Published each Thursday since January 18,1973 i | s if - I | hi ruvK.r/r; r.f;\ ) cop p/ tP rtni w. | H 71 ? m 2 G C 71 2 M l~ ? v -, , ,. ?v#S z c w .. w;gj embroke, NC Robeson County | ^ * "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" HI v I LUME 18 NUMBER 52 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1990 25 CENTS PER COPY ?? 5 Generations Gather The Oxendme family reunion was held November S7, 1990 at the Pembroke Jaycee Club House. Five generations were present. Nora Bell .. Oxendme Baker, her mother Mariah Lowry Oxendme her father Anderson (Sonny] Oxendine; daughters: Myrde Baker, Deborah Hammond*. Susan, loddear, Jeannie Smith; her sonsr Delbert Baker, Willie Erbert Baker, Anderson Baker, Johnny Baker, and Randy Baker. Mrs. Norn Bell Oxendife Baker was married to the late Henry Baker. The five generations included: James Lhutm Maynor, his mother, April Denise Maynor; his grandmother. Gloria Jbcobt Maynor; kit Great grandmother, Myrtle Baker Jacobs; kit great great grandmother, Nora Bell Oxendine Baker. Sitters <4 Mr*. Baker were Veriie Mae Jacobs, Erma Chavit, tkelate AtUe Bertha Strickland, Sarah Bryant, and the late Othia Oxendine who died at 8 year* old. Her brotkeri are me late WMard Oxendine, Vernon Oxerutim and Hubert Oxendme. " - - Shown left to right are Mr*. Nora Bell Oxendine Baker, Myrtle Baker Jacobs, Gloria Jacobs Maynor, April Maynor and James Dustin Maynor. MEWS FROM REX-REMMERT SCHOOL On Tuesday. December 4, 1990, both students and parents were invited to an evening of problem solving activities and math challenges that wouldbe fun for the enters family. All students in first-eighth grades and their fasnilies were invited to Rex Reassert School acbvitiee used m the classroom. They were also given a booklet of ideas for math activities at home. Math Night coordinators were Ms. Brenda Locklear and Mrs. Venus Jacobs. Shown are Alex Locklear and his mother Susette Locklear who an working on subtraction problems Mek Morgan watch* i a* daugther byndsry concen traUi on a math activitu Hit daughter, Jackie \UM alto parHciapted m math night. ^JcHS C<=faRQ?f3cN<=A !3JV?><3 O QKgJtf SVIKJT whose voice I Hear in the zvinds, and whose Breath gives Cife to aCC the world, hear me! I am smaCt and weak I need your strength and wisdom. LET ME WSU,X.I7t