I Published each Thursday since January 18,1973 I I me Carolina Indian Voice I Pembroke, NC Robeson County "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting | ~=7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 2,1992 25 CENTS PER COPY J Attorney Ronnie Sutton Announces for NO House Pembroke Attorney Ronnie Sutton a Lumbee Indian and Partner in the law Arm of Lickler . , Jacobs and Suttin Pembroke, announced nis cjndidaijr for the North Carolina House of Representatives for District 85. Attorney Sutton is now serving as the Chairman of the Robeson County Democratic Party. He indicates that he wiH step-down from Iha^osition upon filing for the II just seat. JoAnn Lockiear, also a Lumbee and First Vice Chairman will automatically succeed him as the Democratic Party Chairman. Bom in the Burnt Swamp area. Attorney Sutton lived primarily in the Saddletree community until he joined the Air Force in 1958. After four years in the Air Force he returned to Robeson County and attended Pembroke State. In 1964 he returned to the military as a Naval Officer and earned his Naval Flight Officer Wings in 1966. He continued to fly with the Navy until his retirertient in 1982 with the rank of Commander. After retirement in 1982 Sutton earned a law degree at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and practiced law with the Locldear, Brooks, Jacobs and Sutton firm. In 1989 Judge Dexter Brooks left the firm upon being appointed a Superior Court Judge and the firm became Lockiear, Jacobs and Sutton. I Prior to attaining a Juris Doctor Law Degree, Sutton received a Bachelor's Degree from the University of West Florida and has two Masters Degrees from other institutions. Attorney Sutton's law practice is primarily in the area of personal injuries litigation and that affords him the time to serve in the House of Representatives in Raleigh. His partners are solidy behind his decision to seek the House seat. The son of the late Willie French and Vergie Oxendine Sutton, he is married to Geneva C ha vis Sutton of the Philadelphus community and has two daughters, Ronette and Fonda. His late father-in-law, John French Chavis, was a prominent farmer in the Philadelphus community. He lives with his family about a mile from the old Philadelphus School location. During the three years he was in law school after his retirement in 1982 his family resided in the family home while he commuted from Chapel Hill on weekends. Sutton states that he has received support and encouragement to seek the House seat from whites, Indians and Blacks in both Robeson and Hoke Counties. Concerning the delay in redisricting caused by the Justice Department, Sutton believes little if. any redisricting changes will be made in Robeson County and surrounding areas. The main affect will be a delay in filing anda delay in the primary election. Attorney Sutton is a member of the Robeson County Bar, North Carolina Bar, North Carolina Bar Association, the North Carolina Academy of Trial Lawyers, University North Carolina Law Alumni Association, Federal District Court and the United States Court of ^Appeals.. Fourth Circuit Attorney Sutton is proud of the fact that he was the first Indian to Command a Naval Reserve Officer Training Unit (NROTC) serving two major Universities. His Unit served Louisiana State University (LSU) and Southern Universitv (SU) in Baton Rouge, La. LSU is comparable in size to UNC- Chapel Hill and Southern is the main campus of the Southern University System which is the largest Black University System in the nation. In his capacity as Commanding Officer while at the University, he served on many committees including the Council of Deans. Sutton was engaged in the Doctoral Program in Business Administration at LSU when he retired from the Navy to enter Carolina Law School. Attorney Sutton stresses that although District 85 is referred to as a predominately Indian District, he intends to represent all races when he is elected to the House. Open House was held at Pember- observed its Grand Opening today at one of the pamers m the corporation, ton Place Nursing Center on Sunday, 10 a.m. Prances Butler, a corporate partner December 29 from 2-5 p.m. Pember- The privately-oumed facility will be ?* the nursing horn administrator. ton Place .Nursing Center is a fully managed by Pemberton Place he.., a licensed, privately oumed ?a Thomas Jartarsor jPamtrokaFonn Musiam tAuoubcn Baos 4manca Factoy2 Church I jFatt Watfweday 1/801 Parafirwoa Fcnn Bamy ;Na?|0 VrfnsXvHomar ~P?morokaFowrPaane ThaEwctncMy** TEMF 1030N** F?rc? ] Haroor j Factory 1 Thind* 1002 Pimeroka Forim Musiam lAuomy Biros Amanea Pamtrdca FcnanRicnartjManOf UgMnmg j Pwwcka Fcn/a Bar iThaQ?jatCjiactor Fiih I Eakr ; iBasi ' FMy 1/1CM92 Tha Saanc Mennay jinaoa Atretics insda Afiwcs iPwxom Rwjn Sharon Tha?a I 2 Sundar 1/1282 Paracrott Forua Ban jThaQuarCoiacty Navae Coda latere PamowM Forum |Pwntrt*a Rnin MusamiAuoixrort wrcsAmanca Bass ' Katramg ''Fan H'OO PM ' 230 PM ? *00 Pm 100 PM 3Q0PM 1000PM Monoar i*02 llMnaow nomar ;Pafnt**?FonjnPira ThaEiaancMcnwv inadaAttoics mwa Airaaocs ^roott =orum Sharon j. 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Ejkt Surra 1/12182 Vrtrmew Homar Pambroka Forum Paaria Pmcrow Forxn WusJam lAuxcon 0mi /Vaanca "TpamoroM Foarn Rcnard1 Mar Cf Lontnrxj HaTOy Fa? ? i?jcr * Community bulletin board: 5 minutes before each program * All other times C-Span 2, the Senate Shaim it a front tietr oj f\'mb*-rhm Kurtrnq Center. A view of the dining hell of Pemberton Nursing Center* S*y Yon Head | It In The ' 9j Carolina Indtan Voioe