W?ry Uvtrmors Library Pembroke State Library Pembroke, NC 28372 r ^ Published Each Thursday Since January 18, 1973 11|! L CGiXIIiCDILlIKfJA HKTIDIL&Kf W2KDIB PI H C < V ' t 3> m w ? H x ?: m 3: 5 r roke, N.C. "Building Commtmicul/vc If ridges hi a In-Racial Selling " Robeson County p M ? 8 NUMBER 19 THURSDAY, MAY 10. 1990 25? PER COPY W S "< ^ i;: s! ?LPH DIAL N.( : of Representatives Hubert Stooe has been declared the unofficial winner in the race for sheriff of Robeson County. District Attorney Richard Town send is the unofficial winner in that race. Leroy Freeman elected coroner. Dixie Barring, Cleric of NOAH WOODS County Commissioner (Maxton-Pembroke-Smiths) Superior Court; and Danny De Vane, Ad< >lph Dial and IVte Haaty will serve as members of the House of Represetatives, according to the unofficial totals. The unofficial totals in Robeson County's election are | reprinted below. I M. Carr Gibson [left\ of Lumberton it congratulated by Chancellor Joseph Oxendme after Gibson was presented an honorary doctor of humane letters degree. Pembroke Day Held at PSU April 26 by Gene Warren The woether was beautiful last Wednesday, starling out with a cool breese and then becoming warm, with hardDy a cloud in the sky. One observer commented that Dr. James & Chavis, PSlTs vice chan cellor for student affairs worked so hard as this first "Pembroke Day," indeed had had his prayers answered "It was a big success in every way," Chavis said later. Both be and McDuffie Cumminga of Pembroke, chairman of the "Tbwn and Gown" Committee planning the event, were delighted with the response. Cum minga is Town Manager of Fembro K ? Hie purpose of "Pembroke Day" was build an even closer comaraderie bet wen PSU and the Town of Pembroke. It was sponsored by those two plus the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce. Tents and tables were set up everywhere as American Indian products were displayed along with merchandise from the Town of Pembroke. Ray Iittleturtle and the Lumbee/ Cheraw Dancers provided colorful entertainment throughout the day with Iittleturtle emceeing hte dances with excellent showman ship. Many PSU students were intrigued, having neven seen a real life Indian dance. By doing so, they better understand the Indian culture. Cleveland Jacobs, 78, * basket weaver, was there early, exhibiting his craft. The LRDA Senior Citizens were busy demonstrating quilting and other skills. Prank Bird sail of Chicago was there on stilts, blowing balloons and giving them to everyone as gifts. The Health Fair, coordinated by Eva Sam peon, PSU nurse supervisor, was busy with activities as those attending'' Pembroke Day*' filled out health questionnaires and took part in comprehensive health checkups, including dental and eye examina tions, blood pressure and cholesterol testing,a nd sickle-cell anemia screen ing. Health experts were present to answer questions about AIDS, drug abuse, accident prevention, cancer, organ donation and other health concerns. Lunch was free, and long lines of people enjoyed the picnic atmosphe re of barbecue and chicken at the PSU Quandrangie where the "Pem broke Day" was held. David Van den berg, director of PSlTs food services, said later that 1.066 visitors, faculty and staff members were fed plus 500 students. Free Coca-Cols and Pepsi Cola were also provided under the auspices of the Pembroke Chamber of Commerce. The music added to the day's festivities with various PSU musical plu, mu81 cranefrom Pbmcll Swett High ?f"i P"4 **h achoo,'s chorus, attired beautifully in blue, waa applauded enthusiastically for its performances. J?? *L ROTC exhbited P trol dogs from Seymour Johnson JlrPoS^5!*,n GoWaboro. and the weaiwn ^Inciuded ? computerized SI '""" "??? l? to . public eta*.. ib. entilr Wat a m"*r *roke The rr mro U? ?f ^ event fron> 10 WJSK ? PJ"' ,!"? live on JSK-FM radio in Lumberton with three members of its staff assisting ? ??--?. M?y guests spoke on the radio program, praising the efforts of the occasion. "Carolina in the Morning program of Wilmington at 0.35 a.m. prior to the event. PSU Chancellor Joseph Oxendine wa^ Ruest m extolling the dav W9tq o**? R?,s 5 u?H,w2!' carried a live interview at 7:26 a m promoting the event with the guest commentator being Gene Warren PSU public information director.' Districts Democrats LW.-BilTHerndon 1.340 Severeo Kerns 1.063 Gary Powers (i) 8fl9 Board of Education District 3 James "Bernie" Coleman 1,705 Shirley M. Locklear (i) 808 Districts Pete Clark 460 B Ruf us Graham: 1,564 H MilUrd"Saj*gaMrtary(i) 870 | Glenn Beasley^^^^ 893 Aileen Holmes (i) 1,708 Charles Alton Maynor 1,480 H Districts gear s: Mike Smith 982 CTerk of Court Democrats Dixie I. Barrinfton, (i) 11837 Larry Stevens Graham 8,357 Coroner i Democrats B. Leroy Freeman 8,430 Shnlten "Reoi?y" Mauitsby 5,938 Billy "Dollar Bill" Oxendine 7,178 16th District (Hoke, Robeson, part of Scotland) > (3 seats) BillieS. Britt 5,831 Frances McArthnrCammings 8,786 (w)Daniei & DeVane (i) 13,198 (w)AdolphDial 11,833 (w)JohnCHPetenHaMy0) 11,148 Mary Horns Odem 6,878 E.B Turner 7,938 Rudy Williams 2J1I Jam*i A. Thoma r (npJfct), ? native of Pembroke. has m doctoral hood pi icad upon htm by Dr. Gobson Gray, grand marshal of PSlfi commencement Saturday. Thomas received