Pembroke State University SS8S '? or tii iHivuiiiv.or mobti Carolina EXCITING EVENTS MANNED FOE PEMBROKE STATE'S HOMECOMING FED 2* A 40-year clan reunion by ? Pembroke .State University 's Class of 54 will ba among the exciting events i . planned foTpSUs homecoming n^nrrini i r-L ")4 ?'??wWrt fXvi AW "There will be something for everyone," says Glen Bumette. PSU . director of alumni relations Heading arrangements for the reunion will be Delton Rav Locklear. and tone 30 members of the class are expected back "We are expecting a good turnout." said Burnettc "Man\ students ofthat clam live and work in surrounding communities, and we hope to see each and every one of Another special event will be an African-American Alumni Program and Reception, which are being coordinated by Dehhine Watson of Martuiville, Vs.. who was a member of dw PSU Class of' M and is a former president of the PSU Student . Government Association Also scheduled for the third straight year is a PSU V image Photo ? txhiwuon. again planned by Kim - Thompson, PSU publications coordinator, h will begin Feb. 2oai 11 a.m. in the ChavisCenter and continue through March 4. Copies of pictures - will be available for purchase Cost for 5x7 pictures is S3 Cost for 8x 10 . pictures is S5. With activities like a bonfire, pep rally, homecoming carnival, dances, and discounts on various purchases. ?hrt losmawAminn HUMIT *?? IHII '? Pah ? tiv ?IWIOVVVtMtUf, tM ? wv ? kV 21-26 wil be buzzing. Add to this the extra bonus thai on Sunday. Feb 27. the PSC baseball team will host Augusta College of Georgia in n doubleheader beginning at noon on the PSU baseball field with admission free "We expect to have our best homecoming yet because of the mam activities being planned." said Or Diane Jones. PSU assistant vice J chancellor for student activities who chaired a recent meeting ot the - homecoming committee The 40-vear class reunion ot the - PSU Class of'54 will be he Id at 4 pm ' in the lobby area of the Chavis Center 4 The PSU Alumni Association < 5 Awards /Dinner Is alwas* a homecoming highlight because ot the present at ion of the two highest awards given by the association the Outstanding Alumnus or Alumna Award" and the Distinguished Service Award" Alio inducted will be the newest member of the PSU Athletic Hall of Fame Com lor the dinner is SIS per person If those attending would like to attend both the dinner and the alumni dance at 9 p.m.. the cost will be S2S per person. If they go only to the dance, the cost is SIS per person. Following the dinner, the homecoming spotlight is focused on die two homecoming basketball games with the University of South Carolina at Spartanburg Tlie PSU women play USC' Spartanburg at ti p.m.. followed by the men's game at 8pm The PSU homecoming queen, elected by a campus-wide vote, will be crowned during halftone of the men's game Admission to the basketball games is S5 for adults and S2 for students PSU students are admitted free with ID cards Following the basketball doubleheader. the Alumni Homecoming Dance will be from 9 p.nt to I a m in the Chavis Center with 'fcveComelious."aband from Dud tain, providing the music. The students homecoming dance will stan at 10 p in in the Auxiliarv Gvm of the Joties Ceutei Admission tor the student dance is SI for PSU students with ID cards and S2 tor non students featured will he the DJ beaver uee and ( utmaster Tee of Laurinburg Prior to the Feb. 26 homecoming date, a week ofhome coming activities is scheduled for the campus A rtf fiillriuc Pnr more information about PSU's homecoming, alumni may telephone the PSU Office of Alumni Relations at <9I9> 521-6213. and students may telephone the PSU Office of Student Activities at 521-6576 PSl HOMECOMING HEEk SCHEDl 'LE FEB. 21-26 Monday. Feb. 21: 8 p in.?Greg Morton, comedian of Los Angeles. Chavis t enter lounge <freei Tuesday. Feb 22. 8 p m ?Movie or the Week. "Malice" in Moore Hall Auditorium iFreei H ednestla). belt. 23. 10 a m 4pm? Homecoming Carnival featuring "FunFlkks" of Grand Rnpkls. Mich l studemvuake videos of their own Hp SfHC performances and keep a copy of them) Also plioto buttons w ill be made, and a caricature artist will draw pictures. A pep rally i will also be held in the Chavis Center from 10:30 - 11 a m . featuring the cheerleaders and introducing the basketball players and baseball players. Thursday, Feb. 24: In all-day activities, "PSU Spirit Day" will be held witheveryone encouraged to wear the school colors of gold and black Offices will be decorated with school colors, and awards will be presented to the top displays. The PSU gameroom in the Chavis Center will give discounts to students with 50 percent off for pool, ping-pong, and bowling A bonfire is scheduled from 6-8 p.m . on the Softball field, featuring the homecoming coutt and introducing the display winners Friday, Feb. 25: V p.m. to I a.m - Semi formal dance with the theme of "A Whole New World" featuring D.J. Jimmy Jam of Winston-Salem (admission: S2 for PSU students with I D. cards. S3 for non-students). Saturday, Feb 2b 11 a.m.-3p.m. -PSU Vintage Photo Exhibition at the Chavis Center; 1:30 p.m.-Afhcan Amencan Alumni Program/'Reception at the Gi vens Perform tng Arts Center. 4 p.m ?40th Class Reunion of Class of '54 at the Chavis Center. 5 p m - Alumni Awards Dinner in Chavis Center with "Outstanding Alumnus" and "Distinguished Service" awards being presented and new members of the PSU Athletic Hall of Fame being inducted (admission: SI5 per person) or S25 per person for both the dinner and alumni dance which follows). 6 p.m.?Women's basketball vs. USC Spartanburg in Jones Center; 8 p.m - -Men's basketball vs USC Vvnortanhnrii in lr\nnc C Ant #*r (Homecoming Queen will be crowned during halftimeI (admission to games S5 per adult. S2 for students, free for PSU students with ID cards), t p.m - Homecoming Dance featuring "Eve Comelious" band of Durham (admission: SI5 per person or S25 per person for both games and dance); 10 p m -la.m.-Student Homecoming Dance in the Auxiliary Gym. featuring DJ Beaver Gee and Cutmaster Tee of Laurinburu (admission SI for PSU students with I D Cards. S2 for non students). On Saturday, there will be a gameroom for alumni of 50 percent on for pool. Belt Conference- ( baseball doubleheader with PSU hosting Augusta College of Georgia. (Admission free). - . DietAid 2000 Spray Away the Pounds : Taft's DietAid 2000 is the only breath spray which : acts as an appetite suppresant, relieving hunger : pangs and the mental desire to eatThis spray has a pleasant peppermint flavor. ?Use With Current *Convenient Diet ?No Calorie* Par Serving : ?Vitamin C 'Easy to Use 'Discreet Order Today ? ? Money Back Guaranteed* Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery Only $29.95 for a 3 moatk supply (includes flipping A handling) Send check or money order to: HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS I 33M HULCROFT, STE, D-411 ; HOUSTON, TX 77957 : ? You con own this home V for ton than $350 monthly. I ^ Y9an J ; W 1 TF tTv 5^1 : u i ? nii RTB Construction 5 L 521-1541 The Coach's Corner kjrDr.KmJtkmm GMMiMUk, The "Seloctivt Ettuc" is the real winning attitude displayed by the Olympic Committee in allowing Tonya Harding to compete Tonva did out use this ethic in preventing the injury to Nancy Kerrigan She apparently didn't try to stop her so called friends from injuring Naacy Kerrigan. She must have known about it. this may come out after the games In the mean tune all of this attention will probably put too much pre mure on bothTonya and Nancy . It juat takes an instant to loose focus on their concentration to mess-up those triple jumps It will be amiracle ifeither one of them places in the top three. The "situational ethic" just not caring about Nancy Kemgan. apparently prompted the criminal action of the tour men The committee showed compassion in allowing Tonya Harding to compete. This is true sportsmanship of the hue meaning ot the five intertwined Olympic Rings, the binding together of the five continents in friendliness You would think the Serbs would use the "Selective Ethic" and try Hi stop their murderous war on innocent men. women and children in Bosnia Their don't care situational ethic, should not be tolerated by the U.N And the "irony" of it all. the Winter Olympics was held in Saraiavo just eight years ago Cameron's Comment By Paul Cameron Remember Ickev Woods the Cincinnati Bengals runmngback who invented the "Ickev Shuffle celebration dance'' In IWI Woods was making a respectable $550,000 running?and dancing-with the pigskin. Today, u s the "Ickev Hustle' ifhe makes $1,500 a week selling beef and seafood door to-door in Ft Wayne. Indiana Ickev says he's working four times a week to rehab his knees for another shot at the NFL?but if he doesn't make it. no sweat, he says he'll find something else to do The next time someone asks wh\ ball players get paid so much monev. just explain how its shuffle one da\ and dance for your supper the next What-' Pistol Pete not in the LSI Hall of Fame? It seems there's a rule in Louisiana thai says players have to earn their decree before making the hallowed hall It s ridiculous. says LSI Athletu i ouncil member Dr Loren Scott. "Here s Pete who put basketball on the map in Louisiana, whoserec ords unlit Ml A.Awillnevef be broken, we have a building named after hint, but we can t put hint in the LSU Hall of Fame " Dr Scott hopes to convince the council to change the rules and allow for exceptions at a meeting on Februarv 28 How s this for coaching support' Syracuse coach Jim Boeholm kidded his guard Lawrence Moten alter a narrow win over Salon Hall ' For htm to foul out isdifficult. when vou don 't guard anybody most of the time I guess he got in the wrong place a couple times and bumped into people " f Your Bible And You 1 : ?' : m* ? By OanM Dw* Vf ^ ?? J i - - ? ? it-- ? - . - * - now ??? uoo nown rat iovt vo you Mm* week'' Have you stopped to look for the aveeeet of Hi* love M your like? fahaps you have beta too busy in the ruah of daily living to take the time to notice the love of ike Creator for you. but it a there aune the less. Nrhaps you think that there is so muck ia your life that is beyond hope No one is beyond hope with Jesus' Your Bible tells you about two men who thought they were beyond hope. In frcteveryone for miles hixhukI thought they were beyond all hope They ran through cemeteries naked and rushed out at passers-by Townsmen were terrified and intimidated for they were possessed by demons! Look at the story in the eighth chapter of Matthew They could not be beld in any priaon or with any chains, yet what happened when the\ were confronted with the love of God manifested in (he being of Jesus Christ God's love set them free from the captivity that Satan had them in rite demons began to look for othet dwellings immediately God's Son had not even said a word to them and they were already saying "Have you come here to torture us'.'. Ifyou drive us out. send us into the herd of pigs ." Can you imagine. Jesus only had to walk near the demons and they knew they woe history' Such is the power ot love. when It comes from God' What demon* have plagued yon? Perhaps it it the demon of alcohol, perhaps the demon of temper What fcimi .Mi t- ? ? ? la.saiilfc JcnKHii fuivt you wrtsiicu wnn viu thought von had overcoat* them only to ha ve them yank your feet ool feosn under you whenvou t^^e^C|hOt? of pomp ' It does not matter oae bit what demon Satan hat need to control your life and make yon feel impotent at a Christian The power of God's love can and will tend thoee demons fer from yon* Yonr life can cheap* far the better, but von meet let God have His ?*> with yon God will never have your way with yon. it must be His way Kk you tined of broken promises and tailed resolutions? Do yon want , real power in vow life'' The real meaning oftifc cannot be loundon the telex isioo or in some popular book It is not in exercise or schooling or money The one thing that will give vow life teal true meaning is when God's love seeps into your soul and begins to warm vow heart fcam the tnsideout When the love of God pets into vow heart, nothing can remain the same for long "For behold. I make all things new!?' 521-2826 to Subscribe Carolina Indian Voice P.O.Box 1075 Pembroke. NC 28372 f "TjTj?\ Health Clipboard L ky *o*n M Ckmw, PA-C Da go tah.t How s it Ootng in Apachel Let's talk some on the Reading Classes People are always asking the question; Is it alright to buy reading glasses from the 5 & 10 store, or nowadays from W&lmart and-places Actually, it makes good sense to buy readmgjg^ses^r^We^n^lu^e kind of stores Especially if magnification is the only lielp vour eyes need The reading glasses in these stores do not correct other eve problems For example, the magnifying glasses or reading glasses will not correct nearsightedness, astigmatism, or other re tractive delects of vision Most people reaching tlie age ot 45 or older need some kind of reading glasses, even if then far vision is excellent These people start noticing that the newspaper print is harder and Itarder to read. They start needing to hold the newspaper further and further away until their arms are just not long enough to hold the paper at the distance needed to read cleaiiy The medical term for this condition is Presbyopia, which means your eyes are old. getting up in age some The lens of the eye is the culprit in this case The lens just is not as flexible as it once was in the younger days The lens changes shape in order lo provide vou cleat vision close up or ai a distance Tlie lens loses the ability to change shape to accommodate fix the close up woti of reading These are the reasons we need reading glasses as we get older Magnifying glasses?all you need to comet this problem. The store reading glasses are just as good as any of the ones you can receive at the eye doctors The ones vou buv ai the store usually cost slot less Walmait. K-Mart. or what ever store happens to cany these readmit classes, the price is around SO-SIO. But the eye doctor may charge as much a $100 or mote If you want the SI00 glasses, that's fine as well along the newspaper or your fhvorite book Use this along with trying out several pairs of glasses to determine which power of glasses are right for vou These reading glasses will have numbers marked on ihem. usually ranging from I 00 to4 00 which is the magnification power of the glasses Hie (Htwei ranges troin low io high were the I 00 i? the lowest and the 4 00 is the highest power Please listen to a work ol caution do nut disregard the need for eve exams in ohi age People 45 and older need to be examined by their eye doctor fo rule our eve diseases Glaucoma testing is needed especially with the 65 and older ciuwd. Other eve conditions may be causing your eye problem or vision problem If vour eye care specialist examines vou and reports that all you need is reading glasses, you can go lo the 5 & 10 cent store then The valley of the sun is holding true to its name We ore in the 6? to 70 range oui here now but like the dcaert. it pets .old m night Slut all zah yil valiuny wife is pregnant i. Keletus is now 16 weeks into her pregnancy and we are becoming more and more excited about the bnbytocome Thank you and mav many blesatngs be with you H V J I I I 111 H lil There's good reason for many in Robeson County to consider Dr. Frank Woriax as an old friend. After all, he is a native son. Born and raised here and educated at Pembroke State University. His medical education took him to Duke University for a period of time, but after completing his internship and residency there, Dr. Woriax came back home. Since 1979, he has been in private practice. And since March, he has focused his skills here at Doctor's Urgent Care Centre. Here, he is able to care foe friends, family and neighbors when they need him most. . whether it's day or night J SrsfMiP ? m I 9 M ^"1 J| .1 ? MM M/m ? V ?J J ?HBi 2107 EBB St, IMMrtW, m-7211

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