1 : ? ;; j Published Each Thursday Since January 18,1973 I milina Indian Voice Peml 3 / Robeson County Hi I ^5*7 I I ,|Jj l..i.'u??- "Building communicative bridges in a tri-rada/j^ing"** j I Frances Cummings files for NC House France* M. Gumming* lumberton, AC-Frances McArthur Cummings filed February 10th to seek election for the North Carolina House of Representatives-District 87 in the May 5, 1992 Democratic Primary. Ms. Cummings said, "I am running for the people. People are hurting and I want to be an engineer of positive change. My goal is to hglp restore and rebuild a sound government that is reponsible to all the people." She continued. "Good government is the essence of hardworking, dedicated, intelligent, and caring leaden, and it tahes strong visionary, committed leadership working with good government to properly address the critical issues faced by so many people. I have accepted the challenge to improve the living and working conditions for people by offering myself as a public servant" Ms. Cummings is a life-long resident of Robeson County, a member of the Hilly Branch Baptist Chruch and lives in Lumberton. She is employed by the Public Schools of Robeson County as Assistant Director, Vocational Education. She holds a B.S. Degree from Livingstone College, a Master's from North Carolina Central University and UNC- Greensboro. Ms. Cummings is an active member of several local and associations, including the American Vocational Association, NCVA; NC Council of Local Directors; the Robeson County and District 16 Black Caucuses; the Robeson County Democratic Party; and the Eastern Women's Program Council. Ms. Cummings was recently graduated from the NC Institute of Political Leadership as a Fellow. She serves on the Board of Directors Lumber River Private Industry Council and the NC Sicence and Math Steering Committee. Ms. Cummings released the following statement: "I am seeking the NC House seat using as my platform: upgrading educational experiences; increased job oppor tunities and economic security; improved health care and prenatal services ; reducing crime, violence and drugs. "The people at District 87 can be assured of representation of integrity and competence. I will work to see that all children are educated; that people are on jobs and off the streets and that they are safe in their own homes, I want to see taxpayers' dollars spent wisely. Taxpayers deserve a strong economic base and peace of mind that somebody cares. I cafe about the suffering people ot -nor sute and those whef wish progressively in the future. "My vision is firm, my mission and leadership are positive and progressive, and I feel that I hold the 'Key to Progress.' " ? * House Candidate Sutton resigns as party chair Attorney Ronnie Sutton of the lew firm Locldear, Jacobs and ffcitton of Pembroke, officially resigned from his position as Chairman, Robeson County Democratic Party on Thursday evening, February 0, 1992 at a regular meeting of the Democratic Party Executive Committee in Pembroke. At the conclusion of the regular meeting. Chairman Sutton publicly announced his resignation effective immediately. An announced candidate for the North Carolina House of Representatives for the newly formed District 85, Sutton stated that he could not continue to serve as the Party Chairman and run for the state house position because he is in a contested race. Mrs. Jo Ann Locldear, the First Vice Chairman automatically succeed Sutton as Party Chairman. Mrs. Locldear, who was present and who conducted the remainder of the meeting, is an Assistant Clerk of Robeson County Superior Court. She has been employed with the clerk's office for 25 years, and is married to Grover Lockelar. The mother of three children, Mrs. Lock]ear resides with her husband at Route 10, Lumberton in the Saddletree community. Attorney Sutton thanked those present for the assistance and aupport he has received during his tenure as Democratic Party Chairman. In addition, he promised his continued involved in party activities and support to qualifications, competence and integrity. He stated that the Democratic Party in Robeson County and North the Democratic Party in Robeson County and North Carolina is embarking on an era of leadership unsurpassed in recent times. He challenged all Democrats to rise to the occasion and make the 1992 and 1994 elections the best ever. Mr. Joe Chavis, a long-time political activist in the Philadelphus Community was elected to the position of Chaplain of the Robeson County Democratic Party Executive Committee. _ A -MM. -m m Pembroke Housing Authority Board named Pembroke Mayor Milton Hunt today announced his appointments to the Pembroke Housing Authority. Hie Pembroke Town Council adopted a resolution in January to dissolve the Pembroke Redevelopment Commission and re-establish the Pembroke Housing Authority. The newty appointed Housing Authority board will begin their duties on April 6. Hi is will conclude the 90-day transition period from the Pembroke Redevelopment Commission to the Pembroke Housing Authority. Reggie Strickland, former mayor of Pembroke, will serve as Chairman of the. Board; Wesley Revels, assistant principal ; Millie J. Collins, retiree and life-long resident 01 remnron; William E. Loddear, Director of the JTPA Program at Lumbee Regional Development Association; and Dr. Gerald Maynor, Professor of Education at Pembroke State University will comprise the Pembroke Housing Author ity. These appointments are made by Mayor Hunt who is serving his fourth term as Mayor of the Town of Pembroke. Members of the Pembroke Redevelopment Commission were appointed by members of the Town Council. All members of the Pembroke Housing Authority are residents, of the Town of Pembroke. Only in Robeson I Do-Drop-Inn MoteT"" Raleigh. NC TO: Dr. Joseph Oxendine Pembroke state University Pembroke. NC 28872 jDear Chief Joseph: _lei^h i heard , While hangng some sheetrock here ^ my super" laughing and talking about ho going to do away with our "little Brave I I That's a good move for off-rseervated folk igooders) but for a "blood" you are 1 , letmegiveyoualeeeoninlndianiam lO ? I complain or prot^ on fedian issues that affej toaun the affect is promoted or controlled by non-fedises can take Indian humor from our own. I know you don't have a sweat-lodge in that big house that you could uae to get your head clear but you could moeey off to the river and take a long walk alone (don't bring any white folks with you) and think of this mascot thing. Chief, you ate being misled. Pembroke State is the mostrUkely school (team) in the nation to use a 'Brave' as a mascot Please don't make this an issue because we need all of our energy to fight that Columbus lie. Your brother, Jo* fVybreod Sk**trock Hanger ami Cohemniit J his it part of the throng which famed PSLTs Baptist Campos Union budding \nicknamed "The House' ] for the Feb. 8 Golden Anniversary Celebration of BSU at the institution. _ . The two out est past member* present for the February 8th Golden Anniversary Celebration of Pembroke State University's Baptist Student Union were [left] Adief Oxendine of Pembroke IBSUprerident m the class of '44L I rrMtii ? 11 i ?? i ii i ??:? and Tetste Himt of Lemberton [BSU vice president m the class of '43], who art shown hers with Rev. Ron Sanders, present PSU Baptist campus minister who was emcee for the celebration. Rev. Lmdy Martin of Alabama, who teat president of PSVi Baptist Student Union m 'St, admirer a badge from the fifth Yonth Congrett of the Baptist World Alliance that Mary Pinchbeck Teetr wore at lbronta in '59 when the served as president of the Pembroke State BSU. Union Chapel Spelling Bee Winner Gin* Guernsey, daughter of Michael and Connie Blackmon and a sixth grade student at Union Chapel 1 School, was recently declared the winner of that school's 1 local spelling bee competition. Gina will now advance tot I the county competition. 1 Miss Guernsey won in competition over a field of participants who had been selected in preliminary rounds i in their respective classes. 1 Other participants in the spelling bee included Sharon Mclaughlin and Tommy Hunt, third grade; Kevin jocldear, Elizabeth Jacobs, and Selina Demery, fourth trade; Emily Evans and Jessica Dixon, fifth grade; and . Wayne Oxendine, sixth grade. Lula Baher coordinated the local spelling bee. She also! tcted as pronouncer during competition with Pamela' Hammonds acting as judge. ' * PEMBROKE KIWANIS REPORT Mayor Milton Hunt was the speaker at the Tuesday night meeting held at the Town and Country Restaurant Program Chairman Reggie Strickland presented Mayor Hunt, now serving his fourth term. "The new nursing home, Femberton Retirement Center is a real plus for the community. The real hard work of C.A. Butler, C.A. Maynor and Dr. Jeff Collins brought this about It may employ up to 70 or 80 people in the future. This is a big boast for the city. The Pembroke Economic Development Commission was set up and instrumental in bringing The Daniel's Bakery Company into the city. It would not have happened but for the commission. We get economic development grants. Our economic evaluation is less than Lumbertori, Fairmont and Laarinburg. We need industry. Our developing Lift Station will help us in setting more industry. Helping certain things do help in getting more industry. Fleetwood is the largest mobile home builder in the U.S. The HI plant is in Pembroke. Our people work hard and that is why their HI Plant is here. Theee developments, all create a larger tax base as shared revenues help our growth." _ ? Mayor Hunt's address was very positive for the future of Pembroke. ' Dr. Dial commented, "We must toll positively for people to come and we do appreciate the work of the Economic Development Commission. Presiding-Grady Hunt. Invocation- Albert Hunk Song Leader Ed Tests. Program Reggie Strickland. Reporter Ken Johnson.