Okeadme Willie A Betty Li E/S SR WO 105.92 Oicudiae WillteABeny FayeUE/ S SR 177? 13 60 OiMdw Willie Jr A Wf BE?y Ac W/S SR 1526 37 60 Ouadiae Wiafad Jr A Wf BEay Ac W/S Sr 1526 37.60 OuodiBO Wiaoie Jaae~A N SA 1313 117.19 OM6M Wwm JMC 76 A N SR 1515 3190 PnatMi Paper Lid Ac J H Taylor 7439 03 Paraeil Jultua HAH Pvaeil S/S SR 1525 09967 Paraeil Miaaie Meekiae U Saaaderr St 174.99 Pme Allea A Loteteaa U W of NC Hwy 710 31104 Patteraoa Aooie Lu S Maxtoo 4.88 Patteraoo Bobby L Li Gelaveadale 8.05 Pttteraoo Bobby L U Gieaveedale 195 99 I . Pattteraoa DeborahA A Charier U 3 4 j Blk F Argyle 117.38 Patteraoa Ethel Lt 10 Wright/ McKiaooaLd 146 79 Patteraoa Joha Lt Brooklyn 10.45 Patteraoa UMieLtPaaeraoo 13.40 Patteraoa Patricia E Lt 22 Clark S Park 407.37 Patteraoa Stereo Mobile Home Ld S AmbBB 274.75 Patteraoa Thereaa Lt Murphy Mallov 10.04 Paileraoa \ ictoria Lt Ducao Smith 13 54 Patteraoa Walter Lt Brooklyn 13.40 Patteraoa Weatte E Lf Eat US Panereoo 16.39 Paul Jerry A WfTeraaaCUBuie/L TooToard 501.42 Pectl Virgie Lowery A A Oxendtne 181.33 Pembroke Drug Center lac U11 Pt U I0W 3rd St 1407 76 Peoples Gaa A Oil Co IncTaokiElof) St 87.68 People* GasAOil Co IncLtSaudnen St/Station 677.89 Pemll Nancy A SE/S ISIS 30.67 Pwrill Nancy L A A Oxendine Eat 20.93 Pevrilll Nancy L Ac S/W SR 1321 55.76 Pevia Calvin A Mildred ANWSR 1318 519.97 Pevia Calvin A Wf Mildred A West SR 1770 39 49 Pevie Evelyn Ac W/SSR1312 216.21 Phillip Mitchell Funeral Home Lt Wilmington Lt 2 275.31 Pierce Anne M Lt McRasiul) Ave 338.51 Pierce Dora Ac Tr 6 Dennis P Pierce 4.55 Pierce Riobett A Wf Lorraine Ac TV 9 Dennis Pierce Es 206.42 Pipkin Brenda M Lt 10 Upchurch Sto Connie Mae Et All Ac Pipkin Ld 16176 Pipiaa Coon* Mae El Ah Ac R Powell SRI569 607.91 Pipkin James Hilton Ac R Powell I IS M Pipkin Join Heirs Lt Turnout 15.66 pipkin John Heirs Lt Turnout 2.64 Pipkin Lawrence Jr Heirs Ac McCallum 132.56 Pipkid Maggie Et Ate E/S Sec Rd 1569 U 2 31.15 Pipkin MaggiC Mc Arthur Ac Tr I B McArthurLd 120.12 Pipkin Maggie McArthur A Lt 2 B McArthurLd 90.70 Pipkin Michael A Ac East Side SR 1569 83.04 Pipkin Zebbie Mobile Home 140.56 Pittman Barbara Jean Lt N/S 1507 21.30 Plasterer* Anrue L A Hb Wilford Tr 9 Sopbr Oxendine Ld 13.31 Potts Andrew H Jr South Side SR 1188 180.14 Powers David Robert Lt 49 J Luther Hall SD 37 21 Powers David Robert Lt 50 J Luther Hall SD 37.21 Powers David Robert Lt 48 J Luther Hall SD 43.87 Powers David Robert Lt 62 J L Hall Sub 37.21 / Prabter Donlee Jackson A Wf A Off ' N/S SR 1515 17.38 PreddyEllase Lis Brooklyn 82.51 Prevatt Hubert R Lt 13 Hiwatha Village 22.37 Prevatt Hubert R Lt 12 Hiwatha Village N/ 23.52 PRevatte Charles A Helen D/W Mobile Home 333.50 Priest Henry E A PEggy Ac ACL Hwy 184.64 Prince GilbertJr A WfMaryLtEHwy 130 S Maxton 17.42 Print Berteea O Lift Est Lt West Pembroke 505 84 PuroellMary LABS SRI 181 578.92 PurtUe Carrie Lt NC Hwy 71 6.13 Purvis lac Lt 1 Rivers Edge Subdiv 28.50 Quatsoa Delia Lt Central St 133 18 Quick Betty BLtMcNair 3 03 Quick Jeans Mae Mobile Home 243.06 a A Kimberty Ana Bldg y 263.39 Quick Lindsay R A Wf Uada Ac C hishoim 414 27 Quick Metoa D Mobile HOme Z V Pats Lot 329.51 Quick Rayboutn Off South Side^Hw^ Quick Rayboura F A Jim Whits Subdiv 91.89 Quick Rayboura F A EdaaL Ac Pt Lis I 6 J White 61.82 Qatak Rnvboum P A BA* Lt Imdh NC Hwy 71 43208 Quick Rayboura OA WfDwtane Ac EttofSR 1313 121.22 Mck Shirley M Lt N/W ft 1105 4.29 Ranmra lone Ac SR 1318 A SR 1171 386.15 gtone IBrhasI A Br Ak Ac AC L Hwy 216.68 tan Mm Ac N/E Sd Rd Sec 1154 44.46 Raaoom Eai 29 9o Ransom Keraut H Hew N/S SR 1166 141.66 Rnaon Lola Manet Ac U 3 BC Lucas Eel 71.64 Ransom Lote Muriel U 3 A dam Lucas Est 15.00 N/SSRI1W 2166 Rneoue Mm A Wf Florence Ac Lt 3 WHGodwia 65003 Bay Angela Lt Richland Swp 214 67 RazooElpidJo SR El All Ac W H Godwin 54033 Reaves Bobby A Wife Ruth Li S/S 1152 380 24 Rood Samuel A Suae McNeil Ll 6 Bl A Paaeraoo Subd 8.91 Reeves Jimmy C A Wf Betty North Side SR 1342 73.02 Recisier Donald A Wf Virginia A N/ S US 301 250 64 Revels Billy D A Wife Lola Lt 202 PiaeSt 327.19 Revels Bobby D A Wf Audrey S/S Sec Rd 1609 25.75 Revels Dale A WfDarteen Ac N/S SR 1576 14.85 Revels Denis A Wf Phyllis Off N/S SR 1344 571.42 Revels Doaald Lt E A Morgan Est 470.72 Revels Evaraey Harvey Ac N A Revels 803.60 Revels Garry A Wf Angela Ac S/W SR 1340 29.29 Revels Gary LA Wife Bobbie LtNA Revels 312.34 Revels Jimaue A Wife Rome Lt J W Lowry 147.14 Revels Jinunie A Wife Rosie Ac JW Lowry 62.71 Revels Juddie A Jr A Wife Lt 16 Blk 2 Breece St 66 43 Revels Juddie A JrEtAlsLts47CO Carter 204.04 Revels Juddie A Jr A Wife Ac E/S BreeceSt 2216 56 Revels Juddie JrLt Ed Brooks 56.97 Revels Juddie Jr Wife Ac Oflfe/S Sec *? "*7 . 652 06 Revels Juddie Jr A Wife Lt 3 BIO 22 22 Revels Juddie Jr A Wife Oiivie Lts Percy Brooki 637.7! Revels Juddie Jr/Wf Olivia Ac E/S Hwy.1347 175.07 Revels Leroy Building Daly | .99 Revels Mary JooesAHb Lt N/E Off "w7l21' 198.79 Revels Olivia M A Hb Juddie Ac W Pembroke 196 76 Revels Ronald A Dorisetta Ac Tr I Oiv Brooks Est 19 25 Revels Ronald/ Wf Dorisetta Ac E Maxton 13 06 Revels Rudolph A Margie Lt SW/S "4S 502.71 Revels William Junior Lt E/S NC Hwy 71 282.96 fesvets William Junior AWfVerLtS/ W SR 1376 8.45 Reynolds Evelyn M Av Raft Swp V Rice Carl Wayne Off East Side SR 1578 114.96 Rivera Rosa MU W/SSr 1165 476.48 Rivera Rose Mae Lt East Sr ??37 22.13 Rivera Rose Mae Ac Tr 2 E/S 1137 78.16 Robersoo Henderson Jr Ac E/S SR *304 49.00 Roderson Willie Lt E/S SRI304 15.07 Roberts Ernest A Mary A Strickland 254.83 Robeson Jessie A WfMary Lt I Heirs Odessa Robins 71.50 Robeson Julia Ac E Maxton 102.43 Robinson Eddie A Wills Lts 1 467 Bll 350.02 Rodger* Molly L A Hb William D Ac Holy Swp I8O.43 RodgenNorrisA WfLinda Lt N/S Of Rodgers William A Mollie Bldg Only IT8.II Roeers Earl A Wf Clara U 22 David E Dunn Subdi 349.76 Rogers Harold Lt 6 Zeno Rogers ^ 74.92 Rogers Kelly Wayne A SRI 157 2.15 Rowan Telisa J Lt 44 Hidden Valley Subd 1.41 Rowdy John D A Wife Beulah Lt N/ W SR 1003 426.65 Simpson Cherry Ll N/E Cor Lt6 10.90 Sampson Danny A Brock Ac Moss NackLd 214.58 Sampson Dennis Ray A Lt 6 Sampson Sampson Earl B Tr 4 E B Wpmi j-4 ? 52.66 Sampson Eliza Jane Moore Ac N/S ?* '374 I49 32 Sampson Ernest Wayne Lt 8 Jones c* - 18.40 Sampson Evelyn Lt SE/S SR 1575 65.66 Simpson Judy Lee O St S/E SR ,51* 35 68 Sampson June L Lt N/W SR 1553 633 58 Sampson Leroy Hetn A Lt 9 Elmore Sampaon 23.|4 Saaspeon Margaret Ac B D Sampson 1162.51 Sampaon Margaret Ac SR 1551 6728 Sampson Mavis Marie Lie 107 III Pembroke Pit 233 12 Sampson PmUrW/S Sac Rd !,5f _ 571.46 Samppon Paul Junior W/S SR 1157 33.04 Sampson Roger D A Hertou St SR Sampson Rouul* U6s Ac W Off Mil _ 233 01 MradoHnod&*divMKhfl1' Z20 36 JjSfonTerryiJOnSoetkSidiUS "774 481.51 .. ***? Ac S/S Of tr ?J" 49.13 Saameea lheodaaeU7SMeadowood Svrav 154.93 I racy Hein Us Howe Biddell 3.S2 Sampson Vmn B Ac FonJ Bartoa Em 52S.M Sampew VesoeB A Lbr River 365.62 ffaiiim VeweBTr2RonlUm. SMtMOB Villi I llllliTr I Samoa Willie Faye Ac E/S SR 1547 24.94 Sawpeoa Willie Faye Ac Mow Ld 72.46 Seotpeaa Wilbe Fey* Ac Moee Neck Ft Ll 4 74.92 Sampson Willie Fsye Ac Mom Ld 332-23 Ee 63.32 Saadanoa Burlin A J Sanderson Em 301.42 Sanderson Buriia Ac FT Lt 1 SaadenoaLd 10.65 Saadenoa Ciady Lee A Lowry Rd 534.23 Sanderson Delias R Ac Shaw Ld NC Hwy 130 273.40 Saadenoa Floyd Bldg Only 106.90 Sanderson GriUW Not Adj SRI 197 259.51 Saaderaoa James Alex Hein Ac Long Swp M Sanderson 28.04 Sanderson Janes R A Tr 4 J SEm 43.18 Saadenoa Jamea Robert A John Saadenoa Est 180.41 Saadenoa Jaae Ac Loag Swp LT2 60.24 Saadenoa JohaD Ac US Gov 66.57 Saadenoa Rerout Ray ft Wf A E/S SR 11380 39.13 Saadanoa Lacy ft Wife Naocv Ft U 3 Mary Saodenoa 215.75 Swdenon Leslie JrLtW Ft Tr 3 824.99 Sanderson Mary Lot Oxendme 226.08 Saodenoa Mary Ac South Sr 1158 109.20 Sandman Mary L Lt* i l a nne m Psc 24.73 - Sanderson Mary LLts PS Co 394.86 Sandmen Michael BldgOnly 603.84 Sanderaon Pauline Tr 3 W D Sanderson Eat 68.48 Sanderson Rudolph A Wf Ruth Ac Pt Lt 3 M Sanderson 93.08 Sanderson Sarah L Ac Swp Ld 50.72 Sanderson WD Life Eat Ac W/S Lone Swp 43.M Sanderson William D A Emma Lt S PtLtlM Sanders 10.34 Sanderson William D Lt S Pt Lt 1 M Sanders 13.94 Sattmfield Gail J Ac Lt 2 B C Lucas Est 79.06 Schroder Geraldine Ac N Lumber River 332.80 Scipho Robertas A E Ashpole 96.92 Scott Adlean L Lt 18 501Subdiv 1.59 Scott AltST A Wife Stella Lt J E Bracey SR1153 236.92 Scott Barbara Lochlear Ac E SR 1166 30.94 Scott Bessie Lt E Wilkerson 38.09 Scott Bill Jr Ac N/E 1521A Adj 23 .67 Scott Bill A Wf Ola Ac NE/S SR 1521 69.53 Scott Bobby Joe Lt 15 Cypress Lakes Subd 92.92 Scott Charlie A Wf Norma N Ac Both Sides SR 1515 428.36 Scott Connie R Mobile Home 283.26 Scott DeasieABaxleyPlTyner 247.82 Scott Dowry A Wife Ac Lt 2 S/E SR 1515 8.60 Scott Evelyn Ac US GElrodRd 55.48 Scott Helene Lt 5 J Luther Hall Sd 35.61 Scott Helene Lt 3 J Luther Hall Sd 38.81 Scott Helene Lt 6 J Luther Hall Sd 35.61 Scott Ida Bell Lt 13 Godwin T C Chavis 25.05 Scott James A A Corinna Ac Buck Pood 454.78 Scott James Allen S/E Side SR 1310 74.46 Scott James Allen N/W Side SR 1310 773.05 Scott James Allen N/SOf 1310 40.87 Scott Jennie A S/S SR 1521 352.54 Scott Jerry S/W Side Hwy 74 24.83 Scott Jerry Ronald Mobile Home 327.16 Scott John W Lts 8 9 Godwin N Pembro 234.73 Scott Joeepfa A A Wife Lt N/S SR 1I34ABSR1157 44.16 Scott Lloyd Allen Ac N/W SR 1310 276.11 Scott Randy Ray East A Adj SRI 167 4S 65 Scott TcroaaLt West A Adj SR 1340 95.93 Scott Vernon A Wf Lian Ana A Pate Supply Co 430.27 Senli Robert B A Wife Clara Ac Pt Ed SampaonEatLd 378.95 Senior Citirons Action Oroup S/S Hwy 71 112.07 Service Oil Co Of Pembroke LtFilltna Station 152.02 Service OU Co Of Pembroke Lt B1J ., 211.08 Settles Rita Olivia Ac l4wSNC Hwy 130 457.55 Shaw DorothyS Ac E/SNC130 25.48 Shaw Dorothy Smith Ac B Gilchrist 409.97 Shaw WL A Herbert Heirs Lt* Ssuadtca/Wilkin*oeL 7.41 Sheppard Richard A Wife Ac S/S SR 1154 48.42 Sheppard Richard A Wife Lt S/S SR 1154 695.06 Shmpmd Richard A Linda AcS/WE ThrtSt 174501 aM*tt-6 04 Sinclair Ellen MTr I Dora Moore Est 4123 StocumMargamtGAEaaeaeAcSec Rd 1124 311.69 Smiling Davis Hae only Leaier Smiling 223.92 Smihng Donald Lee Ac A Marvin McJUe 30968 Smiling Joseph L Ac J EBmcey 235.30 Smiling Margie Ethel S/S ofSr 1168 67.28 Smiling Spencer S/S Sr 1168 215.63 Smihng Stnart Ac Jamae C Smilling Er 77.25 Smiling Thomas LLtHwy 130 133.75 Smihng William L A Wf Ac E/S NC Sr 112? 297.23 Smith Anna Cartaugh Lt 13 S 710 Development 189.76 Smith Bertha S Lf Eat Ac Lt4 Smiling 397.90 Smith Bobbv I Lt 22 Bobby Smith Sobdiv 25.43 Smith Came Belle Hein Lt I E Maxton 226.80 Smith Charles K A Wf Sandy Lt W/S Sr 1535 126.48 Smith Colon A Wf Ida Lt W/S Sr 1003 248.40 Smith Duncan Lt Farm Ld Alma 28 .82 Smith Dwight D A Wf Diana LLt3 MeadowoodSubdiv 39.76 Smith Edward C A John F Lt Hwy 71 395.65 Smith Eugene Et Als Lis 29 JO BUT B Pace 12.09 Smith Flora Lee U Mundy St 208.53 Smith Gennette Moore A S/S SrlSlO 151.92 Smith Jerry and West S Sr 1174 A Sr 1183 98.18 Smith John R A Wf JuanitaTr7 Rosa Barton Est 1014.26 Smith John R A Wf Juanita Ac Pt Tr 4 Rosa Barton E 50.03 Smith John W A Mamie Lis 31 32 B1 1TB Pace 169.30 Smith John Willie Lta 36 39 Pt 3S B1 J 23.52 Smith Lottie Ann P/O Lt2 A1 Smith Et Ai ? 38.49 Smith Maitha Lee LF Est Tr 5 Rosa Barton Est 340.73 Smith Maitha Lee Lf Est Ac E/S Hwy 74 48.18 Smith Michael S Lt Old Hwy 74 Sr 1373 13.68 Smith Roecoe Lt S/S Srl570 309.66 Smith Sam & Wf Bertha Lf Est Ac GumSwp 157.46 Smith Shirley H Lf Est Lt 10 Sampson 339.51 Smith Whalen E Heirs A Blue Sub 28.52 Smith Willie A Wf Alzina Ac Farm Land Alma 52.64 Smitty A Bob S Dry Cleaners Lt Saunders 150.11 Soead J W Jr A Wf Magalene Ac W A Adj Sr 1308 141.22 Saead Magalene BE1J A Hb Jack ASS SR 1308 192.69 Snipes Charles Lt Johnson St 7.48 Snipes RhondaLtBlETB Pace 168.63 Soles Evelyn O Ac E Shoe Heel 27.21 Soles Evelyn O West Side NC 130 59.96 Southern John C A Wf Lt W/S SR 1183 429.96 Sprangler Harold Francis & W f Acres Hwy 130 S Maxtor! 429.19 Spaiiu Janice C Ac W/S SR 1165 364.87 Speulding Roy A Wife Bertha Ac N/ E SRI 122 46.37 Spaulding Timmy Bldg Only 134.60 Speros Construction Co Inc Lt ACL 64.49 Stackhouse John H Et Als Ac West A Adj SSR 1120 10.45 Stafford Don Allen A Agnes Lt S/S SR 1152 164 17 Stanley Claude & Rena Lt W Ma*ton C Evans 137.45 Stanley LovellaLtWMaxton 116.91 Stanton Lawrence A Wf Annie B Lt N/S SR 1362 128.36 Stanton Lena S Et Als Lt 2 B14 Subdiv Jim Whi 307.32 Stanton William Boyd Jr N/W SR 1303 519.00 Steadman J F Mrs Lt S A: 48.87 Steed Harold Et Als Lts 19 B1F Davis PkSu ? 45.68 Steed harold Et Als Lts 14 B1E Davis Park 23.76 Steele Willie Lu 10 11 B1E 163.42 Steele Willie AWfMEta LtE Maxton I DMallo 138.54 Steele Willie A Wife Meta Lt RR Street 5.94 Steen Arlyn A Wife Linda Ac N/W Side Baker Rd 581.32 CMMiwiofWArir lAA-rn ? rrtiit* wwi; isv at ?? v? t -? aw. * w Steen Peonie Ac North US Hwy 74 A 464.27 Steen Vernon A Wife Mildred Ac N/ E US Hwy 74 551.92 Stephens Kemphus Ac Drake Branch 69 14 Stephenson Geneva Oxendine Lt White Oak W/S Rd 1313 20.49 Stevens Etta H Ac T? 4 Dan Harris Est 72.03 Stewmt Phillip Lt East Off Hwy 710 "4.37 Stewan Willie A B Lt S/S SR 1521 490.20 Stone AMena N Hein A W^A StowAldena N Hein A McKetuie Land j 644.66 StoneMktael A Et Als Ac A C L Hwy 216.66 Strickland Allen Hain Ac Wast NC 130 62.43 Bsickiand Bobbie Carol CLt 5 Bntton SiricUate Brian A Wf Monica L Lt E/S Side Hwy 710 555.73 Strickland (Varies Bldg Only Lt 3 Country 357.77 Strickland CoMaa M A Mary Loi E/ SSR 1131 181.77 Snioktani CoMaa M Off E/S SR ?.4i 1 Scott Alex k A WfBnla Mobile Hoaae 1-35 Ltgai Nttic* Strickland Dana Dean Pt Lt 10 Pates Supply C o 33.98 Strickland Dana Dean Pt U 10 Oxendine Ld 38.42 Strickland Dana Dean Pt Li 10 PSC lac Ld 33.98 Strickland Dana Dene Off North Side SR1576 8.47 Strickland Debre Denise Lt N/E Not Adj SR 1339 9.30 Strickland Edna North Side SR 1576 46.69 Strickland Fred LI N/W SR 1552 329.29 Strickland Gene Ac C B Breyboy 99.88 Strickland George Ann UNSSR 1310 37.25 Strickland George Ann Lt E/S NC SR 1308 599.50 Strickladn Gerald St Lt S/S Hwy 74 215 09 Strickland Harold Ac Lt 1 Elsie Blue Div 51.44 Strickland Hams Lt Pt McNair Inv Co 480.45 Stricklnad Hubert D Mobile Home ! 290.16 Strickland J P Mobile Hm Mattie Stnckl 252.20 Strickland Jack St Lucille Ac LumbertonRd 171.61 Strickland James Kenneth Ac Turkey BRanch 1 67.12 Strickland James St Myrtle A Eureka RdN Side 291.36 Strickladn Jimmy Bids Only 329.55 Strickland John QAcN/S SR 1188 25.78 Ctri/'Unnd T uutv?iuu4 s^tiniwuvw waaavj * av oxendine Place 79.16 Strickland Lester St Mary Lockl Ac Western Side Rd 1535 142.49 Strickland Linell Et Als Lt 3 Citizen Cred CorpS 42.70 Strickland MarthaDent Mobile Home Lds Ewen N 2.01 Strickland Marvin S St Dora Ac Nash Ld AY Patil 161.97 Strickladn'Michelle Off S/S SR 1345 , 269.30 Strickladn 'Paul AcS/SSE 1170 ' 54.91 StrickladnPercell&FrancesA<* Betty Dial 545.83 Strickland Rich A John Strickland Ld 502.85 Strickland Rose Marie Lt S/E A C L RR 444.55 Strickladn Roy ft Cynthia N/S SR 1155 406.77 Strickland Sally N South Side SR 1154 83.11 Strickland W M Heirs Ac West NC 130 22.11 Strickland William Boyd & Wf E/S Sec Rd 1575 1110.45 Strickland Wiliam B & Wf Off E/S SR 1575 i 73.18 Strong Barbara Ann S Ac S/S of SR 1168 183.68 StrongJoeLt N SR 1319 101.74 Stubbs Jeaaette T Lt Railroad St 392.41 Suggs Palmer Et Als Ac Lt 12 10.51 Sweat Vinnie Sue NW/S SR 1318 NE/ S SR 1771 3.12 Swett Bonnie Ruth A SE/S SR 1550 65.34 Swett RembnaR Lt47G W Worriax Subd 129.89 Swett Wayne ft Wf Robin E West Side SR 1154 68.29 Swett Wayne ft Wf Robin E West Side SRI 154 163.16 tarlton Cynthia & Carl Lee Lot 80x88 S Fowler 12.67 Tarltoo Cynthia ft Carl Lee Ltn Adj Wilkerson St 365.58 Taylor Chloia est Lt Elrod W/S RR . 4.72 Talor Cholie Est Lts 6 & 7 Blk A Elrod 25.15 Taylor Cboie Estate Lt 1011 Atl Land AlmpC 20.12 Ta^or Fairley Wilson LtCTaylorW/ Taylor Leana /Clint Taylor Bldg Only 97.15 Taylor Lela Clark Ac Sandy McQueen ! 124.58 teeters Johnny G Sr & Wf Ethel Lt Saunders 455.89 Teeters Johnny G SR & Wf Ethel Lt vann ft Sawders St 293.62 Teeters Johnny G ft Louise Lt Austin 423.34 Teeters Johnny G /Wf Louise Lt Saunders 233.73 Teeters Louise S Ac N/S ACL RR i 663.33 r.~,.rw*L.f 1to 253 67 i was/ aruavAii^ tAta ?? * ??/./ Thomas Ernestine G Lt 13 Fairfield Subdiv 42.40 Thomas JClfcWfPorchiaPt Lts3435 PChavis 251.07 Thomas Leo Glenn Ac E/S SR 1339 | 547.46 Thompson Alex heirs Lt N/S Hwy74^' 67.15 Thompson Angele J ft Hb Michael Lt 8 Purvis Place Sec 2 25.29 Thompson Benuce Caryle Heirs Lt North US74 9.91 Thompson Billy Mobile Home 415 .67 Thompson C Life Est A N/S SR 1003 55.30 Thompson Clarence A N/S SR 1003 ftNC72 108.80 Thompson Clarence Lf Est Off N/S SR 1003 13.45 Thompson Ellsworth ft WfEvn Lt S/ SSR fl52 396.94 Thompson Ervin A Wife Lt N/W SR 1552 501.29 Thonson bn Heirs A S/E SR lOOV 736.95 Thompson Jsmes Waiter HeinLtLelin Thompson 169.63 Thompson John Benson Heirs Lit 5 S/ E SRU97. 35.37 s^esrbT Thompson lohnnie ft Ella Lts 16 17 BIBriettanrei 19.60 Thompson Le vender A WeatNcHwy 72 579.51 2SKK """ Thompson Priedlla h W/E Hwy 710^ | 77.80 Thompeon Robot Et A1 Lt 9 S/E SR 1197 41.05 Thompson Robert ft Grace Lis 7 28 B1F Croom Town 256.07 Thompson Robert ft Shirley Lt 10 S/ ESRI197 - 36.55 Thompson Robot ft Shirley U 7 S/E SRI197 42 46 Thompson Sandy Lt 16 S/E SR 1197 39.77 Thompson Sandy Lt 8 S/E SR 1197 42.46 Thompson W Alton Ac 115.84 Tbrome Robin S/S of Sec Rd 1310 153.45 Tipton Anne Lts 8 33 S 710 * Developtn 243.18 Townsend Billy Ray /Wf Denise Mobile Home 242.36 Townsend Charles W ft WfPntric Lts 61 62 Blk A 32.97 Townsend Henry T Lt Lt 10 Blk I Elrod 15.48 Townsend Maggie Lee Lt N/E SR 1339 Tr4 15.93 Townsend Margueriete Lts 63 64 Blk A Wilmingt 32.97 Tnunel Rayfbrd Douglas Bldg Only 273.51 Treadwell Garfield Lt Wilmington St 87.42 Tree Technology Int Inc Ac Andrews Farm 1966.14 Tuck Bennie L ft Lorraine A Se S SR 1003 45.08 Tuck C L Heirs Ac Lt C J H Godwin 74.37 Tuck Clarence Ac Leonard Godwin 110.90 Tuck Clarence Heirs of A Moss Neck 1553.66 Tuck Lee A Heirs A SE SR 1003 191.24 Tuck Lee A Heirs A SE SR 1003 18.11 Tuck Lee Annie A B/S NC 72 700.99 Tuck Lee Annie Heirs Ac Holy Swp 29.84 Turner Levi R Lt n Patterson 1.09 Tuscarora Nation Ac N/S of 1303 Not Adj 13.05 Tuscarora Reservation of NC Ac E SR1360 19.80 Tuscarora Reservation of NC E off 1360 53.47 4 Tuscarora Tribe of NC Inc Lt S/S Hartley Oxendine 843.15 Tyler Diana A Wanita Lo lear Lt N/ E SR 1340 28.03 Tyler Gloria Bktg Only Marshall Hunt 345.04 Tyler Gloria H Tk 3 Marshall Hunt Land 19.66 Tyler Sarah Louise A Kenneth Lt N/ W Side NCHwy 710 159.12 Tyner Alethea A Jackie Ac S/E SR 1197 299.56 Tyner Junior A Wife Etta Ac N/W S Sk L170 18.60 Tyner Lorena A Hallie Lf Est West Side SR 1526 107.31 Tyner Lorena A Hallie LfEstOflfW/ S SR 1526 260.77 Tyner Marshall & Wife Mary Ac S/S SR 1122 S/W SR 11?, > 208.44 Tyner Ted R Ac Raft Swp 285.68 Tyson Upton A Wf Helen A White Oak 36.24 United States of America: 22 J Luther Hall SD 35.61 United States of America Lt 23 J Luther Hall SD 35.61 United States of America Lt 24 J Luther Hall SD 35.61 United States of America Lt 21 J Luther Hall SD 548.20 United States of America Lt 20 J Luther Hall SD 35.61 United States of America Lt 19 J Luther Hall SD 45.29 United States of America Lt 18 J Luther Hall SD 46.65 United States of America Lt 25 J Luther Hall SD 35.61 United States of America A Lt 7 G Bui lard Land 149.43 , United States of America Lt 4 P Chavis i 97.72 Vanderhall Mary Mag A N/W S Sr 1183 92.91 Vasquez Dolores N/E Side Sr 1576 397.43 Vaughan Catherine Snipes Lt N A Johnson 17.42 Virlr Vtwfv H