Published each Thursday since January 18,1973 I -net n-VH (V r, r.y ?\ IflT-DLUXXY y XAI'IJll!! I Pembroke, NC Robeson County I "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" I VOLUME 19 NUMBER 1 THURSDAY, JANUARY 3. 1991 25 CENTS PER COPY Financial Resolutions ? ..... ? for the New Year The new jeer is the time for resolutions. Promises to stop smok ing, go on a diet, or explore new career possibilities main the list of many individuals. But what about your financial well being? According to the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, the start of a new year is an ideal time to review your financial fitness and take any necessary action. Here are many some suggestions to get you started. PREPARE A BUDGET If you don't already have a budget, now is the time to start one. A budget is an excellent way to forecast how you will get and use money, plus a way to discipline yourself when spending gets out of line. The first step is to figure out how much you earn and how much you spend. Add up your salary and any other money you receive, then examine how you spend your money. This cash flow analysis forms the basis of your budget. Carefully evaluate your income and expenses and make changes that will allow you to live within your budget. Once you learn to save and invest wisely, you will be able to take your financial future into your own hands. CHECK ON YOUR INVESTMENTS Review your investments. You need different strategies for different stages of life. Yqprgouts ami ability to tolerate risk are likely to change in tune with your age. Jab, family status and economic well being. Also, minimise risk by spreading your investments over a number of different categories and vehicles. REVIEW YOUR WITHHOLDING Some people deliberately over pay Uncle Sam in order to get a large refund, in the belief that this is the only way they can save. Well, there is a better way. Most companies will automatically withdraw an amount you request from your account and deposit it to a company savings plan, your bank or a mutual fund. Check with your payroll department. You can correct your with holding ovei payment by filing a new Form W-4. VERIFY YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY RECORDS Every few years you should check your Social Security records. Just call the Social Security Admini stration at 1-800-937-2000 and ask for Form SSA 7004 (Request for Statement of Earnings.) Complete the card, return it to the Social Security Administration and in a few weeks you will receive a statement showing how much you have paid into the system. Compare teh totals with your year-end W-2 forms and report any discrepancies to the Social Security Administration. CHECK YOUR DEBT Beginning in 1991, borrowing will make less sense than ever. As of January 1, interest on personal debt wflt not be deductible. That makes - this an excellent time to check your debt to make certain you are not overestanding yourself. According to experts, if more than 15 to 20 percent of your after tax income is spent on credit payments (not counting your monthly mortgage or rent), it's time to go on a debt diet Resolve not to use your credit cards and allocate a set amount every month for debt reduction. Fay off as much as you can afford. Also do some research to see that you are getting a good deal on your credit card. To compare the true cost of credit cards, be sure to consider the interest rate, annual fee, and the grace period far the cards you are considering. This is also a good time to check your credit rating. To get a copy of your credit history, try calling the local branch of a credit reporting firm. There is a fee for this service (except if you have been turned down for credit in the last 30 days in which case you can get a copy free). Review your credit history carefully. Circle anything that seems wrong and return it to the credit firm for an investigation. REVIEW YOUR INSURANCE Your life changes over the years and so do your life insurance needs. Remember the primary function of your insurance is to provide a substitute for your income to protect your dependents. You may need more insurance at some times, less at others. The actual amount you need depends on youF perwmtf IttnitioH. " Review your coverage frequently, especially if them is a change in your family or financial circumstan ces. Don't ignore the need (or disability insurance. If you are now working, you have a much larger risk of being disabled for three months than of dying. Yet even young people seem to attach more importance to life insurance than to disability insuran ce. A good rule of thumb to follow is that your disability insurance should aim to replace 50 to 60 percent of your current earnings before taxes. Look, too, at home and auto insurance. Read your policies and understand your coverage. Keep your coverage up to date. Notify your ? ? * a insurance company or agent of changes that might affect your coverage. MAKE A WILL If you don't have a will, make plans to get one. H you do have a will, take a few minutes to review it and make sure it is current. An update may be needed if you have a new child, move to a new state or change your marital status. A change may also be necessary when some one named in the will as beneficiary, guardian or executor is no longer available. You don't have to write a _? ^ ? new will each time you want to make a small change. Just have a lawyer prepare a codicil and attach it to your wfll. IMPROVE YOUR RECORDKEEPING If you don't keep score, you'll never know if you are winning. Work out a record system that beat suits your family's individual needs. According to CPAs, records needed for tax purpoeee should be kept for at least three years following the filing of that return. Other papers should be kept for as long as you might need them to document farts. - stager Shelby Lynne. Coald yon please give ??e some background taforaiatloa on this entertainer, sag also All me in on how her career started? Stephen K. A. There's always been something predestined about Shelby's place in the music business. Though she'd spent years singing in the solo vocal competitions at the Addling contests around Southern Alabama, where she usually came out the winner and pocketed the $25 first prise, her professional experience was limited. But that didn't stop TNN from booking Lynne on "Nashville Now" in late 1967 on the strength of a songwriter's demo tape they'd received from N&shviHe industry veteran Bob Tuber! It Was a fortuitous move on TNN's part: the next morning, the young woman had four solid offers from major labels and a phone call from Billy Sherrill offering to produce the young vocalist. Lynne, opted to go wttfciflpk- Kecoras, ate nome or Tammy Wynette, George Jones, Ricky Skaggi, along with many other country legends and legend*-in-the-making To her, the label represent* a company that's committed to quality music and developing artists who matter. "I love couQtn music because there's so much emotion to It," Lyipk explains 'And those emotions are deep. There's something to dig Into, which is what I like. I think if anything, I'd like to reach out, stretch the limits of cgtffctry musk even more, r. I want to make the musk even deeper, to give it something ... something I cant quite explain. I think with 'Sunrise,' we've touched on It There's a whole realm of ?motions and musk and arrangements that hasn't really been developed and that * where I'd like to go." It's a world of subtleties and nuances that Shelby Lynne wants to delve into. To her, It's the shadow and the whisper* that tall the story, not necessarily the most obvious truths and rtw'a able to bring those things to light with a voice that burns them Into your soul. Again, In aptta of bar relative youth, Ma. Lynne has a 1 muakal maturity that gam wall beyond the majority of what's populating country musk She lakes the torn, and Mte make# It her own. Q. ri Mm Hw limn ?f Marry Aadewag at "Might 0#?*." I have same wild and wide Mae I mill ilk# i# ml Ma* Itomy K* A Write ta Marry "WiM* Court," NBC-Tetevtaion, MM W. Hill Murhank, Cahf OIMO Q. What (or who!) to behind all thto talk about "Godfather III" having problem* even before It opened? A friend who worfca for a eoaipanjr that rents equipment to movie studies said aba beard the movie was almaat shelved. Cm you auppiy some details? Edward G. A. According to some insiders, there were some behind the scenes disagreements that created a few problems for this third flick in the film trilogy of the Corieone family saga There was, for example, the charge that producer/ director Francis Ford Coppola was engaging in nepotism almost to the point where the movie was becoming a Coppola family saga Although there's no doubting the talents of Talis Shire, Francis' sister who reprises her role from the first "Godfather" movie, or Carmine Coppola who did much of the original scoring including an 80-voice Latin Mass, nor an uncle who is also involved in the flick, eyebrows were raised when Coppola aepiaced one of the younger actresses with daughter Sofia whose experience wasn't considered heavyweight enough by some observers. Other problems also cropped up. Usually, there are several screenings for reviewers This time, there was just one showing and reviewers had to apply for tickets which always makes them wonder If the producers would prefer to limit the number of critics seeing the flick before It opens officially Nonetheless, the flick is expected to be a major surpass; ditto foe soundtrack album featuring Harry Connick, Jr. along with several operatic excerpts that are heard in the film. Columbia predicts a big seller on this one. Q. I've been a fen of Dnatin Ngayen of "*1 Jump Street" since I began watching the show. I know Johnny Depp left to go ootoho toovles. (Note: Depp the new release, "KwaHf'Bat?nrhaaila.") What I'd Uke to know ia If It's tree Dnetin Is also going to leave the show to Jo movies. O. Mink A. Dustin has no plans at present to leave the show. However, he Is shooting a fUm for ABC's Movie of the Week. Called "Earth Angel," It coetara "Dallas'" Cathy Podewell, along with Cindy Williams and Erik Estrada Dustin plays a bright, but msatnihat timid, teenager who is given some help In; the romance department by the ghost of a 1960s teen prom queen. ?.VmII Q. I gat the feeling that Mary Wilson really deaplase Diana Kane bsaaaas she's always writing aboat her as if (Bona) were the reaaosHfes Sapremsa broke ap. Is thin tree? J.C. A. Wilson has her reasons for beicf^Ml we say, critical of Rosa There are some people Mary has tried to reach out to Diana over the years Wit has keen pretty well rebuffed. Anyway, Wilson's career Isgofeg well these days She opeaa for George Burns at C snare Police In January 11-19 In Las Vagas, and doss It again at fee same place for Jay Uno April 3-d. \ la Jt*w Cfoodaiaa going to leave "laaaawae" her hMghanll Tfum ApmaM? I# Bfe. will thllf rgwUfg ?w ?????nil) iwn fMWVNii H ??( ww swpw*w him, ar writs hla oat the way they did Valerie Harper when the left her laet show? Jeanale C. A. There haw# been rumors of unhappinees on the "Roasanne* sal almost Dam fee beginning of the series. But so for mi una, only some of the off-camera folks, left fas rnmmltmsni tot the sertse i>un aoo services to Meet Community Needs in 1990 In addtion to caring for almost 10,000 inpatients and 50,000 out patients during the past year, the more than 1000-member staff of SGH Healthcare and its affiliates launched these new services and programs to meet the health care needs of Robeson County and surrounding communities. ? MaternalV Child Health Improve ment. SGH joined with the Robeson County Health Department to pro vide a model program of maternal care for women covered under the Medicaid program. Cooperation, co ordination and teamwork between these institutions are providing these expectant mothers with a level of continuity of care not found else whan in the staSe. All resource* of -ftrtiatrasparfaiegt and hoeptaT' including physician specialists "on call" 24 hours a day, should result in fewer premature births and lower costs for newborn care in the coining year. Diagnosing Heart Disease. Cardi ac catheterization, the latest tech nology to diagnose cardiovascular disease, was made available at 9CH S^ .? >4 this November through weekly visits from HeartCare, a new mobile lab owned and operated by Duke University Medical Center. Identical to the out patient lab at Duke, this mobile unit is staffed by a Duke cardiac carte team and will provide the same expertise to local patients suspected of having heart disease. Until SCH" s permanent cath lab completed in the spring, HeartCare is able to offer state of the art diagnosis to SGH patients near familiar surroundings among family and friends. Birthing Center. The addition of 4 labor/ delivery/ recovery suites on the hospital's third floor offers expectant parents a pleasant, home like setting for eh&d birth while ^vidlag W-flWjpify expertise for a sals delivery. The birthing center atmosphere aflbars for more family involvement daring childbirth as well. Worker's ke habituation. The focus of this new industrial pingiam is to return the injured worker to his job as quickly and safely aa possible. The center, located at 2002 N. Cedar Street was designed and equipped to offer both evaluation and rehabilita tion, and its work hardening program emphasizes work simulation skills, stress management, and proper body mechanics. Endovascular Operating Roam. More than 4,000 square feet wen added to SGH"s surgical sendees with the completion of two new operating rooms, one of which is equipped for endovascular proce dures including laser vascular surge ry and other techniques performed inside the Mood vessels. Ibis room is also being used'for insertion at pacemakers and a new method of gall bladder removal, laparoscopic cho lecystectomy. New physicians in these specialties Kash joined SGFTs medical staff during the past year; family practice, psychiatry, uhatMrii.ii/ gynecology,m gastroenterology, otolaryngology, and neurosurgery. To bridge the gap between the east of providing health ears and the short fallf rem government reimbursement it is necessary that 9GH look to community giving Our Men In Uniform CARLOS O. SAMPSON NavySeaman Recruit Cavioc, 0. Sampson, son of Connie G. Sampson of Route 10, Lumberton has completed recruit training at Recruit Training Command, Great lakes, HI. During Sampson's eight-week training cycle, he studied general military subjects designed to prepare him for further academic and on-the-job training in one of the Navy's 86 basic fields. His studies included seamanship, close order drill. Naval history and first aid. Personnel who complete this course of instruction era eligible for three hours of college credit in Physical Education and Hygiene. A 1990 graduate of Pumeil Swett High School, Pembroke, he joined the Navy in August 1990. ROBERT P. REGAN Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Robert F. Regan, son of Fred A. and Maureen C. Regan of Pembroke, recently received the Battle Efficiency "E" Award while serving aboard the fleet balistic missile submarine USS Simon Bolivar, homeported in Charleston, SC. Hie Battle Efficiency Award was established to recognize outstanding unit performance. The basic criterion that determines the award winner is the ship's overall readiness to cany out its assigned peacetime and wartime missions, and its ability to perform as an effective part at the Fleet, in addition, they provide individual recognition for superior performance in alld departments and mission areas. A I960 graduate of West Robeson High, he joined the Navy in October 1986. O'RYAND. LOWRY Pvt. 0"Ryan D. Lowsy has completed training at the U.S. Army Infantry School. Fort Banning, Columbus. Ga. During the course, students received training which qualified them aa light iniqpms infantrymen and as indirect-fire crewmen is a rifle or mortar squad. Instruction included weapons qualifications, tactics, patrolling, land nsMtwarfare, field and combat operations. Ho in the eoa at Oresaus and Mary Di Lswry at Route 2. Urn private ia a 1990 graduate of Puree! Swett High SchooL Pi1111 hi m mire The Pembroke Kiwams Report by Ken Johnson The llrat 1991 meeting ?t> held Tuesday night at 7 p.m. at the Town and Country Restaurant. Preedent Mitchell Lowiy presided and Ariie Jacobs was the year'd year's first program chairman. He presented Public Accountant Israel W. Rwejuna, a member of the National Association of Black Accountants. Mr. Rwejuna spoke of the new tax laws and of his home country Chans. Ghana la in East Africa, a torn country politically by Dictator idi Amin but is now an emerging dsmociatqr- * possesses the world's largest fyph water lahe in lake Victoria. It has both its poor srsdfe and rich aasaa and Mr. Rwejuna said, "It also baa antremely poor roads. The weether la vary stable with the median timparaliuo ranging bet worn 50 degress and 75 ds grass sad the yaar around it ia is the middle of the equator. They have the Congo River, Nomadb. many modern {arteries mad busmeeeee snd j?roergiag democracy." They ahve grant ibetriral power stations in the Ub to do Mrs. Ed Teete napraelto^'her thanksof wjumTrannTfa the recent peeeing of the metker al Kiwaaian Ed Tut*. Praetdhg-MHch Lowiy: Invocation* CUy Mayoor. ruigum ftihi Jacobs; Song loader Ed Ibets; Reportsa Ken Jnhasnn. The Coach's Corner by Ken Johnaon UAPFY NEW YFJlR IS QUESTIONABLE Hi* doom and (loom a vaiy om baas la th? Middia Bart la taapoaariljr waahad away by tha optimism aad imilaa whaan by our Q.L'i as wa aaa tham on T.V. Bat our "fntniiililHij" alao a lafal tana, tails ua wa aaad dlalogwa la aattling oar dJspwta with baa. History talla aa that Rmarita was tabaa away bom tham by tha British. If this la torn, than aar "phlloaophy' tha lava of wisdom naada (a lata am. aad sattla ?w iaaua with aul tha ii irtbla laai af Mia aad yoparty ? I wa? hoping Buah would ?aa tha wiadam af aavtag million. of livaa by smash* dihaii aa appaaiaily ha haaa't. TbioU thaaaly in 1BI1. ?yaiyhi way af dlil irn Talaah at both iidaa, sat ash* bnna lam wbaa aa mmy Mvaa aio at otaha. Wa laara la apoits that"dafanaa" Is part of tha |um, Hm oM saying thai tha "boat dafansa is a food ottmm" k sot km ia this aaao whsra millions ol Mvos souid ba loot. Taia la a Ufa Mid daalh mattar. not a aporttnf matter. ! hops eaMoa aaasa wDtehaowsria !M1 as it has ta Stamps aad weak tor ho adorn tar avaryhady. Not tha might aaahaa right adManta football, iaat war?Faeple ttha M otth*hte ?aad my Hps than ?haafoa Ma mted a* taaas aad daridos ta raiaa taaas ia a shallow thiahsr Aad terribly daagNMO to tha whaia amitd. 1W taha soar tha date at Ospagasaa te daaiwo war Is tha highsst traaaoa aad tf Oaapmaa triUam this ta happao *? hava aa govarMMtt. Mapppltov Yh*