1 RICK'S j PLACE After yean of not having. The they ten aaatter ^Oter Comer. We now having a working tribal constitution We aooa will have * a wotting tribal government thai hat been duly elecwdby the people We are oo the edge ofFederal recognition Many exciting and new things are ' tiappciung to us as a people The tribal government races are , heatarup Many very good candidates have filed for seats oo the council as "fell as for the tribal chairmanship 1 f am very excited about the elections Not only are we voting a new ^government unto place in August, we , nave the opportunity to vote for Glenn " Maynor for sheriff in the November flections. Its a good time to have the right to vote and to exercise that right ' Woridng together, we can create, build -had maintain a government that is ^responsive to the needs of our people '*? The coming of the new ( 'government brings new / Responsibilities New responsibilities ' for the elected officials and new raanoaaibiltoesfcrthe elected oflc iali and new reajxjnaitaliua. ??? He people The tribal council as weilMAelr^l qualifkmtKiatJbyihe people, to handk tribal business to tie Seat of their ability The ne? government must be ready, willing and able to handle the business of the Lumbee people The council will need to address edm-aiion housing. job framing and health care just to name a few m^jor issues that are important to us as a people As a people, we must put aside petty jealousies, regional and poht" ^ party alliances to wosk for the whole tribal good. Instead of looking at how issues effect Pembroke or Deep Breach, or Democrats vs Republicans, we need to focus on how issues effect the tribe as a whole. Let's keep the momentum of the recent landslide election for the adoption of the tribal consbtmiongomg Let'sworktomake tomorrow better for the children VOTE Rick Barton ' KELVIN SAMPSON ? A ROLE MODEL ., Last week after losing to Italy, the ' USA basketball team wonover Russia. '80-71. gaining the Bronze medal \s head coach George Raveling explaining in an ABC interview, the : USA team was made up of college ' students, whereas most of the other teams were composed of professional basketball players. Some of the top college players were not available for "? 'this trip And the team had only about three weeks to play together. In spite of all this, they finished in third place. ^-Congratulations to all the members of * our USA team and to each of their ^ coaches, including our own Kelvin Sampson. J When they played the Dream Team J on Sunday, alter getting back to the * states, they were really mismatched * Mr. Ned reminded me that the Dream ? Team is made up ofthe best players in ? the World, so it's no wonder THEY * came out with the highest score * Especially since the collegiate team must have been pretty wont out from IPersc^B^f that so many countries around the j world have adopted "American - invented" games such as basketball - and baseball As for as 1 know. Kelvin does not 3 have the kind of "excess baggage" j (alleged problems with gambling and - : abuse, respectively) that have surfaced ' , to mar the images of two extremely I popular sports heroes. Michael Jordan 3 and O.J Simpson. Kelvin may not be j stunning the sports world with unusual - height, physical strength, or original * achievements on the playing floor or \ I players on a daily basts, be gets MY VOTE as a Lumbee role model for young people everywhere! CORRECTIONS In last week's story I made two glaring mistakes Kelvin and family lived at Pullman. Washington for NINE years, not five He was the Cougars' head coach for seven of those years. Also, his mother. "Miss Eva", worked for 10 years as a nurse for Dr Robertson, not 'Or Robinson ' In the past. I've been reallv upset with journalists who do sloppy reporting Now I know how difficult and time-consuming it is to check each item out i My Mcmor\ let me down as far as Dr Robertson s name was concerned It seems to he doing that more and more these day s. But I'm determined NOT to let 11 get the best of me' Which reminds me. I am over 30 years younger than Mother, not over 31 years as I said some time ago' She is halfway between 97 and 98.1 haven't quite made it to 67. i POSITIVE REPORTING For a person who has never taken much .interest in sports,, l ye spent o make surMhey wete Ware that our own Kelvtt Sampson was involved in this year's Goodwill Games Why'' For one thing, it looks to me like we deserve some GOOD publicity, after all the negative media reports over the past six years. Also, even though I'm not a typical sports enthusiast. I AM interested in the PEOPLE who are involved in sports One of the newspapers I called was Butte's Montana Standard When 1 mentioned Kelvin's name, sports reporter Hud Willse sounded interested He said he knew Kelvin well, and had even met his father, but did not have much current "info' * on Kelvin. So 1 foxed some articles to a man I would likely never meet under any other circumstances CaroHaa Indian Voice is published every Thursday by Post Office Boa 1075 Pembroke. North Caroline 28372 Phone (919) 521-2826 Fa* (919) 521-1975 Connee Brayboy. Editor Helen Locklear. Office Manager Subscriptions One year in NC. $20.00 Out of state. $25.00 Second Class Postage Pwd at | Pembroke, NC you cm buy at the Hon without a prc?ciipnoti The makers of these products waa* you to believe that you ladtfieraaf pain reliever for every loud of ache or pain. They also want you to thiuk taut there are maay different kinds of pain relievers Actually than are only two(2) types ofOTCpuM relievers: NSA1D stands ^TTterereeouly" types of NSAiDa on the OTC market, NSAID stands for I ncbc arc a^pinn. louproren (such as Advil or Nuprin) and a new one to eoftnas osaacrintionMNneah so OTC status is Naproxen or it's brand name of Aleve. The NSAIDa work in the body by blocking the action of chemicals in the body celled prostaglandins Prostaglandin are formed ia the body naturally Some of these prostaglandin are the force behind the pun you feel after pulling or twisting a muscle or some body part. The new one on the market Naproxen, brand name Naprosyn and Mproxes sodium (Anaprox) both have a proven track record in medicine as treatment for arthntis for many years Because of this good record and very few sides effects the FDA approved naproxen sodium as anover the counter pun reliever. Oh. guess what else naproxen sodium works fester than plain naproxen. Now what is thai long word acetaminophen? Acetaminophen is Tylenol or Panadoi Acetaminophen is thought to act on pain centers in the brain. It isagoodmedicine when used to combat pain and fever Acetaminophen is not useAil for the aches and pain caused by inflammation from strained muscles, ligaments, tendons or generalized joint pain and or swelling Buy generic brands of these I medicines and you will save money and still receive a good product The generic brands of these drugs must pass the same medicine standards as the brand name drugs Some of the ads on the TV or radio would like to make you think that the generic (hugs are of Mwny Mow there are exceptions to this ^u^^'hrfcc'nci f""" yllgay the c^TSsmnd^i pharmacist can tell you if > medicine is m generic form and if?is OTC W heir buying a pain reliever avoid getting combination drugs because the pain tciiever pan will generallv Ik: at a lesset strength then by itself. U you need *omethnig far pain and a cold just buy them separately For example buy ibuprofon tor pain then a decongestant for the cold ifyou need one These medicines come in different farms, captets and gel-caps may be easier far you to swallow. A timed-released drug gives longer relief, which mav be better for muscle soreness and other low grade aches and pains The product Ale ve isone of the long acting medicines for pain relief A Ika-Seltzer that contains aspirin has a lot of antacid, which causesthe pain relieving pari ot aspinn , to be greatly reduces. Buffered aspirin does not prevent upset stomachs. Enteric-coaled aspirin may lessen the problems in the stomach and are easy to swallow. Children under the age of 16-l^with chicken pox or flu symptoms should not take aspirin, because of the risk of Reye's syndrome. The NSAIDs and alcohol dio not mix. The two of these drugs together may cause your stomach and or your intestines to bleed. Acetaminophen and alcohol used together can increase and cause liver damage Your pain relievers should be stored in a cool dry place and not in your bathroom. People should try to stay with one pain medicine. Low dose aspirincan prevent heart attacks, but you should always consult with you medical provider the medicine as directed on the label. If you have questions ask your medical provider about tbe OTC drugs you are taking If your pain continues for a long tune and you have to take the pain relievers for ail extended time consult with your medical provider. May God bless you and your family ?? 1 A message from James A. Hunt, can- I didate for Tribal Chairman. I believe the Lumbee Bill is very im portant to the future of the Lumbee people. That is why I have done every thing I can do to aid in this matter. At this time you can help by sending a check to Ruth Locklear, PO Box 3058, Pembroke, NC 28372 to help with Arlinda Locklear's expenses. Also pray for me and all the partici pants working in this bill. We have reached the crucial time. 'How firm we stand and plant our feet upon our land determines the strength DEDICATED TO STRIVE FOR ?-Preservation of Tribal Culture * Self-sufficiency of die Tribal Government * Economic Development to protect die well being, health and environment of the Lumbee People * Active involvement by all Tribal Members in Government * More opportunities in education for our children, who are the future of our Tribe " Your vote for me will be a vote toward progress for the Lumbee People, * VOTE GREGORY CHAVIS FOR LUMBEE TRIBAL COUNCA. DISTRICT ft I Vote to Elect Carlee Cummings District# 13 (Prospect Community) Lumbee Tribal Council Saturday, August 27, 1994 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. 11 "Commited to the needs of the people" Elect Sandra Whittemore District 4 (Cumberland) Lumbee Tribal Council Saturday, August 27,1994 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM ELECT ZELMA B. LOCKLEAR Lumbcc Tribal Council District 20 (West Lumberton) Lumbee tribal Council Saturday, August 27,1994 6:30 AM to 7:30 PM o Self employed Served on Lumbaton City Schools Board of Education Served on the linked Methodist Conference Church and Society Bowd ? Member of Branch Street United Methodist Church ? * . ELECT : Alfred Lockleai I Lumbee Tribal Council I District 19 I Britts, East and West Howeilsville, I Wisharts Saturday, August 27,1904 6:30 AM -7:30 PM i : '^1