I Published Each Thursday Since January 18,1973 J I Carolina Iniian Voiefe I Pembroke, NC Robeson County I "Building communicative bridges in a tri-racial setting" E ^VOUJME 20 NUMBER 12 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGREE TO LEASE SCHOOL SITE TO INDIAN SOLIDARITY The Robeson County Board of Commissioners on Monday night agreed to sub lease the former Pembroke Middle School site to Indian Solidarity. The motion was by Noah Woods, second by Johnny Locklear, and the vote was uoanimOus. The site is the location of the first state-supported four year Indian high school in the nation. The main building was erected in 1939 by the WPA. Indian Solidarity, a non-profit coporation is comprised of Indian people and is not confined to any particular geographic area. The membership is open to Indians 18 and older. The ograpization meets the second and fourth Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. each month at Fuller's Restaurant in Lumberton. Among the purposes for organizing are the following: 1. To effectively communicate with people concerning issues that impact upon the lives of Indian people; 2. To promote pride in Indian culture and heritage; 3. To improve the economic conditions of Indian people; 3. To stimulate economic growth and self-determina tion; 4. To promote educational advancement; 5. To work toward improving the lives of Indian people, educationally, economically, socially, and in other areas that are pertinent to self government and determination. Clifton Sampson, Jr. was the charter president. He served for two years and resigned when he filed as a candidate to the N.C. House of Representatives, District 85. JoAnn Locklear of the Saddletree community is acting chairperson. She is also chairperson of the Robeson County Democratic Party. In addition to restoring the historic property. Indian Solidarity proposes to develop and American Indian Center for Community Development. Programs planned are recreational, educational, community meetings, tutoring services, after school activities and a historical museum. Upcoming Activities COMMUNITY MEETINGS PLANNED WITH COUNTY COMMISSIONER NOAH WOODS County Commissioner Noah Woods wfll meet with his constiuenents in three area meetings. The first one will be held Monday night, March 23, at the Maxton Court House in Maxton at 7 p.m. On Monday night, March 30, Commissioner Woods will be at the Prospect Fire Department beginning at 7 p.m. On Tuesday night, March 31, Commissioner Woods will meet with his cons'iuents in the Pembroke Town Hall at 7 p.m. Commissioner Woods is planning the community meetings to receive input from his area relative to the needs and the issues related to county government Commissioner Woods encourages people to attend and ask any questions they would like. The effort is being made in fulfillment of a campaign promisdfrom Woods to be available and visible in the district and to listen to the concerns of the tax payers. DEMOCRATS MEET TONIGHT The Robeson County Democratic Party Executive Committee will meet at 7 p.m. tonight Thursday, March 19, in Courtroom 01 in the Robeson County Courthouse. All Executive Committee members, precinct chairs, and precinct officers are urged to attend. EXCELLENT PROGRESS OF PSU ALUMNI ASSOCIATION CITED Randall Jones of Pembroke, president this year of the PSU Alumni Association, recently cited the outstanding progress made by the association. "We have eight alumni chapters, of which four have their own alumni scholarship programs," Jones said. "Plans are to establish four more alumni chaptere, bothi inside and outside North Carolina." Jones said the Alumni Loyalty Scholarship Fund jnow totals $45,000, its largest total in history. "Last year the association sponsored two scholarships. Nex year we will award three." Joens said that 10 bnew persons have becomne lifetime members of the PSU Alumni Association, raising the total membership to 104. "In our recent alumni phonathon, $25,000 was pledged, of which $12,000 have been collected.' said Jones. "The PSU Alumni Association is on the move, and we invite all alumni to get involved and participate in the life of PSU," Jones concluded. Randall Jones is the son of the late chancellor of PSU: Dr. English EL Jones, who served as president and then chancellor of PSU from 1962-79. In his fourth year as director of alumni affairs at PSU is Glen Bumette, Jr. The 10 new lifetime members of the PSU Alumni Association are $s follows: Malcolm Askew, Raleigh; John Black. Red Springs; James I). and {Catherine Dial, MMton; Gregory Coins, Pembroke; Car) Peed, Hemdon, Va.; Daniel ftuss, Bladenboro; Ronnie Sampson, Lumberton; Frances Stewart-Wallace, Sterline Heights, Mich.; and Sandra Wilson, Red Springs. ROBESON COUNTY AMERICAN INDIAN SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TO MAKE AWARDS The Title V Parent Committee of the Public Schools of Robeson County will award two (2) annual scholarships in the amount of $500 each. The annual awards will be given to applicants who are (1) American Indian; (2) have been admitted to a two-year or four-year college or university; (3) have indicated a program of study in engineering and related disciplines, health science and related disciplines, and business and related disciplines. Awards are available to American Indian students who graduate from the Public Schools of Robeson County only. Interested persons should contact Maybelle Elk at the Title V Indian Education Office, Public Schools of Robeson County, Lumberton, NC 28359 or call 671-6012. ARBOR DAY CELEBRATION PLANNED On March 20, 1992 the Robeson County Public library will stage an Arbor Day Celebration. At 1:30 p.m. the general public is invited to join City officials in the Library garden for the planting of a tree donated by the City of Lumberton for the Library's 25th Anniversary, the Arbor Day dedication program has been coordinated and funded by the following organizations: Canal Wood Corporation, Forest Products Companies, Lumberton Arbor Day Committee and City of Lumberton and the Robeson County Public Library. A drawing will be held to give away a tree similar to the tree being planted. Register for the drawing at the library. cR?3??C (3<3?>JVwer because ' I don't believe in 'ludlan weakness; because '1 don't believe in Vidian (?)egradation. 'Indian cpovert^. Indian <.|)espair. 'Indian (Ignorance. Indian Violence. or Vidian (J)eath. 1 (Relieve In Indian cjommte (?)Jal To Subscribe To The Carolina Indian Voice Call (919)521-2826 Tcdatf