IftABV UVFRMOPE PEMBNuKt.S?A"i?. Lib RAPT OCT 1 4*91 ^ P?MPRO*&? US ttl V HI Putottshed eachThursday since January 18,1973 I I i i! Carolina Indian Voice I 5" S B :. ? I '.*4^1^*?;*' ?'-'v' ,v"'' ?-*?'3! ?? -' ??? ? '* ti&X jte?v4" P 5.NC Robeson Comity ro tc * "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" v VOUMT. 19 NIJ&RFR 41 mintSMY. OCTOBER 10, 1991 ? CENTS PER COPY Lumbee BiB expected to be out of innate committee in Mid-November Ariinda Loddear, tribal attorney for the lumbee Tribe, is optimistic about the Lumbee Bill which is now before the Senste Select Committee. "It is hoped that the Bill wfll come out of Committee with s bi-partisan vote...If that happens, the chances are extremely good of the Bill passing in the Senate." There is much speculation about what Sen. Helms will do relative to the Lumbee Bill. He has been asked by the neighboring Cherokee to block the Bill. It is possible for one Senator to stop the Bill from getting to the Senate floor, simply by procedural objection. If that happens, it would require 60 votes to then get the Bfll on' the floor for a vote. Nevertheless, Loddear is optimistic that the Bill will be out of Committee by mid- November and a Senate vote will be taken by the end of January, "depending upon what 8en. Helms does." 15 area students nominated for Scholarship Award Fifteen high school seniors were nominated recently by their high schools to receive the prestigious More head Scholarship award. According to Mike Mclntyre, Chairman of the Robeson County More he ad Scholarship Selection Committee, a reception will be held in honor of the students on Sunday afternoon, October 18. The reception will be held at the fellowship hall of Berea Baptist Church in Pembroke from 3 until 4:80 p.m. Mclntyre stated that the selection committee will conduct interviews on Tuesday night, October 15, in Lumberton. The Morehead Foundation was established in 1945 by the late John Motley Morehead, a native of the state and an 1891 graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Morehead Awards are presented each year to public and private high schools and independent school seniors who have demonstrated exceptional qualities of leadership, academic standing, character and physiaal vigor. Because the awards are baaed soley on merit, financial need is not taken into consideration. Including both academic studies and summer enrichment programs as well as other ceUege expenses, the Morehead Scholarship is worth approximately-442.000 for in stfge st*kw^Ovv.l^*?a^ of the Morehead Program and the University. Robeson COunty has had a least eleven winners of the scholarship since the program's beginning. Selection committee members this year in addition to Mclntyre indude: Mary Ann Masters of Rowland, Gary Lynn Loddear of Pembroke, Cheryl Ransom Loddear of Red Springs/ Pembroke, and Justin Oliver of Marietta. The county committee will sakt four 's! the fiteen candidates to advance to regional competition. These four will receive the North Carolina Merit Award, a new New member of Pembroke Redevelopment Commission ktrt. Audrtt Loddttr it tkotcn about taking tkt oath of offtet at a Pomirokt Rtdtveiopmtni Commit honor. Tkt oath umt admmitttrtd by Ptmbrokt Magittmtt Jtrry Gum ming! at At monthly mtttmg an Stpttmbtr 90. Looking on it Ptm brokt Town Councilwoman htrt. Euit Jontt who appointtd Mrt. LocMtar to tkt untiyind term of Mrt. JantUt Ontndmt program begun this (all by the Morehead Foundation. The four county winners will receive a one-time $600 scholarship if they attend UNC. If they ultimately win the Morehead Award, then the Morehead Scholarship would supercede the Merit Award. The fitenen nominees include: Lumberton Senior High: Juan Carlos Bustamante, son of Herman Bustamante of Atlantic City. New Jersey, and Blanea Olivia Ospina of Lumberton. Carlton Gregory Cauthen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lee Cauthen of Lumhertoa. Ann Lenore Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. Taylor of Lumberton. Fairmont High School- Frank Wilson Neely m. son of Mr. and Mm. Frank Wilson Neely, Jr. of Fairmont. Charity Elisabeth Rogers, daughter of "Mr. an'd Ms. James Marshall Rogers of Fairmont Tonya Carol Floyd, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Thomas Floyd of Fairmont Amanda Gem Floyd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Dale Floyd of Fhinnont Red Spring* High School Luther C. Oxendine m, son of Mr. and htm. Luther C. Oxendine Jr. of Marion. at. Matrmg* School Jack De*peeyMrfa., son of Mr an<ntfri>. Eart-f*f*0eey SMftfit ?. of St Pauls. Michael Todd Backer, son of Mr. and Mm. William Henry Becker of St Pauls. niiWV-Jbstf HJgk: Roto Rodrickus Lowery, son of Mr. aad Mm. Robin lewety of Pembroke. April Lou Blue, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jessie Bh of Rowland. Lucy Jane Maynor. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jeffrey Steven Maynor of Pom broke. South Rob?on High School- Detores bene Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Floyd Dixon Miller of Rowland. Oct 6-11 Community Health Center Week October 6-11 has been proclaimed Community Health Center Week. A proclamation to that effect waa signed by the Mayor of the Town of IVmbruke, Milton Hast That proclamation follows: Whereas, quality health earn should be a right of everyone in this country, not a privilege of the mora affluent; and Whereas our system of health cere must provide access for all segments of our population, ragardless of their financial resources, in order for our community to he heahhy and productive; and Whereas, effective health care delivery must be tailored to the heads and culture of the people being served; and Whereas. Pwobrobe is fortunate to have a community health center offering comprehensiee services to individuals and families in the area, staffed by dedicated medical personnel, administrators and volunteers; and Whereas, our community health centers are part at a nationwide system consisting of more than 600 eommuntty-based and community controlled centers aarving almost 6 mHton persons ? year, and Where* the community health center movement originated as a War on Ifovocty progsem in 1616, and it has since established a successful modal of health care for medically undereerved communities; and Whereas, the community health center movement Sootinues to advocate for the health care needs of the country's most vulnerable populations; Nowlterefoie, I Mtten R Hunt, Mayor ?rf Pembroke, do hereby proclaim Oatobsr 6-11. 1691 as Community iritiisl emvltno provided by our local oommunity health ranter staff and volunteers and by their thousands of colloaguee throughout the country. PSlTs Greater Robeson County alumni chapter to host dance Oct 19 Iha Greater Robaaon County Alumni Chapter ot tea Ptm brute Stela Univanity Alumni AaaoeUlton will Kava Ha aeholarehip danca an Saturday, Oetebar 19. from 9 P ?. until 1 a.m. in tha Chavfa Univaralty Canter. Aluaml and Manda are invited. 71mm mwdtii aro imummI to miio ? f 10 jfurtlfn if tiiifW or tl> tf a couple All proeoo* will bo Mod to holp boflin a acholanhipf Nad by tbo Qiuator Boboaon County Alumni Chapter. Tlcfcota may bo puaahoaod at tbo door. ? M Benefit singing planned A baaflt ataclac MU babaid Octobar IB at TilO p.m. at Daaa Branch Chureh Nw^a (raai Mm ataftaf MM ha mm la Mw madtaai i^in? huanai by lira. Aank Late PVMmaa VWaturad .!???? MB taaiaia Maty Aaa Uwaf aai Mm Lata bar M?ar Qaartat Hot do* wfll bo aold. TlahaU in ?valalbo tor It in '*wn and wfll bo 14 at tho door. FW Author la>iwitia Ml 1114411. Iho publt la aoiaoinil lo attaM aod au*ort thia worthy woo. Pembroke State University student. Km Aon, is shown pointing the face of a local student visiting the PSU ^koto Su?e Brenfleck-PSU Campus Newspaper Campus on the second annual Pembroke Day, October 7. Photographer] Taking applications for Low Income Energy Assistance Program lite Robeson County Department of Social Service* will begin taking application* for the Low Income Energy Assistance Program on October 14.1991. Applications for the program will be accepted through Wednesday, November 27, 1991. Applicants who qualify will receive a one-time payment ot help with high fuel bills this winter. To qualify, applicants must meet certain requirements. A household's total income must be at or below 110 percent of the current povery level. A one-person household can have a monthly income of 606.00 or leas to qualify while a family of four can have no more than 1228.00 per month. Applicants cannot have assets or more than $2200 and must be resonsible for heating bills. All applicants should bring with them verifications of income for all household members. The Low-Income Energy Assistance Fogram is not a first come/ first saved program. Any eligible household that applies between October 14 and November 27. 1991 wfll receive aaaismoce. WHERE IS THE PEMBROKE HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1943? Come May 7, 1993 the Pembroke High School Ie graduating class of 1943 will be eligible to observe and celebrate the 50th anniversary since the receipt of their high school diplomas. Receiving one's high school diploma marks the first major plateau on one's journey into life's sojourn. The high school years during your development are probably the most enjoyable and critical years in the maturation process of us humans. We approach our teenage years having an impressionable outlook, and may be easily swayed by events going on around us. Having a good family-teacher liaison during the teenage years and growing-up process will usually keep one traveling down the right path. I *ua member of FVrobmke High School's graduating class of 1948. I remember surnames like Brooks, Carter, Chavis. Clark. Cummings. Dial. Jacobs, Godwin, Locklear, Lowry, Oxendine, Martin. Maynor and Sampson. First names eush as Edith. Clan, Cletus, Hazel, Lucille. Mary. Mavis. Nettie. Nova. Coolidge. Barto. Clyde, Donald. Harold, Harvey, Knox. Mill an., Monroe, Peter. Spyrgsnn and Willie have been retained over the yean. What has happened to my high school classmates since 1943? Some have passed on to an existence beyond earth, while others have migrated to other parts of this country leaving a few still living in Robeson County. We entered high school in 1939 as freshmen in the new Pembroke High School, and was the first class to complete four years at the new high school. This same year World War II was beginning to heat up in Europe, and we were kept informed of the current events relating to this war in our history classes. Patriotism for our nation's war efforts was very high, and some of my classmates were eagerly awaiting their 18th birthdays so they could volunteer their services for our country. World War ? had great affects on the class of 1943 throughout high school ss it pertained to our ouriook for the future. The war yean of the forties probably caused our class not to make any plans for future class reunions. Pembroke High School did not publish yearbooks duringour four years there, and we can't look at pictures depicting us as we ware some 60 yean ago. We had some vary attractive girls as members of this class, sod their youthful appearances have been lost from the printed pages. Wa will have to rely on our memories and mental pictures at the fairer gender belonging to the elaae of '43. Thanks to a classmate, Harold Lloyd "Mutt" Jacobs, and his 020 brownie camera. I have preserved a picture wearing my high school cap and gown on the campus of fhm broke High School in May of 1948. After taking my picture this fellow classmate sold me his 680 Brownie earners for one dollar, and I have used it to take other pictures in the forties which I have preserved. Harold Lloyd "Mutt" Jacobs, along with other high school claqmnates, traveled to other area to pursue their careers. I would love to know what happened to my high school classmates, and I believe a class reunion could provide some at the an wen. Willie French Paul was classmate throughout elementary and high school. He would entertain his classmates when were still attending Pemfaroha Graded School with his unigue way of telling stories by acting the pert at some of the characters. He concentrated on hie singing while in high school end was an interesting conversationalist. One summer Willie French Pari same fay our farm on his way to Lumbar River to fish during fodder pulling time. We Lowiy boys talked him into helping us pull some fodder, by promising him we would go with- him fishing after our days worit assignment was finished. He didn't pull much fodder, but he kept us entertained wiht his continuous conversation. We kept our promise and went fishing with him. Wiiue French Paul spent several years in the professional entertainment industry before his mysterious disappear ance from Robeson County. His vanishing closely parallels that of another Robeson County native. Henry Berry Lowry. It would be nice ot hear some stories concerning the lives and activities of other classmates. I discussed the possMtity ot having a 50th anniversary high school class reunion with a claaamate in February. 1990. while attending the homecoming tor alumni of Pembroke State University. Mary Agnes Martin became a classmate in the 4tk grade at Pbmhrehe Graded School around 1986. She and 1, along with a lew other classmates pcoftesaad through fan broke'a graded school, high school, and state colege. Sometime after accomplishing thin geal. Mary Agnes Martin added Bell to her name. I beWve Mary Agnes Martin Bell is the right pemoa to Pembroke High SehooTs Class of 1943 to take place aometfane in 1998. She demonstrated her leadership abilities throughout our school days, and it would be rice to know more ot what Mary Agnoa Martin Bell accomplished in her adult life, along with other daaaasates. A good way to find out is to have a dass reunion. V this is to happen, first we need a current list of dam members, present addraeeee. and their opinions on pursuing this venture. Any classmate, relative, friend, er persons knowing the where- shouts of any member of Pembroke High SehooTs graduating class of IMS. sand information cO: Mary Martin Boll, Fourth Stroot, Ptmbroka. NC 28372. Hm reopooao may dotonniao whether I can find out-WUtetwr fljayynuif to Harold Uogd "Matt" Jacobs, along with my other 1913 Hah school classmates. jftmaM H. 1/rury UlSStupttkmrna Dm* VItvomiBmcA. VASMS Emergency Improvement funds awarded to Pombtoh* Housing ivmhrok# hufwvploprifni ('ornmiiiion vh p#c?ntiy iwM MM,800 in Emnifaaay Cowpmhansiva hn provamont Fund*. 1W monias will ba uoad Id haproaa the tdodog housing unita. An inigartion Km boon uuwiplahad of all tho uniu lo mm th# priori tiaa lor fandi^j. Ma>>r jwnrarnajuw^woflng, wtndowa, doon, A rlMa otudy will ba mada of wbat aapaa* af improvorooato eu ha d?M Into mail y and what work will hava to ha aaatratah out Tha gnat waa through tha auapMaa of tha HUD Ragtonal OflBaa hi Oraanafaoro. Larry J. Paihar la managar of Ragion IV. Naahrda fciauatapwaat Oaawataataa plaaa la agplr larCy awtaaMliialatGt

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