I ' Ik. V O * A ^rt, * ? ? t $E k 9- I^H*<1 r y kii li^KwiBfl I S Aj^jjfTl C ' J8K aK.^i^ll II .' : | ' m J I ? I CD -<( HhE UUf --. I awl - jLaM|| -jWb-'' - - a ? H ? I I I ^ StL I I 1 ^ I f jB 1/ VOLUME 2$ NUMBER 39 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 39,1993 230 PER COPY ? ?| - William E. Loddear Announces f . . . > ' . < _ Candidacy for Pembroke Town Council William ? LockJeur wtmi p v ' f-T ji for the Furtwto Town Council LocUcar has a B.S Degree in Education from PSU, and has completed work toward a Hirer's Desna in Administration at PSU and Appalachian State University 11, lm ?Iritia naafr asit^i Asu-m as a ni row vt&m yens cxpcncDCC is I reachar and coach with the Robeson County School System. LocUearhas ? ? S&>> ofSK mining Program which it haded over owe million dollars annually by the US Department of Labor. Tfes program provider training and/or employment fbr thorn iedividnlt who lack the necessary skills to compile in the labor Ibree; it alto provide* ted* for economic development prtyvti which hat impadedme community. At admiatttrator of the above program, Locklear hat gained valuable experiences, Am he ***** could be mlljfd A addressing the undertake He hat terved on boards and commineatat the National, Sate and local level. He is currently serving as Chairmanof the Pembroke Housing Authority. t win* r foTSf tbe C^Cfthe Town of Pembroke Hd u* rt in - j- j _ involved in me decision maxing jatifciw if n o nniiaeat li >n 111 >< in ee it was designed. Tbm is, government of-the-people, by the people, and for the people, otherwise, we will have a government of taxation without t/v*ifif p&rti that for the oast several months, hi has had the opportunity to talk with many of the community people about their concerns sad he is committed to helping improve the quality of 1Mb for mSeos oftbe Town of Pembroke In order^for government to^be effort n strategic planning to Dftflg about positive changes and solutions This involves short-range as well as long range platting in all foceta of government opetmhrnn, be it, ftacai , 'm la cedes to ruck our fullest potential, eacn inoi viauaJ must accept ? ? ? --*? -?;?,, ?? ? -a ? e^2 ? ? e ? ? 555l?L5f? 2S2yi - ptocrwtaod tame nmioos will r~TL^T^iT^i iTuVi * ~ T ^ your vM OH 4 November 2, HMO. Bp!* 1 ? ?'* ' T"." '-s y"'1 ?"^ LumDees Begin to Organize Tribal Government or- Cythnia L. Hunt In January of 1984, the Board of Directors for Lumbee Regional . Development Association, Inc. offend the following referendum to the members of the Lumbee tribe. mtkiSii Ae LumbefJuSomi rW, , - A? jm-nt /V* a* f A ? MMreciowm WO flu Ivf wc Lumote Tribe om Federal Recogmitiom until (Infer fnM Council is formed ami elected by Lumbee TribeI JSawlwneariiiirriirMpvxi? Tk? ?| | ???? II II a H f (L in ? -*? I ? I i ne purpose Oi tins rercrenuum whether or not LRDA should be authorized to handle matters regarding the tribe's participation in the Federal Acknowledgment Process. This is the administrative route fcr a tribe seeking recognition. In 1989 the Lumbee tribe was found ineligible for die administrative process for which this referendum was held There are seven mandaton criteria that a tribe must meet to be referendum allowed the tribe to meet criterion 83.7(d) which reads as follows: A copy of the groep's present governing document, or in the absence of a written document, a statement describing in fell the membership criteria and the procedures through which the grotp currently governs its affairs and its The Lumbee tribe has never bad one governing body that makes dedanoa for he tribe bat in fact has many bodies within the community that govern or makes decisions for the tribe. For example, Indian matters, LRDA for some social services, and even the Town of Pembroke. Therefore, criterion gave^tbejaibe the option^to fosoi^'whSfoettfoe govweefcs affairs and members This referendum satisfied 83.7(d) by allowhmihe tribe to submit a membership criteria and the Articles of incorporation ofLRDA However, i* Suouiu dc noted in3i Article ID states that "them are no members of the corporation having voting nehts " ^The results of the vote on the referendum were as follows Total voting 828. Yes Votes 796, No Votes 32. These results show thatcmly 9.5% of the eligible voters participated in the referendum. To be eligible to vole one had lobe an enrolled member at the time the vote look place and 18 yean of Me, The total numtrrr of elmbie votania January of 1984was 8/700. The number of enrolled that time. Currently there are over 42,000 enrolled members of the l-umbae Tribe. _This referendum ONLY gave LRDA the aothonxetioB to nuke decisions concerning federal AMY OTHER MATTERS concerning the tribe. LRDA is only authorized to nuke decisions regarding federal recogyitiop through the tdminiitttivt process, and mm such line a Tnbal Council is elected. The Lumbee Tribe mew organise under a constitution i and elect a Tribal Council at any time. I In Csctthe Lumbee bill requires the tribe to adopt a tribal constitution and I elect a Tribal Council The tribe lms the right to fleet a Tribal Council when it chooaat. Now meeting to * dye ooostitudofk eea this dralMs completed it will be pweented to tribril mamben far their members 1 Shears of age and older will eventually have the opportunity to vote yes or no this oonstitution. LRDA'srokmtfariproject is solely to provide technical sasMtnace and training. The final decMon on the constittian is made by tribal members IS yearsofage aad older. The Indian Law Unit of Lumbee River Legal Servfc? is alao providing technical assistance to delegates. Arlinda F. Locklear. Lumbee tribal attorney, is providing legal advice and emmaaI to L^^triWl^Senni2S*K,,,f ?? Blood Mobile Scheduled in area:Type O Blood urgently needed ! Department of social Services. October 12, 1993 from 12:00-4:30 p.m , Pembroke Stale University, October 13, from 10:00-3:30 pm, Robeson Community College, October 19 from 8:00a.m.-1:00p.m., Burlington Industries Robeson nam/ St. Pauls, November 8th from 12:30 4:30 p.m., South Robeson High School, November9th from 830 am 1:00jp rn.. Southern National Bask sod First Baptist Church, November 18,from l:00-5:30p m.,andthe Army . Reserves on November 20 from 9:00 a.m until 1:30 pJB. O, How we Need You! TypeO ? t ? ? I i 'i mooaumearesicoaanua moon type, however there is an uncommon need for Type O done**. Almost half of all blood ca be safely received by patients with anyoffee positive Mood typed Type O Negative blood ceo be safely received by paticnlt with any of the positive Mood types. A premature baby's life cat depend oa transfusions, bat t^e unusual crowns etching and blood typing procedures may not be poaabh. May tiffin?1 -fr1*-0*"* . ' _ ] ?t 7 r " ? ? ??irrn unco, me ? ss^i^'siss ? iartaMe 3 AriKxtageofTvpeObioodts** 1 wont of ail blood portages, became O blood aal be available to tn* trauma ptfieats, aavrafl as meet 4m traaafaaioa aeeda of all Type O pabela. A ahortaga of Type O a Appaatafer Mooddonort ntnn?IH Bacaaae Type O Hood ta coaataotfy aeadad, yea caa play a vital rale in rare eaoupb Type O ia available for pabeata You can nuke a blood donation every $6 daya. , Junior Miss Lumbee Pageant to be held Oct. 9 i' .> *S?EPEB>5ifc .. Ms The Annual Junior Miss Lumbee Pageant will be held October 9. at the Given* Performing Am Canter at Pembroke State Claiversify Nine lovely young ladies will compete for the title offiaior Miss I amiss. The theme for this event will be "Doll Patch USA." featuring Daisy Duke and the Daisy Duka dancers The reigning Jumor Miss Lambee is Kenda Bird, a junior M Purneil Swatt High School She is the daughter of Ms. Glenda Bird and the Iste Keaneth D Bird Sr. ? Pembroke. Contestants for Junior Miss Luinbee jUTT^ Bess^Lainberdet 1 ixklearandCalhenri* Scott Crystal Lynn Locklear. daughter of John Locklear Jr and Janice Lock liar TieaaaKarieoe Locklear. daughter of Rudy and Debbie CLocklearWeodv ?Ana Lowe?, daughter of Wendell and Gloria Lowery. Jaamine Amara Mooees daughter of Clement Richard and Christine Moore. LaTeAia Lee Rogers, daughter of Melvin andTaawa Rouen Jessica Locklear. dauwhteir of ? ?PPP?P| PPWWPP^^P I w" Ted and Marilyn Locklear; JUgen Jonae. daughter of Oeantet and Madeline Jonaa, Rebekah Chantay Revels, daughter of J.D. and Deena Reveb TreMi K. UclJttr I*?1-?" Farm Bureau Employees lb Retire Two Nortti Carolina Farm Bureau employees; John N. Patter and Ned Champion are acheduled to retire September 30. Parker served aa Assistant to North Carolina Firm Bureau President W.B Jenkins and (lampion served as Director of Broadcast Services for the SjaoUtlMHL Parker's career with Farm Bureau ipanned three decades during which le wotted with the Virginia Farm Bureau as a Field Representative and Director ofCommodify and Marketing Activities. He then served the American Fares Bureau as Director of he Peanut. Tobacco and Forestry Departing before North is Commodity Director and Assistant o tne itt hoc in. Of his wort with Farm Bureau totter said. "It has been a privilege md an honor to wort with the greatest >eople on Earth ? American 'mivima M 1?-1 rknmni rui * ?_44, f C ncd Lnnnpmn rcuret win 13 rears of service to the ingniiatiisi [heRaleigh nasivehada varied career a the communications field with Experience in radio and television ?oadcast and public reiarions. For a lumber of yean he was an announcer mhWPTr Radio in Raleigh, prior to anting to Farm Bureau. He said. Tre never done anyttang riuch brought a* much pleasure as rorfcing with Farm Bureau Farmers re open and hooeat people and I have Im highest regard for ail they do for % Faith Baptist Plans Fundraiser for Needy Family a plate nttTto help the anfMatdTI children of die late Willie Locklear who was killed ia an auto accident She hat financial problems and a home ia need of repair. Whea: October t. 1993. Where: Pembroke Town Park, Time: IcMam - Until. Charchee we aaad yam hdp both IWrorieflj and with labor For more information call Albert Dmm al 521-4663 or Mr. Cat Lodtieer* 521-3406. Forvoleleen to work cad Mn. ElaiaeWhite at 521 - 3991. CootnbutioiM an payable to i 4Jth BaptutChurc h kx ioan I .icklea; Fund ftemeaiber "la at much My* Mve done t? unto one of the leaaf of srfiacsjr*-"