| 2|t ***? LIVERMORE LIBRARY ' PEMBROKE. STATE. LIBRARY in 1 ?? , 5? Pubtahed each Thursday tine* January 18,1973 I I I li i e Carolina Indian Voice I I oke, NC Robeson County I I "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" I VOLUME 19 NUMBER^ THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1991 25 CZNXB FBI COPY Pembroke BPW recognizes outstanding women Ik JMnk kwhiii and Professional Women'* Oryassiaation presented the Outstanding Woman of the Year Award to Host Marie Lousy, NCAE President, shown right; the Woman of the Year Award to Marie Moors, Pembroke BPW secretary, shown center, and ' Employer of the Year Award to Dr. Ruth Dial Woods, Associate Superintendent of Public Schools of Robeson County, shown left The meeting uas held m the Chancellor's Room at PSU October 91. by Yvonne Barnes Dial Across the nation Business and Professonal Womens Oigaflttauov ccMastatf-z week uf -suctesr and -honor among American woman. October 20-25 proved to be a - week of highlighted events for not only BPW members, * but also for community citizens. Pembroke BPW began their National Week of # t ? ft celebration with many planned events. ON Sunday, October 20, several members attended worship service at Ml Airy Baptist Chruch. An eloquent dinner was served . to members and guests at the local organizational Meeting held in the Chancellor's Dining Room at PSU on October 21sL Betty Morrison, District V Director of BPW, was the guest speaker. Three dislinghished awards were preeented at the meeting. The Outstanding Woman of the p Year Award was presented to Rose Marie Lowry, NCAE ? Wall. I Kaa* good oowa far you. Go4 kaa a o?y out and Ho kaa ?MM and Mofaiod oirto loach Hla word tad holy dadwar Ma paopla. Ha o4au ma la fail Hia paopla thoy ma baaatfaaa. RaadMaitttM, ImvOad aupomauiratty tad tha paopta In tha daaatl H# will do Ua Mm far yaw. Plaaaa tat ma Kaip yew laaaiva boating, whether it be flnaaaaa. phyaiee) ar mantel. Gad la able la meat your ?vary naad. Plaaaa faal baa to meat ua in ehwith. Ood'i Tempi* Chuich, loaatad on Pine lit Road, right aataoa bam Fanttt's Oraieiy. Tha pantor la Reverend Magalea* Oren Lyon's interview to be shown at Tuscarora Council House by Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation On the 22nd and 23rd of November the Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation will present a video interview with Oren Lyons, Chief and Faith keeper of the Onondaga Nation/ Sbt Nations New York State. On November 22 the video will be viewed. This will be on Friday night, after ?upper, in the Council house of the EasternCarottna Tuscarora Nation, located on the sovereign territory. We request that all clan chiefs and clan mothers try to be ? present 1 On November 23 the video will be shown it the Tuscarora Cultural Survival School is put of their cultural lesson. The video is excellent ind tells a great deal about Six Nations culture, traditions, and views on the past and the present For more information call 919-521-4955 or 919-521-8978 >r write the Eastern Carolina Tuscarora Nation. Route 2 k>x 226. Maxton. NC 28364 Pembroke Kiwanis Report By Ken Johnson The weekly meeting was held at the Town and Country Restaurant with Commissioner Noah Woods as the speaker. Program Chairman Albert Hunt presented Commissioner Woods. His subject was The Solid Waste Management Plan for Robeson County. This plan will be submitted to the North Carolina Department of Human Resources. Solid Waste Division, for their approval as mandated. In the State of North Carolina. 75 percent of the landfills will reach their capacity within the next three to five years. To compound the problem land fill space is decreasing and solid waste is increasing. New plans call for cost effective and putting Robeson County in compliance with the State Mandate till. This calls for the reduction of waste, the recycling that will be sold to companies that want to buy it for profit In the last resort bury only non recyclable solid waste, engineered landfill, monitored, collecting leachate and methane gas pro duced. Collection is done by contract with vaneus This year the fund raising dinner will include spaghetti on Friday, December 13 at 5-8 p.m. and pancakes for breakfast on Saturday, December 14 at 6:30 a.m. to 9a.m. at the Pembroke Elementary School. Tickets are $4.00. Presiding- Gay Maynor, Invocation- Dorsey Dowry; Song Leader Eld Teets; Program Chairman-Albert Hunt; Reporter Ken Johnson. companies. There are 227 waste sites, in the county, including the school system and county buddings, each serviced at least twice a week. The county will need to implement six service sites collection system. Tire disposal, white goods refrigerators will be collected in an area and Cohen and Green Salvage Company will take it away. Cardboard, wood products, yard waste, plastics, glass aluminum, ferrous metals, used motor oils and lead acid batteries all will be picked up by various.companies. Tremendous capital obtlay will cause Robeson to adjust fees. ?' *" '"?'.VV.'-1 A desk for th* tm% mm twA??f by ftntwh Stat* University students ever WrSU-TV was recently donated by WPDE-TV, Channel 15, m Florence, SC. The telecast airs at 10:30 a.m. each Wednesday on Channel 97 m Pembroke. WPSU-TV also now has felly automated itnin mM att taped and eaimlite programming controMod bp eompmtmre. 1km itudmntm thing tht nmwecaat above are [left to right] Jennifer King of Durham, Shannon Eknme of Pembroke, and Todd Walker of FbyetteviUa. Say you read it in TO? Carolina Mian Vale* Reflections * Alt, Ny THE GIRL I MET ON PINE STREET I never write anything in this column to hurt or embarrass anyone, although I have sometimes embar rassed my own family. Instead, my purpose is to express "?f ? Since coming to Pembroke in 1966, T ve watched many, many poodle at all ages as they grew, developed, and began making their ovra unique contribution to their - * .1 s _a corner a uie wona. Right now I" m thinking of n a young lady whom I first saw whan we livsd on fiat Street. I had gone over to the "cleaners" to take, or gat, some garment. To thia day 1 have a vivid picture in my mind of a cute little giri who looked like a doll, dreaeed in a pretty red outfit It was obvious that her mother was proud of her miniature daughter. And she would have good reason to be proud of her daughter nowl Whan Danny was in high school, ha used to play tennis with Pat who waa a good student as wall as athletic After graduating from Pembroke Slate University. Pat enrolled, with her parents' encouragement in the School of Medicine at UNC-Chapel Hill. But her mother did not got to see her daughter complete that first year of training toward her goal of becoming a doctor. During exam week. "Mies Magenta went on to be with the Lord. In apke of thia. Pit hung in there. Year after year she worked toward her goal, until she became an Jayee Patrice Mayaor, you Impressed me the first tmee law you In "Mia Maggie'*" yard on Pine Street. Now 1 ippftciitf your ifilitvtffttHli through th# ys#rs, ind ihi MSUUkllkyi MM! BM mgM a a la uMie MHflkf iWo (iNgTStttlAtiOltfl Of yjgh^f ^ |||0 ] fyimoi I The following is a break-1 down by precinct of the votes cast for Ray Pennington and E.B.Turner in the November I 5 race for Mayor of Lumber ton. I I Precinq Pennington Turner I L 531 221 396 466 115 86 196 543 144 189 I 129 I 406 I 530 I 159 I 237 I