f Readers' Forum 1 Cornell Locldear expresses gratitude for faith shown in him and for support given TotheEduor thank my family, friends and financial supporters in Robeson County who SSTTwas ihe'winner during the Johnny eagle Talent Agency from Naahville. Tennessee who also Mgpwted me daring my recent np to Kaoavtlle. Tennessee to do a cassette of some of my favorite songs The\ know I will always be grate nil I feel something positive u gouty 10 happen, if i continue and by God s help. I will prosper There is so much talent here to Robeson County It has got to be discovered by someone who can help As everyone knows, out people still have a streak of being jealous This has to slop We must lean* to help thoae who are trying to pave the way for others. We have people here who vnndoaaydawganybody else can do. I have been trying for the pnsf JO years to do something in the entertainment field. 1 do believe the tune has come I and others have paid our dues I am^o thankful to my Cast that things have finally begun happening Please believe ale. they are beginning to happen I know a lot of people have fhith la me and I will always be grateftil The following tsalisi of winners of the Raffle which was recently held at the Golden Comb in Pembroke: Annette Locklear of Pembroke won a Gifl Certificate valued at $25 00 from the Golden Comb. Dianne Oxendtne .?t Red Springs won a Gift ( eniAcate from Glen'sCut n Curt valued at S25. Breada Fields of the Evans Crossings area won a Gift Certificate v alued at >25 from Robeson Tire in Pembroke. Helen Locklear of the Real Estate Exchange won the handmade quilt \ aJued at SI 00 donated bv Nancy Jane Locklear Dial, mother of Carnell Locklear I warn to thank you also l orniee tor keeping your faith in me and keeping our paper, the Carolina Indian Voice, gomg through all these difficult tunes You are an example of fruth we all can respect Thank you and may God continue to Ness Sincerely vours. Carnell Boss Strong ' Locklear Pembroke Kiwanis Report by Dr. Kern Johnson The weekly meeting was held at the Tow* and Country Restaurant. President Buddy Bell, residing Program Chairman Larry Chavis introduced Dr. Ben Chavis of the PSl' Department of Education Dr Chavis grew up in he Magnolia aaaa tua ki A \ llM'f 11" Of Aiupaa. bisDoclpe from the UamfKBfr of VWinNia and has returned home to teach at Pembroke Stale. He has first hand experience dealing with migrant workers, having been ta the real estate business in Anions Knowing the culture of the Mexican immigrant workers, their raid the TJexican^ a great umuRiutioa to the economy of the regions where ever they go There is even a Spanish speaking Mexican group ia die Saddletree area. Contrary lo popular belief, the wages in Mexico are not lower than wages in the United States, as Ross Perot said in his opposition to the Free Trade Agreement The free trade agreement is a good one. thus aiding the economy of all countries within the agreement. Most migrant workers ate single male workers You only hear of them when toy get umo trouble They do a real tWct mihe toBncco A cucumber industries and apple picking Virginia. The Hispanics populations are growing They are very interested in politics Spanish is the most spoken foreign language And it is more important to learn Spanish than to learn German or French TheCathotn faith is their more prevalent religion The Chinese. Jewish and Mexican cultures tend more to being closed cultures, control being w ith the group unlike the government control so prominent on Indian Reservations Song leader-Ray Lowry. Invocation-Vardell Swett. Reporter Ken Johnson The Sunday School Lesson A^ommuMe /*r Mr Mttm s AvcounuMc fur the truth Luke 1-8 Jaws was in ike Temple teaching and preaching the Gospel The Oner Pricati and Scribes with the elders approached Jesus to question His authority The Chief Priests and ( Scribes ware religious leaders who a the temple and taught the law many religious leaden todav they had a form of Godliness but denied the power thereof Had their hearts been right they would not have had any need to question Jesus4 authority Verses V Jesus answers their question with aquestton V* hen asked about the baptism ol John. whether it was horn Heaven or of men. thev reasoned that He put them on the spot They knew that if thev said horn heaven Jesus would Quest ton them as to why they did aot believe John IF they mid of man. then they feared the people who believed John Manx people today are like the Scribes and meats, thev have no foundation on which to believe, so they Just go w ith lbs how So their answer to Jesus was that thev knew not where John ? ^uthontv came from ? la verse 8 Jesus answered thrn< accordingly that he would nut sell them where Hisaurhonrv came from Accountable for Treatment Given God's Servant 'In vcrae 9 Jesus spoke to the people in a potable A parable a an illustration of a truth In thts verse Jesus stana off tellutg them about a certain man who plan tad a vtneyan* The vineyard ownnrlet <* out to tenaaat and went into a for country The vmaynrd is symbolic of fof Natton of Israel, and tbe huabaadmea are symbolic of the Jewfcb leaden As this lesson .* x ek Jesua Is fomellum of for prtens mui scribes plans to kill Hhn Verse 10 Attbeaenaon i pill ally the tune ofharveail the tinner asm hss servmn to pet Ins share of the harvest? The servant it symbolic of foe old nhata asm to foe Marion Aaw^donejjo for Gttaandasaf away - '? - M Verse 11 Attain the owner sent another servant who was also beaten and entreated shamefully In verse 12 the owner sent a third servant to collect his right fill share The tenants' attitude would be established in the mouths of three witnesses (Deut 19 15) We can see God's long suffering with Israel Thev woundeothis servant too The tenants were unfaithful stewards God expects Christians to be faithful stewards We ate to be supportive, generous, and loving in our treatment of his ministers and leaden ^wntatshrJor Unpsait* Uodr to M \ Srm In verse I.I the Lord of the vineyard asked the ?<uestion "What shall I do?" He decided thai he would send his own son and maybe thev would reverence him The servants are symbolic of the prophets sent to Israel, so is the son here svmbohc of God 's son. Jesus who was sent to Israel Verse 14 In verses 1-8 of this Iwifspf wp the religious iesien of Israel had rejected Jesus. God's Son In this verse the husbandmen (tenants) when thev saw the owner's ?m thev reasoned among themselves saving this is the heir come let us kill turn and lake the inheritance Even as lesus was speaking, the Jewish leaders were toaapwingiokill turn Jesus was putting fhetr authority and teligious status m jeopardy Verse 15 They run htm out of the vineyard and killed him Jesus them asked the question What will the Lord of the vmevant do unto them '" Judgement will come hi them thai do wrong Mar* watt pwote crape judgment ar the hand of the law, but God's judgment is certain and j?n Pay day will come some dav Verse lb John III says He came lo Hii own sad Hi sown received UtMIIW* 11 1 -- runt in*. ^nllliVwCiPQHK ^urvKiii Ofverw I5hy mvinv imlgnwnl would cuase to the unjust tsnnats. and the vmevaid would be given toothers So M would be wtth religious leaders tad the nation tarsal Judgment on Israel would be *e nation s privilege of bamg Qad4 pswpteJGod woJcaU by John R. Brayboy Consequence* of Rojft'ting CWV Som Verse IS.Thenation Israelrejected the stone which is Jesus Because Israel rejected the son. the same is become the head of the comer In modern times the cornerstone is largely ceremonial, and is the last stone that the masons put into place It usually has the names of people who were responsible for it In ancient times the cornerstone was fee first stone laid and the building to form was laid out from it. Jesus Christ it the comer stone of the church, the rest of the foundation were the Sles and prophets of the New ment All other stones being built into the church pet their life ftum the cornerstone Verse IS Those who stumble or fell on the stooe will be injured Those that a stone fall on will be destroyed. Those in this life who stumble on Jesus or reject Him may fece grief and lost in this life in order for them to see the need for Jeaus. Those who persist in unbelief beyond the opportunities that (trace gives will be crushed by the fins/judgment of God Ignwuhi' f*r m Clmtd Mimd Verse 19 The priests and scribes realized that Jesus hod spoken this parable about them and they nut upset and sought to lay hands on him that same hour Many times people are like these men They are set in their ways and refuse to do the right dung They become willftilly blind to the truth The priests and scribes feared the people, of they let Jesus be. I believe that Christians get willAilly Mind to growth of the church and Maderttfommovingfotwirt Every Christian ought to have uttermost in their hee* and mindi fee desire to see souls saved and he striving for that In dosing, those of you who have rejected Christ for whatever lame encase yon may have had to this point I inge you to look at fee options yon etetany to heM. Just as fee tenants fecrritrifejndgsmrni front fee fether. SO i II those s ho re (e*. i lesos f a e judgement one day Jesus is fee Savtor now Otis feqr He wMI be fee Jndpe Sen. David Parnell Named to Legislative Research Committee ?miiiI'h ill H?o Lead emergency Management mn n?lul* hi ih?iiWiil DovidPmeU of Pnson to Co-Chair the Emergeacy Management Legislative Research Committee (LkC) "Senator Panell's twenty yean of legislative experience will serve this committee well I am confident that wider his leadership NorthCarohae will continue ssetfurts to become safer sad more atSsmdtiwm ah. m a an a CmffgClK) SllUoIIOlb ilUU I3CC u>. have made great strides in recent years seastoa of theGeneral Assembly. K we can do more " "We must consider ideas to offer greater protection of volunteers of disaster relief effort! as well as reduce response tiaie of disaster relief professionals I look forward to exploring ideas that will make our emergency management procedures more efficient, effective and responsive to the needs disaster victims " Senator Parnell is a Democrat representing the thirtieth district and is currently serving his sixth term in the Senate He is Chairman of the Insurance Committee and Vice Chairman of the Public Utilities Committee. Parnell is also a membei of the Finance, judiciary I. Rules and Operation of the Senate. State Personnel and State Government, and Transportation Committees In addition. Senator Parnell serves as a member of the Legislative Services Conunissioa. the Legislative Study Commission on Aging and the North Carolina Sentencing Commission I ^ / A Gentle Way to Teach Old Dogs New Tricks Diane Arlington, a vet eran behaviorisl and trainer, has developed the Petpcrfect System of teaching dogs the basics without inflicting -physiewNw sties* No choke collars, no pain, no shouted commands. And no injuries ? Arlington es timates that 6.000 dogs are killed or injured each year during conventional obedi ence training. Her training videotape. "Three Steps to a Perfect Dog.** includes a full basic obedience course and behavior modification lech- { niques. Call 1-800-241-3165. (News USA) A Better Way lb Assess Ride (NU) Whea it comes to invest tn?. many people consider only those mutual tuini- ji the lopof toe perior ?nance charts hiifd on their recent So. what's wrong with that? TtMy," says lames S-RkfK. man- ] aging director ofT.Rowe nice Asso- ' ciates. Inc.. one of the nation's largest no-load (no sales durge) mutual fund firms Riepe says most investors, when consider ing a fund's "performance." look only at its recent investment return, which "can be a dangerous way to evaluate an investment because it ignores one ever-present factor, risk. "Factoring risk into your invest ment decision is important because it can help you avoid unpleasant sur prises in the short term, and it will give you some idea of what to ex pect in the future." T. Rowe Price offers a free bro chure. "Risk-Adjusted Performance 1 ? A Better Way to Measure Invest ment Performance." The brochure discusses the various types of risks, such as market and inflation risks, and how to evaluate and manage risk to achieve your Financial goals. The brochure can be ordered by calling I-800-541-8341. Wildlife Art Contest Set The N.C. Wildlife Federation is excited to innn?re a new program. lkit Statewide Conservation Art Contest The Federation is sponsoring this event to encourage North Carolu>a s children to increase tbew awareness of the natural en\ ironment around them "This vcar's theme is "Wildlife in My Life Wild Places and Wild Things n North Carolina ' Students from 3rd. 4th. and 5th pades will be ashed toeoier the contest by drawing or painting a picture featuring wild places and/or wild animals found in their area of the state Each region of North Carolina is blessed with an abundance of diverse habitats and species Winners will be picked on district and flate levels Ninety district winners willreceive cenilicaiesutmerit Nine state w inners will receive platfues In addition, the classof each state w inner will receive SIOO to be used for a conservation project or program.' The deadline for entries is March 25. If your 3rd. 4th. or 5th grade class would like more information, contact the NC Wildlife Federation at P O Box 10626. Raleigh. NC 27605 or f 10-833-1023 For Sale ^ Heat Pump with Central Atr Fire Place Insert Call 521-2826 or 521 -8763 after 8 p m. % Gonzales ta lead ? Eastern NC County Council JuanitaGonzalezofFayetteville.a Cumberland County Commissioner, has been elected to lead her felkm , Countv Commissioners in the 43 > Eastern North Carolina Counties in working to brag progress to the region Commissioner Gonzalez was 1 elected Chanmanofthe Eastern North Carolina County Council at a meeting of the Council's Executive Committee. Membership in the council consists of all the Counts Commissioners and all the County Managers of the 43 eastern counties A.H (Lex I Jones of Eltzabethtown. the County Manager in Bladen County, was elected Vice Chairman of the Council Other County Coinniissioneis serving on the Council's Executive Committee are ICermit Williamson. Clinton. Sampson C ountv Commissioners. Jimmie Dixon. Jr.. Elizabeth City. Pasquotank County. Joseph W Spnull, Aulander. Bertie County. Noah Woods. Pembroke. Robeson County. Charlie R Harrell. Taraboro. Edgecombe County. Daniel M Bowen. Williamston. Martin County.and DavidL West.ElmCity. Wilson County 1 Other County Managers on the Council's Executive Committee are Donald C. Craft. Winton. Hertford County. Jerrv Hobbs. Clinton, xampson County. Jarne^ E Martin i.uinberton. Robeson Countv. Bob Snapp. Kinston. Lenoir C ounty. Neal C Phillips. Halifax. Halifax Countv. J Wayne Deal. Nashville Nash County, and W Earl Daniels. Jackson. Northampton County Save $400 111 Five ^Mtouties flk -? it ?? \r% \ i I?' / \ 1 -l' \ ^ A0(\\ LmAH^ \ f^K^i ^ ^aL S' \ ^in i ';?;fj^?; ? '.>'^ c*; ? .'I |^^a| WKmW ' .j.. _ . ,-r ? ,. ' - " ??% ? EpriiP^^t. ttf" , I "Jrnnsfer a balance I of $3,000 from your old 19.8% card to a 6%* Wachovia First Year Prime Vissf or HIHHHHHHH ? MasterCardf and youll save $414 in interest the first year Thereafter. your rate will be a very low Pnme plus 39% - 99% at today's rates - and that's still just half of what you're paying now. Chi you have ft\r minutes- Call 800-842-3262 to apply Welcome to First Year Pnme. cw?ly from Wtchona ^ACHOVIA Personal Banking TV lit fllniiw ?.? rv?<rwl?- O l<HI ferivlr* \tm thr tat *4 St Kxni.? IV *,4>?iii l*nj ft*nr tar *lnu> un ??Mi !?? mmdtnr ? SIT S>k* tM.Ml ?j* jt>j*T ?m*i? far *4V M mmmm ViV?uMijiI w?> rVtnjK Ot?M ItMu I

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