I Tag Safe Deposit Box $ by j. riley emanuel THE TRUE WAY|TO GET RICH. Now that you have accomplished Steps # 1 and #2 you are ready for Step #3? a man's (or woman's) home is his castle.. Castles come in all sizes and price ranges. It may be a 1200 square foot 2 bedroom house to a 7500 square foot ranch houae with a swimming pool and iron gates. But you must own your own castle. Owning a home gives a person a sense of success and pride that only can be achieved by owning a borne of your own. Owning a home adds to your estate,, family security, status in the community and a real aenae at belonging, t Ride down any street or back road in America and t observe the various homes and you can, without fail, pick i out the homes of rick people. The size of the home is not c important Remember not all rich people live in large i homes. Note that Sam Walton, richest man in America, lives in a modest frame bouse and drives an old pick-up f truck. The richness of the home life is what you will ( oberve: ^ L A well kept yard, 2. Beautiful flower*. 3. Yard awinga and chair*. 4. Neatly painted house*. 6. No abendoned can or trucks. 6. Neat barb-cue grills. 7. Hobby shelters and garages. 8. Well planned childnn's play areas. 9. And other family-life features. In buying and owning your home a good rule vi thumb o use in deciding the amount you should invest or he size of the home your can afford is 28% of your net oonthly income. Your monthly house payment should not ineeed 25% of your net monthly income and this amount oust come from the 70% discussed in Step 82. Now make your home your castle. Clip this article and mate it on a plain sheet of paper. Label it Step 8 3 and ?lace it in your loose leaf notebook entitled "The True Vay to Get Rich" for future references. Reflections By Nye NOW THAT THE COLD WAR IS OVER Every time I hear, or read, the phraee "the Cold War is over," I go through the same emotional shock. Then, thinking it over afterward, I don't know whether to be more amazed or amused. Who told us the Cold War was over? No one, Tm sure, who has made a really objective study of Communism as it is now being practiced in China, North Korea, the Soviet Union, Cuba, Cambodia, Vietnam, Ethiopia, Bulgaria, Romania and other East Bloc countries, Nicaragua, Canada, or the United States. Who, besides the media (who apparently started this rumor) says that the Cold War is suddenly over? Most Americans who believe that the decades-old financially and psychologically enhaueting Cold War is finally over seem to be sincere, caring persons who have spent much or all of their lives yearning for a world of peace and love. For much of my life I was one of those people. As a high school student during World War II and a college student immediately afterward, I was a lone pacifist who behaved that world peace would solve most of our major problems on this planet. I still yearn for a world of love and peace, where I can get on with my life without having to worry about what any other individuals, group, or country is really up to. I would like to be able to go on believing (as I used to) that there is at least a little something wrong with those people who imagine that Communists around the world have been and still are) engaged in a decades-long conspiracy to make the whole world (indudng the USA) into a confederation of Communist states. Three and a half years ago, however, I decided I'd start checking this "far out" theory for myself. ft would have been wonderful to uncover enough evidence to put such a Master Flan conspiracy theory to rest, once and for all. I was hoping for this when I began my hunt for TRUTH. Instead, however, most of the evidence T ve uncovered in the process of comparing hundreds of books and articles proves, rather than disproving, that same unsettling "conspiracy" theory, ft was Lenin himself, through actions and "directives" (as well as the general principles he set forth for his followers around the world) who drew up what might be called a "blue print" to be used to secure the "workers of die world" by replacing existing governments with the "redeeming" system of Communism. And the DREAM goes on! The CAUSE is still very much alive. Remember what Daniel Ortega told his flsndinista followers after the unexpected defeat in Nicaragua's spring election? "We will carry on the re volution bom below.' And this is what they appear to be doing. Violets Chamorro's hands seem to be practically tied, with the "Marxist" Sandinistas still calling the shots. So, what can you and I do? Keep our eyes and ears open. And constantly ask God far His guidance! Engagement Announced hit. VMan LockLear of Pembroke announce! the engagement of her daughter, Audena LockLear, to Rich ard A. Walker ID, ton of Mr. and Mrt. Richard A. Walker Jr. of Pittlburgh, PA Mitt LockLear it a graduate of Pembroke State Unrver tity and it employed by Cigna Companiet in Charlotte, NC. Mr. Walker it a graduate of Edinboro Shale Vmvertity and it employed with Ckryeler Corporation m Char lotte. An Aeguit 18 wedding it New Birth Mr. and Mr*. Ronald Locklear of Route 3, Maxton announce the birth of their aon who waa born July 9 at Scotland Memorial Hospital. He weighted seven pounds. Maternal grandparents are Russell and Clem entine Woods of Maxton. He is the great-grandson of the late Mr. Richard Locklear. Say you read It in THE CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE ^?fl I lanfJ|i|l|ILi9 Federal Occupational Health and Safety (OSHA) regula tions require all employers to make sure employees who service rims and wheels un derstand the safety informa tion such as that contained in the new Firestone RimfWheel Safety and Service Manual. Clear, easy-to-read illus trations and photographs are throughout the 56-page manual For a free copy of the manual and three Safety Wall Charts, write: Rim/Wheel Safety & Service Manual, The Firestone Tire and Rubber Company, Attention: Department FSSM, 1200 Firestone Parkway, Akron, Ohio 44317-0001. SALE Limited Edition Henry Berry-Motorcycle T-Shirts S8.wo Assorted Colors Available at The Carolina Indian Voice Office College Plaza, Pembroke Limited Numbers First Come-First Served LETS TALK MATTRESS Oflp/Vw 3V/OMORE NOW BUY A BIGGER MATTRESS AT OUR LOWEST PRICES! IT S YOUR CHOICE II C A FROM OUR LARGE W 9 M INVENTORY OF fiT VP) PREMIUM QUALITY NjF j/V BEDOING BY BEMCO W SLEEP SETS HORRY JggV, WHILE SUPPLY LASTS' M .SOHWC COMS | Beppmg BsBemco | IWetakMack. PEMBROKE FURNITURE CO. Capiat* Has* PoraiAiag Cantar Social Security Benefits Denied? Consult a full service law firm handling iiLfilU'STILL'S* 2 \ mi do aol pay ualeu wt rccovcr HRST CONSULTATION, NO C"HAR(.h Bartertheimar, Bauen & 901 NORTH WALNUl STREET . ^L^HONK (9j9j739^326 TRFf*!^ Sewing Robe&on CcurUif DC^,X Ovvi 15 Ve Chiropractic SPECIALIZING M CBUTEB AUTO ACCIDENT INJURIES VBIl I Kfl MOST INSURANCE ACCEPTED "APPOINTMENT PLEASE" OFFICE P 739-5751 C0N&AJAT10N (J J j say you read Kin .a\\" n H' prices start as low as $299" Pembroke Hardware Co. smmObift* (919)521-3406 West Third Street Pembroke. N.C. 28372 FEDDERS SAVSWRCY Wc Take Care Of Life And Limb 24 Hours A Day EMERGENCYCARE When Larry fell and broke his arm. his parents knew it wasn't a life-threatening situation, but they wanted him to get the best care possible quickly. They took him to the same place that pulled his grandfather through the trauma of a heart attack? The Emergency Department of Southeastern Cieneral Hospital. ' ? From life-threatening trauma to everyday illnesses and accidents. Southeastems Emergency Department * staff is specially trained to handle any medical need any time of the day or night And the hospital's #?rr\#?ro#?rwv* , facility supports the staff with ' ultra-modern diagnostic techno logy, a 19-bcd. private treatment 1 area, and on-call specialists from : our OS-member medical staff Every vrar. Southeastern General Hospital takes care of mote than 35,000 emergency-care patients, treating them for even thing from her stings to auto accident injuries So when a crisis occurs in your life, whether it imperils life or limh, you can kxik to one > medical facility lew responsive urgent tare 24 hours a day: The Emergency j^J| Department (if Southeastern ^Jfl General Hospital CTl I SOUTHEASTERN UU I GENERAL HOSPITAL State-of-tbe-Art Technology With A Hometown Tbuch MM) Vttst 27lh Street, Lumbertim, NC 28AS8 (919) 671-SOtX) I PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Lumbee Regional Development Association, Inc. will conduct an OPEN ELECTION on August 2, 1990 to nominate a member to serve on the N.C. Commission of Indian Affairs Board of Directors for a three (3) year term. Mr. Leroy Scott, a resident of Lumberton, N.C., currently serves in that capadty. Write-in candidates are allowable. Voters must reside in the following townships: 1) Lumberton (Twnshps. 1-9) 2) Rowland 3) Union 4) Thompson 5) Caddys 6) AJfordsville 7) Back Swamp 8) Fairmont (Twnshps. 1 & 2) 9) Smyrna 10) Britts 11) Orrum 12) Marietta 13) Sterlings CRITERIA FOR VOTING: 1. Must be Indian 2. Must be 18 years or older 3. Must reside In above districts-townships The Polling Sites are: 1)Evans Fire Department 2) S. Robeson High School 3) Gaddys 4) Hilly Branch School 5) Mohr Plaza Poll^r^pei^ron^O^jni^O^jii.