to :jtn frwpmrtmt Jaudswsi/?? LiUtm 9y Dr. Dmm Ckmcn id itmyngkL 1994 ^Fur thcpast iS vear?. hikc I*?w I kav? been trying to yet rtttw u 7 V ? at Indian students who enser college drop out Thar u a mire, of tour*. a? ?tth everything el* My organization d* Naive Amenta* Scfcutanhtp Fund, has funded IV student, an.. 1917. aid 15 have dropped not. i<? a dropout r*c of 8' The wont cam I have totuid. m contrast, is Haskell Indian University, with a dropout rate of 93%. I think Haskell has improved, especially under its dynamic new President. Bob Martin The data tor Haskell is from 1976 us accreditation *elf->iudv report llaceaf). I collected all the reports I could find that I knew tube accurate, bated on facts, and pa a chart togetbei This is the unlv ope of tu kind I have ever seen Most people do not warn to know what their dropout rates tor Indians are The rates are >o bad. the v rhmk rhe\ will took bad Oalv live of the 22 institution ,?< organizations had rate* belou <f> Ten of the 22 had rates above "if Mace the colleges with die largest Indian student countsareaithcuppci end. I concluded that the overall rate is about 75V h could be higher The percentage of Indians who go on to college from high school graduation is only I TV This compares to 42% tor the total U > populaion. iince the Indian high vchoul population hasadropout rate of 50%. compared to 22"- tor tlic U.S. population, the IT*, is reailv 7 5% of all 18 yea olds And since the Indian dropout roe is 75%. i$mM,onl* total U.S. population in culleye tlw actual rato of Indian college : ' ' i tutcverv l?o Indian* a bo graduate Ths* imam* we are going , Indian v uwar for .otleyc educaticxi in line paw Mi ycjri At 'Hi* rati. Indians will never catch up with the mi of the nauon m term* of college graduate* MK( N b college graduate tnoreand mure, who reailv run dungs ih the I S this mean* Indian* aie going u> become :ki ntutr powerless met tune. utue*> we a* Indian people .an .onie io grips with thi* crm? W'hv do so lew Indian* enter col leer 'Thev are discouraged ffoin attending rhev arc not prepared in the high schools. and the> are not welcome on rie college cmnpuse> The gapbetween Indian high schools and college entrance reipnremeiH* is mometnou* We regularly get students apptviug to u* tor scholarships w bo have a V* or lugner OP A in hign school* Ths* should mean the would score a 2* or higher on the ACT. puning them into the VMh percentile Instead, thetvpical Indian w ith i hOPAssorestrointhe l5rh ?>> the "5th percentile someonem a iiosi ?i suracoms. i> dealing Indian siudcius in Ing'i school li i* nine lor Indian parewc to stand up and demand thai their children get a better education in high school I believe Indian students should be encouraged to do their very best, at ail times I think thev should be encouraged to attend Harvard. Yak. and Stanford --the verv be.-t universiiatesuitheL y-if'thev can gam admission Mthis point, onlv atinv handful attend such universities The total in ail the I v ws now could fit easilv into the auditorium at Old Mam. Uri sdo better with our students Thev are our future s,t&m . ? h ?, . . ?_ ..._ I Pembroke Kiwanis Report Jufee Dexier Brook* *a? the principle -peakei ol the weexlv meeting held at the Townandl ounirv RfttuiiM He was pwwiwd b\ ihi> piuvrwi vhaifmail Ken Johnson ' Nationally and locallv the Criminal Justice sv-tembasbceM verv ' evident m the O J Sanpson and Jordan 1 Cases. so I have decided to talk on. W hai a Judge dues' Jurisdiction means power 10 decide The power is in civil and criminal cases The Male enters the case in criminal cases as the citizen has the ngbi to sue for damage*, as the peace has been broken There are three limes as main civil cases as there are criminal cases Most people plead puliy a? prosecutors ?ill act ept the plea In dealing with cases the I air minister Act was devised to clas-itv felonies Cia*? A. is murder in the I si decree c lass H carries ad 10 vear maximum sentence inchides breaking and entering The law also ha- a presumptive sentence of 3 vear- The ludge has lo look at aggravating factors .-such as the victim being verv voting Also there are mitigating factors such a- confessing to the w rung doing and signs a confession Then tbe judge ha- to use dtscretionarv powers deciding between nuiigaiing and aggravating taciursand weighing their importance, m sentencing An ac tiv e -enteuce or a -uspended sentence result- In drug case- the legislature prescribe- the sememe-, as there i-amintmum ol M >eai - lot armed robberv. no discretion isgtven the iudge The Dept of Corrections has patole empowermeni I he Legislature ha- to set policv regarding the number of beds needed, so v luleni cases, criminal careers. iape cafes and 3 strike- and you re out lake precedence So the structured criminal act came about Point- are as-c-sed to determine the seriousness of the case The minimum sentence cannot he paroled The maximum sen let ice motivates to behave The governot has the right to parole, or commute Presiding Gradv hum invocation. \ ardell Swell, -ong. Ld Teetx I c/faK^ncr**. t/u. i Dear Miss i ounce According to this other paper our Mil is in trouble If .ou believe litem, we re either sliort on v otes or -Jion on lime, or both seems like am wav uu turn. out people are alwav s girting the short end otitic ileal but Ol W1/ am t eivine up on our bill. Miss 1 ounce, until Miss Arlinda savs so li .1111 t been thai long ago lliai Ol W u lead 111 that Luinberton papei how Mi Faircloth was against us Tliey were wrong on thai too One ot these davs. I hope to 01 down with thai Senator Helms W lien I do. MissC ounce. I intend to ask him justuhat in the world he s got against our people The> tell me that 2 otiiet tribes got their bill through this vcar. and Mr Helms didn t cam ?n about those Indians gifting their recognition But w hen it comes to the Indians 111 his own state, he gits mights riled up It makes vou wonder u liat in the world he s scared ot. Miss c otutec Ma v be he s like some more White people Ol Wizknows They like lodiansas long as thev re at a distance from litem Course, the boys at the store savs Helms is iust paying us back tor not supporting him If thats true, that makes Mr Helms a small man. Miss Connee Maybe, he ought 10 trv doing something for the people 111 his Mate and then ask them lot tlieit support Itsworkstoiotherpoliticiaiis Now. if thtm boys up there in W ashington done wbar our delegates done in our vonstitutioii. we would have tenn limitations on our Mmaiois and C ongressmen You shouldn t have one man in office for as long as Helms or Ro?e has been 111 office. Miss ( oiuiee No matter how much Ol Wiz likes Mr Rose or what lie thinks ol Mi Helms, thev ve been there long enough In fact, it might not be a bad idea to kiuck ail those | Senators out and them C ungressmen 1 i>ul loo. and cm m *m?e fresh blood up | there Mavbc. ?r .ouid make a , baseball team out id them I'd sure | like to see them Democrats on one t team, the Republicans on the other. ( andOl W12 the umpire. MissC ounce , When I gut through straighten out | ?omc fellow >. the II br fit lu >n tliet* . in Washington anothet term But. it they played ball the way they ran our country, that might could take a long | long time I W hat we need to do here is run one | of our Indians against Mr Helms ( So*, the bovsal the store thought Ol , Wiz was crazy. Miss C onnee. when . lie mention it to them the other day. | But thats because thev am t mulled on | it a while Bui. the more I studies on , this thing, the tnotc I Itold onto Hie , conviction The wav I see it. it we | could git one of our Indians to run . against Mr Helms, lie II gn support from all over the countrv I might not 4 know a whole lot but I believe it ( would be the biggest s'orv on any , senate race in the country. Miss | C onnee Don t know how far we , would git. Miss Counce, but if them boys up in Washington tliought an , Indian might be taking Helms seat , cause ol the wav thev v e allow hint to , treat our people. tlie> might just go i ahead and pass our bill , C ourse, not everyone sees things j like Ol Wiz. and tliats a good thing. MissConnee It just wouldn't do il , evervone thought like Ol Wiz. cause ( then he II have nothing to talk about ( and thev wouldn t cither But. I stand , here on mv conviction and thats we ' I need to run an Indian against Mr Helms Now. it tliat don t git tlie i attentionot that yenaic nothing will I RICK'S PLACE r'* % Some things never change % Especially people h seems that no? natter bow hard we try to inform ami sducasc folks, they just don t gei it' CM ourse I'm talking about the so .all eud between the Carolina Indian t'oice and Lumbee Regional Development Association I've said lme and tune again we are not anti .RDA We are anti-stupidity We are inti-greed We have staled over and >ver again we support the concept of in organization that is about the justness of making the lives of our jeople better The question is. "Is LRDA this organization.'" Over the last few weeks, fames hiardin. Executive Director of LRDA mis atteinpied to discredit The C aroHna Indian Voice by writing letters to )tber Non-minoritv owned lewspapers in the area, trving to jurtravthet l\ asthebadguvs LKDa vas even hired an Attorney firm from Fasene\ille to review articles and .ofuniiis in this papei I wonder il the noney spent on attorney tees couldn i * better spent ofbehalfof the Lumbee jeople' it 's an old game Politicians trv to lo it all the time Instead ol .oncentradng on the issues, they trv to .loud the vision ot the people with iialf truths, misrepresentations and useless information We. at the CIV are proud ot our necord It speaks for itself Each week we put our work product before the jeople and ask that it be examined We do n openly and pubhclv We ;hallenge LRDA todo the same Let 's Hart working together for the same hmg The well being of our people The first Lumbee-Cheraw tribal council election is August 27 Get out uid support the candidate of vour jhoice Remember, il you don I vote. j rour candidate will not u in ? V V0TE Gregory Chavis* Tribal Council District #8 August 27,1994 With each beginning, there Is an end. Together, let us achieve the vision that began many years ago through out Lumbee ancestors who are now burled beneath the sacred soils of our land." VOTE AT RUIE VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT, LOCATED ON THE RUIE-PHIIADELPHUS ROAD AT THE RAILROAD TRACK. | > ' : .V; > * ELECT Gary Wayne Locklear !-. ; i / > District 10 (North Pembroke) LUMBEE TRIBAL COUNCIL , r . i . .***> Saturday, August 27,1994 4:30 A.M. ? 7:30 P.M. :rmc= x , Vote For McKeithan Jones District# 12 (Union Area) Lumbee Tribal Council Saturday, August 27,1994 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. ? I?? A A #4% #i ouimf jimon 9 npproacn 10 moat Kjovcrnmcn 1 ???????? J ' :" ' ***?'' ?'" ?? -?' ?5f"J'::::? 5' ? V';- - ? .- , - ?'.' " ??:? # Phone (919) 521-2826 Fax (919) 521-1975 Connee Brayboy. Editor Helen Lock (ear. Office Manager Dance Registration ? Before August. 31 IW4 ? Donna DiChiuru l ap i Jaz/ / Ballet Floor Gymnastics and ; Ribbon Dance Xiies 3 and l.p. Call (910) 738-7403 j i ? Uhe Father, UheSon J TRADITION"*** I ? HOT ADDICTION PW Know the consequences of UM alcohol and drug abu? I: ...' i . .... - -A, - L Li:.. # * p * Elect { "Dollar Bill" Oxendine j Lumbee Tribal Council P District 16 Saturday. August 27. 1994 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. j 5 * rl * 'Vote for Equal Representation" Henry Brewer Lumbee Tribal Council ; / District 6 (Saddletree) ; 1 Saturday, August 27, 1994 ; t 6:30 a.m.-7:30 * * ?Member Antioch Baptist Church ?Assistant Church Clark and Sunday School Too char *2 Yaars, Campball CoUaga (Political Sdanca) ? 14 Yaars, Dupont Plastics Technician ?Married to Pom Brewer ?Two daughtorx Nichoi, 19; Haathar, 7 * Vote For Shelby Jane Lowery Lumbee Tribal Council District #10 (North Pembroke) Saturday, August 27, 1994 6:30 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Vote for and Elect an Honest, Ordinary Person to : Represent Honest, Ordinary People i ???? ??*

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