WHAT NEXT??? "People who have certain experiences m the sckoolt would be considered for tkete positions. Normally, they Iappointee*] are recommended if they have tome specialization from tome area of of school business." Rep. Fete Hatty Rep. Daniel DeVane has introduced a bill which would eliminate appointments to the school board in Robeson County. The original merger bill, March 8,1988, included a provision to permit the legislative delegation to recommend the appointment of (4) individuals to the school board under the guise of insuring racial and/ o geographic balance. Rep. DeVane's bill returns the responsibility for selecting school board members to the people of Robeson County. This is as it should be. DeVane's bill has the support of Rep. Adolph Dial and is opposed by Rep. Hasty and Sen. David Parnell. In defense of appointments. Hasty's statement above stands in marked contrast to what he actually did. We've learned you make judgements baaed on one's actions and not their words. When Hasty had the opportunity to offer a name for appointment, he selected Millard Singletary, an unknown copier salesman from Marlon This points out one of the main dangers of appointments to the school board. Hasty might say one thing, but he does another as demonstrated by his recommendation of Mr. Singletary. What prompted Haaty to offer Singletary for appointment has more to do with friendship and personal relationships rather than concern for the education of children at Robeson County. When Hasty had the opportunity to offer the board of education an individual with experience and outstanding qualifications, he violated his own stated rationale for appointments by recommending his unqualified friend. To our knowledge, Suigletary's only qualification was that he graduated from Maxton High School, sold copying machines, was a personal friend of F^te Hasty, and was a white male with children in school. Contrast Hasty's appointment with the choice of the people when Singletary had to stand for election. The people overwhelmingly chose Mr. Rufus Graham, a former school board member, who had a great deal of experience in working with schools to solve their problems. R is also interesting to note Hasty1 s (he is a white male) recommendation was a white male with no other outstanding qualifications or experience to entitle him to such an appointment Given Hasty* s vehement opposition to the holiday for Dr. Martin L King Jr. it is no wonder he failed to consider recommending Mr. Rufus Graham who happens to be a qualified, Black male with school board experience. The politics of f?te Hasty represents what is wrong with the school system in Robeson County. We have enough problems already and by trying to "whitewash" the quota for appointments as being in the interest of education is just plain hogwash. Hasty stands on moral quick sand and his deceit only serves to illustrate the work that must be done in Robeson County. Pete Hasty, by his own actions, has plainly demonstrated the need to rid the school board appointments and return the choice to the people of Robeson County. For a better school system in Robeson County, voice your concern and support the ' elimination of appointments to the school board. Call your representatives and urge them to support Rep. DeVane's bill. ft************************************************* A Public Hearing will be held on the Bill to Eliminate Appointments to the Board of Education for The Public Schools of Robeson County April 25 st 8 p.m. in the Robeson County Courthouse in Lumberton. This is the perfect opportunity for those who favor the elimination of these appointments to attend and express themselves, ft is also the opportunity for people who agree with Rep. Hasty to justify and explain their rationale. See you at the public hearing. Several tunes we have taken great pains to point oat the obvious as it relates to the activities of our so-called "attacks on drugs" in Robeoon County. Ike Robeson County Sheriffs Department and the Hoke/ Robeson Drug Task Force both share responsibility ? in our view, duplicity, in the continuing lackluster efforts to combat drugs in our county. Both seem content to arrest the minor, insignificant drug dealer and user rather than concentrate and attack the major dealers in our county, r We have suggested two possible explanations for this failure to go after major dealers. One has to do with leadership and ability. The other has to do with desire. We have pointed out that both the sheriffs department and the task force go into great detail in describing the types and amounts of drugs found, but they consistently describe the money found at the scene as "a large amount of money." It has also come to our attention that some times all drugs discovered are not reported to the public We have objected to this practice citing the public's right to know and the potential temptation for some individuals . in either the sheriff's department or on the task force to take advantage of the opportunity, ft is common knowledge that law enforcement officers often "libers ted" a few jugs of moonshine when they busted a liquor stallin the 'olden days.' There is every reason to believe this practice continues today when drug raids take place. Since the amount of money is not common knowledge to the public, anyone could report less than they happened to confiscate and pocket the difference. Last week It happened. lite Robeson County Sheriff's Department finally acted, it seems, because they needed a good story to counter past practices and lapses in accountability and to strive to restore public confidence. Don't forget the missing drugs from the sheriff's deportment evidence locker. The only keys to the locker belonged to Kevin Stone (the son of Sheriff Hubert Stone) and Burnis Wilkins (the struggling hopeful who desires to replace Stone). Drugs were removed from the sheriff's evidence locker, but no one was ever convicted. The case remains unsolved even today. This remains as a serious indictment against the integrity of the Robeson County Sheriff's Department The official report concerning the recent arrest was that an investigation resulted from reports of missing money from residents whose homes were searched during drug investigations. We doubt that is why the sheriff's department finally took action. The heat was apparently on. A convenient scapegoat was needed so as to give the appearance that the sheriff" s department was vigilant in protecting the drugs and monies seised. Burnis Wilkins announced the arrest of a Robeson County Jailer (he was also an auxiliary deputy) who has been accused of stealing money that was planted by the sheriff's department in a phony drug raid. A trap was set to catch this suspect It worked. If the suspect in this case is guilty, we hope he receives the maximum sentence allowed by law. People who represent law enforcement should be held to a higher standard. They are supposed to set examples for the public. They represent the public. The abuse of one's duty and obligation to the public deserves swift and severe punishment But one arrest will not placate the public. Others have done the same and they too should be arrested and tried. But because of political, economic and social connections, qggw remain at large today under the pretense of protecting the public: In our riser, these individuals maintain law and order and are vigilant in their duties only when it serves their personal interest Further investigation and charges are merited and are long overdue. ^ (-^Ta^ I Sy ?&?* .%. ? ?< *? P?frylf. NC. lt-f Pb^riyycigt 7|ij Ijjs DW?l?1* Pi on Alzheimer's ?j|| r*? rlUrasr gradually destroy the brain n to ihnv pingim I w ugni of dementia: 5tl*lj m, confusion and ?ometiew out-of- 'JTLT thwlor such u striking out at anyone |H| im Alzheimer's diaaaao? Now research MM onavailaMafromtha iiM Mttute on Aging. For a free copy, write: H| ntot, BO. Box IlSO, Pub. 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