I Classified Ads Legoi None* Cwaty ?f RtN* Notice of Proposed amendment* the code ofocduumce of the Town of PWl5S!? M hereby given thai the Town Council of the Towo oi Pembroke will hold a public hearing to consider the following proposed mendmcni to the Code of Ordinance ...? ^Hme*andpiece for the pdHu beariop concerning the above amendment will be at 7:00 o'clock p m.. on the 4th day of April. 1994* the Pembroke Town Hall, at which time interested parlies will be given an opportunity to be heard concerning ^1$5TrtieT!rti day of Febnran IV94 JOANN NEVILLE Town Clerk Tawa of Pembrake P.O. Bat MM Pembrake. NC 21372 Telephone Na. (9101521-975* 3-24 Legal Notice Slate of Nartb Careliua County ff RobeiM Notice to Creditor* ood Debtor* of St mom P. Lockleur. decerned. The undersigned. ha\ ing qualified as Executrix of the esraie of Simon Peter Locklear. deceased, late of Robeson County, this it to notify all peraona. firms and corporations hev m claims anamat mid estate to exhibit them ? me undersigned on or before the 3rd day of June. 1904. or be barred from their recovery All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate "TSImSISBSI*. .?? Loio Runxom, Executrix P.O. Box 235 Pembroke. NC W2 3-24 Notice: Petition* Armiabie With Federal. State, and Local ^Ikrth^Skilled and Unskilled SI6.500 00 to $72,000 00 Plus Benefit* For application and Jobs list CalLt6l5) 779-550$ Ext K-^19 Legal Nattee State ?f Nartb Careliaa Bttdllars aad Debtaisaf Laaty Deem, The undersigned, havinp aualified as Executrix of the estate of Lauton Deese. deceased, late ' C ouaty. this is to notify all peraoos. firms and corporations having claims "Lust said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 17th day of May. 1994. or be barred from '^AUpersomt indebted to sa?destate are mked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 17th day of February. 1994 TUlie Dome, Executrix Rl 2, Bex 271 Pembroke, NC 283 72 3-19 Piano For Sole Responsible Person Takeon Low Monthly Payments Home Style Console Piano No yownPayment Required 1-800-769 _Mm?? Puattiua Available Associate Teacher Pembroke Head Star C enter Two yean college level trauung . ta the field of Early Childhood Education or the equivalent in experience <2 yeani Must be ?illing . to enroll m ( DA tramwiy progiam to obtain credential M?? haw 'r asportation and alid due , Koaaar Interested person* nut ..niad four-County Community Service*. Inc.. at "#19-277-3500 to receive an aoolication Application Deadline March 18. 1994 Am Etfmmi Opportunity Employer Ltryul Sottce Nurth Carutina Cmmmty ef Rubesun Notice of Propored amendment to the code of ordinance of the Tow n ul Pembroke Notice it hereby given that ilk Town Council of ihe Town of Pembroke will bold a public iieanng to consider the lollowing pro|>o?eiJ amendment to the Code of Ordinance of the Town of Pembroke An amendment to Section I It) 20 relating to carrying on any bustnes, or commercial activity within the town jo any Sunday flic time and place tor the puhlk neariup concerning iht above amendment will be at 7 00 o'clock P m . on the 5th day of April. 1994 at the Pembroke Town Hall, ai which time interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard concerninc ruch amendment This the 18th dav of Februarv ? 994 JOANN NEVILLE Tuwa Clerk Town of Pembroke P.O. Bos NM Pembroke. NC 2*372 I elephone No. (9111) 521 -9?5b 3-24 Positions Available at Pembroke Housing Authority Pembroke Housing Authontv has three temporary openings for the following positions The work will continue for a period of three i3i months with a possible extension ??t an additional three (31 months 3-Full Time Temporarv Yard 1 Workers $5.82 Per Hour Employees < will perform semi skilled and routine ' tasks as a helper to the maintenance ' mechanics and assist in repairs and 1 maintenance of buildings and grounds ' Employee perform* clean upot vacant < iHits. assists in grass mowing, and I -leaning of grounds I Interested person* mav make '? application at the Central office fan, I Lumbee St Pembroke North Carolina Applications will he acceptedduring regular working horn > > of 8 00 a m - 5:00 pm Mondav Fur Sale Carolina Beach condo tor sale sleeps six. furnished, two blocks from beach. 15 miles from UNC-VS Call Helen Locklear at the Real bsiate Exchange. 738-1400 Land fur Sale Red Springs land tracts tor sale < 10 acres with toad frontage Located mi SR 1318 and SR I'3k Ownei J ?inancing available Call Helen .ocklearat the Real Estate Exchange , ''8- I4h<) Fur Sale Citbcon electric gutlat tot sale , Includes guitar case, amplitiei .uid . guitar stand. $800.00 firm C all 910- , 843-3157 e ?" Legal NeSice StmeoftiortkCmnMrno r.'rls ^ceased. late of Robesoo ^,,.,n?i tatd estate to exhibit them to the tmdersigned oo or before the 3rd day of May. 1994. or be barred from their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are ?-*"?< to please make immediate pas ment to the undersigned This the 3rd day ofFebruaf). 1994 James Emrt Revel* Sr. 72$ Atwuur Rd. Hope WeU, Vo. 238*0 2-24 BAHAMA CRUISE! 5 days/4 nights. Underbooked' Must Sell! S279/Couple Limited Tickets (407 >767-8100ext 8409 Mon Sat 9am - 10pm. NEED A DATE TONIGHT? Meet Single Men and Women in your area and nationwide Singles Voicetnail 24 Hrs 1-900-226-5493 ext. 269 S2 min. 18+ Ttooe Req'd. ROMANTIC ENCOUNTER ? Find Singles From Your Area! Guys & Girls waiting for you. I -900 226-5493 ext 269 S2 min Ttooe Req'd 18+ SINGLES DATELINE Call 1-900-226-5493 ext 269 S2 minute Ttooe Req'd 18+ Get t? Know someone you'll really like! Call the Singles Dateline S2J min 24hrs T-tone 1-900-226-5493 ext. 269 $2 min 18+ Ttone Req d Job Vacancy Robeson County Public Utilities has the following job vacancy in their Water Distribution Department Job Title Backhoe Operator Annual Salary: SI5.888 00 Examples of Duties: Anemnlovee in this position performs skilled to semi-skilled work in the operation ol motorized equipment (backhit Inching machine, boring machine) jsed in rise installation and rep.ii. ol cater lines Also performs manual abor m the installation and repaii ol cater lines Physical strength and mdurance is a requirement in performing manual labor for extended periods of time in adverse weatliet tnd working conditions Work is performed under the general .uperv ision ol the W ater Distribution supervisor and is evaluated through ?bservation lor the overall etticienc v if duties performed QuaUfkatiMu: Must have a valid vJorth Carolina class 'CDl. license ior duration ol employment mid a alid North (aiujiifci kt aic-i hstnbution Operatoi t ertitic.in.n ('-Distribution" or highei h uU.hh .uch certification within l8iuonlh> it rmployment Some experience in caterluie maintenance work .unl in he use of small to large size backhoes. h an equivalent of combination of txperience and training Applications can be obtained at lobe son Counts Administration ?uilding. Personnel Office. 701 North Llm St Lumberton. NC t9IOt 6*1 1020 Applications will be accepted lufli 8 15 a ill -5 15 p m thru donday. March 14. 1994 Robeson ountv is an equal opportunitv mpkiyer mmuJXSSu ! Cumm?y sfltsbrw N?tk?nCir*lirm< PtMin ?f Samuel Awkn*. | TV undersigned, having qualified j m the Execmot of the Estate of Samuel | Anderson. I?e of Robeson County. ? this is to notify all persoot, firms and ' corporations having claim* against | said estate to exhibit them to the i undersigned on or before the 17th day of May. 1994. or be barred from their ' recovery All persons indebted to said estate ase asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 17th day of February. 1994. Samuel Stephen Aaderum, Executor P.O. Box 483 Lumberton. SC 28339 3-18 Position Vacancy The Housing Authority ofTheCitv of Lumberton Two Immediate full time temporary yard workers The Housing Authority of the city of Lumberton has two temporary openings for the following position The work will continue fora period of six (6) months 2 Full time temporary yard workers 5.50 per hour Employees will perform semi-skilled and routine tasks as a helper to the maintenance mechanics and assistants in repairs and maintenance of building>. c rounds. and equipment Linploser pertorms. dean up of taiaicd apartments, assists in gras.-. mowing, .leaning of grounds, and upkeep of mowing equipment Interested persons may make application at the central office, tot) North Chestnut St.. or at the maintenance department, at 613 King St Lumbeiton. NC Applications will be accepted during the regular work I day 8.15 to5:15 p.m.. Monday through Friday, through the period ending March 31. IW4 The Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer 3-24 \ortb Carolina \ County of Robeson The undersigned.Iiaving qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Maydell Hunt, deceased, late of Robeson County, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 27th day of May. 1994. or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 24th dav of February. 1994 Ms. Lucy Hum P.a Box 25'4 Pembroke. \C W.tT LocMear. Jacobs. Sutton ana Hum Attorneys At Law P.O. Box WV Pembroke, \C 2H.1~2 Telephone: (910) 52I-.UIJ J J-l For Sale Heat Pump with Central Air Fire Place Insert Call 521-2826 or 521-8763 after 8 p.m. I k y DietAid 3S=~' 2000 - Spray Away the Pounds Taft's DietAid 2000 is the only breath spray which acts as an appetite suppresant, relieving hunger pangs and the mental desire to eat.This spray has a 1 pleasant peppermint flavor. ?Use With Current Convenient Dlet *No Calories Per Serving ?Vitamin C *Easy to Use ?Discreet Order Today Money Back Guaranteed! Please allow 4-6 weeks ft* delivery Oaly S29.95 for a 3 moatfc supply (includes shipping & handling) Send check or money order to: HEALTHCARE PRODUCTS 330? HULCROFT, STE, D-411 HOUSTON. TX 77057 f '=s^ Sonny's Home Improvements Minor carpentry work, painting, air conditioning, refrigeration repair, washer, dryer repair 521-2947 j Robeson Community College Position Vacancy Position: Evening Librarian Qualifications: Master's Degree in Library Science Personal Characteristics: Personal fitness, good personality and attitude, neat in appearance, interest in and empathy for student*. Applicant must be able to work, as a I team member An understanding of and commitment to the unique role of the Community College System. Ability to relate to and work with persons from tn-racia I backgrounds a must Requirements. Evening work required. Employment full-time 12 month Hours. 11:30 a m -10:00 p.m. with an } hour break ' WorkWeek 4 days. VI-fh Salary: Commensurate with education and experience Application Deadline: Applications must he received no later than Friday. March IX. 1004 at 3.00 p.m. Contact. Personnel Dircctoi Robeson ( ,'inmui.!i 1 i lleuc r fi \m,\ >421 Luinbci'on. \t 2X330 USeDPBBTS motors Tnmmtsskm for SMf Installed net piow f Day Sink* tarn ju^u if..^ ?i? ? . .i Wl iilfl^w vi^h WW - Horn ?t * odBoa parts 5M-H48 TOjomas 8c &on General Electric * Hotpoint .. * Microwave Ovens * Ice Makers * Refrigerators * Air Condibooen * Washers * Dryers * P-7 Ranges FRANCHISED MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE All Major Appliance Parts AH Work Guaranteed * Phone (919) 73M724 James W. Thomas Saddletree Area i _ Al's Aluminum & Vinyl Siding Routo 3 Box 422, Lumbnrton, NC 2S3S8 Phone: (910)738-5409 -a , aa wtfi I -*? om , ,, l, , SA/1- ,| miHOOtllHi VinyV BhlOfng ntpuctmeni Trinaowi Hoofing Hoooi Aditlsns ?Aluminum Carport* ?Carport AH Types of Romodaling I ?| Health Arts PC ? I Dr. Rudy Coronndo Chiropractic Physician Se Habla Eapanol FOB 1117 707F Union Chapel Road Pembroke. N.C. 28372-1117 ?I9-S2I-77S7 Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton, NC 28358 (Located directly across from Courthouse) Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 I SOUTHERN SANITATION Specializing in private home household garbage pick-up in and arouid the Pembroke area. 511 West 5th St. Pembroke (919) 521-4771 Donald C. Deese. Owner Tills ' Space For 1 Rent J Native American Sprinklers Installing Lawn Sprinklers! Reasonable Rates Call 521-4611 or 671-7527 call 521-2826 Traveling In Detroit? Call DOWNRIVER TRAVEL AGENCY Telephone (313X383-3666 3800 Fort Street Lincoln Park, Ml 48146 Julian P. Martin, President All Occasions Jhon^SlUJMjJ

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