I VaL ~~ ----_ '" ? ****#01 f*. **??>?,. The Pcahik* Mea t Charm it (left to right): threat raw?MaMe Ouata, >VUbert Hunt, Rebcrt Jacwbs, B.wfard Lowerv, Vera Darit Male da; lack raw- Babtoy Lacklcar. Ilaak Teeta, Hcary W. * l)xt'?dkK', l> lirvfa Htwifiw, ?d L'laytM Miijmr. * '. - Pembroke Men's C ho^^ Perform atFmtrth by Gene W wren (This Is rb' last is a serious of articles about persons who will perioral in i be fourth annual Pem broke Stat.- University "Gospel Mask Festival" Saturday, April 17, m PSU s Giveas Performing Arts Center.) The Pembri ke Men's Chorus, which had its begu ning some 48 years ago has sung lot different churches and organizatiot s throughout Robeson County, will perform the pre-concert before Peinl-roke State Univershy's fourth anriu.il "Gospel Music Festi val" Saturday. April 17. in PSU'; Givens Perf irming Arts Center The pre-concert starts at 6:30 p.m The festival begins at 7 p.m. Tickets an $5 for everyone and can be or dered by telephoning the Givens PAC box office at 321-6287 or 1-800 367-0778. The chorus is made up of eight men plus two women: Mable Oxendine. punist for the chorus since its begin ning; and Vera Doris Malcolm who sings with the chorus and plays the Piano when Mrs. Oxendine is not available. Ben ford Lowery is an original member of the chorus, while Marvin Howington is the oldest member at age 78 Other members are Wtlbert Hunt. , Robert Jacobs. Bobby Locklear. Clayton May nor. Henry W Oxendine. and Hank Teets. who is the youngest Lead singers are Hunt. Jacobs and Locklear The only requirements to be a mem ber of this chorus is that one be affili ated with a church and be dedicated to the group." Howington said, spokesman for the chorus. The chorus was started by James Fulton Lowry. who is decerned. The Pembroke Men's Chorus has sung at such places as the Durham CivicCenter. but sings mostly i n the county. They recently performed at Berea Baptist Church and the Pemberton Place Nursing Center in Pembroke As for doing the pre-concert for the Festival. Howington said. "It's going to be wonderful. We can hear profes sionals and setni-piofessionals whom we've never heard before it will make us want 10 work hinder and be mora adept at the performing the music we sing." Howington said tic Pembroke Men's Chorus had as many aa 25 members 35 years ago. but "some died and others just cgust ." The present group practices nor mally each Friday in a building be hind the Town and Country Restau rant in Pembroke. "We usually since tn public hum one to three times a month." said Howington Some of their favorite songs, all written by others, ate "Who?". "It Had To Be Love." and 1 Am His Forever." Howingtoa says he has been sing ing with the group for 45 years ex cept for a two-year period during which he was taking care of his ill mother. "I am really looking forward to this. It will give people an oppor tunity to hear music which they wouldn't hear otherwise," he said. For mote information about the Festival, telephone (919) 521-6213. County Democrats To Meet Jo Aon Lccklear, Party Chair an nounced today that the Democratic Party County Convention will be held on Saturday April 17.1993 at 10:00 ajn. The convention will be held in Courtroom a I in the Robeson County Courthouse in Lumbertoo Heading the agenda will be the election of County offii era to serve thn ugh the 1994 elecrk o cycle. The delegates to the con vention will also be elect ing seven (' ) members to serve on the State executive Committee, which is the governing body of the North Carolina Democratic Party. Hk convention will alaoelect local Democrats to serve as delegates to the 7th and 8th coogressiona I district conventions A number of our legis lative and local candidates are ex pected to bt in attendance. Chair person Lock tear states that "we are expecting a good turnout of Demo crats across theCounty to be in atten dance and look forward to a great year ahead lor the Robeson County Democratic Patty. Carolina Indian Voice Published Each Thursday by First American Publications, Connee Br ay boy, Editor ? ; \ r v i' ^ , Free Service Robert Revels of Breece Street. Pembroke is available for anointing and prayer for fboee in need. Call 521-9166 to giver yoer prayer re quest. Mr. Revels will pray for you, anoont with oil and believes that this will bring about great change in aperaortMfo. "Prayer and imniniing in fiuth will cast out demons of alcohol and drugs, it will cause God to Mess a bnrinsas and bring peace and happiness into a home, as well as financial blessings.* Mr. Revels said He looks forward to people calling or coming by his home on Breece Street in Pembroke! Major Indian Arts Festival & Pow Wow To Be Held May 21-22 , The Lumbee River Aits Festival and PowWow will be held May 21 22.1993 at the RobeeoaCoeaty Fair grounds in Lumbertoo. According to James Hardin. Executive Director of so elation which is qxmeoring the event the festival will feature out standing exhibits and demonstrations in the eastern United States. Hardin said "We expect to have some of the best dealers in Indian arts and crafts at tbia event. Traders will be sailing authentic American In dian aits and crafts including Indian stl\er and tut quotse jewelry. pottery. basketry. *ai* paintings representing the arts and tradkuos of many tribes." He said American Indian artists and craftsmen who produce high quality crafts will be given preference in booth selection. The event will be highlighted by traditional Indian Vrgwrtliifr-Trn^ - given away, we expect to aee the beat dancea and moat attractive Indian dance regalia at this event," he mid. traden ate expected to come from tnbee throughout the United States Hantio explained that the LRDA hac aponaoead a pow wow near Pem broke in the lhU for aeveral yearn. "By holding the event at the Mr grounds in Lumtorton. we can make itacceaaiMe to mora people and in creaae attandance of tourieta and others wiio have not attended a pow wow before " he mid. "We wish to involve profile throughout the region in the cultund programs qmiaored by LRDA." An tats, craftspeople, or traders who ate interested in sales at the event should contact the LRDA at (91V) 52I-K602 k- obtain an application. The general admission for the event will to JfoM). end SI.00 for senior Cherokee Indian In Need Of Bone Marrow Transplant 5 .7 W !?' **5*? ?'sr'wy'r* ~ M . j$ -' ~; ?:? a r7..* ? *>-? ? ^7 "T*^.?Tr by Tami Brswa Johaaie lot, WMBber of ttaft Chero kee nttko tribe, bora tod raised, graduated high school and currently lives with is wife and one eon Kill at home in Tahloyah. Oklahoma, was diagnosed with C.M.L. (Chronic myelogenous leukemia) in Septem ber of 1992. In April. Johnnie will be 40 years old. Up So that point. Mr Ice was a long haul truck driver, was very active in everafhing he did from sports to work and with Us children as they grew up. He has four children, two boys and two giria, ages 16,29.22 and 24. Johnnie says that he has always looked at bfc with some degree of challenge smce he hasaslightiy lame left leg and by some is considered hsnflnppnd. Johnnit never thought of himself that way and never let his "handicap" stand in the way of ac complishing any of his goals Everything was going great, there was one aoa left at horn* and life was good for dm Ice family when after some extraordinary fatigue. Mr. ice raw his doctor. The initial diagnosis revealed s small mass in Us lower did not heal properly Unfortunately the next doctor'! vital revealed that Johnnie had Leukemia. A initial match of the National Marrow Program regiatry revealed one preliminary donor, however, confirmatory tearing verified the match waa not totally compatible. So the Ice frmiiy continued to wait and wait for new* of that perfect aome oac out there who could tave Johmne'e life Johnnie iant giving up. He aaya bell beat thia aa he'a beat other odda that have confronted him in hie life. But without a perfectly matched do nor, hie cfaancee become afimmer and slimmer. On April 12 JOkanie waa notified by his trar?)4am doctor thai there ia a perfect 6 out of 6 match in the Engliak regit ?y. Mr. IceneedaSISOO to pay for confirmatory teats to vali date the tompntibility of thia new hope. Mr. Ice has already gone through the proceas of verifying through I.H.S. that tf ey will pay for the mm row traoepiaM. feat they hate infect set aaide 'h. money for the pwoe dure.howrvfrtwocnUcaldungaiauai happen fire: e perfectly mntche^ a donor meat be found and in the ?mount of limn dm* I.H.S can m aervadw fjndlng fara mam >w trans plant far Jot ante Ice. Time m tici tng away faster (turn we can write a ticiaa to tall everyone how they can help Be teated.be a donor, conaider ha v ing the stmp e btood test ao that your Heme type can be emend in the Na tional Manv w Donor Program regis try and coerider tending a unall or large donati* <a to help Johnn ie pay to confirm the donor found in the En gltah regisir. Nominations Being Accepted For Annual ? Lumbee Indian Community Service Awards The Lumbee Regional Development Aaeociatkm it preaeaMy accepting award nomination! for dm 1993 Lam bee Indian Community Service Awarda Tim categortea are ae fol iowe Henry Berry Lowrie Award. Dietinguiehed Service Award. Bmiaia^arann of dm Year Award. Advancement of fcdacalton Award tai Middle School <b? High School tc) Poet-Secondary School Lumbee Elder of the Year Award. Hamilton McMUIian Award All nomioatioae nwal be autmuned on an official nomination form. Nominatioac mnat be made tea ape ciflc award and atcompanlad by a paper clippinga. chatkma. letteta of auppon and photoe). All documen tation diould be arranged in an or Olflcial nominahon forme amy be obtained by contacting Wanda Locklear at (919) 521-1402. at LADA Urn deadline for nominatioaaia May 14.1993. ?

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