I PubMted eoeh Thursday slnet January U, 1973 *?? M!**mq*e unmt I . ?H22SS8PItiUe*A" I The Carolina Indian Voice I I Pembroke; NC Robeeon County I I "Buildingcommunicative bridgn in * tri-racial Betting" I .: ^?_ ,>^^0 1 _ ... -LA>_ _ . ^ ? VOLUME 19 NUMBER 4i_THUMSDAY, NOVEMMEE It, 1991 ?GM??OOPr J 3 NASA scholars are selected at \ Pembroke State ,. I "'"'?'if ' 7VM ttwi tM scholar* ^AmMk.** Bhni* o/Ssbifc. Am&ap 6eMnd JkereN Jaf utMmr ?} fbyitteviUe and I <ttUt la/wry of P9fi%bfoh$. ?war three years in a $830,000 scholarship program in which the National Aeronautic and Spam Adminlstia Jon's (NASA) Minority Univarsity Research and Bdoeatiooal Programs will be funding 76 peieent of the total budget < The remainder of the budget will be tended by the participating schools, which will be not only Psmbroh* State but also FaystteriUe State University. I Dm three ton broke State students am Janat Hants od ftahna Jay Loddear of Fayetterille, and Leslie Loony ad tonhrohs. AD ara freshmen. Harris is majoring in blo-teadtetaa, Loddaar to computer adanoa, sad Loony in The objectives of tea project include increasing tha pool kmwdifiad minority scientists aad engtosets. Writing tha proposal was Dr. Lao Edwards, Jr.. vtea chancellor for aeademfe attain at FSU who will sarra as project dtreotor. Co-planner is Dr. Pate Wish, professor in tha PSU Fhyaieal Sdanca Department This ia a eoilabontiva project batwaan Pembroke State and PSU. A total od ate atadanta (thraa from aaeh institution) bars boon eoiacted. aaeh receiving a full saholanbip, 75 pofeant od whieh la paid by NASA and tha balaaea paid by tha participating schooia. Eaeh NASA scholar w<U be placed under the guidance od a mentor/ raaoarch faculty advisor. Eaeh will also participate in a research project, five a seminar each yaar, and visit conferences aad raaoarch laboratories for which they will be provided tending. NASA aehoian will alao have tha opportunity to have summer n search experience in both governmental and industrial maoanh facilities. Faculty mentor, for tha PSU NASA aehoian an Dir. IAooard Holmes for Janat Harris, Dr. Jooe DArrada for Jay Tncldaar. and Dr. Paul Flowen for Leslie Loony. Harris ia the daughter sd Dr. and Mm. Hocaea Harria od Safana. A graduate od SmithfMd-Sakna Senior High, aha ia a Chancellor'a Scholar aad tha ia?lpiant od an Afoanri Admiaaiona Scholarship. She plans to go to mediae! eehooL Her honom in high achool included being a member of tha Nstisnai Honor Soctety and Bate Chih. Loeldaar ia the Mn (d Mr. jmd^drrDi^^lW^Uav salutetorian of his grmlC^g'eUira^Mlo^ Class president, and yaacbook editor. * "w- ? ? r Uwiy, a Lowiy, Jr. od Fbmbnha. A graduate ad PtamaH Sorett High School, rite wants to go to gmdaato school after graduating from college. At PSU, aha ia a Chan cello r'a Scholar and alao haa won an nihnhainna sehokrshin fit high achooL ah# was penridaot od fee Bate Club, secretary od tha Natfonal Honor Soctety, a U.B Congnaaional House Fhga, aad winner od a John L Carter Memorial Scholarship. Itwwt StOfh Ctarirtim) ? j?imnr ft PHM" Stlte Uahwrity autforiog in political sctoaoe withflaos to attend tar school, woo the "hfiasFwatonta Stale Unirer Aad to odd to her hooort, too became one of to tow coeds in the history of the event to win "Miss Congenial ity1'as wall as "Miss PSU." She said after Oho was awarded the trophy te "hfiss ConoeniaUtv .* she really dhhtt expect to wh "hflss HU.'Twssahocfcod, tat it toll gtsaC* said the 20-yoor PSU's Baptist Student Union to observe golden anniversary 7%u it tka fnmt of tik? BfMit Otmtint Umon at Ptmbroki 5Mi wkich toil (.uiifcn |? J njd tiU W|p denoted trior by over $00 toptfet hyw acroee MrA Carafes. Tkt tafthng to 6twdfhuJeghctionatelp PRTi Baptist Student Union wffi observe to Ooldon Anniveoerr in relihralien of 60 mn of eerviee htatojr, F>?b. 8. tho earn# date as PSWe homecoming. Whereas FWs hnmeiamlng actistoso wffl take place in tto atoraoon and evening. the Baptist Student Union relihretion has nehedtded to program to being at 11 a.m., followed hp hinch at noon. fcamtSeoarthe stats, donating their iabor to hiriMPBlft Baptist Stadnat Union building, nicknamed "lite Baptiet Church in Fhinnont under the leadership of Paul Chairing the inimwitoe planning the Golden Annhmr amy telataatinn is Bon 8ender?, who has been Pembroke State's Baptist Campm adniater since 1087. PStTs Baptist enmpns minister ton 1078-84 and lad in the building at "Ike House. Hardin an. 61, has been Bpatot campus mininlar at Weetan Carolina University tar the laat eemn yean. ? ? ? - ? - QH.MboH.lSfrfowMlt?t _ ^ ?a w?? WU*l homecoming hm ia 1990 M well a? being homeoomiafjiaeen of CMctaa Wgh Scbooi. Ftmraowrupiatbepegeent wseTebitheCoUins, tbe daughter of hfr. aad Mm. Tnvis CoOiat of Maxtoa. Saaoad nmaarap wat Calaeto Oxeadine, the danger of Mr. aad^Mh. Me^QxtadfaM of lUmhml. ^ as "The Ho?." 1U PSUBtftut 9tmd-t Umon iM thaws a? Qold Ammvnmni f%6. 8m?di* mvitmg . . o0 who wiM on the building back for tk? festivitie*. "I am looking forward to returning to Pembroke," said Hardman. "TWhid thnns of my Ufa was there. Pembroke mm a special place (or me--the students, faculty, staff and Ik* people in fln ana Grant people." Hard man says he Marks a great deal Am with the Native American in ? Cherokee, located about 25 minutes from WCU. Hardman said one ef the first volunteer groups to work un "The House" MM "put together by Ceefl Frtdy, then the indw of mlesloee at Frank tin, NC, and now pastor of Turku ages, NC Baptist Church. His men had flaps on m* dalestsd"^ Among those planning the Golden Anniversary islofer alloc of the PSU Baptist Student Union are Henry If earns, who wochad on the building and ia helping to routart farmer volunteer laborers; Dnnford Groves, who along with Masrss and others is planning the program; Mndn Todd ear, Mary Thomas and Groves, who are gaAaaing a Mat of names to send invitations; and Gene Waanea who is in charge of publicity. Vhr more lalormatloe. telephone (919) 521-8777. As "Mia PSU," Ranee received not only n crown, mln opportunity to compete in the "Mia NorthCm^ . lina'pngMrt next Jane. FortbstpagutAyAa mill receive en additional Sl,300 clothing allowance In the "Mies PSU" scholanhip pageant, which ie pre eenied each year by the PSU Shedeut GovenanentAaeo cierton. Ranee wee yneond by Delta Sigma Theta" Sorority, of wbich Ae fc a member. Judge Brooks elected to Law Alumni Association Board of Directors Carolina at Cfaapol HU School of law haws bMii sloctsd to tfao board of diroetoro of tfao 6,800-mambor Law Alumni H? board raprosaata N.C. Judicial districts in tha state of tfao School of Law. including alumai affain, IL..J rmlmlnw mtkA nnUio ? mttnlmm* mWlnaia TV* luiw?1 ninfl raising, sno puonc uiu RuiQ6ni rcnuons IT10 dosfo alao governs tfaa sahooTs flaaneoa. Now ottearo. wfao wfl] sorro ana terms. ant Louia P. Horntfaal Jr.. a IMS alumnus from EUaafaoth CKy sanwimting tfaa IWt Judicial District, proaMaot: 0. Befaard Wrigfat Jr.. a ltTl alumnus bum Tabor OMg. roproasnting tfao lSth Judiaial District. first visa pridilinii and Jofaa B. faroai, a 1MI alumnus from JbhoviDa, representing tfao Mth Judiaial District, aooaad pruMsat Now board mombon who will Mm fMsgrtonM wpsu- rv mmami srmniM aax 27 ^ I I liflim *f?j?%?. . W* j W* lfoom^ Mottty :70m PmSSSfmnB^thaCMft QUadSW(bOdJiT?ib IfirimtofcuriRarioto Four. Barry *?a?c Baas tommy Pttrc* Tiiiaday 120(11 ThaBadfcMcririy llaritcapsTldwir fhw Si^ Oaiclger ^ Thomas Jaflanon Pmtntm ForumMuirtain AudUbon BMasAMioB" Factory2 _ __ Church '%??;. ? ?rih . wirhasdayi2M/Qf Pantwfca Fom Barry IttarajoT \MnM?r Horror 'fm^FomMT |Th?Et?cttcMcntoy TEMF 10:30 Mmnvs pmtcx 1 j , _ : Habcr ftcmyi tiwMy'12Mf PambrcM Fonm Murim Audubon BadsXnanca Fflnirelkhiirt Man Of LJ9N"in9 Paml^ Forum Ban |Thi~Qiija4Cotactor - 1551 ' Ejian Bass Friay Tawii ThaEliiclfcMentaay InadiARiMcs TMdtriMKa~' PanMk* Fosur*SrwwrTTTh?ElwancMcinM^ ijndKapasEcMn FaOoyt Socm ..if.???!? Church Stfur&y 12/7/61 FWrrtirctsa Forum Ban ThaCfcaatOolaotor Ha^OodaTafcars iPmibroke Fofum jrMmOrotoa Form MuatamjAudtlKin BtdsAmanca Bats _ Uttarn^ Fa? Sunday iawli ^ Piniriaha Fcm Ban ThaftaatoSactoT " "wjiMtfo OodaTaiifs IRaaBNtotaun PanCro* Forum KuataanlAudUbon Bads'Arrnia Bm> KjQsrtig |FWh ttlttPM 2rif%l 400 pw 6:00PM IflOPM lOflOPH Mor*% 120111 VMnriwHomar Parrfcrcka Forum Ptartt Tht EMric Montaay IrmdaAtMct MdaAMaUca Pwfcroka ForumShamn Haftor Factory 1 Scott fua^l^wT FamcrotsaRirum Mm Of Upitog PamamriFii^Bin *TWa OuNrt t5o?iwior iNmqoOodiTaiws' Pairii^l^'' < T ?; Et? i_ "^rr" ? fiK wa<inasxl%l2tW 'tntfdaAMatai' Pambroka Forum Sharon "Tha ElacirtcMonday?Laridacapas E<Mn ThaSun Daggar E^ThormJaftarson Sect _ _ Factory 2 Qwh Ttuid* "raSi MmP Oadafaiam Pwftroka Fawn" Pm**? ForvnBamy mmic Nt^'Hom? Parrtcotw Fawn Poor* KaBarig iFaarot Nriror fitty "'TSmT fhaBart Oagp* ^aThomaii'JaTlarwin"" Pambroaa Form Muatam Amnion Msimiinoa Pamtwti Forum Richard Man Of Ugfiwg . ? Ml Eakr Saturday i2fl?f Wirakwhiew SftiioM Forar, PMrta'" Piiii^ForviT.Muaiam AudkircnBadsAmanti 'PamfiroMi ForumfccTard ManOtUgliwtg' Hmbyf- FMh _ Eafcn , Ml' ' 12M1 VMhM0? Hom? Raafttfa Pom* Porta NaSiiaForur. Muaiam AuditorK Amanca Pamorow Few R chare ManOtUjr#rq 1 1?' mbMi* w 0 mwuies oerore Mci "Jngruo ' All other timet C-Spu 8, the Smote

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