i^i^rrrriot ?" ^ ^ " thursday.wmu.^ ^ ^ 2^ p^copy ^Bpaiwtmmwmmmmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmmmmmmrnmrnammmmma^ma^bmbmMMM The reigning Little Miss Lwnbee Natalie Nicole Locklear William Lowry Named To mi&m Commission Gov. Jim Hum recently appointed Elbert T. Buck of Wintervilie. Wil liam A. Lowry of Pembroke. Charles L. Mann. Sr. of San ford and State House Rep. Peggy Stamey of Ra leigh. to the North Carolina Parole Commission. He also named as chait Juanita Baker, who was appointed in May. As members of the five full-time member Parole Commission, these individuals will help make decisions regarding paroles and inmate popu lation in the state and advise the Governor in clemency matters. Stamey. 61, has represented the 63rd district in the North Carolina House since 1983. She is chair of the transportation committee and vice chair of the Finance committee, the Education subcommittee on Com munity Colleges and Universities, the Constitutional Amendments and Referenda Committee, and the Rules, Calendar and Operations of the House committee. She received her bachelor's degree from Brevard CuUege in 19S1 and her master s degree from the Univer sity of Maryland in 1968. She is a member of the Women's Forum of North Carolina., the National Order of Women Legislators, the Cary Chamber of Commerce, and theN.C. Human Relations Council and the National Association of Women Businesses Owners. In 1990. Stamey received the Woman of the Year in Government Award from the YWCA. Buck is a parole services manager with the NC DepartmeM of Correc tions of Adult PtobotioufParole di vision and has been with the depart ment since 1968, as a unit supervi sor. a parole officer, and a rehabili tation counselor. He received his B.S. in business administration in 1967 and his M.S. in rehabilitation counseling in 1976 from East Caro lina University He served on the Pitt County Board of Education from 1987-90. Buck is a Lt. Colonel in the National Goard, where he has served since 1967. He was activated for the Persian Gulf War in 1990 and received two Army commendation medals while sta tioned in Saudi Arabia. Lowry, 34, is a probation and pa role officer with the N.C. Depart ment of Correction He received his B.S. in business administration from Pembroke State University and is wotting toward his master's degree in administrative studies at PSU. He is a member of the Pembroke State University Braves Ciuband the University's Alumni Aarociation.and has been secretary and vice preai dent of the Pembroke Jaycees. He is also vice chairman of the Lumbee Regional Development Association board of Directors and awards com mittee and the Lumbee Federal Rec ognition Committee. Mann, 62. was an administrative assistant in the 11th Judicial District Administrative Office of the Courts from 1988-90. From 1964-88, he worked as a probation and parole officer and a hearing officer for the N.C. Parole Commission. He is chairman of the Sanfotd Lee County Airport Authority, com mander of the American Legion Post 18 and member of the Veterans of Foreign Wats. He is also a member and past chairman of the Jonesboro United Methodist Church board of trustees and past chapter chairman of the American Red Crow. Pow Wow Planned AMERICAN INDIAN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING SOCIETY POWWOW JalyS. 1993?IIAM-6PM PEM BROKE STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS PEMBROKE. NORTH CAROLINA Master of Ceremonies: Ray Littl eturtk (Lumbee Cheraw) The PSli AISES Chapter invites all singer* and dancers, as well as the general public, to come and enjoy an after noon of intertribal singing and danc ing. NO ADMISSION CHARGED Information: Brantley Chavis (9191 521-2955 or Timothy Junes <9191 843-5813 Head Man Dancer: Anthony Fields (Muscogee Creek-Cherokee) Head Lady Dancer: April Whittmore (Lumbee). Little Miss Lumbee Pageant Set For June 30 With 15 Contestants Vying Fifteen vviil in the Little Miss Lumbee Pageant to be held June 30 at the Given* Per forming Aits Canter on the campus of Pembroke Stale University Linda Lock tear and Milton Lowry will share duties as Mistress and Master of Ceremuntev The theme far the pageant is "South of the B?n derThe reigning Little Mum Lum bee is Natlie Nichhokl Lwktaar. She h the Jnughler of Leu mm! Y voonc - ra.-ll. ' -?: *? LockeUi of Pembroke. The fifton cuMestaiNx and titetr parents are rhown below _ AifcWy Danielle Hunt Greg ft Li? Hart 7~ T o?i? L jcktof ft Vaaiaa Tyoer Whitney Mwkeile Lockker Guy Locklear 4k Tonys Locklear ? # >r ~4H? AlyMM Loree' Lowry Mr?. Cotmie LocUear k Mr. Virgil 0. Lowwy Mereditk Leaaae Knot Mr. Jk Mr*. Dely Haot 5 ?-????? .. - ? ?! MIIIM fl Keri Ashley Harris DrngkmofOmyAJmliM Hmri* Meafaa Leigh Maynor James May nor, Jr. ft Roxaima Amber ffltoh Cktris Richard Graea h Robia B. ami, ? AitaM KaayaUojrt Billot Jk Kjvm Uojrd ???- - __ DmMIc UmU Caaadjr David Bar! A Marlya Caaady Bone Marrow Transplant Fund Contributing the die Native Ameri ! can Bone Marrow transplant Fund 1 this week: David Weinstien of Lum bertun-S50.U0 Concept One Insurance (Jason 1 Oxendine) OWsmar. Fla.-S50.U0 > Total for Fund: $1730.04 I Contributions may be sent to: P.O. , Box 2460. Pembroke. NC 28372. I Checks should be made payable to the Native American Bone Marrow Transplant Fund. Contributions are tax deductible.