fa i cardlFna I IP? i J <Incflan ^oi?C I [ "bulking axmnunktitot bridges in a VOLUME 2$ NUMBER 35 THUMSDA Y, SEPTEMBER I 1993 ll| iMj illl "Can" Chavis Honored For Dedicated Service by Purnell Swett Students Shewn left te right: Principal Bill Ja?ea Brewingten; WilHani "Can" Chavit; and Pope Rnyce McNeill, Athletic Director. by Yvonne Dial . School, Mr William "Can" Chavis is considered a superstar due to his genuine character and personality At Friday night's football game. August 27, between Puraell Swett and Wegovg^M^JCM^jjsahoMredb^ the Pureell Sweat High School A*tet?c Department. Bill James Brewington, principal, presented a plaque of appreciation with Pope Royce McNeill, PSHS Athletic Director presenting a jacket representing the school to the honoree. Chavis retired from the PublK Schools of Robeson County in 1988 He is a life long resident oftfae Prospect community. Upon graduation Horn Prospect High, he decided to move lo Detroit, Michigan where be became employed by the Chrysler Corporation. He served in the military from I951-195S and served during the Korean Conflict. In I960heieceivedhisB.S. degree from Pembroke State University and became a teacher of social studies and general science at Prospect School. Dunne this time he also served as a coach for girls'basketball Afterwards, he served as an assistant principal at Prospect School for sixteen years Serving as a member of Island Grove Baptist Church, Chavis has held the positions of Sunday School Superintendent, treasurer, clerk and assistant Sunday School teacher. amawpay He is presently a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 2843. Pembrok(u||Mhnrter member of the AmericsaE^oofrn 205; the Pumell Swett High Booster Club; and Pembrote Stale University's Braves - - >11 ?4>Y.' ? "Can" Chavis has atver oeassd to be involved with church, school, fivnily. friends andboys and girii He has received due respect for his dedicated services, gifts, love, stosy telling skills, humor, and words of Dream Comes True For Local Auctioneer /[ itL Wiban T. Locklear of Pmbnkt is iksva above. Locklear recently graduated frm the Mendenball School of Anctioaeering in High Point, NC. He attended an intensive program of study in order to obtain Ms auctioneer's Ucenst. He is employed at Pales Sleek Yard where he has beee awhrtsg Adelph Stewart far the past several years. Lecklear also serves as auction eer at Pee Dee Live Stack ia Galivaat's Ferry, SC. He has been serviag as wrtiimr for ckiirily i aactiaas for focal cbarches. L^cttoar b available to 4a chairty He baa always waated ta be aa aactiaaeer? Bcuji raised wear Pa t es Stackyard, Lecklear has accaan piisbed bb Me bag gaal af becaai tag aa aactiaaeer. He b the saa af the late Paabae Lewry aad the late Fleyd Oxeadiae. He b alsa the eraadsaa af the late Leaaard aad Raby Lacklear af Peaibrake. COLLEGE DAY College Day to be held at Pumell Swett High School the guidance de partment will he tponsoring a college day on September 22.1993. from 8 30 a.mto9:30a.m The program, which highlights post secondary educational opportunities, will be held in the school gymnasium. Students who are inter ested in pursuing some form of educa tion beyond high school are encour aged to attend Parents are also in vited to attend. Prospect Class Observes 50th Class Reunion ~ -???. ?? Prespect High School Class of 1949 celebrated their 50th class reaaiaa receatty at Lakeside Seafood Restaaraat Highway 211, Red Spriags. Everyone enjoyed a ddawsi scadsad diner* The teachers were Charles Lather Maare, Cartas Maare aad Evelya Hut Shawa front raw, left ta right: PriscflU Lawery; Peartiae Lacldear; i Mary Jaae Chavis Callahan; tecaad raw, Reala McMillaa, Bessie L. I Ballard, Carrie J. Lacldear; Eauia B. Brewiagtoa; third raw, Wilsaa (j Chavis; Mary L. Beasley; Gladys ByHard; Oara Lacldear, Ladle V Seat pea e; (earth raw, Verpe Lacldear; Zettie Mae Lacldear Fawler; | Fred Lacldear; Laaaie Lee Mayaer; Harbert Maare; eat pic tared: PerceH Jaaes; Tain edge Lacldear aad Betheaa Lacldear. 4 . Clea Barton, Agent For kTierican United Insurance )? i newest addition to Jamestown Entei prises is American United Insiu mce Agency. The agency is located at the Jamestown Complex, near Converse. The office at Jamestown is the fourth office of American United Insurance Agency I V ompeny has been in business for merican United Insurance aiuses in saving mooey fortbose ed of insurance They promise to v all drivers and can arrange a < w >.ient schedule for insurance with ! low monthly payments They i i >uragc drivers to come by and let | " t give them the best rate available Lwill insure those who have had i i, accidents, tickets, and poinu I and still rave the customer money, i Telephone quotes are also available, i American United Insurance I Agency has been located at lamest own I Center for iust over three months. The i agent for the compaavisClea Barton. J She is a former school teacher, having t spent thirteen yearsin the pubbc school I system. A native of the Mt. Airy I community. Barton is the daughter of Bill BuckandOdamaLockWm. Shalt married to Fsnes Barton. Jr. and titty have ? 22 year oid daughter. Shetona. who is a nursing atudent at Sandhills Community College The Bartons ? have ons grandchild. Chtlssa ' IWiatU Barton is a graduate of Pembroke Stale University and fnlln*rn^ her ICACnUly tWCCi* UpCiHWJ I vKWUM store in the Mt. Airy Community. She is licensed by the State of North Carolina in lasumnce and Real Estate She is licensed to issue all kinds of insurance, including life and health, jroperty and casualty when asked why she decided to manage the office of American United Insnrwos. she replied: "1 love working with people. Bcinw available to save a tersoo money on his inenreact needs e a greet way to sestet others " Ctaa i 3 art on invitee her friends sad - icqueintences to visit her A amestown Canter and lot her a?t ? hem an insurance quote. The office 3 kmits are from S a m until S p.* - Monday through Friday. ? Broken Hearts and Summer .1 Fall is the season for the start of school, turning leaves, cool weather, basketball, football, and broken hearts. wiaTpEoeon a Town of Pembroke football team. The number of youngsters who are turned down for the teams depends not on playing ability aiooe Many cuts are a direct esult of a lack of fending for the teams. When there are fends to outfit only twenty-four players and more than fifty youngsters try out for a team, hearts are broken These cuts go a Ions way toward making the youngsters feel worthless, unwanted, and frustrated because no matter bow hard they have tried, how enthusiastic they are. or how hard they ate willing to work, they are not given a chance to prove themselves. To deny any youngster the right to be part of a team, to leam the social skills that teamwork teaches, and to earn responsibility as part of a wholesome unit is to encourage these youngsters to seek other ways of belooging-frequently the wrong type of "teams." The business people of Pembroke <ften aee the results of theae wrong tffQUPfi of yountftfcfi hopttft, vandalize, and rob. Theasnd ?O "belong" is strong in young people Ife very merchant in Pembroke would contribute one-half of one percent of then monthly profit to the (porta teams sponsored by the Town of Pembroke. these youngsters would have a better chance then they have today. Any contribution from the Pembroke businesses would beaheip. So would contributions from the general public Our county is. right now. being racked over the coals by the world media. If as much effort was put into riwwing our children how to compete, instead of steal, bow to work, instead of look for the "easy" way to get what they want, how to be proud of who they are. instead of being shamed by their county of residence, as is put into advertising by local merchants-our youngsters would stand a much better chance to becoming productive adults. ???? Only when the peoplc^Mtd begin ?o change Aea^Siw way we are viewed by he world and by ourselves Will you invest in the foture of our youngsters, of our town, of oar public image? Please help show oar. youngster* thai we value them and their efforts and help mead tbsir . broken hearts. Contributions may be made by ! contacting Lacy Jacobs, Coach. For * fi^ftiar jnfrifni^Ptjiet n<mlm iW IlanrJta runner information contact iw.jpooot * a?M2l4. 5tudent of the Month Selected by Peers Aadrew Lawry, X?<i1 af Tac Kwaa Da, ia ahawa abave with i? atractar Jahaay WnM. Lawry haabeeaaefartedbybiafcltewata dead aa Stadeat af the Maath far the Maath af Septeaiber. He ia a atadeat afTae Kwaa Da at the Na tive Aaierkaa Caltaral Develop atat Ceater (fenacr feaibrake Middle Schaal). He waaaelected by Ma fcHew atadeata becaaae^of Ma iar. He ia a Peartirefce Karate War rior. Lawryie 12 years aid aad to a ! ?tadeatatPeariirefecMiddkSchaal ; where be ittnA 7th pilt. He Iw , beeasstadyiagTaeKwaaDafareii ?Matin aad has earaed We Blae ' Belt Each Maath the itehati wi ee- ! ket the etadeat af the aiaath. At the cad ef the year they will chaoee the etadeat af the year. Oaty thaee har- \ iaf heea haaared dariag the year * - ha ,f - - ?A , J g?- -a .? V Wwl DC Cn|pMC 1? DC DSDCO iMDDCwl * af the Year. The decWaa wW he ! aiade by the etadiate. (Phata by Wild Tarfcey) L OnThePow ? Wow Circuit : The following list of upcoming powwow* is not inlemCil - to be a complete list. Anyone having information abou ' upcoming powwow* not limed is encouraged to sent them to Wild Turkey. PO Box 1075. Pembroke. NC 28372 or fax to (919) 521-1975. 'August 27-29,19th Annual Baltimore. Maryland Powwow. Call 410-675-3535 ? September 10-11.Coharie Powwow Clinton. NC. CnM 919-564-6909. ? September 16-18, Guilford Native American Association Cultural Festival and Powwow Gfeeraboro. NC Powwow Call 919-273-8686 > September 24-25, Tribal Powwow. Indian Trail. NC Call 704-273-8686 > October 1-3, Lumbee Tribe'* Annual Old Style Dance Festival and Powwow. Pembroke. NC. Call >19-521-8602. > October 8-9, Second Annual Native American Heritage Festival A Powwow. Roanoke, VA. Call Britt Romi (D) 703-342-5712 or (N) 703-362-1833. 'October 8-9, American Indian Cultural Festival F ? I ?! '**? fill!., |-| |->M? 1 ^a?S? <->? IlkidlAM ? lyvlivVliICi rlv f |lRll3il OmrCv Cwiipvt'llOli, IlKJleut raocTi v. umnenana v. ouvwy Mcmonai ^ikwiui iwi, rail I 919 483-8442. October 15-16. Waccamaw-Siouan Powwow. Bolton, 9C (Buckhead). Call 919-452-3778. October 15-17. Hapentown. MD Powwow Call 410- - r8S-0254. ' October 15-17,1993 NAIA Pow Wow A Fall :estival Dupont/Tyler Middle School llennilBgt. TN. 14 99 tt-t Ift ilian Trilia no LiCrOOcr 64*Zj| wcncfnii inouvi ? noc r owwow? Vinton. NC Call 919-438-2166. November 11-14. The Great American Indian ixpoetian. Richmond. VA. Call 410-788-0254. November 22-28. Sixth Annual National Nnttve American Ctdtural Aits Festival. Cmi 410-675-3535 November 26-28. Pee Doe Indian Association A "hicora-Waccamaw Indian People. Lena. SC. Contact - 103-523-6790

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