Pubished Each Thursday Sine* January 18,1973 ^ ^ dAROLI^) I^F^J (Indian ^Ooice w Promoting Communications Between Miens end Nations " pambrokt. nc ? is M ? RobwonCounty dxi ? ? A' ' - N<- 1 -? % .'? I ? J^g ?????????? ? 5 I ? . (9. 3 mem^^ ' to W I ? ? Volume 21 Numbepii i Tkmn^. li. 1994 2Sc*rCm m^mmm????p????J An Open Lett {Ihe Lumbee People From Arlinda Locklear, Tribal Attorney I his past Sunday. August 7. the LRDA Board of Directors publislied an update on the Lumbee recognition bill. IdidnotkiiowofLRDA'splaiito publish an update or see the update before its publication As a result. this is my only opportunity to supplement the update and correct some errors that I'm certain were inadvertent It is correct that we are coming close to the end of this session of Congress. Congress will probably recess for two or three weeks in mid or late August Congress is scheduled to return on September 12 for another four weeks before adjourning altogether Unless our bill comes up for a vote during that time, it dies and the entire legislative process on our bill must begin again Simply put. we are running out of time Senator Inouye. who as Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs supports our bill, has said that he will find the time for our bill once we are certain we have the necessary sixty (60) votes to stop a filibuster on the bill. Those votes must come from among the Republicans, since all of the 56 Democrats in the Senate w EftL. vole with us to stop the filibuster Because of Senator Helms' active opposition to our bill, though, it is difficult to pick up the few Republican votes we need I think it can be done, but we must do it before the end of the session The LRDA update incorrectly stated that I am the former lobbyist on the recognition bill. And it incorrectly stated that LRDA terminated my contract in February of this year LRDA asked me to sign an extension of my contract in February, but I refused to do so I refused because the organization had taken certain steps that I considered to be against the best interests of the Lumbee Tribe and our recognition bill. Asa result. 1 believed my obligation of loyalty to the tribe as my client required that I sever my relationship with LRDA. However. I assured LRDA and Congressman Rose thai I would continue to represent the Lumbee Tribe on the recognition bill and 1 have done so After consulting with community leaders and collecting money from thmjhUiifrto apiifMTini I did hire a Republican lobbying font .it the end of July to assist in gettinh the sixty votes me need to stop the] filibuster This firm works with me/ >nlv for the purpose of locating the additional Rept bltcan votes me need hi the bill This firth has not replaced me I remain the principal lobbyist on the Lumbee recognition bill and, as before. I remain available to any member of the community to discuss the status of the bill. 1 talk to community leaders daily about the bill and pass infi: rmation to them about the status of the bill as soon as I get such information. In addition, I promised Chan man Adolph Blue of LRDA that I would keep him personally post .id of the status of the bill, and 1 have done so. For weeks now, 1 have been waiting for a vote on our bill an monitoring tie position of key senators. 1 know many people want to attend the vote so I will contact the community as soon 1 get the word about a vote on our bill. If you have any questions in the meantime, call Fifty-One Candidates File for First Lumbee Tribal Council Seven Candidates for Tribal Chairman The Filing date for Tribal Offices I ended July 25th. Seven nmnie filed < for Tnbal Chairman and 51 candidates I are seeking seats on the 21-member I Tnbal Council Candidates filing and their distncts i include I Tribal Chairmen Candidates Rev I Hubbard Lowery of Route I. I Pembroke: Rev. Jimmy Strickland of < Route I, Pembroke. Mr Ray < Littleturtle of Pembroke. Mr James ( B Locklear of Route I. Pembroke. Dr Dalton Brooks of Route 2. ' Pembroke: Dr. Wei ton Lowry of Route i 2. Pembroke, and Rev. James A. Hunt I of Rowland TnbalCouncilcandidatesinclude I Distnct * l-No candidate filed (The Lumbee Consitution grants authority i to the Tribal C/Ouncil to fill this vacancy). Distnct #2 includes the | Laurel Hill Township in Scotland County. Part of Antioch Township in Hoke County and the remainder of i Hoke County Filing in that distnct i was Mr Eugene Lowry of Route 3. Raeford and Mr Willie Ross Jacobs of Route I. Red Spnngs Distnct# 3 includes part of Antioch i .Township in Hoke County. Park ton. Shannon. Lumber Bndge and pan of Red Spnngs # I in Robeson County Filing in that district was Mr Joel Dial Jr of Route I. Red Spnngs. and Rev Lockie Ray Carter of Route I. Shannon District # 4 includes all of CumberlandCounty. North and South St. Pauls and all of Bladen County Filing in that district was Dr Samuel WynnofFayettevilleandMrs Frances Sandra Hunt Whittemore of Fayetteville District # 5 incudes a portion of Red Spnngs #1 and Rennet! Filing for that distnct is Rev Jerry Ray McNeill of Route I. Shannon. Mrs Barbara Ann Goins of Route I. Shannon, and Mr Broughton Oxendtne of Route I. Shannon Saddletree comprises District * 6 Vying for that seal are Mr David Lockkar of Route lO.Lumbettonand Mr Henry Bryon Brewer of Route 10. Lumberton District # 7 is the Burnt Swamp Precinct and three people are candidates for that position Thev are Mr Dennis Michael Wilkins of Pembroke. Mrs Rhonda Sue Locklear I jf Route I. Pembroke, and Mrs Oianna Maynor Hun) of Route I. i Pembroke > District # 8 is the Philadelphus ;omm unity Four people are vying for : hat position They are Mr Sanford < Locklear Sr of Route I. Pembroke. < Mrs. Carolyn MaeCummingsWoriax t jf Pembroke. Mr Robeson Locklear >f Route I. Pembroke, and Mr Lite gory Cha v is of Route I. Pembroke South Pembroke comprises District I #9 Mrs Dorothy Lowery of Pembroke and Mr Joel Garth Locklear are vying For that seat I District # 10 includes North Pembroke and Mrs Shelby Jane Lowery of Route 2.Pembroke and Mr Gary Wayne Locklear of Route I. Pembroke are candidates for that position District * 11 include the Deep J Branch area and the Baker's Chapel community Four people are seeking that position They are Mr Ponce DeLeon Chavis Jr or Route 2. Pembroke. MissGina LynnOxendine of Route 3. Maxton. Mrs Carolyn CoronadoofPembroke.andMrs. Plope < Locklear Sheppard of Pembroke District# 12 isthe Union area Five people are candidates for that position They are Mrs. Judy Harris Seals of Pembroke. Mr Dehat DeanOxenduie of Pembroke. Mrs Patricia Swen Bravboy of Route I. Rowland. Mr Mckeithan Jones of Route 3. Rowland, and MR Brian Keith Locklear of Route I. Row land District #13 is the Prospect community Running in that district are Mrs Emma Lee Locklear of Route 3. Maxton and Mr Car lee C ummings Jr of Route 3. Maxton Rev Steve Locklear has no opposition in the race for the seat in theOxendine community. District #14 Mrs Aggie Goms Deese of Max ion is unopposed in District #15 which includes Maxton and part^of Alfordsville Precinct District #16 includes pan of Alfordsville. Rowland. Thompson. Gaddy. Marietta. Sterlings. Oman and all of Columbus County Seeking that seat are Mrs. Virginia Carol Hunt of Route 2. Rowland. Mr Elton B Hunt of Route I. Fairmont. Mr Billy "Dollar Bill" Oxendme of Route 2. lowland. Rev Hilton Deese of Fairmont is inopposed in Dt strict # 17 is comprised >f Fairmont and Smyrna District # 18 is comprised of Back swamp. Running for that position are: Ms. Ernestine GtavisBulifant of Route >. Lumberton, f/frs Doreen Sampson >f Route I. Rowland; and Mr. Larry MtonCummingsofRoute I.Rowland District #1? includes part of Lumberton, Wisharts, East and West Houellsville. Hritts. Vying for that ?eat are Mrs vi ginia Jacobsof Route S. Lumberton, Mr. Dock Edward Locklear Jr. of Route I, Lumberton, Mr Alfred Locklear of Route 5, Lumberton. an J Mr Terry Smith f Route 1. St. Pauls. Mrs .Zelmal ocklear of Lumberton utd Mr Timmie Randell Hunt of Lumberton are /ying for a position to represent Dis rict #20 which is Lumberton Mr. Lance H irding Jr of Route 10, Lumberton and Mr Michael Edward Butler of Rouie 3, Lumberton are seeking a seat as representative for District #21 district is comprised of Rati Swamp and a portion of Lumberton The Constitution Assembly is charged, accord ing to the Consitution with the responsibility of overseeing this first election for Tribal Council and Chairman According to them, there will be no write in candidates and voters will be required to sign residence affidavits Persons voting more than one b ne maybe prosecuted for peijury It will be necessary, according to the Assemblv for each voter to establish on a District map which district te or she resides in rhis effort is bring done to insure a fair election and to offer everyone w ho is eligible tlie right to vote Voters will be urged o vote in their own districts and tie district maps will serve as the drtermining factor, as well as the affidavit signed under penalty ensure that people do not vote ouinde the district they reside in Voters must be 18 years of age or older, must be Lumbee Indian and must reside in tf e district that they are votingin All di rtricts will vote on the frtbaJ Chairman The Carolina Indian Voice Published by First American Publicationst Pembroke, North Carolina a. ShoH H left to right are McDuffie Cammiags, Tow* Manager; Milton ft Htua, Mayor; William LocUeur. Chairman, Board of Commsxionen; and LeMarh Harris, Executive Director. Pembroke Housing Authority Establishes Police Substation Jf In an effort to deter crime and maintain a dm*:- free environment. the supplemental police services A dwelling unit has been converted for a police substation that wtiljaofe as the central point of contact for the resident and officers According to the Authority s Executive Director Lemark Harris, the U S Department of Housing and Urban Development encourages housing authorities to take initiatives such as establishing substations and contracting for additional police services According to Hams, the Authority hopes lo eliminate the presence of outsiders who enter upon the Authority 's developments and create problems He states that approximately seventy five percent ofthe Authority's problems stem from persons who do not live within the developments This program will initially begin in Strickland Heights, the Authority 's largest of it's five developments Police officers will volunteer to work a tour hour shift outudeot their regular forty hour week During this shift, the crime It is anticipated^*!theo'fthe Strickland Heights development will begin to participate in programs for the betterment of the cummumt) According to Harris, many residents have expressed their gratitude and commended the Board of Commissioners for it's concern towards the community Hams hopes that the presence of the police officers willprovide role models for the youth This program will also benefit the residents of the Town without any costs By posting an officer in Strickland Heights, the Town may not need to dispatch an additional officer to the development Therefore, the officers on regular duty will have more time to patrol ami protect the properties of the Town According to Hams, this program presents a WIN-WIN situation for the Town and the Authorm "Ideally, this program will only strengthen the relationship that the Town residents have with the Authority " Celebrates 89th Birthday l.onme Bevels of Pembroke Ms M9ib Birthday. Friday, i mw 5,1994. He matbam in Lnmberum, Sank Carolina oa Angasi Mb /<"M The family gave km a F taker '? Day celebration in Jane of1994to a kit,k an early Birthday celebration ?*i included. The Hon orec mu given many nice gifi* at kit home. Alto, a delicious dinner n ut nerved. Mr. Bevel% l? Ike /trttud father of dx children, fire of fkam are uM Uting. They are atfoBam: Mrs. Florence V. Bantam, of Pembroke, St Mrs. Delemae M. Harris, of Mattkens. SC. Mrs. Bata M. WUtfree of Charlotte. SC. Mrs. Theresa Lacbiear of Lam barton, SC. Lannie Bevels. Jr., of tireentkara. and a faster \tm Sgt. Donald tsadwia of Pembroke. SC. Also many grandchildren, greal-grandc hildren and grem-grttu grandchildren. The Hanaree n arked hard ed ta med Ms children end ??> fmihfal la Ms ckonk. the Find B aorta Chunk in Pembroke. SC. He was married la Me hue Dimple Cadarin of Pemkrake. < Photo and Text by T/Sgi y/. P. Bevels I Bet I Paralegal Association to Hold Practical Skills Seminar The North Carolina Paralegal I Association, lac will bold its 10th J Annual Practical Skills Seminar on Saturday. September 17. IW4. al the Sheraton New Bem Hotel m New i * Bern. North Carolina The seminar it j strutted to develop and enhance the practical legal dulls of paralegals iu?d other non-attorneys who work in the legal profession The program begins at S 4s a m concludes at 3. IS p.m .. and includes a mid-day luncheon Practicing attorneys will give presentations on a wide saner\ of legal issues, including Effective Legal writing: Preparing Estate Inventories and Accountings. State Appeal Process for Civil and Cnminal Cases. New Foreclosure Statutes. Setting Up ? Corporation, Case Management Withina Law Office. Catering Assets and Debts for Domestic Cases: aad / Legal Ethics pre seated by Nancv I Byerly iones. Ear of the North Ij Carolina State Bar. The seminar will ? seminar will receive a bound 1 manuscript of materials prepared in I conjunction w ith the seminar program I Exhibitors from the legal support 1 services industry will alaobe available 1 to discuss and demonstrate their serv ices and materials Preregistreuon for the seminar may be arranged by contacting NCPA Practical Skills Seminar Co-Cham. MaraB Esan.CLAat<704)373~4480 or Susan L Brewer at OIVi 7JJ M 20 You may also contact First \ ice President, Linda lee Marion. CLA at 1910 >27 4-3193. Walk-ui registrations on the day of the seminar will also be accepted [New Survivors Group to Open Sept. I The Rape Cnsu Center of Rote son Count) announces that a new Survivor's Group will be opemnp on September 1.1944 The Group it open to adult women who have teen victimued b> Rape Incest, or Sexual Abuse Enrollment is limited, so interested persons need to call the Rape Crisis C enter and set up in an appointment All inquires about this group. and services provided by the Rape Crisis Center are thee and confidential For more information, call Margaret Crttes. 9I0-7.W-627* Pembroke Kiwanis The weekly meeting was held ai the Town and Country Restaurant with President Buddy Bell presiding Program thairman Mark Lockleai pre scnied Mi CHenn Branch. Agent of the North Carolina Law Enforcement Division of Alcohol Control Mr Branch is from fainiumt NC with headquarters in Fayettev ills NC The division has 102 agent* working Bladen. Scotland and Robeson Counties There are 20.000 alcohol outlets in the three counties New applications art investigated and processed Selling alcohol to underage teenagers, preventing item bom getting on the highways, mvestiuaitflg bootleggers and illegal suits. 20 were arrested last year The mam problem Mr Branch said was poisonous liquor and the kwa of tax money far the Stale of North Carolina They alto have to investigate prostitution, drags and martyuana violations They also assist local law enforcement We aleo have j ' speakers for high school* and ottei groups, spent mg rut ateifonlprnhlsms Last week's meeting was a cook out at Boh Lnwry's home w Rowland Invocation was Vardetl Swai. Song i leader was Ed Testa Reporter- Ken Mmtol,. , *

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