Pubished Each Thursday Sine* January 18.1973 k&Atif'l CAROLINA^ IK I Indian | ( ^ News Briefs v I PSHS Students Participate in Special Olympics by Yvonne Barnes Dial . May 19-22 marked a day tor tun. challenge. and excitement for PSHS students who participated in the Special Olympic Gaines at PSl' Coached by Delores McGirt and Betty Bridgers. the following students participated in a game of volleyball Ann Strickland. James Jackson. Melissa Locklear. Billy Lavinei Senonta Bethan. Selena Jacobs, and Tabitha Oxendine The team also received a silver medal j Coached by Warren Purcell and * Wendy Barton. Oric Locklear. Donald Smith. Steven Gist, Freddie Jacobs. Maurice McMiUian, Robert Jones. Franklin Cummings. Willie Maynoi Thomas Monroe. Jonathan Murra\ and C hris Blue participated in a game of Softball and won the Gold Medal award John Hodges, soc tal studies teacher, directed tus fifth annual "Battle of Tfettysburg'" dranrarizatfonMav 31 ai the Purnell Swett High School Football Stadium The Athletic department held its annual golf tournament Saturdac. Ma\ 28 at the Riverside Golf Course Supt Purnell Swett Named to School Task Force Public Schoolsof Robeson County Superintendent Pumell Swett has been named to the public school administration task force by Gov emor ( Jim Hunt The task torce has been charged with analyzing existing ratios of local , public school administrators to , teachers and students and to determine , the ratio necessary to effectively and , efficiently administer quality , education at the local level. TTte task force is also to develop guidelines for local public school administrators to , follow in implementing more effective and efficient administration The task ( force' s findings and recommendations are to the state board of education by February I. 1995 Mr Swett is one of onl\ three superintendents on the task force which also includes three principals, three teachers, twelve business and industry leaders, the director of state personnel, the state auditor, the superintendent of public instruction and the state budget officer. Eight Robeson Students Named PSU Chancellor's Scholars Eight Seniors front Lumberton Senior High. Fairmout Senior High. St Pauls High and Puntell S wen High have been named Chancellor s Scholars at Pembroke State University for the l to major in biolog-, McNeill is undecided about hermaior Oseuueda plans to major in psvcholog-. and Storms plans to major in biolog) 1 pre-dentistry i. For the first time this tall, a Chancellor's Scholar at Pembroke State University receives S3.000 a vear to attend PSl This almost :ompletelv covers the lull expenses 3f a student living on campus with a full meal plan Cost for an in state resident, including tuition and fees, room, and full meal plan is S3 550 a vear C hance llur s Scholars take spec tal :ourses. do a Master s type tliesis. ind receive special honors at :ommencement CHOOSE TRADITION | mmimoH Eastern N.C. Students Attend ECU Legislators Program A total of 292 junior high and senior high students from the eastern ' half of the state have been selected to participate in a residential program for young leaders at East Carolina University this summer I The students will spend two weeks at ECU as participants in the I9V4 Legislators' School for Youth leadership Development The program which consists of activities Jo develop the students leadership, thinking and communication skills, is operated by the ECU Rural Education Institute A similar program for potential leaders in western North I arolina is being held at Western Carolina University m Cullowhee Rising eighth and ninth grade Students attending the eastern Legislators' School will be on campus for a June IWJuly I session, and students who will be in grades 10-12 will attend a July 3-July 15 session The students will be housed an campus All expenses are paid from funds provided by the N C General AsKmblv Both sessions consist of workshops, field trips, outdooi adventures, seminars and a variety of cultural and recreational activities North C arolina traditions, present conditions and future development are a pnmarv focus of all Legislators' School sessions The Legislators School series was begun io foster leadership qualities among the state's school-aged vouth who are not being serv ed by the public schools piograms tor gifted and talented students Most of the students selected io participate in Legislators' school -essurns are from rural areas across the region Students who will attend Legislators School at ECl' from our area ant as follows Fairmont. Torn Webb. Junior. Lumberton. Shenv Alex -senior. Tillman Oxendine. senior, beverlv Jacobs. Junior. Jeffery lung. Junior EdwardLockiear. Junior. Jessica McNait. Junior. Amanda Sampson. Junior Sherell Shaw, lunior. Ja> Dee Tippets. Junior. Maxton Christopher Scott Cole. Senior. Hal Marsh Hunt. Junior. Jessica Nona Lambert. Junior. Selena Ann Lockiear Junior. Michael Pegueae. Junior. Parfctan JoshSealey. Junior. Rowland Adam Moaer. Junior. Si Pauls Erica E McQueen. Senior. Belinda Gail Pan. Senior Jacobs and Hunt Selected Top Seniors at Purnell Swett Senior High School Puniell Swett High Sellout has chosen Valedictorian and Saluiatoriaii for the graduating class of '94 Ramon Jacobs was selected as Salutatonan and Alisha Hunt was chosen as Valedictorian Ramon is son to Eddie and Rose Jacobs of Pembroke He has been actively involved in organization activities, enrichment programs, and sports Activities he lias been involved in include. Native American Association serving as secretary >pamsh club serving as vice-president and President Pep Club. AlSLS National Honor Society, school marshal, empty stocking fund, citizen bee. science olympiad, church food drive. Church Christmas play, and Church choir, peer mediation workshop. Duke Universitv s Talent Identification program member, certification class for CPR. Summer Ventures in math and science at ECl He was accepted toGovemor s school West for Summer of 1993. 1 lined National Indian Tribal Youth in St Paul. Minnesota, and NC Native American Youth Organization ai Greenville. NC Special honors Ramon lias received include who < students, semi finalist to NC Sehoof of Math and Science. Advanced Placement English Award. Most likel > to succeed, keyboard and typing award, computer applications award. Btoiog . tumors awatd and ail county academic learn tor tenuis award He also pamupated in the quiz bowl ranking in the top four, and as a page for Hou*e ot Representative. Ronnie sunon Alisha Hunt is the daughter of lames uid Alice Hunt also of Pembroke she also has participated inextrai utricular activihesand school andtommunm involvement She has participated as a athlete in volleyball and basketball Other activities she was involved in included quiz bowl, student ouncil. vice president, class presidem. ambassador, student council reporter lournalism yearbook, editor. American Indian Science and Engineering Native American Student Association. Citizen Bee. special llvtnpics Volunteer Awards and honors which she has received include superintendent's award, principal saw aid and highest OPA in English ' I ueoinctrv. Algebra II and Spanish site also has attended the following universities to expand her academic skills C larkson University in Potsdam. N Y University of Iowa in Iowa t ttv. ( all forma Institute of Technology in Pasadena and University of i ofotado in DnuMwiif the American Indian Science and Engineering Society office Both students were also honored at their graduation June 6 in the Performing Arts Center at PSU AJiaha Hunt - ? " Raraeo Jacobi Pembroke karate Warriors Reap Honors J AO Turk won Do Pembroke A urate H amor h inner* that competed and won at the Jim Henien 4th i initial karate Opening held May 2k. 1994 at Fayetterilir State I 'niversity in FayetteviHe, V(. are as follow*: Left to right are Misti Henderson (1stplace f ighting, kola and Musical koto, 2nd place weapons). Oscar Henderson t Instructor) and Kicky Woodell (2nd place fighting, koto, and musical koto). a Pictured from Iff 110 right is: Ricky H oodell ret etvtng his first degree Block bell Rook in Toe k**m Do from Instructor Johnny Hood ell. Before receiving this Bell Ricky worked long ond hurd for five yemrs to ochieve this gool. Congratulations Ricky, Pembroke Korute Hurrior. Students Revitalize Indian Publication American Indian students at the University of Arizona in Tucson are celebrating the revival of the student publication "RED INK' at the Ua American Indian Graduate C entei Editorial board members of the American Indian journal credit their own vision, faculty and admuustrati ve inspiration, and commitment and financial support from the UA to the rebirth of their publication "To be a part of a group that hail a vision and to see it come to fruition is very gratifying", said editorial board member Terry C Abrams. a UA philosophy maior of Seneca and Mohawk descent from the Tonawamla Reservation near Akron. N Y . "We want RED INK' to be accessible to everyone American Indians should have something that speaks 10 then interests and needs " Making the change from an American Indian student newspapet to a broader journal that incorporate^ tasues. cultures, historv puetrv and publication reviews has taken ? lone but worthwhile road The idea for "RED INK" *a? conceived in 198V when a group >' American Indian grass ro?ns lournalists seriously considered creating a channel to publish the thoughts, ideas and mnovatioas of American Indian students Students developed the first issue, considered radical in ns tone, as e celebration of release Mom past suppression Thev planted a seed thai would sprout atuun With changes in student membership, the second issue, published in IVVI. bad a more scholarly tone However, financial difficulties and other changes forced a two year lapse before the publication was revived Board members agreed that" RED INK" should be written bv the members ol native communities and b\ those intimatelv attached to those vommumties The board is concerned with informing natives - young and old. urban and rural, secular and sacred, the scholarly and the mass roots Yet with the larger world in mind, they also want publications bv natives to enlighten tne non-Indian reader to the conditions and meanings of native life Ml of these compose the purpose of "RED INK " This publication brings Che past and the present together and sends us into the future I'm glad to be a part of ?t " stud another board member. J ' edrick A nods a l.umbee from Pembroke M and a master ? .andidair ii< political science 11n ? urrcm munis -if RED INK looksai issuer related lolnduui self deieimutation, gaming as a battlefield hit Indian sovereignty and intertribal confrontations, at well aa personal histories cultural poetry, creative essays and more, all wnnen by American Indian students, teachers and leaden RED INK" officials anticipate publishing the journal three times a year The spring 1994 issue is free while supplies last Subsequent issues /?an be purchased through subscription S10 for indi viduals. $ 15 for academic departments and S20 for libraries or museums The goal of the editorial and advisory boards is to make the loumal self-supporting Besides Abrams and Woods, editorial board members include Samuel R Cook, who has a master's degree ut American Indian studies. Charles R England. A Cherokee/ Shoshone and graduate student in American Indian studies. Vickie L Jaimez. a descendant of the Cherokee Nation and graduate student in American Indian studies. Alien P Speights, a Houma Indian and graduate student in American Indian studies, and UA law student Amy L Locklear. a Lumbee from Pontine Mich The board invites all readers with s vested interest in American Indian .ommunities to submit articles, reviews, creative writing, poem, graphic art aad photography for pghstcahon For mom Information, ndiat riptnei it mhmmmri guirhiiaee contact REDINK".I6I0E Seventh St.. Tucson. Ariz 13719 or call 16021 621-79*9 Final Hearing Set For June 18th Uo June 18. IVV4 a final hearing jn the Lumbee Constitution ?ill be field at Pumell Swett High school beginning at 1 00 p in During this Hearing, the Constitution AaaembC wiU be on hand toanswer any quest ions about the constitution, including changes made to the document based upon comments from the Lumbee Community Also, criteria for voting in the election of the constitution will be presented, including polling sites, date of voting, and hours of votinu All interested persons should plan to attend this meeting For Amber information. contact the CONSTITUTION ASSEMBLY OF THE LUMBEE TRIBE at 521-1647 Dial and Lowery to co-Chair Campaign Commtoia? for m & Lumbee Constitution The campaign committee to piomote the adoption of the Lumber i onstituttunasdraftedbv the Lumbee c onstitutioa Assembly met recent I \ and elected Dr Adolph Dial and Rev Hubbard Lowery to co-chair the committee The committee will work deligently toget the voteout ui support of the Lumbee Coiutitutiun Thai election will be held June 2"M0. and July 2 To expedite voting and get a* much support ax possible the Committee agreed to raise funds and publicize the upcoming election A recent booat for the C onstitution Committee was a unanimous endorsement of the Lumber (onshution by the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association Union The Association is the largest religious organization in the Lumber ommuuity. including " churches and tour missions It is estimated thai more than 10.000 Indians are member-, of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association At the recent union. Rev timin. Strickland. pastor of Union l hapel Community Church, offered a resolution of support for tlie Lumbee (onstitutuxi Rev Stricklanditadunlv the preamble to the constitution "In accordance with ihe iniiereni Cjwer of self-jtovernance of the urn her Tribe off heraw Indiana, the l umber Tube of Cberaw Indiana adopts this Constitution for the purposes of eslabliahing a tribal goveriunent structure, preserving far ail time the l umber wav of life and comimuuiv. promoting the social and economic well bein|i of Lumbee people, and securing lusttce and freedom Km the Lumbee people " The resolution staled that pastors within ihe union would enthusiasticallv urge members of the .ongregaiion to support the const ninum Rev Lowerv is a member of the Burnt Swamp Baptist Association and pastors New Bethel Baptist Church f> Dial tsa former member of the N C House of Representatives and local historian and author He ia a member ot Prospect United Methodist Church the largest Indian congregation in that demoauiatioti Rev l.owerv stated. "The support we are receiving on ibe Lumbee C'oiMiitutiuii is verv diverse and pauple from all walks of life are supporting the constitution * Other officers elected were Emma Lee Lockleat. treasurer Conner Bravhov sectetarv and Rev Jem McNeill, nesior of Rivereide independeni Baptist ( hutch, was elected chairman of ihe ftmdraiamg committee