Classified Ads v'3t4^!"\> - &?)." ?' '? *? Mraiar sntdesuae 10 exhibit them lone under bigDcid on or before the I7?t? day of August, 1994. or be barred from their recovery All persons indebted to laid estate are aefced to pleaae make immediate Daymen! to the undersigned Thiithe l7thS^ofMay. 1994 * Jama Clint Jacobs P.O. Box 2195 Pembroke, NC 29372 b- 9 Lego/ Notice State of Nor* Ceroime County of Bobeeon Notice to Creditors end debtors ?f Solomon Loon Sanderson, Deceased The undersigned, having qualified as Executor of the estate of Solomon ' Leon Sanderson, deceased, late of Robeson County, ttus is to notify ail persons, firms and corporations having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 2nd dayofSeptember, 1994 or be barred from their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned. This the 2nd day of June. 1994. Clay B. Sanderson, Executor Monte 2 Box 271 Pembroke, NC 29372 6-23 For Bent Two bedroom, two bath mobile home for rent. 70x 14. S310 per month with $310 deposit. Cable ready. Call JtL 1 -3636. USED HUME SALL Handyman Special SI.4M< 1990 Fleetwood W.9V5 14X80.3 BR2 Bath IWUM I.Sim Doublewides Starting ai SI4.500 Ne? Homes from SIO.oo* Low Uowii Pa> ments Over 25 Used Homes available Over 25 Used Home? available.5 Robeson*. ountv local nuts 10 serve you HARRY REEb HOMES 5601 Elizabethtown R?i "?J5MI5JI, Hwv 211 1 Bladenboii! HwvLumbertoiiOlO- "58-Mux), and Hwv 74 We*. Maxton. ^ 10-52 Mhk.4 BAHAMA CKIilSK' * Uays.4 Nittlus Wnderbooked' vlu>i veil' 52/9 ( ouple Limited tivktb ?*' "6 '-8100 est 840*1 Mon- >ai '?' pni Lentil Vmitr Notice is hereb) given thai there will be a Public Hearing lor the I v?4 v$ Proposed Budget on June 20 l<*W at 8 00pm at the Town ( lerk s Office Anv interested citizens are invited to attend Leaviru Chavis Finance Officer Town of Pembroke Help Homed Need experienced operators in the following operations, set collars, add hem. tape shoulders covet stitch Please applv in person at badgei sportswear 50* sandv sireei Fairmont. NC ? 1,1 11 ?! Lrgm 'Wx Notkx is herebv given dial 'he IVM4-V5 Proposed Budget for Ac (own of Pembroke is available far pnMu uiapectWB in the Town Cleri' s Office (ram 8:30 am - 5 00 pm weekdays Lemviru Cirm Fimmoee Officer Town ttf Pembroke Aivertise )n the Jniian Voice! ITS NOT JUST ASNUFF, IT'S AN ADVENTURE. Helme Tobacco Company ?? IT Athletic Awards Banquet Held at Purnell Swett High School ike ruraeu mm* High mImaX athletic Awards Banquet was held Thursday. May 26 in the school cafeteria at 6 30 pm to honot those athletes thai received honors lot then accompiMhmeots and to all sports participants John Loners. president of the athletic Booster Clut> served as Master of Ceremony The Ram stagers under the directm of Mrs. Ellen Jackson afterwards. Mrs Rosa Reason led the invucaton and a moment of silence in memory of Mr William Cam Charts Dinner was served after the uivotaion Principal Bill Brewtugton welcomed everyone followed b\ the introduction ui coaches b> athletic dire dor Pope Rovce McNeill I uaches of various lean sports presented the follow ing awards to the deserved recipients these involved Cheerfeading coach. Rosa Pearson presented MVP to Tract Lockieai cungenuinalit v to ICnstv Locldear. and most improved to Beth Chans golf coach. Richard Thomas presented lowest stroke average to Nicklaus Lowr\ Most improved to Ashlev Lowers and putting award to Matthew McNeill, tennis coach. Al Parneil presented MVPtoJeremv Brcwington .oaches award to Ponce Chav is. and most improved to Brian Deese wrestling coach. M.D Coleman presented MVP to Jeretn v Bre w ington coaches award to Spencer Oxendiue. and Most improved to Aaron Ciodw in girls basketball coach. Thomas Lmpherv presented best offense to Amanda Oxendine. best defense to Christina Oxendiue. coaches aw aid :c Sicib Golbreoth. most imptv ? ed?. Myslika Wilkerson. and courage award to Alison Boutselis. bovs basketball coach. Jim Adam.-, presented MVPto Brian Brewington. most improved to Landon M oods Best all around to Ra\ Jacobs best defense to John Hines and Ml f ree Throws to Laxton Woods, girls track coach. William Clark presented MVP distance loltimberly Oxendine. M\ P field events to Eleshea Harrington. MVP Sprints to Eleshea Harrington and coaches award to Ida Thompson, boy track coach. Jerry Jones presented . MVP field events to Eric Chainbei. MVP Spcmu iu Kevin Bnce. MVP Distance h Denws McAnhui MVP Middle Distance u? Carson Jacobs, and coaches award to Bryan uist Softball coach Royce McNeill presented MVPto Amanda Oxemkae Most improved to Niaa Jones Wrestling coach. M.D Coleman, tennis coach. A) Parnell. and boys gulf coach. Richard Thomas were selected as coaches of the year The followiay> special awards were presented shawn F Carter to Chrtstophei Lower. William C l hav is Memorial to Alison Boutselis. I emale athlete to Christina Oxendine. male uiikru to Jeremy Brewington and W vV I .rutin to Eric Chambers >| aliments were presented bv lohn owerv The losing marked a special niouieui foi everyone ui home ot two outstanding athletes leremtah i winnings and Branlon Wooded who lost their lives in an automobile accident last October 8. IVOT Tlieirjerseysandnumberswere retired and will he displayed in the Ram trophy case Two awards were also presented in their honor Hilton Wooded presented an In fielder award to Jason Chavis and Tommy Lowry presented the out fielder award in honor ?>i Jeremiah winnings to Scott Boutselis An appreciation award was also ptesented to Mark Hetl. former varsitv football coach who will be coaching at i ape hear High School the coming .ear Principal Bill Brewtngton had closing remarks Besi offensive Placet Toshua '.ockleai best defensive player to "hrtstma Ovendine and Coaches aw ard to Lanedre Strickland, baseball coach. Foinmv Lowry presented MVP'stoGlenn Brooks. Jason Chavis. Allen Coble. Arlis Emanuel. Ray lacobs, l banning Jones. Justin Jones, '.'banning Locklear. Corey Locklear. Devance L ocklear. Edward Locklear. Garrison Locklear. Quinn Lowery. Jon B Sampson. Mark Sampson. Adrn Wooded, and Scott Boutselis. and appreciation awards to Samatha Strickland. La Costa Brewington. Michael Jones, and David Emanuel Afterwards coach McNeill presented all seniors athletes, with a plaque and several students received all couolv athletic and CNHSAA scholar Athlete Awards. Several students were selected as all conference which included: golf Mkcklaus Lowry. Larry McNeill and Clyde Locklear, tennis Jeremy Brewwgtnn.FdilieSampeoiiandAlea Sanderson, wrestling. Aaron Godwin, girls basketball. Amanda Oxendioe. ' bovs basketball. Brian Brewington. and trackCarson Jacobs, Kevin Brice. and Eric Chamber Christina Oxendine and Phillip Tyler received the U.S Marine Distinguished Athlete Awards and C arson Jacobs and Vanessa Locklear received the U.S Anny National Scholar Athlete Awards GOLF TOURNAMENT HELD The eighth annual Ram's Invitational GolfTournameiit was held April 28 at the Riverside Golf course organized by Richard Thomas. Purnell Swett High School golf instructor, a total of twelve schools participated Several awards were given which included: Team champion. Scotland. Runner up Richmood, medalist was presented to Paul Dozier of Scotland, lowest drive, hole number 7. was presented to Thomas Parke of Scotland, lowest drive hole number 16. was presented to Nicklaus Lowery of Purnell Swett. closest to the pin. hole number 3. was presented to Jan Hughes of Hoke, and closest to the pin. number 13. was presented to Sam Baker of Hoke ?Y"V The following teams along with their scores and ranks participated in the tournament: first place, Scotland, total score 303. second place, Richmond total score 317 and Anson total score 317. fourth place. Pumell Swett total score 320. fifth place Lee Senior total score 323. sixth place Southview total score 327. seventh place Pine Forest total score 349. eighth place Hoke total score 337, ninth place. Lumbertoo total score 386, tenth place Seventh First total score 406. eleventh place Douglas Bryd total score 413, and twelfth place Westover total score 465 IMQ.NAv.OHE Elects Officers I lie North Carolina Native Aineiican ( >11 Higher E-ducationi NINAUOHL i elected tlic I0v4-v?n officers during the Indian Unitvt onterence held in March The? arc and the college Kiev attend Rebecc a Jones(Lumber iv hatrperson. I'embioke State L'niversir. h.m> vatupvwn i Lumbrc i.e liaiiperson Fasi - mi 'Una I iniveiutv. Belinda Jacobs -naiic sec retar \ Last t arolma t uivtrsH'. kanna t vikIi ilialiwa ^aponn Miss N(NA(.OHL. Treasurer Last ( arolma University \ aughn rowan K oharie i Paiiiamentarian. Pembroke Mate Untversit>. Tim l.ocklea' ? Lumbee? Historian. NC state Universitv The advisors are tcerrv Bird. V irgil Uxendme. I'tun Lockleai ronta Dial Tammv Jacobs. Utakr lacobs Ladotuia Evans. Reggie and Lisa uxendme The purpose of NcNAl uHfc ?u I improve the recruitment and retentionof Native American students in institutions ol higher education. . *rvea>a network lor Native Ainetican wampus organizations. 1 advocate lot issues and .oncerns of Native American college students, a ptmnote cultural awareness mi c ampule- of hie her education, and S serve as a role model for Indian vouth in tngh school, middle school or elemeiuar school N( Nai DHL is open u in student enrolled in an institution 01 Itighet education in North i arolma ( unentiv N< Nai OHt is comprised it Nati American f ollcee students ai PSl siCSI LNl-CH. EC I .and Dukctniversiiv students trom other collepo >? universities have participated on individual basis NC Nai OHt meets -m a monthlv basis .m ih< ampus ot one of the memtkrr organizations Ni NAt '.'HI inemhers are -urrriHi wot king on mans coals such as lundraiseis. environmental projects o-spoiisorinc the Miss Indian NC t'aeeani and out trd annual collepe .oiilerence NCNAC oH? members will be, >peakiiic at tlie Indian Youth Units i otifereiice June 15. during the first * central .issemblv Thev will also be attendiiip 'he National Unit\ onterencr Held in I ampa. Ft on (tie semimile Indian Reservation, lune >4-!? Nc OHF will ha-e a booth ai ihe fow-V\ ow luiv I duriii(i the Lumber Homecoming lite different Universities a ill be sellinp items and Nt \ai OHt as a proup will have a 'Attic tot a oaintnit hv a Native \tnericiui anist NC NAC OHt needs 'he adv i. e and encouragement of the Indian ' ommunitv Please visit our booth lulv 2 and support and meet our ?uture Name American Leadets <1 .on a >uId like to have or know more inlornution about NC NAI OHE please tki mil Hesitate to call Rebecca lories ai 21-1448 I AC" I S* '-as? . " TVeRTiK. SBiW. .Wrw. f Thomas & Son General Electric * Hot point ?Microwave Ovens *lce Makers * Refrigerators ?Air Conditioners ?Washers ?Dryers *P-7 Ranges FRANCHJSED MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE All Major Appliance Paris All Work Guaranteed * Phone (919) 739-4724 James W. Thomas . Saddletree Area Health Arts PC Dr. Rudy Coronado Chiropractic Physician Se Habla Espanol POBI117 707F Union Chapel Road Peaibrokc, N.C. 2S372-1I17 919-521-7797 Back Porch Crafts JJNGpsiwM ITT rf nrfrfr Ok* SMIr Nmm*) Native American Arts and Crafts Wo havo aN your Ragalla noods. Including imitation Itfis foathars, Haddns and Plumes, Bona and Plaadc Halrpipo, Wh a laaaftaad^etall Prices Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton. NC 28358 (Located directly across from Courthouse) Work: 738-5530 Home: 739-1314 Southern Sanitation Specializing in private home household garbage pick-up in and around the Pembroke area. SI I Wert Sth SI., Peaibrotu <*lt) S2I-477I DmmM C. Dnm, Owner Native American Sprinklers 'Installing Lawn Sprinklers! REASONABLE RATES ___________________ * Can 521-4611 or 671-7527 Its, 'hriiii a Kir I vlllvlvKC? 1^. ^This 1 Space I For I Rent | Traveling in Detroit? Call DOWNRIVER TRAVEL AGENCY Telephone (313) 383-3*06 3Mt Fort Street Liacola Park, Ml 48146 Julias P. Marti a. Pres. Advertise Your Business In Our Business Directory!