^^^Iders and Tradition^^^^^^ ^wmmmrnm ^ by W. D. "Wii" Lttfclnr I don't know if you read the Fayette ville paper. Miss Connee. but one of the LRDA boys had a lot to say about our constitutioa in that paper Now. Mr. Bobby Dean Locklear is the Chairman of our Robeson County Commissioners. He'salsooneofthem LRDA boys. Course. 1 didn't know he vyas Chairman of the LRDA until 1 read it in that Fayetteville paper Saturday. But I had always figured if he ain't, he might as well be. The people say he runs the place, along with Dobbs Oxendine. James Hardin. Bruce Jones, and Roderick Lock lear I reckon they believe. Miss Connee. that the people ought to be asking them for permission to write them a constitution and vote on it That's what I'm figuring is the problem I've been a wondering what they'll put on the people next, if they can tell people when to meet and what to do when they meet. Course, they tell me that they've shut down our Enrollment office, ordered Miss Ruth away. and locked the rest ot them w omen inside I reckon if you stand tor the people, the LRDA is going to git rid of > ou 01 lock you awav where the people can't git to you Least ways, that's the way oT Wtz sees it Now. I was mighty disturbed to hear Mr Bobby Dean Locklear say in tins Fayetteville paper that the LRDA appointed our delegates. According toeverything I've seen and everything I've heard, our delegates were chosen by our Churches to write our constitution for the Lumbee people And. from what I've read, them LRDA bovs will git their chance to approve our constitution along with ?Ik>ui 40.00') other Lumbees Now I am i seen nothing that says iliev 'ui>c approve before the people. Mi>s Connee. They git their ballot when the rest ot us gits ours. The\ can mark their ballot, and we can mark our ballot Then, someone will add it all up and we'll know whether we gut us S constitution for the people and by the people. Course, that's the American way. Miss Connee Now. vou don't git that kind of freedom decisions for flte people. But. here in these United Stales we all git the same ballot and vote at the same time That applies to our President, our Congressman, and I reckon it applies here to the LKDA And. here's another thing. Miss Connee Mr Bobby Dean Locklear said in the paper be was surprised thai the people keep on meeting when they had told them there could be no more meetings Now. Old Wiz don't know why he's so surprised about all of this The people have been meeting and going about their business for more v ears than the LRDA has been around I don't reckon they're likely to stop now just because them LRDA boys want them to stop their meetings Course. I've tried to tell the people about this, but now 1 reckon they got Mr Bobby Dean Locklear's word for it I reckon the people need to pray tor these LKDA boys. Miss Connee They've gone astray and forgotten about what it means to serve the poor, the needs, and the oppressed And that is inv own tlKHightson the matter, though some people don'* seem to want ol W iz to have no thoughts, or leastwavs they don't want me to writeem down. Makes me think they've forgotten what it means to be humble, and tliev have forgotten about the ways of out forefathers We need to return to our roots. Miss Connee. and we need to return to the rock least we fall into condemnation The delegates writing our constitution understands these things and Old W iz would rathei be standing there with ?hem ,uu1 the people tlicti some othei people he knows. Uui .ou know Miss Conner. I licaidiliat iiiose boys back ihere in the POOsdidn t send the U S Constitution across to the water for that king in Lngland to approve And. I reckon we won t be sending our constitution to the LRDA for tlieirapproval Ifwedo. ol Wiz will be mighty disappointed cause it would be something like outline1 ilir tov in the hen house You ihttaxilV thlliu Vkt HdfemairflHT S&tffitTfoTrustmc Lord and wall on him On The Pow Wow Circuit The following list of upcoming powwows is not uitended to be a complete list. Anyone having information about upcoming powwows not listed is encouraged to semi them to Wild Turkey. PO Box 1075. Pembroke. NC 28372 or fox fo<9IO) *71-1075 ?February 26.1104. First Annual Native American Cultural Festival. Noon until 6:00 p.m . Cone Ballroom. Elliott University Center. University of North Carolina ai Greensboro * March 18-20 Pow-Wow Greenville. NCT410 (788-0689. i919)257 1720 * March 25-26. 1994-Annual Festival of the Four Holes Indian Organization (The Natchez Kusso Tribe) Call (8031 8" 1-2126 * April 1-2 NC Stale University Pow-Wow. ReggieOxendine 1919) 839-2214 ?April 9. Duke University Pow-Wow. DanaChavisi9|9i6l3-l942 * April 15-17 Haliwa-Sapmu Pow-Wow. Hollistei. NC |9|9)586 4017 * April 7-9 Raleigh. N< Pow -W ow. i4IOi "'88-0689. (919?257-1720 * April 29-5/1 Hamsburg. Pa ?4I0> "88-0689 or (9|9>25M720 ?May 6-8. Metrolina Native American Association, second annual American Indian Festival and Pow Wow. 2601 East Seventh Street. Charlotte. NC Call Association 704-<31-4818 * May 7- Hoke County Schools Indian Lducanon Pow Wow South HvAc Elementary Schooi Gvm Ink 9|t)i 521-8602 * May 21-22 Richmond Community College (9191 582-7071 *Mav 21-23 Tuscarora Nation Pow Wow.Tribal Grounds. Maxton. NC Info 910-144-3352 ?May 28. Upper Mattapom Spring Festival. Sharon School. King William. VA Info 804-"'bit-2408 ?June 4-5. Machapunga Tuscarora Indian 1 nhal Associaitiou First Annual Native American Pow Wow. Moratoc Park on the Roanoke River. Hwy 711 S Business. W illiamston. NC Info 910-793-6117' 910-975-1473 alter 6pm * June 16. 17. 18. A 19. Rebirth of the Traditional spiritual Gatherings, a Tribute to the Great Spirit. Fattier ot all Indian nations. North Carolina Indian C ultural C enter Call Spotted Turtle (910) 521 4178. Painted Turtle (9101 521-0020or Wild Turkey (?I9| 521-2826 * June 24-25 Allentowu. I'a. Pow-Wow (410)788-0689 Mulv '5-16. Charlotte Native American Community Native American Festival. Uptown ? natlottc. N( "04-.;27-',l87 ?Julv 15-17 Howard ( ouniv MU?410? "88-0689 <919)257-1720 ?July 24. C herokee of Hoke C ounty and Maxion. NC Tuscaroras. Intertribal Festival, at Rocktish near Davis Bridge. NC. C ontact Chief or Mrs Edgar Bryant (9IOi K75-0222. ?July 30-31.Third Annual Pow Wow and Festival. Rising W aierand Falling Water Show place. Richmond. VA 804-769-1018 804-443 4221. * Julv 29-31 Virginia Beach. <4l0i 788-0689 or t9l9i 257-1720 * August 26-28 Baltimore American Indian c enter Pow-W ow <410) 675-3535 * September 15-17 Guilford Native American Associationt9l9)273 . w.* ?September 9-10. Cohane Pow Wow. Clinton. NC Contact 910 564-6909 ?Sept. 30-Oct I. Indian trail Pow Wow. Indian Trail. NC. Call Metrolina Association 704-171-4818. Kingston Sanderson. 704-82l ?>,<61 ?Octobei 7-8.1 uiiiKciI.ukj i ?uni n:uif M We would throw our bait aiound tree, and wait Upstream than the 1Mb was a clearei place. Ink the Jttwlish would take vour han -ft if bare loot was within a foot ot 'hai make The sun was sinning na' Miuninee Flits is how ? Jtoul.l ft k'ontt.e me if I renemic mt. amain*? hat >ou teel is ..milium mh>..ic their respective church communities to serve on this delegation and they owe allegiance to the LUMBEE C'H ERA W people only. It is ludicrous to think that this committee should tr\ to satisfy anyone other than the i s MHH CHERAW pe, opinions of all the people not just a selected lew Third, the constitutional committee delegation m committed to educating the LIJMREE CHIRAW peopleabouttheptopoaad pmv isnms ot the .oostitutiua. so that the> can .ote tor or against the .omaMui mn witli a denr understanding of the intent ot this constitution lu m\ opinion it was misleading to imply that the LRDA board does not know what is going on with the constitutional delegation I have seen board members at all f thr maatinaa thai I have attended and it must be remembered that the meetings ate open to the public I don't understand the logic of LRDA insisting that they review the constitution prior to the people \ otmg lot or against it. The tundtiig lot the constitution protect .e- nn>bat>iv ?*!. M?,.s^ ??* , -EW,. ? ? ? **** :-?? *r* ..-! -r?/r zjriwo ) I- -?k Li i xL .-tI RTB Construction - 521-1541 1 lilDWH % ? Custom Pipo Work 11^ flj ? Duals ? Slnglss Exhaust dialer b ? Chrome Tall Pipes CAIALY1IC CONVERTERS TUNE-UPS SHOCK ABSORBERS Hours: MON-FRI 8:00-6:00 SAT 8:00-2:00 YOUR MOTOR HOME IffCMUSTS ? CALL FOR ESTMATES ?I B 1739-83941 I 1010 W. 5TH ST., LUMBERTON I FIVE MINUTES FROM 1-98 E Rebirth of the Traditional Spiritual GATHERINGS; A Tribute to the Great Spirit, Father of all Indian Nations | June 16, 17, 18, 19, 1994 (All day and all night Thursday; Friday, Saturday, Sunday until waning) ? North Carolina Indian Cultural Center *No Admission ?No Prizes ?No Competition v J Sponsored in part by Title V. IE A Program, Intertribal Council of Eider* and the Carolina Indian rake. Far mar* Information, call Spotted Turtle (910) 521-4170. Fainted Turtle (910) 521-0020 or Wild Turkey, % CaroHan Indian Voice (010) 521 2020. * l!