A-V.S iSmm*flljliiTS IMMMwC^Ajhi Bpyyo* "fM fc* ac spnattUy and AqrMtt BSS^^ftTiiSSHCi StifflBStjEssS SteaSiML^eawaMryooe sske* ?yjasasaswaa ^ywiin You kMW Ms ( *xmm wfcen 1 wsiad Ass 1 got Ae Aaaieai looks, it MM ? if tkey ?0M ttossppoiflled. I gauss Aey waased aw to take a safe Si^kS^'SSASi'Z Pwwti 6:16-19. aaawwer fact irSsSKSSs Mtetow 19 MMd 1 alt am. Mat m wfcy as cMldran uwoften mxa?2S?l& Svy^iir. When you look ai AeiMuasas tfiey atc -a/wj ai lo^ your ctncsioti to take over, everything takes oa a Afferent light As auAan Christians sad as traditionalists, ats are tooaaMl dlwe *** ffij? oar emotions t kaow you say it is ApsaMsto control our eatortaas. control . >1 itfce Federal Recogtnuou DOthmg worth haVWg CO?eS CWSv . Icci all good things Uiur a rouf uhk ' *^2^fa2kHI^J6ilWu2ld^CWT$ I nprnTke whole dung M first sound, hieanLRDA witch hunt.bur rri& 'Hae^'cJSSw iiidiifi Voic c hiv,uTd m a ( orisoirac v "o Defame the LRDA 1*J n? icaki> Nod knot, tbey only pruir the letters of the people, ao one at fee Indian Voice make* up all these tetters Iako bawd ihkacettaiapaiwaatepped out ww^SdofSy youmoney far ? project lwonW make sure you understood what Iexpec' 1 We Bring Cable J *1 M?u*n Service To I S?L4ZSL^^^ur HomeJ wiimasa JP?L11 CATALYTIC CONVERTERS www _ ESI3n^HSlTffinHn HBIjr mm 1739-8394 I 1010 W. 5TH ST., LUMBERTON J RVEMMUTES FROM LOS dBBBSggjggBi Pud for by ihe C ommittctf u? t leu Ju Ami Luckleai . ? .. ,v - j . ??.Wv. ? * ? Some Comments on Morton vs Maynor Case and Tuscarora History T ? ? ^ A *? When I wa? two yean old I wn sda|Hl toawtondanandtan^tto h+mnm. f-jrW *" ' fWtolll 11*11 III inaniedtouncebadtayroouuray real family. I ended up ? Robesou Couny. Pembroke Norti Carotin* I stated searching with m agency Developtneai Association) rbc. knew tank aboa sovereign Naive oTmcney^an research baco^d not tell ae of any Nations a Robeson 1 "UJ'ty *".***' ilC5 *utl ,hc f cdc'-Ij for myself around a toe community of Robeson County I cane across a >ign thai read Sovereign T emtory ton pointed to a track ofland known a the Tuscarora Nation i looked around and wbn a snyrise 1 did get when I knew*toa^totTTwand tome* toe people of tots sovereign land. They ate known m toe Handenosannee I oogHousc People T use-atom Nation. After I an then people and I found on ton toey were under toe dan system with dan mothers and clan chiefs, toev governed themselves under the "Great Lew of Peace," they deal with mother earth. They have toeirown cultural school that teaches their children their culture and traditions On toe oaade of their museum a ? ? fc ? ha --------??- s*. - ? *-t- t _ wampum dcit represents me menosnip of toe anion Now I am happy to know that I can wotfc with the clan mothers on the research of my people and find all of my roots and also I can help them to detennine the nations destination 1 knew then dm I had found tor right way. We have our own lahmeanddonthavetotarowlluai the jovcicii; I r .. ^ _r~,- , .-.Tpr v,T-' ? ?-?tt""' " ^ -? - ^ ? ?? " ' ' -' 5<$rsr7 ? -.p***