Reader'* Reader says AISES Pow on Saturday at PSU was really Impressive OearMs Cowoee PaintedTurtleaodihad*pad uta workshop at Pembroke Stale University for a program called American Indian Science and E ngineer Soc iety We botb felt pood tKntil || U/Knt raalkr immMAM m# M.x.wt it " IbU ICeftllV lIlipiOMru MC was the hometown people who were involved from the bottom up I thought Or Freda Potter-Loc k tear did a ii andaejoh in organizing it She and the students deserve a tup - Job Well Done." Now I am not saying this because I had a naif in it. I vent to a couple of the oner workdays there An old classmate of mine. David WihuAs. pave a great lecture Dr Wilkin* has really come a loop way The students really impressed me They were a line group of students very intelligent, and they had good values I did have a discission w nha amkm which left me with slot on my mind It was not the family problem she had thai bothered me so much It was her Spiritual problem thai got to me She said she had turned awav from Church and. believe me. she had in her mind some good reasons She said if she wanted to sleep she would rather do it at home Maybe she needs to heat Kev Bill James Locklear preach She staled that a lot of people in the C' hurc h let her down. I told her thai the Dei tl is a smart creature He dues have to work hard in bars, but he does put all his overtime tit the Church I ant told that people will let you down all the time and some Christians will let you down some of the time, but the Almighty will never let you down. The real problem was that she was a ?ery intelligent young peivcm. ?ud I gut to thinking about all the smart people who have thought their way straight into H-- You see. the Almighty didn't tell us to think our wav into Heaven He said we onl\ had to believe Then I thought of Proverb* 12 15 The way ofa fool it tight mbr* owneieS' but lie that hearkenetlt um< counsel is wise " So I realized the Almighty was using me to speak to her and that ttehadcometobcaafcag rnuaarlinp What really porta *mwa? IfehjuatkehamatoataaK I remember 'hat happened in m> lite that aiadt me farl like I 1.0*1 wem to en mesde a church again I told mvi*lf I can walk ? the woodi aad feel dm lo Cod. Now. before I poany farther, faitit true Su* Sthe'Afenphry TOdofetealeea lor of fwtb I am KM uatap the word faith as a lot of people tier it today, such as what faith are you'' To me the word fauh it a verb If it sotaefhinp you do. aad yet M will be reared a lot m the world today. So aow that I'm Yuuop and btaatt. I know that Church u where fatth prow s and dec elopt. or hi me thai it what tbe> should be ibuut The Uoud Book leaches us thai Jesus is the Head of the Church. I remember a sayinp that went something! like this "If you want to tret to know someone, you've pot to pet into their Head '' Believe me. I want to pet to know Jesus I did challenprr her by sayinp. You ate just what Churches need, a ?ounp mtellipeni person who knows what Churches should be doinp " I loid her she shouldn't walkaway from the Church but she should be walktnp to Church She said she was iust one person and I reminded her that so was Jesus But vou know to clianpe the world, it unlv takes one simple thtnp. \ou bo. it vou want to chanpe the world, start with yourself One of the other problems people have with church is that it should Judlciipc voulu bcvoinca lull piowu < linstian Nowlhavealotofprowinp to do in the Lord We have alot of immature Christians telltnp others what to do Which leads me to the |ioint we should all be more ' 'christ hke ' ukI walk out Talk That is wlm' will make iieople want 10 return H- C 'llUfl it \\ hat I din talking about is a term I call 'Comfort Zones." our own raSft'sone of usdon't want lo be cbalienged Some people arc -jblIILH aliI m n. Wlif .. ,L. ^ ? ft . com ionsmc npi wierc tney are. Bui and would have jmm huny around Bethlehem We mij-hr never have heard of Him. I am reminded of Luke 4:24 "And He mid. Verily I mv mMo you. no prophet is accepted ia his own country Now left not jump to any conclusions and think I am telling everyone to leave Pembroke to become prophets. WhaMammyingis that sometimes we must pet out of our comfort zones to grow and learn. Remember how it felt the first day at school'' All those new Usees? The teachers? What about how big the school looked*.' Then the last day of school ye didn't want to leave because you grew comfortable with your surroundings. So after talking with this young lady. I asked her iffcould pray for her. She agreed So I got another on my payer list I would like to ask everyone put her and everyone like her on your payer list. Pay that she opens her heart to the Almighty and allows him inside and that she finds her way back to church so she can grow and develop her faith To all of you who don't go to church because something happened to you. remember this "The world and people are no reason to keep you out of church. They are the reason we need to go to church so we can pay for them '' Then, and only then will your feelings of spiritual emptiness end. There is an old Native Ajneticau Mtyiug. "Sometimes i'uc best way to solve our problems is to help someone who has the same problem " To all our churches, let's be about the real business of church Not just business, but making disciples for Christ In the True Way Derek Lowrv Greensboro, >\C Reflections exptmmm Last tine I planned to say "Someday I hope to pet paid in cash for free lance writing. IN the meantime, even though! have receded a little cash in a couple of situations and have been PAID in MANY OTHER WAYS for writing REFLECTIONS, most people seem to view my many hours of writing simply as one of my leisure-time activities ." I want to add that the experieae of writing down my own thoughts and reflections Vwith total freedom to experiment and explore the use of a variety of stvles and forms) has enriched m\ life tremenduusJy?especially once the trauma of our Emily's accident Again I 'm putting the story " Brown Is Beautiful" on hold, to comment on current events Winter Olympics This week I'veenjoywJ the Winter Olympic coverage and those beauiitu scenes from Norway Long before this I gut tired of hearing about Tonya Hading. But then I realized that site and Nancy Kerrigan, along with Dan Jansen. Doug Kennedy, and all the other disappointed nuti-wmners las well as the medalists) need our prayers Also Tonya's ex-husband. JelT. and the others involved in the plot to injure another top-notch skater I'm glad Kerrigan was not side-lined tlie way Monica Sellars has been Let 's also include Monica land her attacker i in our prayers. My mother-in-law. "Miss Lizzie' was right! She told me that she prayed each day for the whole world, and every night. I believe we ALL ought to do the same f aientmc.?Day Another V alentine' s Day has come and gone This was my thirteenth Valentuie'sasa widow. I still hmvethe J fancy. expenst ve valentine Leon sent to me in Montana in 195V. six months before we were married During our ( twenty-plus vear marriage mv husband { always gave me a nice card on Valentine's Day , WheneyerLeonand/orihechildren were away on a trip, i would wait for an hour after the time I expected them back, start getting anxious, imagine thev might be on the verge of an acuetit. and begin praying Lxceptfor that last trip Leon had told me that he had to keep selling vegetables until he had $300 00 to take to the bank when they returned that Tuesday afternoon In the money pouch patrolmen handed me was exactly $300 00 (It was a day or two before it got delivered to the hank > Soon after the accident I decided ilike mam others seem to dot that I .ould remarrv and still have a happy lite Bui what it I just staved single? ( mild I iKJssibh be happv' I did not want to think about that Well, here I am. thirteen and a half vears later, still single Ami. moat of the time these davs I am as happy as I ha\ e f VIIR been. ev en in in v vounger days. Ol course. I am STILL blessed w ith more "family" than many others have Not only do my daughter and son-in-law remember me in some special way each Valentines Day They i, put tlteir love into action ALL YEAR LONG, as tar as their two widowed mothers are concerned MT RICK'S PLACE Over the put few weeks I've received several letters as well as many personal responses to an article I wrote about Lumbee Regional Development Association (LRDA) Fur the most pad. the response was overwhelmingly positive Most folks found it to be an unbiased and informative article. A couple of the board members were not real pleased They wanted me to only talk about the good LRDA lias contributed to the community On the other hand a feu loiks felt I had white washed LRDA and had not exposed the problems that LRDA has I feel the article served the purpose lor which it was written I wanted to inform the public of the many programs and opportunities LRDA makes available to the area. By focusing on the positive aspects of the agency, yes Wiz. there are some, someone in need may be helped If we. as a people don 't help each other, who wilT' LRDA has a place in the community We must remember that LRDA is made upol people Some ol these people have over the vents worked for the good of the Indian community Some have not In the vearstocume. let s keep tlie good, use their talents and experience to build a better place for our children Demand they get the job done or supply them with the opportunity to work elsewhere LRDA is kind of like my 1978 El , (. amino, the brakes need wort and somenmestheteisalotof umwitsawy noise wider Ike hood, but it still is a good truck, and performs many services that would not pet done if I didn't have it. To think thai LRDA will fold up shop and go away after we adopt a tribal conaUMioa is a bit naive and unrealistic All of us agree that most organizations, horn the U S Senate ?o die deacon board of the local MUDBh. lave problems Let s take action to fix whatever the problems might be Let's use the system to make LRDA run smoother Let's use the electoral process to throw out the folks who aren't working furthe good our people Let'sdo the wort needed to get LRDA ? to pass inspection and continue to drive.Does all this mean I am Pro LRDA Well, it means I am ami stupidity . I am anti-ignorance and most of all. I am pro-Indian I am for whatever is good for our people and our commumtv If LRDA fits that, shoe, lam cettainlv w illing to let them wear it ' While W12 and I may not always see eye to eye on the LRDA issue, even he will agree the Indian cummututv isbetterofflavingLRDA. with its faults than not ha\ ing LRDA at all Kick Barton, president First American Publications Berea Baptist Church Renews Commitment to Ministry and Missions For more than half a century. Berea Baptist Church has been a pan of the Pembroke community Under the leadership of Rev Bruce Swell, the congregation is trying a new approach to the original goal of the Church, ministering to the community The recent innovative programs include programs for the youth, as well as the elderly o Recently Berea Baptist honored their senior adults with gilts, dinner. leUowdhip^ and eiitenainmant Youth activates have inducted a weekend vouth tuNv as kav Arthur s Precept in Chattanooga. Tennessee During this retreat the youth became more familiar with the main name-. of God and how it applies to their daily live*. They sponsored several fund raising events to help with the expenses for their trip The youth have instituted an Adopt-a-Mother Program and have an active program whereby they visit the elderlv in the community One of the programs that they are most proud of is their missionary work with the Choctaw Indians in Ripie v. TN Sev enteen membei s of a m isstonary ?earn spent a week with the Chuctaws at First Indian Church in Ripley The purpose for them was to share the jov of knowing God While there the mission team conducted Vacation Bible School and home v isitaiion Berea also took a greater step toward mission work and hosted a missionary lor the World Mission Conference The pastor. Rev bruce Swett was a part of the World Help Missions and journeyed to Russia and had the opportunity to share Bibles as well as the gospel w nh people in Russia. Hungary. Romania The church also now has their first student in Seminary They are spuasoring Shonda Lock tear who atiends Seminarv and she will become a missionary The receiH homecoming at Urien was one ??t the first that many of the members could tememhei Prior ti >tn homecoming the congregation took pan in a two week spiritual renewal Dunne the lit st week thev concentrated inwardly and prayed forthemsel v ev During the second week thev concentrated outwardly and prayed for others The idea was that each one must be right with God himself, before he can make intercessory prayer tor others Other activities of the church have included a Deacon" s Retreat. Couples Retreat, an Easter Cantata. Children and Adults Chnstmas Cantata. Watch Nigh Service, the Lord's Supper dunng the new vear bv candlelight, as well as a *i fop to Boone. NC, A Historical Sketch of Berea Baptist Church In 1918 Mr E.L. Odum. a resident of Robeson, shared with Miss Mary Li varmore. another native Robesotuan who was working w ith the Thomasville Baptist Orphanage, his desire to donate <71 2 acres of land for an Indian Orphanage and Indian training center for ministers Miss Livermore shared the information with the leadership of burnt Swamp Baptist Association of the i herokee Indians of Robeson I ouniy >T1uu organization is now the Burnt vwamp Baptist Association). and the seed loi a new work began H?e school was compteted in l"2* >4t the former Odum property and irahunu dasset for ministers began Win permission from the Association, a group of Baptist began meeting in the training school for worship and Bible uudv By the end of the year these same worshippers requested the school property and H was granted to them fa August of 1926 the group met loocganize and called the new work. Berea 3list Church Charter members included Mr and Mrs J.C Oxendine. Mr Mrs. E.B. Samnaap. Mr and Mrs Evander Hunt. Mr Bennie Chavis. Mr Jodie Oxendtne. Mrs Chanty Oaendute. Mr Ashlev Oxendine. Miss Bessie { Oxendine. Mrs Annie Lizzie Locklear. and Rev L W Jacobs Bensa is now experiencing changes through the leadership of Rev Brace Swgrt. Swett n Rill of energy and has a desire to lead new and deeper growth among the membership Rev Swett has used his special gift m music and ptraonnl tetottousto win new souls and awaken sleeping aunts Anew musical group, known as the Beteaas. are a testtmonv to this growing spirit In addition. Berea has offkiallv begun a building program which will totally te-structure the present tac times and erect a vpnoous. modem sanctuarv The manor and the congregation encourages evervune to become a port of the -piniual growth m Berea Baptist I hurth Berea Baptist Church is the epitome of their Homecoming prayer Faith ot our Fathers, renew us again And make u* a Church Family of God-tearit* man. Seekm^Thv guidance. Thy love, and Thy will. For we are but Pilgrims ; Rev. Bruce Swettis shown in church in Russia Rev. truce Suva is skon-n giving out Bibles in Russia. AJrtmmm I* ihmwm with yvmik Fir* ImSmm Ckm*h im Kiftn. TK i Wuk-u-thuH for Otium Home A iir* of the Cdehnuitm to Honor Senior Admits Yvuth **0*" mpmtk rmHy. fmtk rM MtHy ??*