r+Mt^V| mrrtJ!mZ? I CAROLINA t hHI' 1 (-Indian ? T^a?6"0"***** Votum* 21 Number 29 Thunday, July 21, 1994 | [ Candidates for Tribal Chairman Rev. Jimmy Strickland, Running for Tribal Chairman The Rev Jimmy Mncttiana. Pastor of Union Chapel Community Baptist Church, has announced his candidacy for Tribal Chairman. In making his announcement. Reverend Strickland released the following statement "After days of meditation, praver and discussion with other tnbal members. 1 am offering to serve my tribe as the first Tribal Chairman I realize that it is an awesome responsibility, but I strongly believe that we as L urn bee people must set a precedence with our first tribal council. We must, for the sake of our grandchildren and great grandchildren, elect people to represent us who are spiritually mature, morally sound, full of integrity. and honesty. and those who _ have no personal agenda "If elected Tribal Chairman. I S affirm to you that I will seek the face ^ of God before making decisions I wil' seek the Counsel of others, especially our elders. I will make all decisions with this thought in mind: All wisdom comes from God With that thought in mind. I will not become a typical politician I will by the Grace of God remember that the Lumbee people are a proud people we are people woo oeueve inn a man's word is his bond I will strive, if elected, to uphold the principals of the Lumbee people - truthfulness when we speak, honesty in our business dealings, responsibility for our young and elderly, a strong commitment to education and better employment opportunities "I have a vision for our people I visualize a nation that provides for the social, economic, cultural and educational welfare of the Lumbee Cheraw 1 visualize our young people returning to the traditional ways of ourfore fathers, respect for others and a belief that we are indeed our brother'skeeper. I visualizeourelders feeling safe and secure in their homes I visualize a return to hope and confidence in the ability of our young to make the right decisions, confident that the upcoming generations will be good, moral leaders who will protect our future while preserving our past "I believe that we can and must preserve the old way of life while continuing the basic Christian principles which have made us a strong, proud, and determined people." See Strickland Page 5 RayLittfeturtle Runs For" Tribal Chairman OJ D?| nar a oraveotty Lwcklear Saying be had the maturity. time, knowledge and expertise to lead the Lumbee Tribe or Cheraw Indian people Ray Littleturtle. on Tuesday morning, announced his candidacy for tribal chairman One can't lead Indian people without first knowing something about whence they came Their past is an integral part of their future." Littleturtle commented The 56-year-old grandfather said he sought the counsel and permission of community elders before officially filing for tribal chairman "I honestly believe that anyone who would want to be a leader would have to first seek counsel from theelders. because that's the Indian way. ' 'In often days people would seek the counsel of the leaders and elders before making a step forward, and I have facilitated doing this, once i got the affirmative that they had no problem with my filing. I assured them that if elected. I would always seek their counsel before going into tribal council so as not to give them the inconvenience or the necessity of having to come and plead their case in front of the council, because as tribal chairman, it would be my responsibility to access the elders and find if our government is the government of the people and doing what it should do. Earlier ui the month Lumbet Indians overwhelmingly approved a constitution that will set up a tribal government The constitution provides for a tribal chairman, a 21 member tribal council elected from districts, and a five-member judiciary to settle questions about the constitution. The Constitution Assembly has been charged with overseeing the first tribal elect]on which willbe held on Saturday, August 27. 1994 Littletuttle said he does not see his earlier involvement in the tribal recognition efforts and the format ton of a Constitution Assembly as a conflict of interest in his filing for tribal chairman. "As a matter of feet, 1 made the formal motion to go back to the churches and get spiritual, solid thinking people who would come up with a document that we all could live with, .and not be influenced by anyooe, including myself who had been on the recognition committee I held no position and have allowed the Aseembly to do their job." He said the asaembly's job will have ended when the members have supervised an election "My lack of involvement in their work waa by design aomtobe appreciative of their won and be able to follow their dictates A traditional Indian e< locator and advocate. Littletuttle has worked at the grassroots level to promote Indian art. history and culture fo tnase then three decades. Nationally recosmxed for his expertise in Indian cultural promotions and iaterpi station of Indian culture, he has iMcractsd with all Indian tribes nation wide, particularly the tradition illy people who are involved in tribal "IW? Ewned that their problems are not unique for w? dmre the aame problems, tint m knowing Ibsm, I can network, last that ana string quality, because I haven't seen aayone elm He said he doe n't have employment conflicts in m much as his involvement in coo-uMag and ulture goes slang with the networking ideal 'I enemy time Ae?biiitv uan asset which will shew an to battel serve the Lumbee tribe " ^ amount rfniaiMfr'msmTJTS tribal Iialli dip m*a." San Utfatortla Page S ta, +a ** Mtn* Caamaaltt'Caha?a haaat mttUaa at 0* 1994-95 yaar ata Mt to right: ; Tnmaa tamm L Thaam at tmtmm. Tnmaa Hantta UdUw at Fairmamt. SckaoI Aatomay L MnrrthM Tnmaa tamaa M. Metaaa. h. at Maatom. Tnmaa Saa W. 9*mm at Lam+ana*. Tnmaa Thorn* jonaa. 0- at iMkMM Chakataa tahn A JtaM at hat HftHaga Vk* Chainmm tahmny Maat at BoaAand, Tnmaa Caarga o. 9a$aa at 9L Paala. Tnmaa L Hatha* Mm atMamrn. Tnmaaa fay Jahaam at Palmtat, Tnmaa " - niAMaHam Tr ifliiiiif i -1 '-y-frr - fir* 1nf n. nCUwl?* *maa.M*m.Lockla*faathklamMnpiilun Owni i . fwdhfti '^^hatmai ' tvtfff* f* c*w"?' ?* *?? ***? ?mi Rev. Hubbard Lowery to Seek Tribal Chairmanship Kev. Hubbard lowery, lotsl minister and businessman has announced hi? candidacy for tribal chairman. Ha ralaaiad (he iultowiny Matamant "My name ta Reverend Hubbard Lowery. candidate for the Tribal Chairman for the Lumbee-Cberew Tribe. I'm mmried to Phyllis Clark Lowery. We have four beautiful children. Willie Wibaema. Ella Olebonna, Errs Nitone. Kylec Shakorte. I am presently Paelor of New Bethel Baptist Church, just started on our ninth year there, and the Lord is still blessing our ministry For more than 20 yean now 1 have been actively involved in religious, economic, and Social conearns of our Indian People in Robeson and surrounding counties. Ten yean ago I was appointed to the Board of foe Southern Baptist Native American Fellowship This is a National organization, with membership ia all 41 slates, Alaska, canada. Central and South America. I have had numerous occasions over the ye?* on this board to represent our Burnt Swamp Bepdtt Association, and our Lumbee people, before groups, in Boston, MA. Virginia. Florida. Oklahoma. Texas. New Mexico. South Dakota and others "Every five years oer Board sponsors the largest sad most ptestigious Indian camp in the nation Indian Falls cieak in Oklahoma at out last sponsored camp we have more than <000 Indians to attend Ihom the U.S.. Canada, several foreign "In addition to this board. I ve M foe opportunity to write several quarterlies for foe Baptist Sunday School Board, foe largest and one of foe most prestigious publishers in foe ' nation. I wrote foe Native Anwncan edition which wis published and distribute^ foroughoet foc^ United "As Bagnst Man's Director for the i Burnt Swamp Association. I've had opportunity Dakota and Oklahoma i iW Ant two protec ts with worhscmw* form our local churches we went out to New Mexico, and South Dakota bought foe materials, and built foe I tfcurches mforee days, ia both cases i These pspiects as well as others still m i progrvw uvv dtou|iii vnc dwdi ! Swing Asaoctettoa sod foe Lumhee i a lot of well deserved recognition ' ws oeg foe Indian Tribes across foe Nation "Mors recently as Cbaimw of foe frteadsaad supporters of the North CarnH? la rttonfSdteral Center I bad opportaiaity to go to our state w^mWwe w %MM svnpwi wB r i?-n m bill detuned 10 till foe Nor* Carolina Indian Cultural Center 1 thank God thai our effort* were successftil In June of this year 1 waa invited to the State Capital buildup where I witaaaaad our Governor Jim Hunt'i our 99 year leaaa for foe - "A? Co-chairman of foe People: for the Lumbee Constitution several associationt. method!at.^ Church of Ood. Assemblies of God and a resolution of support from the LREMC Board ofDircctors Our oouunittae waa alao aucceaafol in ! working hard to acquaint the Indian people with the conatitutiona. and gamp out foe vote on the election davs. that raaulted in a land slide victory, and historical milestone for ourjiaopte over foe fourth of July "Being on the cutting edge end in the Mockes for our people is nothing new forme I've out there in front for yean, that's why 1 am seeking your vote to elect me as your Tribal Chairman "If I am elected aa your Tribal Chairman, immediately after the election I would move to have the NX. Commission of Indian Aflhtra and Gov Jim Hum to recognize the newly elected tribal Government aa foe legitimate government of and for foe Lumbee Nation "Secondly, with our Tribal Government m piece. I would begin a process to heel and unify our Indian People behind ita government thirdly, i would expeditiously ?el up a commutes to oversee foe design and construction of a ipnctous building to house our Tribul government, offices board Roomsand meeting halls "I would convene our Tribal Council to determine foe needs of foe 21 Indian districts Medical. sducMlonal. social end cultural, once a doMsss amount has been drirm.HK-d I would go personally lo Washington. D C to our Congressman first determine the amount of funds presently available for recognized tribes if any, then have a bill introduced in Cengrew to Cfoteia foe remaining balance of ftmde neceseery to meet foe needs of our Indian communities This action would be repeated each calender year "I would seek foe cooperation ol Duke, ead Chapel Hill Medusi community to brtoi inutyof McAcftl ( oroplfk totHif ItMitJifi Community to audy and treat foe venous diseases thrnsmtc. our Indian People As Tnbal foat. thai fccilkv ha staffed bjTour owa ladiaa Doctor*. Nuraes,