1 * I Published each Thursday since January 18,1973 I ,... B I Th. Carolina Indian Voice I ' m m m H. 333 05 03 03 3? ? 30 I | m h m g e, NC Robeson County I I " " "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" I 2 C I m 2 . ? 1 n 5 BER SI THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1991 28 CENTS PER COPY B . N (fl . . Riml v * I Announces Candidacy For 1 terton Mayor John Rhnberg meet* with a student at the Governor's School for Science and Mathematics in HartsvUe, SC. John Rimberg is one of the candidates for mayor in Lumberton. Rim berg invites readers of this newspaper to call him at 671-0029 to talk any day (except Sundays) between the hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. You can also write to 1406 Walnut Street, lumberton 28368. Rim berg asks to be invited to meet with organizations to hear and listen to all suggestions. He is available any day (including week-ends) from the first of August November 5 is Election Day. on experience in Welfare Dept. In Herbert H. Locklear's A Funny Thing Happened on My Way to the Welfare Depart ment, a funny thing did happen to the I author on his way to the Baltipiore De I partment of Welfare. In fact, there were I quite a few funny things that happened during his thirty years there as a social caseworker. Getting welfare in this country is all I part of the human drama for some I people. It is also part of the human I tragedy and even part of the human I comedy. In this book, the author shows us the lighter side of the experience, in cluding quips from clients who need to I rebound and who need a sense of humor I to survive. Straitened circumstances don't always put one's sense of humor in a straitjacket. And then, of course, there are the welfare cheats, surprisingly on both sides of the interviewing desk. One caseworker, arrested for diverting funds into her own bank account, explained that her husband had threatened to leave her if she didn't. She was afraid of losing him, since "good men are hard to find." A client's startled boyfriend, who was hiding under her bed, tried to smoothe the matter over by telling the investigator, "I always sleep here." Here is a book of humorous anec dotes, a personal memoir that illumi nates life in an urban welfare depart ment office. It is filled with the colorful humor and flavor of everyday life I among the poor. Herbert H. Locklear, a sharecropper's son, was bom in 1932 in rural Robeson County, North Carolina. He is a Native American of the Lumbee tribe, founder B and first administrator of the American^ Indian Center in Baltimore, Maryland, and a prime mover toward civil and political reform in Baltimore's Indian community. He is also the founder of a movement to assure better government in Robeson County. Mr. Locklear serves the South Broadway Baptist Church as the chair man of tire board of trustees and is a teacher there as well. He currently serves on many boards and committees which focus on bringing remedial services to the poor and dispos sessed. Mr. Locklear and his wife, Christ ine, reside in Baltimore. They have five children, Ramona Cil, Kirby Raye, Anna Marie, Greer, and Lisa. They also have ^ ten grandchildren. MaatarCard or Viaa mambar* criMliMinitw U.S. 1-S004K-3273 or OflOEB WITH TMB COUPON VANTAGE MESS. INC. SIS Wttl 34th StrMt, M.Y., N.V. 10001 PtMM Nnd nr? tmmooptM oI A FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON MY WAY TO THE WELFARE DEPARTMENT At $10.95/copy phi* $1.50 poatage A handling II t|.,? , II SNoW19 11 - - ? ? ? ? Addraaa 11 cay mm zip (J Chack Enctoaad ? vtaa ? MaatarCard Caid# Eap Data Signature . . MY Stare mt??nn preaaa add aafca Ma Charges upgraded in death of Lumberton man Dstris Hunt, Jr. died on Fhthei's Day, July 16, as ? result of wounds ho ncdvtd In a (tabbing incident at the Oak Ridge Club in Lumbarton, according to nlatives. The relatives r?ported that ha was stabbed once In the chart outrtde the Oak Rtdga Club on W. 6th Street and apant ?avaral days in the Intensive Care Unit of Southeastern Oaaasal Hospital prior to hie death. Aaaarding to a pohaa report Baoforri Lowecy, Jr., 64 of gfwgtgd following |||^ iiicldvot gild charged with assault with a deadly weapon Inflicting aorteue ta>riy. Ike report atataa that Lowory waa ameated at the ehtb after the stabbing. Ha waa piased la the Rabaasa Oaanty Jail under a 110.000 aaeund bond. RaSawlng the death of Hum. ii media# Is Mehard Tanaiaai TTlahlrl Attaney. the charge an In wary was raised ta flnt defers murder, which la standard procedure. According io Mr. Townaend. Ik* Grand Jury will now moat and roach a dedeion on what chargoa Lowary wiU far* A Judgo haa nilod that lowery remain under the tnitiai 190,000 bond. Mr* Da Hunt, Datria Hunt Jr.'a mother reported that Hunt waa employed an a bouncer at the Oak Ndgo Club. The grand jury la required by etele atutue la render an MMmM for a murder charge. Ibey may alee And no raaaon far an Indtodaeat and cubaoqaontly ehargea againct Lowery weald be dmppad. The grand jury la ekafVMi wfcjfe Ik* MAAjyikv ?i Krildlff ha^ a "jjy. wmm tdmr A 1^1* hi of ladlatmaat" In murder chaigee and ainrdlag to Towaaend, the graad >rry kae net met oa Ike Lowery mm. They will have die dual dadalnn en the ladictmcni and tkea a band la normally aot la aaeerdaaee with Ike Locklear Serves as Page Trina Kay Locklear, daughter of PurceU and Emma Lee i Locklear of Maxton, toot appointed by Repre tentative < Adotph L Dial to serve me a Pdge for the N.C. Home of Representatives tn Raleigh- Trina is a rising sophomore at PitmeU Swett High Sskpyj^ Pembroke. ?? ? i Btv. Julius Bryant is s houm m front of Kit mobile , camper which he uses m kit travels across the state. He ( returned from Florence, South Carolina where he , I Oth Annual Road Race and Fun Walk Successful The 10th Annual Road Race and Am Walk mm tpontored this year by Fleetwood Home* of Pembroke, chaired by Gregory Camming* by LRDA. Co-sponsor of the event iuu Larry Roger* of Pembroke State Univertity and Rudy Paul of Robeeon County Recreational Department Special thank* it extended to Barbara Ballard from SEGH Life Style Fitness Center. The event - - Shown in the wheel chair is Jeanttie Jo Bell, daughter of 4r. and Mr*. Hardy H. Bell of Pembroke. She led the vent. Winners of the event conducted a* part of Lumbee Homecoming included Sandra Oxendme; Barbara Bull tad, Annie Boardeaux; Kevin La/wry; Jeremy Brewmgton, Branson Oxendme; Dallas LocHean Terry Jacob*; Adrian Carter,: Raymond Camming*; Terry O'Connor; Bobby LocUean EUti Gore; P.J. Smith; Bill Tyner, Dr. Joseph Oxendme; Ray Oxendme; Art LocHear, Kevin Oxendme; tnd Jody Allen. Pur*c*mt? in A* 10tk Annual Road Kmc* and to Walk mn than* ptior to the evnni im Plnn^nkt. Think Big workshop held at RCC ?weetiy. U?4y 0Uiy. ? TtmIm ?f C iwimHl' ftMUgw, and ktr <ang?tof. Un4a ClUim gave a aeries of "Tiling Big. Hi ink College. Think Success" seminars at Robeson Community Cottage. The project was a volunteer effort to help the children and parents understand the importance of a college education and to channel positive thoughts into our youth. The motivational seminar gave students the opportunity to set goals for their lives and exercises on how they could achieve these goals wars given. The pictures of students who attended will he showcased is the Robeson Community College library as those students who mode a commitment to strive to be successful. The pictures will be a eonstael reminder to themselves and to tbeir fsmlHti of how Important it ie la "Think Big, Think College, Think SuCCf^BM ' Say you rood It In Tht Carolina Indian Vdea CTo tSutjicxiljt (g / 9)521-2826

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