Established January 18. 1973. Published Each Thursday | ]mnw [left] pntents ? S600 cluck to Chancellor Jotepk B. OxnUkmc of Pembroke State Umvor nty for tko Undo Dtese Oxendme Scholarship Fond at PSU. This chock bring s up current contributions to the scholarship to ft, 100. The memory of Linda Deese Oxen dine of Pembroke, a long time P8U employee who died unexpec tedly laat May, was recently honored with the presentation of a check ? which will be applied toward a PSU scholarship in her name. Clayton Maynor presented a $600 check to i PSU Chancellor Joseph B. Oxendine ] on behalf of the Bear Swamp Baptist j Church of Pembroke. A member of Harpers Ferry Baptist Church, she was a gospel singer within the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association. This check, added to others given in Mrs. Omodbto's honor, increased the scholarship fund to $2,100 in donations. To reach * endowment status, the total amount must reach $8,000, the interest from which will be used for an annual FBU scholarship in Mrs. Oxendine'a memory. Oxnndine was employed 20 yean with P8U, much of it as a secretary in the University's Physical 8denco Department. She is survived by her husband. Spencer, aon. Kale; and three sisters and two brothers. She is the daughter of Haynea and Virgie Sander eon Deeae of Pembro ke. Maynor it phairman of the flaance committee at the Bear Swamp Baptist Church and was mstruaagntali in raising the $600. Those who would lihe to contribute toward the Linda Omndiws Scholar ship should mail a chock to: Linda Oxen dine Scholarship Fund, Office of Institutional Advancement. Pern U.-nV. ? wv ? v* - s_ _ s Drofce university, ivBoroKi MC 28872. Receives Degree From UNC-G ' Mirim A. Chavit, daughter of WmtgT. end Mary & Chavu of Route 10, Lumberton, hut graduated from the Umivenity of North Carolina Oreentboro with m MPA m Public AJjHurt. 5*? it employed by ?*? II Council for Children u ? rateeach ( coordinator in Charlotte Chavit it a 1983 graduate of Pembroke Senior High and a 1989 lliaifmif* of Pembroke State Umver iky with a B.A. m tolitical Science. 15th Annual Indian Unity Conference March 15-17 , Dr. JotepJk B. Oxrmdktr Dr. Joseph B. ftwdln>."Climil lor of fan broke Stats University, will be the keynote speaker for this year's North Caroline Indian Unity Confe rence March IS 17. 1990 at the Sheraton Greensboro Hotel, Greene boro NC ' The United Tribes of North Carolina sponsors this annual event. Some of the top Indian policy makers in the country have spoken in this yearly event. The theme lor this year's confe rence is" A Decode of hdiaa Unity tat North Carotins: Together, We Make A Difference." The public is invited to attend the conference. Registration for the conference is 946.00 per person (senior dttsens and youtk-990.00). All pre-registration must be received by March 9. 1990. Late legtotiaUua for senior citisens and youth in 136.00. AS others k 960.00. Dr. Onendine has been active in Indian causes natioaaride. Prom 1977- 1989. he was President of the Indian Rights Association, and shor tly after the Indian saiga of Wounded Knee. SD. he was naked by the federal government to conduct s workshop to help reduce tensions there. PLMBRojiMrwnr j UUbti^iW7Mtlw| Stat* Hotm School 1 for Mian*. StaotWtt | ?(Mpwaf Th*Unl*w I kity af North CdMfeu*. I jUmmm retmmmg to PSt/ (Mfo o* SWiwhn Feb 10 fvr the mutual Ahtmm Award* Bmtquet received a ? 1 ? mM mJnm. Dm* norm cM*|| Aimg over tmiy blaowMf tr?*? mm- II tA? PSUtntnme* 11 11