I PERIODICAL* Pubishod Each Thursday Since January 18,1973 MM 7 1994 I j?| CARDLINAH P! f qntfian (Dolce 1 . I .g K ^ " Promoting Communications Between Indians and Nations " pembroke, nc IS g Rob??o? County I ? ' ' ' V ' ~ - 1 -.'?: '-s ? ? ' *' ?* ..? j VOLUME2! NUMBER V v THURSDAY. MARCH J. /WW iJj WlCP^f 1 f \ News Briefs _____ \ ?m^^mnmi?? Recently Mrs. Mildred Maynor, Supervisor with Public Schools of Robeson County kudo nutrition class for Mrs. Brooks preschool class at Piney Grove School. She hud her puppet. Combo the Chef, and Mrs. Baldwin, cafeteria manaper to assist. She spoke on where and how nepet our food. The students fixed breakfast and lunch trays after the session. Mrs. Baldwin served each student a cookie made with a new recipe usinp only epp whites instead of the whole epp. SeSvotflst """" 1 Church plans plate sale Hopewell Methodist Church will hold their annual plate sale at Union Elementary School on March 12, 1994. The sale will begin 'at 11 a nt and last until 7 p.m Plates will be on sale for $4.00 each The public is encouraged to intend. Senior Citizens of Saddletree Church of God Sponsor Plate Sale Senior Citizen at Saddletree Church of God are having a plate sale. March 18. starting at 11 00 a m until 7 p.m March 19. starting 11:00 a.m until 3 p.m. Home cooked Bar-B Que. Fried and Grilled Chicken Plates are $4.00 a plate The plate sale will be located at the Fellowship hall For more infoimation call (9IOi 739-3158 or 843-8194 Also the Singing Stiepherds will be special guest at our monthly singing on March 13. 1994 beginning at 2:30 p m The Changing Faces of Aids Conference to be Held The North Carolina Office of Minority Health and the N C Minority Health Advisory Council will be 'holding a very important conference on Tuesday, April 26, titled ''The Changing Faces of AIDS This" conference will be held at Johnson C Smith University in Charlotte and should be of interest to anyone who is concerned about the spread of HIV in minority communities Those interested in attending the conference should call (9I9> 966-4032. Rose's Mobile Office to visit The mobile office of Congressman Charlie Rose will return to Robeson County Wednesday. March 9. 1994. with Hops at the following post offices Fairmont. 9 00am - 11 00am and Rowland. 12.00pm - 2 00pm. A representati ve of Rote s office will be available for conference at those locations Appointments are not Anyone having a problem with a federal agency, such as social security, veterans administration, etc. or wishing to express an opinion ling SwfeHiUfytftft"" ?f so visit Je mobile office Piney Grove kitchen Recently Lindu Baldwin, the cafeteria manager at Piney Grave School, had a kitchen tour for Wry Lisa Hester's kindergarten class. The children enjoyed seeing the storage room, the big steam kettle, stores, and the freezer. Picturedfrom left to right are Mrs. Linda Baldwin. Corey Jacobs, Nicholas Freeman. China Lottery, Kayia Revels, and Matthew North. USS Floyd B Parks Reunion Frum Herbert J. Turlt M\ fonnei ship USS Floyd B Parks i DD884i is holding its second reunion in Myttle Bench, SC. On Sept. 9-10-11.1994.a Reunion will be held for all former shipmates that were on Board the I'SS Floyd B Porks i DD8841 from 1945 to 11973 in Myttle Beach. SC For more information Contact: Herbert J. Tartt 421 Normandy Dr Wilmington.NC28412 or Phone (9101452-4395 Kite Rodeo Slated March winds are on their way loin in on the kite rodeo Saturday. March 12th ai 2 00 p m Make it a twnilv afhur and enter in competitions like the higliest flyei. the loop to loop, messenger race, most colorful, most original kite and morel Prizes will be awarded CompetitiunopenioaMaifee. Competition ui three age categories Youth <12 and under), teen (13 ? 18) and adult (19+) Kite rodeo will take place at Carroll Middle School. Instructions oa how to make a kite can be picked up at the Bill Sapp Center Monday * Friday, 8:00 ? 5:00. Registration will also be tsken at the Bill Sappfenter through March I lib and front 2 00 2 30 at the Middle Schooltheday oftheevew Sponsored by the Lembertoa Recreation Department Amy Lock/ear Crown Miss I PSU Homecoming Oueen Amy Locklear of Maxton. a freshman physical education major at Pembroke State University who is the Peach BeltConfetence women'scross country champion, was crowned PSU's 1994 homecoming queen here Saturday night during halftone of the PSU-USC Spartanburg men's basketball game She is the daughter of Eva M Locklear and the late Bobby Lockleai She was sponsored by Phi ICappa Tau Fraternity and won over eight other contestants in campus wide .oting for queen First runner up v*> Btadenhoro .Like the queen. .rtf received a trophy and a bouquet ot flowers A dark blonde with shoulder length hair. Amy has hazel eyes, stands 5 ft* in height and weights 129 pounds Not only was the conference women'scross country champion, she made the NCAA Division II All Southeastern Regional C ross Countn Team. She was only one place away from qualifying as a freshman tor the NCAA Division II national cross country meet Larrv Rodders. PSU cross vounti > .mch. says. ' Before Ants graduates she cenainlv has the potential t>> qualifv tor the national meet and tf make All-American Amy also is a private first class in the Army National Guard, joining as a 12th grader W ith her cross country track scholarship at PSl and the money she draws as a member of the National Guard, she is able to pay her expenses through college Amy credits Julius Meekins. a former PSU track All-American, with inspiring her to run track m high school '' He encouraged me and remains one of my heroes. " she said " M v goal is to reach the nationals and to make All-American I believe I have the desire to do so." Amy ontinued During cross country season she tuns five miles a dav As tor being chosen homecoming .merit Amy said I an* surprised and had no idea I would be chosen. I wa.-. >o nervous - and when m\ name was announced, there were tears in mv eyes " Amy said her mother could not be present because of attending a relative's funeral, but that her sisters. Ainv's escort was Mark Jandreau ot Favetteville A graduate of Purnell Swett High School. Amy Locklear while there was al I state in cross country and track and also a North Carolina Scholai She is a member ol Pinei Grove Holiness! "hutch of Kaeford and enjoys meeting new people and talking to triends UH Quinton Mills to lead Youth Seminars at Prospect UMC Prospect United Methoditf Church nill hold it* Annual Spring Renewal am March 12-1 f. Quintan Mills (Evangelist/Singer) will lead Youth Seminars on Sunday Night, March 12, 7:00 p.m. through Wednesday Night March IS, 7:30 p.m. The week of services will end with two night* of Evangelitl meeting*. M. W ?? ? "" t me evangelism chairperson Mr. Dell Harris etui Pastor Rev. Bill Jamas lLocklear invites yam id Jain them far this special week nil Nr. Quintan Mills. "Cann" Chavis honored by PSHS Mr. milium "Cann ' Charts was honored by the Pumell Swett High School Rom Singers at the Wednesday night basketball game against Hoke County February 23. A t half dme. Mrs. Ellen Jackson, chorus teacher of PSHS, and the Bam Singers proudly paid tribute to Mr. Cann Chavis for Ms deep i oncem and support that he had displayed towards them. "He has been a champion. I've given him credit /or helping us". quote* Mrs. Jackson. I Mr. Conn wo* honored uith a boutique of roses, a plaque which road, "The Beet Friend Bom Singer* Ever Had", and a Bam Singers Sweatshirt London Woods, and Alison Boutselious. both seniors, presented a basketball with signatures baatur dab president John Lowry, presented a iiot. 0t scholarship fund an behalfof Mr. Cann to be presented to a student who wishes to go to 1 W/iyi* Mrs. Jackson escorted Mr. tana in the presence ofthe Bam Singers a* tkeysangtahim "My wish for You." ?BB?? nm* ' J _ 1 > MissLunlb&e to Compete in National Miss USA Pageant March 8-13 \atoscha W agoner, the reigning Mix* Lumber, will represent the Lumbee tribe m the Seventh Metional Miss Indian USA Pageant. The pageant Hill be held Merck H-li in Washington, D.C. During this traditional pageant contestants mil! be judged em traditional regalia, a two-port interview, tutd tut a cult mm! presentation. Daring ike truditnmul regalia competition. Miss Wegener will near ike ireditionel L em bee regalia shon e In the abate photograph. Tkr dress was designed by Hay s A. LocUear. the petcknsirk (pine cone I design was hundstitched bv Cynthia Lonry. The regalia that Miss L em bee is wearing is ike seme design mm by Lumber women in the IMOtls The \etionel Hiss Indian t'SA Pageant is sponsored by the . i merican Indian Hentage Foundation, Princess Pale Moon director. The winner oftke pageant will receive a S* 090 scholarship and other prizes and awards. She nill also reside in Washington, DC for a year and horh at the Foundation. Motional Miss Indian USA will have the opportunity for extensive travel, both nationally and abroad. Miss Wagoner is a junior at Campbell I ni versify mejoring im psychology. She plans to return to Pembroke State University a/far this semester una earn bar degree in Motive American Stadias. She is the daughter of Myra Wagoner and Clean Jacobs of Pembroke. Robeson Native Promoted to Master Sergeant in Army Rath Elaine Brooks Vollmar has been promoted from Sergeant Firm Clou to Master Sergeant nith the l otted Slate* Army. The i eremany held recently In Washington, tkC. The commemoration presented to her stated: "The Unwary of the Army has reposed special trust and confidence and?alor of professional excellence of Both Eloine Brooks Vollmar. In riete of these onalities demonstrated leadership and dedicated sendee to the l otted States Army, she is therefore promoted from Sergeant First Class to Master Sergeant" She urns promoted hp Cel. Donald Faint Attending the ceremony -a* her mother. Mrs. Leacte Brooks of Monte I, Femhrohe. M.Sgt. loll mar is stationed at Fort Belrain. Virginia. She it married la Jody VaBasar of Wisconsin and they hare three children. Jennifer, Jessica and Christopher. She It the daughter iMr. and Mrs. John C. Brooks of Boole I. Femhrohe. Shehmhaeala the military for 2$paar% a it shown receiring her stripe m her mother looks on.

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