* ? ?gr - I iigi PubUshod ooch Thursday since January 18,1973 .M I 3 3 ' X) W'-' I* ? 11W IL Carolina Indian Voice Z (Si > M M r I ? ' ? ' ? ? ' *?? '????:?? COM z ? m ? n z 7? w H | embroke, NC Robeson County K* W - v K ro t "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" UJME 19 NUMBER SO THURSDAY, JULY SB, 1991 ? CENTS PER COPT Larry McNeill to run for Pembroke Town Council Larry McNeill Larry McNeill has announced his candidacy for one of the two seats on the Pembroke Town Council. He has lived in the Pembroke area for moat of his life. McNeill has served for 19 years at Pembroke State University as a member of the Campus Police. He is a lieutenant with that department His experience in law enforcement includes five yean with the town of tanbroke where he wotted for two yean as a full time police office as three yean as a part time officer. He presently serves as . co-chairman of the Pembroke Recreation Board. McHsittls married to the farmer GItsda Gail Jacobs of Lumberton who is (Miner and operator of 'the Golden Comb in Pembroke. They have four children: Iany Matthew, 14; hficole, 11; Fallon, 4; and Julian 3. The three older chidben attend the Pembroke Schools. In making his announcement McNeill mads the following statement: "I have a verted interest in the town of Pembroke. ? i My wife owns a business here and my children are receiving their education here. I hare bean interested in the progress of the town for a long time and hare thought much about offering my service# as a member of the Pembroke Town Council. "It seems to me that the town has had no progressive direction in the last six yean. HI am elected to the Ihwe Council, I will concentrate on pragmas and growth for the town and work toward more industry for the town which wiO broaden the tax base. I am also very much interested in working toward bringing the town and the PSU campus together more ea a community. "If I am elected to the position, I pledge te serve all { people and especially the elderly. I wfll represent all people honestly and fairly andnot Jnrt my own freafly and friends. As a Pembroke Tbwn Couneftman I wiD visit the homes of the chiasm during my tenure end art Just rt election time. ) "The meet fcsportant thing that I can after to the citiaens is the Met that I and my famfly am Christians. And tfcrt is feat step toward honesty and integrity in gorosument or any other area of Ufa. "1 hare had many opportunities to serve on other boards but choee not to because I felt' hke I did art have the time te do the job Mmit needed to be done. "I am runnnlng for Tbwu Couaefl because I hare tire time tp.cooyqit to h. I *> have the concern tor all the, asm. I am not running tor any owe person or apartel interest group. I am nmafcf because Pembroke is my heme and I want to do what is beat for the town." McNeffl is a member of Mt Airy Baptist Church. Kelli Wallace wins Junior Miss title in Orlando KM WaUmca, )T