FILES FOR SEAT IN THE NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL ASSEMBLY _ _ it; 42&S&* :? il - * ' ? Frances McArthur Cummings, a lifelong resident of Robeson County and a member of the Hilly Branch Baptist Chnich, lives in Lumberton. She is assistant director of Vocational Education for the Public Schools of Robeson County. She officially announced her candidacy for the north Carolina House of Representatives, District 16. In making her announcement, she released the following statement: "I proudly announced this significant decision to seek the position of NC House of Representatives because it feels right I feel it is the right thing to do for all the people-those who are in decision making positions and those who are not yet there -our future generation- pthe people of the 16th district "Hie challenge has been offered by an enormous contact of responsive people, and I have graciously accepted and am highly elated by their concerns for a better tomorrow. "My presence in the General Assembly would be marked by representation. I am committed to represent and to work with and for the people I serve of District 16, sharing their thinking and actions with the larger body the General Assembly. "Hie people ot District 16 have much of which to be proud. My leadership, therefore, would be positive, progressive and viable--a two-way communication link and an action network. "Hie people deserve unbias, unselfish, and a stop to self-serving actions from leadership. I can provide the 'effective leadership of the 90's." Ms. Cummings' leadership and involvement are widely known, respected and valued by many people locally, through out the state and nation, and even extend into Nairobi, Kenya-Africa. "My indicators for assurance that I will effectively serve people as a Representative are based on my background as a public school teacher/ coordinator, my experiences in leadership roles, in management and supervision positions; my volunteerism; public service; and my educational and political representation, commitment, and involvement. I have the ability to listen and to articulate the positions and feelings of the people. My knowledge base, skills, capabilities, combined with a proven ability to call people to action and to accomplish have established an outstanding record ot achievement Given the many tasks of leadership, they have proven unprecedented gains for children, educators, and people of North Carolina." Pembroke State Umvereity employee! who were LockUar [10\ Jeanette CVni.nmni (SOL limit Loddear recent recipiente of yeareofeervice plawue, in mere [10i Chnetme Perry (iOL etandmg-Jamee Arnold Hunt menU of 10, 20, and SO peart and were guetU at a luncheon m the Chancellor' e Dining Room are ehown UOi Horace Rmeem\fOl PdnUtte Died \l;. and Ed acobt above: |left to riyAl| eitting Grace Britt |/0L Verde l*"J HonctUor JottpM Oxtndtn* of Prm State IMivertity tpeaJu at a Student Government Work* hop which recently attracted high tehool Umdtrt from tovon countioi to PttmrU 8hi?tt Wi