MART LIVERMORE LIBRARY PEMBROKE. STATE. LIBRARY i OCT 7 ff PEMSROK4 HQ 21773 P ||I M Published *och Thursday since January 18,1973 I a r I 11 Carolina Indian Voice I Z ^ 5 n t? j> I g B I S K h ke, NC Robeson County I I *i O "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" I ? ? M i j . luuvma y .VUMBER 41 THiMlAY, OCTOBER 3,1M1 25 CBRS KB COPT . .. . < . .. _ a Mayor Milton Hunt announces re-election bid MA YOR MILTON HUNT Pembroke Mayor Milton Hunt has filed for re-election to that poaition. He la completing eight yean as Mayor of Pembroke. Ho brought to the office of Mayor eight years as a member of the Pembroke Town Council, in making his aaasies?fte* ft* H election. Mayor Hunt "I have certainly enjoyed serving the citizens of the town of Pembroke and am offering my services again. I wish to touch on a few of the many accomplishments in the Town of Pembroke that I am most proud of. We have received more than 3 million dollars in Community Development Grants that have been used to remodel more than 300 homes in the town, also there has been much improved curbing and gutters, streets have been paved, drainage projects, sewer installion and the weatherization program. The town has applied for an Economic Development Grant If this application is successful, this money will be used for the recruitment of industry. This will means more jobs for our community. This is something we desperately need. "We have experienced unprecedented economic growth over the last few years. We have seen the construction and development of Colony Plaxa, a new post office building, Progressive Savings and Loan, Linda's Restaurant, Joe's Restaurant, Southern Interiors and other indications of economic growth for the town. "A much needed 80-bed nursing home is now under construction. This project will b e the only nursing home beds outside the city of Lumberton in the county. Apartments are now being built behind Hill's. These will be available for the elderly and handicapped only. These are all much needed projects for the town. I am proud of the part that I have played in helping to establish these projects. I have demonstrated my strong commitment to economic growth and will continue to support good economic growth for our town and area. "Anotehr major accomplishment for the town is the recently opened Pembroke library. This was a much needed addition to the town. "On October 2 the town and Pembroke State University hosted the second annual Pembroke Day on campus. The first one was a great success and brought together not only our business people and students on campus, but our citizens as well. The second one was even mon successful. This program certainly helps improve relations with Pembroke State University. Along with Chancellor Joseph Oaendine, this is one of the areas that I have stressed, to have a good working relationship with Pembroke State University. We are building better relations and now have a good relationship. We need each other. "And nil of us should realize that the Wtfa is a business. 1 behevetaht being a stnall businessasan mysell ffvM me vnfuabie insight Into the operations of the town. I believe that one reason the town has net had a tax increase siene I became may or is bemuse of the administration of the town's finances. Our staff has done sn excellent job at holding expenditures down. With ail the recent government cutbacks, mors of the finanical burden has fallen on local government. Our staff should be commended. "I have worked hard in all aspects in ay position aa mayor. With your help and support, I wfll continue to serve you." Hunt, 4(1. u married to the former Polly Pease. who is employed by the Public Schools at Robeson County. They hsve two children and four grandchildren. tomato TV yeare tod doam't dater Iraiy A irffciyd tchooi trochcY ?Wm /Vrn/wD^t, ^WH Aofctoy to ctoon up Aw cAweA yard to XifM Saptut Church to Pembroke. Sampson retired to '7V Vtor 4* imn o/ trucking. He graduated to to? Mto Aformto SrAoto cfaii </ later attended Jttndtog Green IMueraitg mad earned hie M.S. flam Ambivho State IMvereityin '49. He hat carved ae a demean and Sunday School director at Beraa Baptist Church, which he and "there are eeaktag to beautify. CORRECTION ^iUlwtStpHmbtr 19iimm ktMm Voict* * jwiiJL Hud*! *7 '?MMb Mtny. Vi Mttftu ?rtm% wad ? apar# m ONNNfta ANny f&r tki mk ti 1m prnky. Wt dpafaffca fc Mi. WUMm fir this amr. Community Briefs FUND ESTABLISHED FOR VICTIMS OF HAMLET FIRE A fund has been established to aid families of the victims of the recent Hamlet factory file. Coors Brewing Company, its Hamlet distributor. Sullivan Distributing, and United Carolina Bank originated the fund. Coon and Sullivan have contributed $1,000. Checks or money orders should be made payable to Hamlet Releif Fund. P.O. Box 36067, Fayetteville. NC 28803. Contributions are tax deductible. Receipts will be provided on request. JUBILEE HOUS: AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYER If your dream is to own your own home but you cannot qualify for the conventional home loan; we may have the answer for you. If you have a good work history and now employed, have good credit and at least one ekOd in your home under the age of 16 you may qualify to purchase a new home built by the Jubilee House Ministry of the Robeson County Church and Community Center. The house is being built in East Lumberion. Applications may be obtained by contacting Robs me County Church and Community Center. 210 East 15th "et, Lumberton or 404 West Central Sheet. Maxtor, or 194 North Main Street, Red Springs. Jubilee House is patterned after Habitat for Humanity. It is sold to a qualified family for no interest and no profit. Pembroke Khvanis Report New Officers . (or 199192. LL Gov. Jerry Joseph installed the following offieon for the new Kiweni* year beginning October let: President-Clayton Maynor; President-EUct- lariy C ha via; Secretary- Grady Hunt; Treasurer Albert Hunt; new board member* Mitch Lowry, Doceey Lawny, Buddy Bed, Ed Tbeta, and Arnold Lodrioar. The major emphasis this year is to help reduce infant mortality in the state of North Caodina. This requires us to worfc with the county health agency. President Lowry presented a list of needs subiulMs i by the Boys and Girts House of Labs Waeeamaw. They need cooking utenais, pels. pans, curtains. bed apreads, pillows, eloake. dish Uwsls, waahen and dryere and a poai labia, plus many ether needs. ? AY YOU KKAD IT INI THI CAROLINA INDIAN VOICE LACY CUMMINGS SEEKS RE-ELECTION TO EMC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lacy Cummings of the Mt Airy community has announced his candidacy for re-election to the Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation for a fourth term. Cummings serves in the at-large position. In making his announcement, Cummings released the following facts demonstrating the "continued progress of LREMCr" . w- ?-w . - -? ??QK, . . . ramilM ftver BMC has experienced Jgvwtk end mnovattcm witk modest ?Mm? owr Ssfctf mine year*. It is dedicated to the promotion and development of industrial recrnitmmtin it* service ores. The results have created mkUHedm jobs and bettor jobe for UtEMC member*. Enticement* for new and re-location of industry m the fovr county area served by JJtEMC has come m enck form* as zero percent internet loans, innovative rates and excellent services. The co-op hat grow* from 90,319 to 98,511 mambon. 11 hat gont from 9,919 to 3,889 miles of Mae. Tht cott of power hat tsscrtased from 110.9 to $98.3 million doOmrt. Total plant hat increased from 98.5 to 51.5 million doOart. Membert owned 95 percent of LREMC nine gears ago. Tkeg now own 55 percent of a $59 million bntinete. Capital cnditt have returned on a rotating batit. The membert have received foer rate increases during a nine gear period. LREMC hat helped industry obtain no interest bearing loant through REA. Out of a total of five loans m the state, LREMC hat received three for a total amount of $935,000. Industrial development is a direct benefit to membert of LREMC m both the creation of new end better jobs md it facilitates m holding rates from inclining at font. The leadership of LREMC is depicted in the following lilt of. programs and materials: lnteernptible service rates through the me of generators. LREMC offered this program in 1989 to ROCCO. Today, NC State University offers special chutes on just inch a program. Other programs originating with LREMC and being copied across the state and notion include: the safety accreditation manual Irated as the best of 85 received bg the national committee U weatkeriaation loan program; water conservation program; Member's Bill of Rights; theme from 1989 "The Spirit of Cooperation"; industrial newsletter; Policy Bulletin Number 517, "Mamtamg A Drug-Free Work Place"; late notice; REA Zero interest loan packets. The future of. LREMC has been planned through ? 5-year strategic plan, that will be used as a road map to reach the and objectives for this period of time. This it in preparation for normal growtk and awanprtun of hoUvsg dawn the cast of power that a anticipated to incline draatieattg bg the gear 1998. The accomplishments far ike pest nine eymrt and the strategic plan for the neat five gears is and will be the result of LREMC's Board of Directors' leadership and guidance. The annuel meetintr of members of LREMC will be held on? Tuesday October 18. at thr PSIJ Performing Arts Canter. RegistratiorTWgins at 6 p.m. Lacy Cummmgt A Benefit Staging will be held to raise funds for Sally and Mir heel Hammonds who lost their home by fire recently. The sing will he held October 4 at 7:30 p.m. in 1 the gym of Union Elementary School on Highway 710. i (Evans Comsing community). i Camel 1 Locklear is one of the organizers of the event "As anyone knows." he said, "when one has a fire 1 ' regardless of the siae. It is really a painful time. Baker's 1 Chapel Adult Class, under the supervision of their teacher ] James Brooks, decided to sponsor this singing to show 1 their love for the Hammonds family. Mr. Brooks has been surprised by the support ta all the communities for i this project." Said Mr. Brooks, *'I am thankhil to FUhrr's Chapel Church for their support and I know the event will be a success because of all the fine group* who will be singing." Featured singers will include The Hunt Family of Fairmont; Felix Deal of Fairmont: Carnell Loddear of Pembroke; Roecoe Jones of Lumberton: Amos Chavis of Maxton; Born Believers of Maxton; Exodus of Lumberton; Spiritual Miracles of Elrod. Both Brooks and Locklear encourage the public to ittend and support this westhy cause. Tuscarora Cultural Survival School has first classes by Milbe tMrm Eastern Carolina TVscarora Nation On September 28, 1991 the Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation held the fint classes at the Tuscarora Cultural Survival School. The school enrolled 23 student* the first day of classes. There were students from four of the seven Tuscarora clans enrolled. Bear. Wolf. Beaver and Shipe. The activities began at 11 a.m. Saturday morning with traditional Iroqeoi* dancing and singing. At lunch time the students were given lunch. The Tuscarora language elaaaea began at 1 p.m. Students were taught words and phrases in the Tuscarora Language and learned to pronounce them and aak each other questions in luscsmra. The craft classes began at 2 p.m. Ft male students were taught to make dolls from pine straw. The male students were taught to make drum necklaces. Everyone seemed to enjoy the school The next classes will be held on October 26. 1991 The Eastern Carolina Tuacarora Nation would like to thank all the teachers. Clan Mothers and students who participated tat the school. Any individual or private organisation who would like to help fund this school can do so my calling .919-821 4966. or 919-821-6078 or by writing to the EasternTuscamrs Nation. Route S Box 296, Maxton, NC 86664. PROSPECT FIRE DEPARTMENT OPEN HOUSE Tho Proapaet Flramon wiah to Invito ?uu to viait your Art dopartmont on Ortohnr 4-8. It will bo opon for your Inoportion bocinnlnf Friday momlnp at 8 a.m. It will afain opon at 8 a.m. on laturday and lomain opon until 4 < p.m. VWit and tot Dm flrtmon oaplnin and abow you Kow ( your fir* tax monies in inverted. Remember, your firemen spend msny bourn in traininc ind fire flfhtinc In try to protect you end your property. Tbey receive no pny. Is some out and let them haow you spptusinta them and their bard rrurh. BAND FAIR TO BE HELD toat rSt Ia'oui2?V"w'ai"*! >??'T'*k** Paula Wat kw to to. Paula. NC. A> ata M(t aakaul II 1 , ''-I

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