Dear Gabbv Tea for two, but it ain't sweetened too Me and the oT lady went up north for our 4th of July vacation. I couldn't help but notice the tether north we went, the colder it got. And, the cold evidently freezes yankees' taste bods so that they don't have no taste at all. If you ask me, that's why the North fought so to keep the South from leaving the Union - they hated to lose that good ol' southern cooking. Up around Connecticut me and the ol' lady wheeled into one of those McDonalds for some sweetened iced lea. But, when 1 tried to place the order, there was this foreign fella on the other side of the counter. "I want some sweetened iced tea," I told him. Now, to start with, he had one strike against him. You see, I ain't got nothin' against no foreigners as long as they stay in their place - which happens to be the country they come from. This fella was out of place. He really struck out when he plopped down on the counter in front of me one of those itsy-bitsy styrofoam cups full of hot water with a lid on it, and a lonesome looking lea bag on top of the lid. "What in tarnation is this!" I wailed. He said some such gibberish, but I didn't catch on 'cause it weren't said in English. That's another thing - these people come over here 'cause they "re fed up with their country. So, why don't they leave their country's ways and talk in their country? America's an English speaking country. You heard that saying, when in Rome do as the Romans? Well, when in America speak as the Americans. After this foreign fella realized I didn't understand his gibberish, he pointed to the cash register that had "$1.05" plastered across the top of it. "I ain't paying no dollar and a nickel for no puny cup of hot water and a tea bag," I said in a might too loud a voice. "Hush!" The ol' lady, she told me, poking me in the ribs with her puny elbow. But I didn't "I ordered a cup of sweetened iced tea," 1 told her, 'though you'd a thought I was E.F. Hutton or l something the way ever "body had stopped what they was doing to listen to me. By this time I was as hot as that cup of so-said-to-be "sweetened iced lea" he was allying to push off on inc. "Take the tea," the of lady, she told me, turning the prettiest shade of red you ever saw. 'And apologize to the nice young man for being rude to him." Well, I'm the boss of my family - when the of lady, she leu me be. But don't tell the ol' lady 1 said so. I plopped down a dollar and a nickel anyhow. "I ain't wasting no good toology on him," I told her as I picked up my puny cup of boiling not water with the tea bag on top that was s'posed to be 'sweetened iced tea.' The o)'lady looked fit to be tied, that is if I could a Icetched up to her as she stormed out the building. As I walked by the trash can I chunked the cup of boiling hot water in. But I kept the teabag. You see, 1 was gonna get the ol' lady to go-back in and get me a free cup of iced water. Then I was gonna use the tea bag to make me my own tea, throwing in the couple ' of packs of "Sweet and Low" that had stuck to my hands on the way out. But the ol' lady, she weren't up to it, so to speak. So I 'pologized to her, 'cause she always did appreciate a good *potogy. After 1 give her the foreign fella's "pology. it seemed to unruffte her feathers a bit So we headed on down the road toward Maine. "I didn't want none of their cussYired tea no how," I told the ol' lady. But I was lying through my teeth. When 1 First stopped I just wanted some. But you know how it is when you know you can't have something. By that time 1 would a' traded in my mama for a nice, cool glass of sweetened iced tea. I'll talk to y'all some more some time. Meanwhile, y'all be good 'cause the Lord, He don't like ugly. Locklear and Jones wed July 6 Connie Locklear and Terry Van Jones, both of Pembroke were wed July 6 al 5 p.m. at the home of the bride's parents in I Vm broke. The Reverend Coolidge M. Cummings officiated. The bride is the daughter of Bill R and Jessie Lois Loddear of Pembroke. She graduated from Prospect High School in 1979, from Pembroke State University in 1983, and from N.C. Central University in 1989. She is currently a third year medical student at East Carolina School of Medicine. The groom is the son of Howard and Alene Jones of Pembroke. He graduated from Pembroke Senior High School in 1978 and is employed by Southern Industrial Constructors in Eastover, S.C. The bride was escorted by her mother and father. Maid of honor was Deborah Kay Licklear of Maxton. The Best Man was Howard Jones, father ?>f the groom. Ushers were Charles Thomas Inwry and Dexter Wallace Jones, both of Pembroke. Musicians for the wedding were Deborah Kay lncklear & Sandra Kay L>cklear; IVnisc Bullard. Beverly Brewer, Alicia Cummings, and Casandra Jones; Michael Cummings; and Mrs. Vank-c Cummings. A reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Bill R K Jessie I.4s lncklear and was given by them. >+????? ?ft*;'a'.-^-7 Tlie couple will imwde in ptvooviiie, N.C. ijjfc .l//,> ///./. 1 l;IU(V/> S*f fm mod it ih *76* VtUUn Voice BE A CARPENTER c===% WORK DESCRIPTION: Carpenters construct, erect, install and repoir structures of wood, plywood and wallboard using hand and power tools. WORK ENVIRONMENT: Carpenters are employed primarily by building contractors in the various stages of building construction. WHY RCC? Because Robeson Community College can take you from where you are and help you get to where you want to go. RCC has the programs, people and commitment to meet your needs. 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