experience to tori feto 1800*? and becameaifeyricfen. WewrMcwi though to tow way* fee clearly assimilated toco Enro-American ' cutaae, fee i ? 1 ortocai of toe This weak we turn to other wrifihgs of Ofeiyeaa ? wfeo becaae keowe a* demaaatmit bow finely rooted he ww to toe eedtoonal world of his Stoma Otoyeaa wrote (to Tkt Imkm Today, 1915) about aMoy mpects of and women, their poteatial as society. His view is so important bow becaase it is one of a very few writing of las period, la a dircesskwi of Native Americans and their As a free man Uresdf. he aBows otoers toe nene Incdcm Wito htoi the qtotaml life is paramount, and all end of its ultimate perfection. Drily he and evening from (he highest hilltop in (he region of his home. "Social life is kept m simple w possible, fteedomofacfionanly embed by reverence... and respect for toe portly and perfection of his owe body and tooae of his fellow creatures Only sochlawsarc made as have beea found necessary to guard personal and tribal purity and honor. The women do not associate freely with men outside of toe family, and even within it strict decorum is observed... Birth and linipllii ofwarahbdaafhephydcal thus of be man. aad adf-coa?I a retarded as a rebgioas doty." though QMywi had beca through |?"^dlihlwMhiiililhil to offer ia che way of formal -w?hM he Kill kaew who he war. Aad though he ohvioaaly valued the Hangs he had leaned ia the while aphyskfcaaadcap*fcscrva*ofh*s MMideaoffehij^ieganlhehadfor Che role of woeaea ia iraditioaa] Stoma life: "She has always been the sileat bat lelliag power he hi ad life's acttvihea, aad at the same time shared equally with her ante the arduous duties of primitive society. Possessed of owe feminine dignity and modesty, she teas expected to be his equal ia physical endonmce aad skill, but his looked to for the endowmeat of ber child with nature's gifts and powers, and no woman of any race has ever cone closer to universal motherhood. "She was the spuitual teacher of the child, as well m its lender nurse, aad she brought its developing soul before the "Great Mystery' as soon as she was aware of its coming. When she had finished ber wort, at the age of five to eight years, ahe turned her boy over to his father for manly training, and to the grandparents for traditional instruction, hut the girl remained under ber close and thoughtful supervision. "She preserved mm from all its belongings, and she ruled beve uikjueibim She was. is bet. the ?torsi salvation of be ace; ritvamc was entrusted to her. aad her pawbm was recognized by ail. hwasheidiB aB paltsta ad dbuethm. wider ** in skwp contrast to European notions about women during period la numerous European sod Euro Aawricm writings of be day. we see women described ai-the weaker sex. " as virtually the property of the hash sad Aad despite the best efforts of women's rights advocates such as Susan B. Anthony during the same period, the popular aotioo of the Euro-American woman remained subject to the "doa't-worry-your prctty-little-bead** philosophy of males. To be traditional Siouan man and woman, such a philosophy woukl have seemed at least impractical, if not completely absurd. The writings of Ohiyesa. The Winner, leach us much from the Native American perspective about the differences between traditional Siouan life and the culture of the newer Americans. In the next segment, we will look at what he had to say about Native American arts and industry. For more information, visit the Native American Resource Center in Old Main Building, on the campus of Pembroke Stale University. Lumberton House of Plmques We specialize in Trophies Artywfor all occasions. Open: Tues ? Fri. 10 ajn ? S p.m Sai ( 10 a.m.-4 p.m.) Located at 112 W. Fourth Si. Lumberton. NC 28358 Phone; 730-1207. i*mmWmmm J5sr?t,% ISim?1"" fs&i2i^^e D-flBSffM CuMMtrnf* would like t* inform the general public that she Is at General Dentist - Dr. Mary 9. Cmmmings, DDS, 521-9991,192J. I Main St. Pembroke, NC. f Having ^OProspectJ f^?bl*m,*lth _/>N.Satcllites ? Sound on Your Prcsenrw a*iee a service 1 Satellite System? 1 Call Us!I ^Prospect ym Top of the Une Satellite Road - V^Recetvers starting at ?l(595 \m (Instsllad).Payments as low\\ as $30 month. Sate & Vs. \m Repairs We service \\ /JA ?ny brand. wb CARRY \\ MAKDS SUCH AS \\ m HOUSTON TRACKZR \ ^^p^,^^Cable Not Available? \ We Bring Cable J '""H Meuvn Service To I H HomeIJ ^^^Li^iLsai.ssss Farmland For Sale Rebwee Coaaty-Smith's Township (SR 1338) 170+ acres SI35,000 2000+ ft rd. frontage. 135 acres cleared. Bowie Rd (SR13I8) Philadelphia Township. 95 acresceared plus 5 acre pond. 190,000. Hake Co?nty-(SR 1107 ft 1105). 190+ acres. 42 acres cleared. S68.T75.00 CaB Heiea Lackkar CCIM (919)738-1461 *??mv f 522S*w? CENTER m\r \iMMHHgKmMHaHwwBBBaaaawHwiBp^ Lowery and Hartley to Wed in April Mrs. SueC. Lonery and The late Trurix Leon Lowery of Pembroke. North Carolina, announce the engagement of their daughter. Jan Mane Lowery to Norman Ear! hartley. Mix* Lowery graduated from Pembroke Stole University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She is currently employed as Director of the North Carolina Health Careers Access Program at Pembroke State Voieenift, Pembroke. NC. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James hartley of Lambert on. NC He graduatedfrom the 1Inirersity of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is currently employed by Dnke Engineering and Services Incorporated of Charlotte. NC. The nodding is planned for April It, 1994 in Pembroke, North Carolina at herea baptist Church. Your Bible And You Your Bible is so full of promises and examples about the love of God thai you can scarcely turn a page without finding more and more about His love for you What a wonderful book our loving Father has preserved these many years. What precious part of Your Bible should we read this week'' What example of love would best fill your soul'' Do you remember the story of the woman "caught" in adultery ' Your Bible tills the details in John chapter t. First I have to wonder .how these "good" men of the church knew where to find someone who was committing adultery Second I have to ask why these "upright" men didn't follow the Jewish laws and stone both the man and woman who were involved"' But at any rate some "good" men from the church came to the Master and asked Him what should be done to this woman What thoughts would be going through vour muid if you were in her shoes 'Site knew she was to be stoned1 She could feel His righteousness. His purity He would surely side with the church people But He didn't' The one tmng this poor woman did not know about God was that everything about God is based on love God's actions. His laws, everything - love based That is not the picture thai these people who professed to know God presented is it" They didn't goto her house in love They didn't drag her out of her bed in love, nor did they show the love ofGod in their voices as thev brought their accusations out in public No. she had no idea that God loved her until until Jesus spoke no words of condemnation How long it took we do not know. but whether it was seconds or minutes, it must have seemed like hours to her The last echo of her accusers died down and she wailed tor His pronouncement of her worthlessness Then she heard a gentle, canng voice ask where her accusers were As she looked for them she Kxind herself being wrapped, not onl\ In a cloth robe to cover her nakedness, but in the robe ot righteousness that God offers to each ol us. His tallen children Have you accepted His offer to cover your nakedness" Does Jesus have your permission to put His arm of love around your shoulders" Why nut let Jesus place His spotless record in the place of your sin-filled one'.' Let his death take away the power of past sins and His life the power of present sin in vour life ??nw? A PROGRESSIVE SAVINGS A LOAN. LTD. - ? TNt t I0M0 Mhituwi |ywn.Omte| Accowrt AIdwi You To WHm Chocks WITHOUT A SERVICE CMAftGi A* Lang As TTm Mm Dow Not Fa! Mow $100.00. W Tho IiIwci Doos Fa mow S100.00. A S4.00 MotwHy chvp AM Xk Nr Chock It Mutt wry. TNt Account Dom Nat Ny DiPONTl PtPWALLY MSUNED TO IHMAN A PROGRESSIVE ?AVMGS ft LOAN. LTD. Pediatric Pointers i By JOSEPH T. BELL, MD Teenagers Iwve a lot to deal with- i 4n is obvious. If we have teenagers ( ?t home oe caa remember when we I were teenagers. we know thai s everything seems to happen around I those yean that separate childhood t and adulthood One mabcaJ problem 4 that occur* during this period that i adds to the stresses of adolescence is acne. i Acne usually begins in the one to 1 two yean prior to pubetty. but it is at 1 its worse during adolescence It is 1 caused by a combination ofhormonal 1 stimulation of oil glands and an I overgrowth of certain germs on the 1 skin surface The pores get clogged ' with germs and oil and inflammation occurs, leading to acne bumps There are two types of acne bumps, open comedones 1 blackheads 1 and .losed comedones <whiteheads) Although unsightly, blackheads are easily managed and inflammation rarely occurs. The whitehead is the lesion responsible for the problems seen in acne The pore opening is 100 small to release its contents, the oil. proteins and germs form a small abscess tpus pocket) under the skin alter inflammation sets in The pus pockets can be big and may lead to scarring Stressful events and hormonal changes increase oil production on the face and man; cause tlare ups of acne Hie primary sites ol acne are (lie lace, chest, back and shoulders It *' 2. * ml without i problem. but inori levere forms of acne can scar Scant * ook like sharply puach-out pus. thfl leverity of the acaniag depends oo i ha iepth and iateosity of ihe^ inflammation The treatment of acne must be individualized to the patient For moat mild cases, topical Benzoyl Peroxide jr Re tin-A works well For moderate .rases, a combination of these two along with a topical antibiotic works best For severe cases, a physician may prescribe an antibiotic to be takea by mouth to help control the acne One thing worth noting is thai there are no medical studies that indicate that what you eat plays a significant role in acne For many .ears chocolates, sodas and sweets were thought to provoke acne This has not panned out. For those patients who attest to flare ups following certain, foods, these should be avoided until the treatment is complete We must remember as parents that acne can have a detrimental psychological effect on a teenager, lowering their self-esteem an^ confidence This should prompt us to make sure they are washing their face proper I \ andgetting medical attention it needed. Congratulations lo Robert in Phoenix, thanks tor the call tvervont take care and we II talk next week! . GULF VETS: If you are among the growing number of Gulf War veterans with symptoms that defy diagnosis, advise the VA about your health problems and demand a full medical examination. It's important to be on the record now that the in vestigation is actually moving for ward on whether military personnel in the area might have been affected by various incidents, including the burning oil fields and the fallout from both Iraqi and Allied exploding shells. Remember that the VA pre viously denied any problems, and before that, there was a long period of denial that any mustard-gas test ing took place, let alone that any of the subjects suffered any ill effects. On another note, the Secretary of * Veterans Affairs, Jesse Brown, an nounced the VA will award com pen y < sation for former POWs who u developed ischemic heart disease due to beriberi, a severe disorder caused-by a tack of vitamin B-J in ' * ' the'diet/?ar information, call toll free at 1-800-827-1000. 01993 by King Futum Synd. "fltf/clL.getthe wfiodeneT 3 1 *=> vy5> When Ike ticking gelt tenons, get the serious skin medication for dogs SULFODENE* This veterinarian's formula is the only non-prescription medication approved by the UA Gov ernment for those raw, itchy sores called "hot spots. SULFODENE stops the m*?i * * ? if suffering last Deem* u / SKSSBSSS surname' ms KINIVMM Hit Attorneys & Counselors At Law -Asto Accidsat* -Ptrsossl Injury -Divorco -Child Custody A Support -DW1 A Traffic Offenses ^Willi -Eetatei 521-3413 ARNOLD LOCKLEAR ARLIE JACOBS t RONNIE SUTTON GRADY HUNT No Charg* For Initial Consultation 203 S. Vance St. Pombroko fll MMtjjferirp1 Eli Pharmacist fej| tlfflffffc Cranberries for health 'ijl If yeeV* ever been treated for Madder lnfectkme, j fcwawgjdti.TitfiJiiM ofall?la Cla ttx j j I ^a a - - U ?-? I fl MKT UN "vim MvlMT SI iwnldlni KK ^ AH l good baaWb, mmdom^^h) kdf ycm k*r? itt "* ? ; W I iatinin?i-?w | nil ?l*t: ?fayT 7Y**tm*rt ? 1II Ing rwWWjr XJXff I

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