| Martial arts offers alternative I to problems of young people - 3 "We need more positive role mode It, especially for the young people. I wont to tot o positive example for oil Amerieam Im&mms in North Carolina". - Kenny Buffalo? J^^i^lS!Sot!ZSo *****'" ? Carotin reprrjettuove for World Oyama Karate. so it it mtf NMl ho palate i iMHh i? Wo nkma 'ctenr to hone" ? whednr dnt he school or civic dctnomuaiioM "JS1* he weKoSSeTL oc? aevei^ weets dkr tacaady coaptetias a ton to ihe western pwt of the en. The (Im "neighborhood" dctnootl ratios aril be at 2 pjo. W>. 2S at Northwest Halifax High School, owe of in few ana echooli ia which he hat mm appeared over *e fears. He win ho satined by Steve Oarris, a active of Seaboard who aow bvea ia Virginia Beach. Va. aad hat beea Mptog irfWoe Cor aorty 20 yon. WMac ays It's realty tookwg forward to this presentation ami. akaea I ? i Lwnbee, it gives me soother Baflaloe also ptaas to bngin private classes for children CS-12> and mm and aduks combined (13-up) m Roanoke Rjptds an Mack 4. FMw information on Aon claases can be obtained by calling 589-4281 B offm loo It mwmUmUe f present omti-drmg eomtatlt* By calling tkt ?k*n namBtr or a?Maf Oyum Kmrtut, tO Box US, SomBomr*, NC 2797*. BnfTaloc bat been presenting the anti-drug deaaoasnutioa in pabMac schools lor mote than five yean. Tha pragma, which baa been recognized by tbe Nonh QnaBna Awocissioa of Edacmora. inclndet a abort video sadapsriodJorgnestiontandananti i. ** However, when he recency demonstrated that routine in Cherokee Indian Federal Schools in western North |. Carofiona. he admitted "k definkrciy was a new ? but At the first karate instructor to visit any Cherokee mhotdL Buff sloe said he preacniattofi was well received by "They were very interested." Bu/Tatoe said, "h was something drey never had a chance to do before." Only American Indians are permuted on the Cherokee watrvaiioa. he said As a member of the Lumbce tribe, which has 56,000 members residing in North Cmoiiaa. ^UJ?kiJk!*|ssyr?jr-^*l,l**c marial are aichniques The l?mnbc? tribe geiaed state recognition in 1956 to become one of six Aarerican Indian tribes recognized by ire mass of Nonh Gsrolia*. "My tribe, the Lumface tribe, hat been trying to gain federal recognition since 195S," Buflaloe said. Teaching Cherokee suideau about martial aru is important. He said, "One of the reasons I want to be succeofal is because we need more positive role models, especially for dw young people. I wont to set a positive example for all American Indians in North Caroliaaa ? even the Cherokee Indians. I look at them like we're all one POQpto?a Buffaloe s presentation at the Cherokee school was Buffaloes style of martial aru combines Oyama Karate, which originated in Japan, with Thai-Boxing. He was trained under martial arts teachers Shihan S. Oyana of Japan and Surachai Sirisuie of Thailand. "Our philosophy of training is different." BufTaloe said. "Tower, speed and the development of a fighting spirit are mare important than the movements." He said. "We do a lot of spiritual training to build a fighting spirit to never quit or give up. For us it's a hue gurtudat ? a fighting art ? not just a sport" * Buffaloe has been presenting the anti-drug followed by karate demonstrations, a talk about drift use' j aad a period for questions and answers. I i IKmny WM?i (eantar) wllti atvdanta at tea ttarahaa Mm hM MM attar Ma raeant "Antt-Orag Karate Piaaantetfan" an tea Clrarafc aa tteaaraatlait . nmaain?i.i?..m>r? M tewv U* ? |^w Ifcll ?,*? ??????? f Your Bible And You ~i\ By Dntel Dm* ^ | Have you wondered about this thing called prayer ' Sometimes it seems almost pmadoxkal that an all powerfrd.att-knowing Gad would wail to act until there were enough fervent payees from His righteous! As I think about my children, I cannot imagine seeing their need of some good thing and yet waiting to see if their friends really want them to have it. Yet. that is the picture that some well-meaning, sincere people give us of our loving Father in Heaven. If God does not need our prayers to inform Him of the needs of His children, perhaps He needs some connection on this earth. Can it be that our God cannot act without some pooling of power or Faith on this earth? 1 don't believe that the God of creation needs us in order to accomplish His wdl ln fret your Bible says that if we neglect to *ow the world God's Love, die "rocks wiU cry out.' Think of the demoniacs firm whom Jesus cast a legion of devils Who was praying for them? Who fell com passu*, but our caring Savior0 Who came to bring Jesus to them? No One! So, our Father needs not dwpower. He needs not our information. What purpose then does prayer serve? Why did our Jesus spend so much tune in prayer with His Father? I believe that prayer changes or effects the one who prays. The real reason for the commands to pray lay within you and I. fellow Christian! The aoed is amp, not God's! Next time we shall expjfge just what that need is. In the ra^n tune, stay close to the Father! ^ - H? Pediatric Pointers By JOSEPH T. BELL. MD Ufti Last week we discussed allergies and their causes. This issue we will talk about the best ways to prevent and treat allergy symptoms Remember that allergies are the symptoms seen when our immune system is exposed to something we are sensitive to. Some of the common things that kids are sensitive to (called "allergens") are dust, mold, pollen, cigarette smoke, and animal hair . The best way to pre vent allergy symptoms is to avoid the allergens as best possible. For instance, if you know a child is sensitive to cigarette smoke, you should keep them in a smoke free environment as much as possible. Here are some suggestions to helpavoid the common allergens at home Keep doors and windows closed during the growing season to keep pollen out. Change filters on dust frequently to prevent dust accumulation Vacuum weekly in living areas to keep dust levels down For highly allergic patients, consider an air purifier in the bouse. Household pets should be banned ifa person is sensitive to them The moist soil ofbousehoid plants can increase the indoor mold content, so keep the number of indoor plants low Children whoare allergu should not have guflfed toys unless they are stuffed have toys unless they are stuffed with non-a/lergic material or can be machine washed in the hot cycle every few months. Patients who are sensitive to dust should wear a mask while dusting the house There should be no smoking whatever in the home! The bedroom is a good place for collecting dust mites, especially in the mattress, carpet, and feather pillows. Some suggestions in the bedroom include, 1. Use dacron polyester pillows, not feathers or foam. 2 Use airtight plastic covers on the mattresses and for springs; 3. Wash bed clothing weekly in the hot cycle. 4. Dust and vacuum 2-3 times a woe): 5. Use hard floors or small rugs in**# of carpet if you caa; 6. keep pet gad plants out of the bedrooms. aii When allergy symptoms hue started there are some good, sale medications to use. These are calfel I antihistamines. An example dp Benadryl or Dimetapp. A few o$gr medicines for kids with antihistanuqgf in them include pedtacurc, araggf tnamimc and chortrimeton. Some good prescription antihistamine include pyhatan and Tavist. For teenagers, 1 sometimes prescribe seldane or hismanol Remember that some antihistamine* cause drowsiness and patients with asthma should take them with cantfon Other prescription medications that help wttl) allergy symptoms include nasal steroid sprays (Vancenase, etc.) and cromalyn sodium (Nasalcroin, etc.). Some kids with allergy symptoms require allergy testing (skin testing) by a specialist This testing can help pinpoint exactly what the patient is sensitive to. An allergist may suggest allergy shots to help make the patleni less sensitive over time. Alleigy shots can be helpful, but remember it takes sometimes up to 4 yean for these to won in a patient. ? , Remember, the best way to help with allergies is to keep patients away from what they are sensitive to ;as much as possible. Educate yourself and the child to what they are senskive to. whether through experience ior allergy testing. Avoid the common allergens, especially cigarette smoke Try to dust-proof the house t?d bedroom as much as possible. If medications are needed, use them with caution and consult a physician jf needed Take care, and we'll talk next week! .j.? | I HSB > ANewDmy! The Democratic primary is over. After may months of heated debates, hard wok, and good old fashioned campaigning, the people have made a choice. 1 was excited and proud to be a small part of this electorial process. This democratic process is the basic cornerstone of our country The process to decide on how the country will be run. sets us apart from the rest of the world. Give the people a choice &?? Let the people decide what the want Cfrr- From our leaders to the form of Nt;- government, let the people decide /:s" My congratulations to all the rsadidstes We will be keeping a watchfid eye on al those who won to see what kind of job they perform Now let's get ready for the second round m the sheriff's race. Glenn Maynor or "Lam" Edwards I'm on 'J the Glenn Maynor bandwagon. 1 tridV believe be is the best nun for the jot Period. I am also excited about having the opportunity to elect an Indian to the sheriffs position > ? This gives us as a people a chance to show what we are made of. what our abilities really are As members ot the most educated tribe in the United States, let's take a stand and showrftt world we can work together for the betterment of our tribe, our town and our county. A friend ask me ifl always vote for the democratic ticket. I told him I vote for the best person for the job. The way I see it. that means I vote for my people, then my party. TV perfect candidate is a well qualified Indian democrat. Glenn Maynor certatdy fits the bill. Rick Barton. First Americtif Publishing Co. 7 ' I "Qualified by Leadership and Service" ' I * I Thank You for re-electing me as your! County Commissioner. Serving you is a privilege. If I can be of assistance^ ; please call on me. NOAH WOODS Robeson County Commissioner * - > -