IJTfflmSw^JNDnOTAW US: That's quickly becoming die complaint being voiced by older folks regarding attitudes of the general population toward senior ' For example, some older people, and I emphasize the word, some, are Crotchety. They And fault with everything. They continually com pare the paat with the present and, inevitably, the present fails their lest. They complain about waiting on checkout lines in the supermarket. They complain if all the windows in tfie bank aren't staffed on the third of |he month (Social Security checks day). As an officer in my bank put it, "They feel they shouldn't have to wait more than a few minutes, but we can't always oblige." I He added, "I don't think we have to cater to them just because they're old." The fact is that these folks who get everyone's dander up are part of a very small minority in the senior population. But as everyone knows, it's the unusual that gets the atten tion. In the past, these examples of extraordinarily surly or rude or even abusive behavior was attributed to the aging process. We now know, as the song goes in George Gershwin's "Porgy and Bess," that "it ain't nrrr miHIii m ? Hft ?? At. L ; - iiC'Cc^ottnIy sio \jricn vfiis DCTUIviof t which can range from irksome to bizarre, may be traceable to a num ber of causes, including lack of proper nourishment, a brain tumor (benign or malignant), the onaet of Alzheimer's, reaction to medica tions, or an expression of rage as the person senses a loss of power over his or her own Hfe due to ill health, or other causes. In any event, this behavior can create problems for the person exhibiting it People, who wouldn't hesitate to help someone suffering from a broken bone or other physical ailment, simply stay away from "the crazy old lady down the street." Sadly, just when they need the understanding of others, these seniors are being left pretty much alone. As Hans Pieper, professor of sociology and gerontology. Univer sity of Evansville in Evansville, In diana, has found a lack of awareness of aging issues among police of ficers, doctors, nurses, emergency personnel, and even pastors, who regularly interact with senior citizen*. Pieper believes religious in stitutions may be especially helpful by holding support programs for elderly parishioners and getting in volved more than they have been in the past. Comments? Write me c/o King Fea ture* Weekly Service, 235 East 45tb Street, New York, N.Y. 10017. OlSSS by Kins FmUna Synd. I Cameron's Comment By Paul Cameron * I L. i Can Charlotte Hold the Final Four? It's barely seven weeks away and there are some deep concerns about Charlotte's ability to pull oft' the premier event of the College Sports world. Sure, all those past NCAA regionals ?.& Charlotte Coliseum and surrounding hotels who are used to large conventions But a regional is just that-a large convention 1 ; I'm talking about an event that pulls up to 58.000 visitors from across the country. People who come expecting to be entertained in the city as well as in the arena Frankly. I'm worried After seeing Atlanta's downtown gridlock during the Super Bowl, mv gut feeling is we've just seen what Charlotte will be like the first weekend of April And unlike Atlanta, which lias a row of restaurants and nightc lubs aw a> from downtown, there isn't a Buckhead district in tlie Queen City I 1 I -just Southpark And I in not sure the Final Four crowd will fully appreciate the 24 hour Harris Teeter So residents who criticize the Charlotte host committee for assembling a "Street of Champions'' in uptown is only criticizing themselves Something lias to be done lor the. influx orhoopTveads Even if it's a fake restaurant. I d rather be a v isitor w ith a table titan in a rental car wondering whv Queens Road crosses Queens Road With UNC winning round one in Chapel Hill against Duke, don't vou get the feeling we II see these two dancing in the ACC and maybe NCAA's again' Buddy Ryan in Phoenix No crowds, hot sun. snakes Yep. that's where Buddy II coach best Seems like Cardinals owner Bill Bidwell and Buddy deserve each other Gotta wonder if Rvan. the new coach and general manager, will install his own denial plan foi the assist.uit coaches lie lures'' "Win or I'll kick ? our teeth in?on National TV." AMERICA LIMITED ? WR oonMVv ten m some tip6 fee caring for crystal from the experts at >LZZ.-Z.' wliether yon an * To tar. *Uns * Never place items in dbhwariMr * Air dry, or hand dry with a soA * To Am, use a feather dueler or OVEN MITTS - Don't throw oal old, bodty-aoiled oven mtttr Thejr cen be ueed as safety covert for sharp objects when transporting diem. My husband uaed one lo cower a sharp drill and another to cover Ac slicing knife in the picnic box. Sandy I . Cottonwood Falls, Kan MORE OVEN MITTS ? I waa removing shoulder pads from a Mouse and decided to keep them" in case I wanted to use them later. One ? day I needed a pot holder and, by mistake, grabbed a shoulder pad It did the job just as well. Now I uee shoulder pads as pot holders instead of discarding than. They can be decorated and are washable. Linda M., Arlington, Vs. ???????? ?a beach of conHaa for my f-uly. 1 ? ?J d-Covcod . *a ofl for the ?ac^rAtotZfcZ *codlod*odw*redk*is>I*ld S52SSS if 1 >?b a bale oil ia My ateaauriaa caijvjitficky Mqwfcfc attck m honey, aad^.l^JSiS^Ete^sS Kaal 4SU Street. New Ywt, N.Y. Mft WaNa MM la aae U^a^My to aw haaaa. Thh bcMa a latal naanliia af aar 31-yaar aM hoaea'a exterior. Slaw wa kava arrcr had experience ia thia area, wa ware wnadirtog if yea ca?U heatpriccT fthek,,< "** A. Yaa are right to be careful to due ana. Yoa caa'l jaai pull a aanw out of a phone book for diia type of work. You have to do a lot of leework. Line up die namee and phone eum bata of contractor! and baHdera in your wan Than, ?? mtkom and ateo togaifc as to how t?j *>m do lM Work, m WW MMOftta (MJf usually tow m tnyttei id most of the others, k is . good possibility that conyy^ti using tofsriur i?tilth ?*aw3!TVfcw yon if *w Ian tan My coue pMnts lodged again* a particular 11 Despite the enormity of the jobs you ve cited, there are Mill ways ia which you cm control your coats kitchen. you cm purrhaaa your owe rilrkim, ftoorina. Uthu fixtures, ' V, ,T , , ??? sod appliances (doors and windows, too, if applicable). TTien, all tkc builder has to do is tnatall dan However, if da buildsr has to con sult with you and then shop far theae items, the coat will be considerably higher. As for siding, you cm probably mvc money by having the builder install it right over the existing m i rial a 11 ,, iS 11 w 1 La r>n. siaing. However, wiiiie 1 Know tuts il common practice, I don't believe you get the beat Job that way. INs always felt that placing siding etat existing siding frofri shoddy. If you cm swing h, go for the extra coal and have them remove the old siding Mv personal preference is vinv) aau^y a^ars ^^a^ar^u i a*, are are a^u^a^^r a^a ? auo^F e alillikn || V tuanlialiln r\n rtn 't t*a siaing. ii s wasniote, oocsn i nave to be painted or treated (like woodland lasts a long time. [(reflections fry Aka Ny Q?w>^n?| Simple Arithmetic After last week's column, you can see why it was my husband (not mei who taught math in three or tour different schools before getting back into secondary science All three of our kids took to math, too But then tliere is their mother1 Last week she subtracted 23 from 31 and got 7. instead of 8 Do you suppose it's because I'm heading toward my later sixties'' t)r liave I gotten as calculator-dependent as a lot of today s kids seem to be" I -.an remember subtracting in in\ head and saving "seven" to mvself. sure that I was right I guess I've been keeping the number "30" in my head for Cathy s birthday All rlfrough inv mamage I kept reminding myself thai Leon's birthday was not the LAST da\ of August but the day before So the number "30" is still stuck in m. mind (. ouId thai be w hat contuses me e\erv Januarv" Vlay be I can get THIS PA 11 tRN down pat Jan 23-Mother>btrthday -Leon s birthday. Jan 31? Cathv s birthday I'H try it and see how it works next year1 OihhI H liter* Recently I started an article about all the good w riters now writing in tile Carolina Indian Voice, including twv 1 remember fondlv horn the l?"'f Writing for Publication Workshop. Derek Lowry and Y vonne Barnes Dial I've been holding that article back, as other things kept coming up I IF it had not been for the workshop and Grace Gibson's encouragement. I would likely not have been sharing my ' Reflections'' in this column for the past seventeen and a half years.) If "fools rush in where angels fear to tread." maybe I would qualify as one Bui my purpose, as usual, is to help other people (and myself) to look for the brighter side of things So often these days I see myself as a person in the middle who tan to some extent relate to the different ways other people are looking at things. In W I heard a different theor> about the name. L urn bee. but I prefer to discuss it personally with Derek Lowry and Stan Knick to see what they think I beliese it's easier to iron out misunderstandings with more direct communication 'To tell the truth, '/am sure that all ot us who contribute to the C aroltna Indian Voice are truth-seekers" w ho are simply trying to share w tth others what we have learned, what appears to EACH of US to be the truth tor at least some important aspect of the truth, i TihuI Resptmsibility I hope readers will always remember thai m\ Reflections" consist of thoughts ideas, theories, experiences, observations, and ^matr^o^^ojwforwhreh^Wke past, the editot wa> 'IB ,tfl expressed an unpopular point ot v lew I would not ever want that to happen again Notice the NAME on the column If someone would like to respond to something I ve written, .ou ma. drop me a note at P O Box 4. Pembroke In the.summer ot IWI. when I was writing the column. "Let's Talk It Over", in the Robesonian. I received a nice letter from a Lumberton man asking why I continued to believe that communism was still alive, as well as commending me on my poem. "The Mobile Homes We Li vein " Since the views I express are my own. I would prefer direct communication w ith the person who disagrees If I find that I have overlooked something really important. I can include thai point in a future column Livimg in Two Different Worlds For the past 34 anda half yean I've been one of thoce many people who live in two different racial and ethnic worlds It's not always easy. In fact. at times it can be VbKV contusing But I consider myself a whole kttricneras a result of this experience! Last Saturday I had plans for Lots of catching up. since I wouldn't be doing any writing that day. But then an idea about my own "different worlds'' popped into my head, and I stopped 'just long enough to jot it down." Ten handwritten pages and several hours later the thoughts finally stopped coming. I put down my pen. and got back to "work." Someday I hope to get paid in cash for free-lance writing In the meantime, even though I have received a little cash in a couple of situations and have been made in MANYOTHER WAYS for writing "Reflections ".most people seem to view my many hours of w tiring simply as one of my leisute a strong desire to write, for one reason or another 'Actually. I see most of my wntinu as a special kind of ministry, in w hicn I try to share important things I have experienced or studied, in the hope that the lessons I've learned about life may be of help to others. I would greiatly appreciate vour pravers. as I CHOdSE from among the MANY ideas that keep coming to me. and then as I decide HOW to put each idea into WORDS Mv desire to let GOD DIRECT MY WRITING Brown is Beautiful It looks like that long story I worked on last Saturday is going to have to wait for another time, after all. Mease pray for me as I revise and get it ready to print *" I Hypnotist Jim Wand Vlsts Excited wd e^er to be released from class. Ptuacll Swell High Schools uudssai wasted patiently to >1111 vv.mki was gomg *> perfonn Wednesday. January -biaihe scfK*>i gym Mat Wand of East Dwbwew. Illinois. eagcriv uMrodact himself lo a crowd of approximately 1650 ? M . || | kjEkA||t -?? ? AM M M MAi^ AM kb > ? ? ?? ?. A ? . uiui v Hiuaix as an expert in nvpooota power* Approximated twenty five students and leathers uiwmtwd to be hypnotised as each person positioned themselves m a relaxed manner watching a red light and listening to Mr Wand's voice, thev responded to rtqoea given hy the 1 pnv?ist some requests wetehilMtuns to the audience when individuals Joiupcu over iKipical) or imitated Michael Jackson singing Mr Wand assured to the audience that with a sincere effort, individuals could develop better study habits, become bcttti athletes, lose weighs, relax or any other things in their Mb that they wish to improve There are tapes and prapams available of various interest. For more information contact Wand Enterprises. ? W oodiawn Drive. Sane 2 East Dubuque. II 61025 N ~~nm? Cotton Patch Gospel comes to Red Springs n* Red spring* An* Council mil bring the naiionallx louring production ofCotton Patch Ctoepel to the Flora Mac I Arnold Academy in Red spring* on Saiurdax. February 2whatkp m Ad\anceticket*fortM* e?ent are S5 and group* of 10 and more m?\ ptirchaae ticket* at S4 each II ax ailabfe. ticket* may be purchaaed at the door the night oil the program Cotton Patch (jotpel feature* foul clomping mum and rollicking humor in a down home contemporary retelling ol the Gu*pel* of Matthew and John ?et in C>atne?\ life. Georuia' Tom Ke\. whet marred m the New York off-Broadway production, lead* a c am of flxe w ho ting and dance their wax through the miracle* amd the parable* Fhi? audience-pieaamp diow ha* been acclaimed by critic* around the countrc and i* *ure lobe a local hit I. xhilaratmg ?ong*that hat* been called 'the beat that Harry Chaptn exer wrote" will keep the audience chuckling and cheering than beginning to end Thwprogram tamade poaaibfe by a grant mim the North Carolina Atta Council, a mate agencx For ticket* or additional information call) Vl0ll4.t 4520. or contact Red Spring* Alt* Counc il member* Now You Don't Have To Leave Town For Most Heart Catheterizations You Need Only To Come To The SRMC Cardiac Catheterization Unit Heart disease is the leading cause of death among Americans tcxlay. And while great strides have been made in the treatment of cardiovascular disease, the key to implementing these procedures is proper and timely diagnosis of the condition. Southeastern Regional Medical Center s Cardiac Catheterization Unit is operated in association with lAike university Medical uenter, which is internationally renowned tor its i achievements in the ' treatment of heart disease. Our cardiac catheterization team is medically directed by Dr. Steve Royal, Southeastern Regional Medical I Center's staff cardiologist. He Ls also an active member of tlie IXike University cardiology facility. Tills working association lietween IxKh facilities provides for greater continuity of care for our cardiology patients. Southeastern Regional Medical Center's cardiac catlxterization services and our growing assrxiatkm with I Duke University Medical Center is a major step in our on-going effort to liring you state i? a a a Fluorotcop f view of heart reveals arterial condition. (X-tne-art technology with that earth}* lxXTtetOWn t(XK'h. iJlr SOUTHEASTERN BH REGIONAL 21r MEDICAL CENTER Dr. Royal and (mutant perform catketerioation procodmrt in Southeatfern't catkrteruation unit. . We've Gone Out Of Our Way, So You Don t Have To." 300 West 27th Street, Lumbeiton, NC 283S9, (910) 671-S000