I Classified Ads ; I i^N?*C(r|riin TnmJfi Arts'*L SmMmg.Gnm^u>D. Jtffrry Robcum Cutmiy Rcvtury lathcaMStsrofthetoeclosureof theDuedofTiustof Davis S Smiling. Grantor, to DJeffery Rogers. Trustee for Bowea A Byerty Under and by contained is fjusumtaia deed of treat executed on April 27.1992. by David S .Smiliag. a* recorded ia Real Estate Book 758. at Page 57b. Robe too Coaaty Registry. default having occurred by the terete of the peoaUaaory aote aecaredbvuid deed of miai. the owner and bolder having made demand to toecloaare and a proper haariagheviag been held before the clerk of aapertor deit on January 28.1994. aad the clerh having totad thai the undersigned D.Jeffierv Rogers Trustee, any proceed uader the MMtnuaeol. the undersigned will offer to sale at the door of the Robeson Coaaty Court house, offer to sale at the door of the Robeson County Courthouse. Lumbertoa. North Carolina, at 12:00 o'clock noon on February 24.1994, and wiI sell to the hijdreaI bidder the fallowing described Pro^ECj|NNINC at an iron stake and piae potato the most Westerly corner of Lot No 9 of the D.S. Smiling Home Place''and runs theme South 62 degrees 15 minutes West 4 40 chaiof to aa iron stake, the Western comer of Lot 7ofthe Smiling Div iston. thence the dividing lme between Lots Number 7 aad 8. South 39 degrees 25 minutes East 8.70 chains to an iron stake in the nut of a canal, thence down the run of said canal as follows South 17 degrees 05 minutes West 0.76 chains toe point. South 2 degrees 55 minutes East 3.84 chains. South 3 degrees 10 minutes West 5.27 chains. South 27 degrees 05 minutes West 14.31 chains to a point the center of a road. South 5 degrees 10 minutes West 886 chains to the bend of the canal. South 39 degrees 50 minutes East 2.96 chains to a point where the canal runs across the road. South 27 degrees East 1.40 chains to a point in the run of aid canal: thence leaving the said canal North 43 degrees v minutes East 7 80 chains ton point in a small read, the McLeod line, thence up said road North 43 degrees 55 minutes West 5 15 chains ma stake ai the point of the intersection >t two small reads, theme along the Eastern fKtSfWSfrs GeS te Knew teaMuac yea'll realty like! Call the Singles Dateline S2/ mia. 24hrs Ttooe I -900-226-5493 cat 269 82 mia 18+ Hone Req'd. NEED A DATE TONIGHT? Meet Single Men and Women in your area and nationwide Singles Voicemail. 24 Hre 1-900-226-5493 eat 269 82 min 11+ Ttooe Reqd. ROMANTIC ENCOUNTER Find Singles From Your Area! Guys A Gifts waiting to you 1-900 226-5493 ext. 269 82 min Ttooe Reqd 18+ SINGLES DATELINE Call 1-906-226-5493 ext 269 82 minute Hone Req'd 18+ Smiling North Mdagsnes Waal 12 61 chtiflf to tlMr bffiMiiK corner coatmaiag TWEFTTY^FIVE AND FIVE-TENTHS (25.5) ACRES.mae or leas and king Lot Number EIGHT (S) ef Ac division of foe David S Smiling Emk land and ane Margie Smiling* lands The record owner of the above deacnbed real property aa reflected on the recorda of foe Robeson County Registry no more than tea daya prior to the posting of thie Notice ia Da via S Smiting The aforesaid propcftv shall be sold for cash At the time of the sale the highest bidder will be required to make adepoeitin the amount of (10%) percent of the purchaae price in accordance with N.C.C S. S45-2I 10 (b). and die terma of the Deed ofTruai The successful bidder aball be required to tender the full balance of the purchaae price to bid in cadi or certified check at the time foe Trustee lenders to bidder a Deed for tbe property. Thie ante ia made subject to all encumbrancea of record aa may appear, including taxes and aaaeramente. if any Tbuaale will be held open lOdaya for upset bids as required by law ,, Thie the 10th day of February. i*m D. Jeff try Rogers. Trustee Page tutd Rogers. P. A. IN Hesi ftb St P.O. Box 14* Lumberum. VC 2*351 Telephone. t/?-'tMM/ 2-24-14 Legal Notice State ?f North Carolina County of Robeson \otke to Creditors end Debtors of Bemie Be** Lot blear deceased. The undersigned, having qualified at Executor, of the estate of Banue Bess Locklear. deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persona, fi rms and corporations hav uig claims against said estate to exhibit tbem to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May. 1994. or be barred from their recovery All persona indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate pavment to the undersigned This the loth dav of Februarv IOV4 Rudy Lotklter. Lxei tuor ' P.O. Box Ib22 Pembroke. VC2W7 ? - ? - - inJr41 ? i\ it J Leva! Notice .State of North Carolina County of Robeson Notice to Creditori and Debtors la the matter af the estate af Arber Oxendine, Jr. The undersigned, having qualified as Administrator ofthe estate of Arber Oxendine. Jr. deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of April. 1994. or be barred from their recovery All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This 21st day of January. 1994 Pamela Watt, Administrator do Cabell J. Rer an P.O. Beur 14/1 Lamberton, NC 293S9 2-17 \ ^id Pan broke Sate Untveruiy it accepting applications for two Admissions Couactor pftttthTitf Reeponeibiliiisiiaolnds iimrvlewiag prospective students, roreeninn Csrobu with sasneotSoTak visits to represent the HHtwniJ^M^MUeife possess excellent coexnMmicatioo dalle, both written end oral, proven success in working well with e variety of publics and* commitment to bipber education. Bncfaelor'sdegree required. Master sdecree preferred ( inddtup ^ with previous admissions and/or related experience m o?r market areas ate anrmisaaed to apply Salary ?20.000 range Applications will be accepted through February 23. 1994 or until posttKJOs ere filled Send letter of applications and resume to Mr. Anthony Lockiear. Director of Admissions. Pembroke State University. Pembroke. NC 28372. Pembroke State University is an EEO/ AA employer Legal Notice State of North Carolina C ountv of Robeson Notice To Creditor* and Debtor* of Leal* F. Revolt defeated The undersigned.having qualified as Executor of the estate of Loots F. Revels, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 3rd day of May. 1944. or be barred from their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 3rd day ofFebniary. 1994 Jamet Earl Revolt Sr. 720 A tauter Rd. Hope Well, V*. 230*0 2-24 SALS-A-BBATION Culmitti at Harry Reed Hones 3601 Eliza bethtowa Road I mntisflnn NC 910-739^9531 New bmfcoom ?o*?e wide 11.995.00 Over 20 used hones w stock. ITS HERE Fins Tine Bswn We tove a program for you. Let us application refused SAVE BIG BUCKS. New hones 9.995.00 Harry Reed Hones 3601 Eltzabethtown Rd Lumberton. NC 910-739-9531 Advertisement for Bids CUP Modemitutiom Protect NC 114-902 A NC 114-903 Pembroke JiuMMiI A udfcaisalM it** nVrnMUmg ylMMWIIJ f cnw/it Sealed proposals will be received by tfw Housntc Authority at the Office. 606 Lumbee Street, in Pembroke until , 3:00 p.m.. February 25. 1994. and immediately opened and read for the j furnishing of labor, material, and equipment entering into < Modernization of Project NC 114-1. NC 114-2. and NC 114-3 Work involves treating for termites in all apartments and related work Treatment is post construction treatment and shall be in accordance with Plans and Specifications and Slate of North Carolina Regulations Plans and specifications will be open for inspection io the office of the Housing Authority and the Office of Stogner and Kanov. P A . i Designer?. i n the office of the Assoc lated General 4 ontractors. Fayetteville. or ma? be obtained by tliose qualified and u ho will make a bid upon deposit of twenty-five dollars tS25 00) The Owner reserves the right u> reject any and all bids and to waive informalities Lemurk Harris, PHM Executive Director Pembroke Housing Authority Designer: Stogner A Annoy. P.A. bli East Broad Avenue Rockingham. NC 203 "9 Phone (910) K9S-M'4 I Rowland manor apartments 502 E. McCormick St. Rowland, NC 28353 New ] Bedroom Apartments De?|ga ed For Senior Citizens Featuring: Energy aMdsnthestpunps ? WdMo-waHetrpet A mini blinds ?Al I lewd -Bulk In range ? rdrtjeruoa Rental amounts baaed on household income. Beginning September 21 end 22 applications being taken at Rowland Town Hall, 9 a.m. unti 4pat. each Tuesday and Wednesday thereafter until further notice. Rental Assistance and Handicapped Units Available United Management f.- J PO Box 42936 ^ ir^Tasar Fayette ville, NC 28309 'Ca-A- f l: ^WIC M i*?rUI v-?u Ciwty wt nitmi NtdcctoCndiimud Debtors at Lnafee Chavis The undersigned,having qualified as the Executrix.ofthe estate of Louise Chavis. deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons. Arms, and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of April. 1994. or be barred from their recovery All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 27th day of January. 1994. Umda L Chmvix JU 10, Bmx 292 Lmmtxrum, NC2M372 2-17 Used Homes 1992 4 Bedrooms 2 Baths Like new Save Big BuckS 20 used homes S500.00 down on some models Financing available Several you fix em up specials Make us an offer Call or stop by 3601 Eiizabethtown Road. Lumberton. NC Harry Reed Homes 910-739-9531 Dr. Pepper Sale Try it you'll like it. New 1994 3 Bedroom Singlewides SI 1.995 New 19942 Bedroom Singlewide> SI 0.999 New 1994 3 Bedroom Double* ales SI 6.995 New 1994 4 Bedroom 2 Bath Double w ides only S2I9 per month Call or stop by Harry Reed Homes. *601 Eiizabethtown Road. Lumbetton. NC 910-739-9531 .UiUliir SmerfNtrttCiriaM Caaafy tf (Ukma Notice to Creditors aod ; Deters of Phocoica O. Samps.s. The underagaed.having qualified as the Executory of the estate of PhoenicaO. Sw^n, deceased- late of RobesoaCouiKy. this u toaoMy all persons, firms, and corporations having claims taas said estate to exhibtt them to the undersigned on'or before the 3rd day of May. I9?M, ofbe barred from their recovery - All persons indebted to said estjie .1 are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned '* This the 3rd day ofTebruary. 1994 Bobby ? isMws. Fxtcmtur P.O. Box 2JJ Pembroke, NC 29372 2-24 Letts! Matter Suae of North Carolina County of Robeson Notice to Creditor* urn J Debtor* ?i Yeryie L LocUear, Deceased . The undersigned, having qualified as the Administratrix of the Estate of Vergie L Lockiear. deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify trif Ersons. firms, and corporations", ving claims against said estate to; exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 10th day of May. WW.'V be barred from their recovery All persons indebted to said estate; are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 10th dav of February J. 1994 DurieneLucUear 6550 ASnmstom St v ,?V Parkton, NC2MJ7I : w . \v - 'it r . tS ? f Fish Day \ I It's Time for Slockiig * I Channel Catfish. Hybrid Blue Gill. Fathead minnows. Large Mouth N 9 Bass. Black Crappie and. Triploid Grass Carp (for Pond Weed Control?. J The Hybrid Blue Gill will reach a weight of 2 to 2 12 pounds Delivery will be Monday. February 21. 1994 0 g At The following location g g Pembroke Farm. Home & Garden M I Pembroke. NC (910( 521-2801 Time: 2:00 - .1:00 pm J Call our local stole to place vour order S or call Toll Free 1-800-643-8439 g t Fish Wagon 7677 Hwy 163 Harnsburg. Arkansas 72432 j i v' Notice to Bidders Lumbee Regional Development Association in Pembroke, NC will accept sealed bids through February 15.1994 from bonded contractors for the relocation of two I modular Head Start buildings on HWY 211 South of Lumberton to a nearby site. The LRDA is seeking a Turn Key bid for detlting the III present site for relocation and retrofiting the Center at the New Site to meet all required county and state codes. For a copy of the specifications for the project contact Mr. Buddy Bell at LRDA 910-521-8602. Monday - Fridays 8:50 a.m. -5:00 p.m. LRDA reserves the right to reject all bids For Sale Heat Pumb with central air for sale Call 521-8763 after 8 p.m. or 521-2826 For Sale Fireplace insert for sale. Call 521 2826 or 521-8763 after 8 p m. r For Sale Oak Wood! Reasonably priced ONLY S35.(KI per load and we deliver. For more information call (910) 521 2926 daytime. After 5:00 p.m. call (910) 521-4146 ask far JJ I? COBB'S usee PBBTS motors Trmmtskm For Sak lastaMod FKC PICKUP tDayStroIco tEfyoma* $c &ott I General Electric ? Hotpoint ? Microwave Ovens ? Ice Makers * Refrigerators * AirCoodtbooen * Wis hen * Dryen * P-7 Ranges FRANCH1SED MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE Al Major Appliance Parts Al Wart Gaaranteed * Phoae (919) 739-4724 James W. Thomas Saddletree Area Al't Aluminum & Vinyl Siding | Rout* 3 Box 422, Lumborton, NC 283S8 Phone:(910)738-5409 ooflug AITypaaof RmwodoBng JW????????????? Health Arts PC Dr. R*dy Coronado Chiropractic Physician Se Habla Espanol FOB 1117 707F Union Chapel Road Pembroke, N.C. 28372-1117 919-S21-7797 Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton, NC 28358 (Located directly across from Courthouse) Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 SOUTHERN SANITATION Specializing m private home household garbage prt-up in and around the Pembroke area. 511 West 5th St. Pembroke (919) 921-4771 Donald C, Deese. Owner lite Space For Rent , Native American Sprinklers - Installing Lawn Sprinklers! Reasonable Rates Call 521-4611 or 671-7527 cp^te call 521-2826 Traveling in Detroit? an DOWNRIVER TRAVEL AGENCY Telephone (31313S3-366* 3800 Fort Street Lincoln Parte, Ml 48146 Julian P. Martin, President All Occasions JPhojwSJhWsJ

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