Dear MImCmmc J SST night, although me **> tome of the Sitters aimoat pawed out from the beat. Now, Mr. Boa Mole the show. MiatCoaaee He'soneofthem LRDA workers, aad he was the only one who wood up against our coattitation at 01 w'izfaa to say he bat a lot of reaped for Mr. Ben. Mitt Coaaee. Ain't every man that will stand up for what be thinks, evea though he Hands atoae and it dead wrong. Course, at a pity that hit bow. the Hardin man. wouldn't wand up with Mr. Ben. but tome bo*tea are like that. Mitt Conner. They'll put you up to no good, aad then when the chip* ate down, they'11 leave you standing there holding the bag by yourself. Now. Mr Ben bat been to a bunch and he's always asking the same question. It treats to me thai he wants to know what a Lumber Indian it. You would think that if anyone knew what a Lumbee is, it would be them LRDA people. Miss Connee If CM Wis was conducting that meeting, he would have aeat Mr. Baa over than to that foncy country dub in Lumbertoo where those White folks play their golf I bet they could straighten him out right last on who aad what be is. Miss Connee. teeing bow he sounded like he don't know. This other LRDA worker by the aatae of Sanchez aaknd some moee of them LRDA questions They say the Sanchez manisabanker from Miami, Florida Ol Wiz didn't know they were bringing in people here from Miami to run LRDA along with the Hardin man from Fayetteville I reckon we Indians that have lived here all our lives jm don't know a whole lot. MtmCnsmtt. Least ways it would seen feat way when them LRDA boys shut hiring people Aaywav, the Sanchez man working forte LRDA warned to know whether our tribal court would be locking up people, which is an interesting question from a ex-banker from Miami. Florida. 01 Wiz is beginning lo wonder if the Sanchez man knows something the rest of us should know. Miss Coonee But, Miss Cynthia straighten turn out Course, if I had Cm my chance, I'd would ha ve told that any trouble he gits into with the law, he's going to stand before Joe Freeman Bntt Our tribal court is to give us relief from our tribal government iftey git to acting outside our tribal constitution It ain't going to arrest a soul, although some probably need to be locked away Its the truth. Miss Connee, and all Ol Wiz does is speak it. Now. Miss Christine Moore and Sister Dorothy Lowery stood up for our constitution Miss Christine works for the LRDA, and Sister Lowery ison that LRDA Board Both are fine women, and if they can put their job on the line to stand up for whats right for their people, there ain't no excuse for the rest of you. As for the rest of them LRDA folks that say they represent us and look out for us, none of the rest of them bothered to show up for our meeting, excepting Mr. Earl Cununmgs from Mt. Airy Next time 1 hear tell of them going around savin* they represent Ol Wiz. he's goingto aric them what's wrong with them that they can't come out and hear what's on the people's minds. And. the way I heard it, some of them are going around not speaking to people It's a bad thing when a man says he repraerts you and then won't apeak to yarn. Miss Connee, specially when he is in It e Church Weil, ?omc of our paw ors had their jay along with Brother Adoipb DiaL They support our constitution. Now, i don't know aJuut the real ofy'tB, but whaa men ofGod take a righteous stand. aad our vomen put thew jobs an the liar for is. Of Wiz is going to support them -ie ain't going to ah down like the Hwdin man whfie lomeoncclseputsthemselfoutoathe line for CM Wu And. he ain't goi* to he sitting don n next week when we vole on our coastitation All of y'all tiats been silting hack need to git oa your feet aad stand. Some of you have gotten lazy. You've gotten too comftrtabie with your fhncy home and car, and all you want to do is come home from work so you can sit back and eat, and watch the TV set. Some of you have worked hard all your lives, put young'uns through school, and yoi've gotten contented with going to Churchoa Sunday, Bible study once in a while, and fishing on the side. Well, you got to do more than that, cause th:re s folks ain't as fortunate as you or your children. You need to git up and vole next week That's all there is to it. Then, you git your chik Irenand grandchildren out to vote. That's the way things are done at Wiz'sht use. but they don't git done sitting down. As for 01 Wiz, he and his family will be voting for our constitution. We sure won't be voting against it. Miss Connee. sad you can mark that down You ain t the only one on the straight and narrow road, or a one sided road. Miss Connee. A lot of people is walkir g that road cause they know where they want to go and bow they're going t<> git there At i V. L. Coach's Corner b Dr. Km Johmxon A baseball stnke by Labor Day How ridiculous. Go ahead players, stage a work stoppage Enjoy your last payrchedc Because if a strike Which san? SSeTSy'days^f sunshine and high dollars for playing a kids game. Let's see. no baseball after September 5th. guess I'll watch pro football, college football. US Open tennis, racing, golf, or even Australian Rules bowling Make no mistake, the average fan will miss the World Senes But not overpaid rod imderworked snparitsrs who d rather walk under the safety of the uuon umbrella than stand as men who understand what's good for the And should there be a strike, what would become of Ken Griffey. Jr's^ assault on the Mans record ' If I'm Griffey and I'm close to 61 homers. I'd personally hire any number of stiffs to keep the games going and the records flowing Don't be alarmed soccer fens, but the World Cup won 't exactly make or break the sport here in America Long time Davidson Coach Charlie Siagie believes pro soccer might one day rival the NHL, but never bea pretender to the titles worn by NFL. NBA or MLB Drag race star John Force recently visited dm Queen Citv - wouldn't want to drive stock cats it-?*? if my $100,000 motor blows up. I want to see h ." Reflections Jy Alt* Nye Oxen dint As slwmy* there are many things 10 pray tor here are a few the have base oe my mind KUSSL4 AND NATO As you might guest. I'm not mail thrilled about tncwdint' Russu in the new "Partnership for Peace" a* a possible Aral sfop toward joining NATO What is NATO for wyway. if not to contain possible aggression oo the pan of the Communist or "former communist " countries of Eastern Europe including thoee in the Soviet Unoe? Looks to me Uke Senator Helms and others may have been' 'on the ball" after all. in predicting a tonnes alliance between the US and USSR, back in the eighties I still think we needto wast and see what the real apeada of "former communists is. la toe past, our country helped to knMd up communism realizing No *howdM^feeltag and n tomperature, too decided tosrey out n tow days Last miihead we thoMu As might have arena tona of pee amours (later ruled out) Ou Sunday I decided 1" call my mother ia r Irmtsaa and brother RusajaPeaver a - ? as ha.A. - ? - ^ ^ h is. jL m i acftii mwn kuv? sayinu Motner loaiy living stoUng, her tovonle sister. Berths had passed away peacetolly jjL fojloWlllA! A Stfokc Motoar aaams to be taking it qum wed mdWmda Kay is bettor Harold Locklear's eighth grade < an students recently designed four < signs, painted them, constructed them. I and decided where to locate them in the Prospect Community This was a 1 .community service project in which i the students took pnde They chose the writing on the signs, also One of the signs displays the "Wildcat" emblem of Prospect School and reads .".Welcome to the Prospect rommunity . Three of the signs lisplay pride in Indian heritage Materials for construction of the signs were donated by Pembroke State University Larry Collins' Machine shop cut the metal brackets for the signs Kevin Locklear, seventh grade, and Jamie Blue, eighth grade, assisted Harold Locklear in erecting the signs Look for them the next time you're in the Prospect community! When and Where Do I Vote on The Lumbee Constitution? Robeson County: Voting Time: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. June 27-30: Oxen dine School, Prospect School, Union Chapel School, LMtlefleld Elementary School, Magnolia Elementary School, Rex-Rennert School, Old Pembroke Middle School (IEA Resource Center), Union Elementary School, South Robeson High School, Fairgrove Elementary School and West Lumberton Elementary School. Hoke County Voting Time: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. June 27,1994: Dundarrach Baptist Church June 21,1994: Mt. Elim Baptist Church June 29,1994: South Hoke Baptist Elementary School June 30,1994: South Hoke Elemcftary School Scotland County Voting Time: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. Juno 27 and June 21,1994: Stewartsville Volunteer Fire Department June 29 and June 30, 1994: Scotland County High V rbn nt 3CV1CHH Cumberland County Voting Time: 1:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M. Juno 27-Juue 30, 1994: Cumberland County Association for Indian People. LUMBEE HOMECOMING PARADE: Voting Ttam: 1:00 A.M.- 4:00 P.M. July 2, 1994: Old Main on PSl* Campus Pembroke Town Park Park too I at of First llnton National Bonk I y~heWay I See It TTJ _ OUR TERRIBLE SCHOOLS fey Dr. Deaa Ckmri (c) Ceoyriffet, 1994 Last wee* a law suit I wrote was filed against the Frontier Schools in Red Rock. OK The suit, filed by the Otoe-Missouna Tribe, asks for relief under the Impact Aid. program for patterns for discrimination by the school district officials against Indian students They made Indian students nde in the beck of the school buses They made constant slurring and racist remarks to and about Indian students, such things as "You'll never amount to anything, when you're twenty-five years old, you will still be living with your grandmother You'll never have a good job. or amount to anything '' These remarks were made to a twelve year old These remarks ate not coming from custodians or maintenance personnel They are coming from the Superintendent, the Principals, and the teachers They paddle Indian students with oak boards, and let white students get off with no punishment for offenses as serious as setting a girl's hair on fire. The student population is 58% Indian. But until last year, there had never been an Indian on the school board There are five Indians in the work force of 120 staff people, three teachers, and two maintenance people All the secretaries are white, even I am working on four more possible suits under Impact Aid. In Mobndge. SD. on the Standing Rock Sioux reservation, a nine-year-old third grader came home last winter and asked her mother "Mama, what is a slut?" "Why are you asking me that '" the mother responded "Well, that's what the teacher calls us Indian girls," the child said. Nome Flying Earth, the education director for the tribe, is now getting depositions and affidavits on these types of things, for a possible Civil Rights law suit and investigation At Barona reservation, in southern California, the Indian students drop out at a rate of 90% (The dropout rate at Red Rock is 70%). The school district is putting Indian students into special education by the first grade fly the end of the third grade, almost all the Indian students are in special education, wrongly They only have trouble with speaking English Arlene Kingerey. who called me with this information, has started an alternative school to try to rectify the situation She had a sixth grader this year who could not read numbers She would put a "'6" oo the board, and he did not know what it was The Coeurd'Alene Tnbe in Idaho has declared a state of educational emergency bee.wise of the extremely bad situation its students are in. grades, extremely low test scores, poor' attendance, and a high dropout rale are the main symptoms, Diane Allen, ? the tribal education director, told me in Pendleton, OR the other week. These types of situations are not just happening in Indian Country in the West, eithei. They are happening in Robeson County. I had a call last week from a freshman student in college, asking for a scholarship When I told her she should have left high school with $10,000 a year in scholarship aid. I thought she was going to cry She had really good grades She left West Robeson High School with no scholarship search at all If these counselors can not do their ' jobs, we ought to demand that they be replaced with a competent counselor Indians who ask questions, or protest against the present system, are immediately Libelled as "trouble makers " I am proud to be one of them We need some changes, people. The Law And You Consumer Protections For Finance : Company Customers State law allows finance companies to charge interest rates much higher than the rates on credit cards and other consumer credit sources. But the North Carolina Consumer Finance Act also provides strong protection for finance company borrowers. * This act defines how a finance company must be licensed, the interest rates it can charge, and bow it can conduct business But consumers are often not aware of these protection, contained in North Carolina General Statue Chapter 53. Article 15 The most important protection is that the towdeylares a loan void if the Finance Act or if it othSrwSS^agM in any unfair or deceptive trade practices in making a loan or attempting to col led payment In short, that means the finance company is not entitled to colled adime on the loan So what are the most important rules of the Consumer Finance Act? No loan may discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex or martial status. Terms of a loan must be in writing in clear and distinct terms and given to the borrower at the time of the loan. For loans up to S3.000. interest rates can be 36 percent on the first $600 loaned and 15 percent on the balance Alternatively, for loans up to $7,500, the finance company can chitfge 30 percent on the first SI.000 and 18 percent on the balance For loans of $7,500 to $10,000. the company can charge 18 percent. The rates must be computed based on a simple interest method Finance companies may not charge more than eight percent interest on any judgment for loan collection. The Consumer Finance Act also limits fees and credit insurance and the time limit that can be included in the loan It does not allow the splitting of loans to obtain higher interest, and the law prohibits any provisions for confession of judgment, power of attorney, attorney fees, assignment of earnings or security interest in real property The law also limits the loans that affiliates of a finance company may make when operating out of the same office. The Act prohibits more that one office operated by the satpg" mmwmmmmn ?i i m ^ same consumer When collecting a loan, a finance company may not engage in any unfair debt collection practices including harassment, improper threats, and improperly revealing information about a consumer's account The company cannot require borrowers to refinance their home or to deposit funds in a bank as a condition for a loan Under a related Federal regulation finance companiesmay not take a security interest in the consumer's clothing, furniture, appliances, only television or radio, linens and other personal and household effects, unless the consumer is purchasing those items with the loan The Consumer Finance Act regulates companies that make loans ofless that S10.000 and charge interest rates that are higher than otherwise permitted by the North Carolina interest rate law The Act regulates only finance companies, which do not include banks, trusts, savings and loan associations, mortgage lenders, credit unions, pawnbrokers or other special purpose lenders. This Act inquires all covered lenders to be licensed by the North Carolina Banking Commission Affiliates of finance companies such as mortgage lenders must be approved by the Banking Commission and may not make first mortgage home loans of less than $3,000. Violation of the Consumer F nance Act is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment of up to two years and mis: }*< TommissKiner of Banks W*ihe Banking Commission to supervise these finance companies and m$ke rules needed to protect borrowers The Commissioner can investigate violations of the Consumer Finance Act and suspend or re voice the license of a lender found to have violated the Act. The Department of Justice Consumer Protection Section can also help consumers with complaints about finance companies. (919-733-7741 )? Questions or complaints about a finance company should go to the North Carolina Banking Commission, P.O. Box 29512. Raleigh. NC 27626 (919-733-3016) or the Departmetfoif Justice Consumer Protection Section? P O Box 629, Raleigh. NC 27602 (919-733-7741) Borrowers might also need to contact a private attorney: or the local Legal Services office if tou are low-income 2 ' Lumbee People Deserve ; ATribal GovernmentThat Represents The Interest Of All Lumbee People IfYou Want Tribal Government that is ACCOUNTABLE to the People it represents; If you want a VOICE in the* decision making of the Tribe, then I VOTE YES! i LUMBEE CONSTITUTION PfeM for b* the People for the Liobee Constitution, Dr. Adotph Dial ud Rev. Hubbard Lowery, Co-Chainaeu ????J)