Pub?h?d Each Thursday Since^i^ ^ KV fM CAROLINA K Indian <J)oice * Promoting Communications Between Indians and Nations " .p!*nbroi!^ NC Robeson County I ' I I ,dmme 29 \umber <6 Thursday. September A. HMY U*ttK*g ; - /V' ' "''' I """" ' * LumbeePow W be Hold atNC Cultural Center ' # ti' ; " by James Hardin, Executive Director Lumber Regional Development Association The Lumbee Regional Development AHuciiiiun. Int. announced recently plans toi the tribe s Annual Fall Festival and Pow Woa The three da> event will he lield September lOth-October 2ml hi the NorthCarolina IndianI ulturak eiiier in Pembroke. NC and will feature a school dav on Fndav September ;Oth from 10 am until I Over S7.000 will be available in prize monev to the best American Indian dancers in their traditional dance regalia and to tradiiional drumming groups. The North Carolina Arts t ounctl. receniK awarded a erant of S3.5001? LKOa to help pay the prize aw aids Ovei 25 tribes from across tlie eastern I lined States will be represented in the events Iradeisano raftsmen will sell American Indian goods and handmade crafts r'* The Fndav school day events will Amer^TlndittrSmcc^ The Ncbool day events are )ointh sponsored by LRDA and the Robe sea Count. Title V Indian Educatioi Program The i-all Festival and Row >kow will feature family educational entenauimeiu and is drug free and manned with 14 I tour securttv foi camper> and traders The Cultural Center factltiv i teatuie> .anipinu facilities, canoeing, fishtnc .uid golf and is open to the public Ncaiic etuht thousand peopte are expected to attend tlte rhiee dav event this veat Janic Hardin. Executive Director ofLRDA stated. "Ifthe Lumbee Bill should come up for a vote and pass in September the Fail Festival will he a massive tribal celebration, and if the bill dtiesii t pass we need this event to retnv icurate ourselves spiritually to move aiicad in a united wavto continue the struggle tor the sake of out children Tlte -vent is open to the public with ^eiemonies beginning Friday information utll VHM2I-8602 LREMC Elections to be Held October 18 Seven Director candidates were named September I. IW4bv Lumber Rivei Electric Membership Cotpuration's Nominating C onmittee for the cooperative s election. 10 be held ai the October IK Annual Meeting The following candidates were named District I James Dial incumbent, of Rt I. Maxton and Havtics Deese. Jr of Route Rowland Districi 5 Ronald Hammonds incumbent, of Rt 8. Luinbenon and Ambrose Locklear of Rt Lumberton District b John Elebee. incumbent of Hi Oak dale Gin Road. Raeiord and Proctor Locklear. Jt of Rt I. Raetord At large Lacv Cummings. incumbent, of Rt I. Pembroke In addition to the candidates named bv the Nominating Committee, a co op member ntav be nominated b\ petition Tobe nominated bv petition, the member must live m the district he .u she is seeking to represent, unless running tor the At-large seat He or die must present to the co-opa petition with fifteen or more members signatures by Fndav Septembei lb Recent changes in the co-op's bvlaws eliminated nominations from the floor at the Annual Meeting This .cm * meeting Mill be held at tlie Oi veils Perform me Aits l. enter on the campus of Pembroke Mate Lmversitv Registration and voting ntll be Iteld from fr-8 00 P M... with the busmes> meetine commencing at " .10 P M A ith the eliminaiion of nomination" from the floor, members Mill lie able to vote iinmediatelv following their registering Member^ must have registered to vote or lie in line to register no later ilian s on P vl in order to be eligible 10 vote Kcivresentittives voting tor businesses .lurches, clubs or other organizations must bring a teller of resolution from the organization, authorizinc them to be its voting delegate Along with the presentation of reports and v onng for board members, the meeting Mill include vearlv reports and entertainment bv gospel groups the DM Oospel Singers and the Mi Atrv Mixed Choir Door prizes will also he aMarded. including a television, an electric grill, and credits on electriv bills To be eligible for door prizes, members must tegisterto vote and be present at the drawing 0 Expressions of Contemporary Native American Art by Tara Lowery Exhibit to Open In Greensboro Greensboro-The Guilford N uive American An Gallery is piea?*d to announce the Opening Reception of The Spirit Lives, contemporarv Expressions of Native American An. byGioriaTanLowerv The reception sill be held Sunday. September i I. ?4W4 from 2-5 p.m at the Greensboro Cultural Center. 200 North Davie Street As part of the Opening Reception. Ms Lowery will present an artist tali and the Ximalli Aztec Dancer* of Mexico City will perform The Opening Reception will serve as the kick-off for the 18th Annual Guilford Native American Cultural Fesuvmland tow Wow which begins September 15 and continues through September l7afCastle McCullochtaJamestown. NC ' The Spirit Uvea. a one-woman Mow. is a collection of mixed media works that explore the prahissnrK an of the Native American people of whtf is aow Ma Suuthaatttra Uaited States Ms Unwary, a member of the Lumtee-Cheraw Tnbe and resident of Robeson c ounty.NC. spent several vearsresearc tuny and del v inte into the archeotouicai arena for her inspiration "I've learned through tny research one of the most valuable lessons I've known, thai Truth is relative When vou use archeology as your medium, the artifacts make a statement." comments Ms. Lottery Ms Lottery was recently named as one ot the Paahmakers NC Native American Women of Distinction, a photography exhibit honoring twenty five Name American women of NotA made in their respective communities Her award winning work has been featured ia numerous exhibitions throughout North Carolina The Spirit Lives will he on exhibit at the Guilford Native Amencaa Alt Cairr? hum iitpismbir I l-Nonaabm 26.11*4 There is rv.adm.viion.hsrye for the itpewaa Reception and the pubik is invited to Mend Vfemw u u*e <* the photujgrupXs uf Lumber people 10 be stutwn em exhibit This is Archie bold OXendime dm J his *ife. Pewit- < the fitter Hurxuret Arut Lowers). ?.?. M'< . i.i t ?: Shown In Exhibition Personal ami tunimmit ohotouraphs pro* tu 104* man the Lunilice iMMple ot Nurth l aiohiia air souuln tor a niaior exhibition it hr slmxviiatv liar lone s Mini Muxriiuroi \r? ?vcle-led phoiouraph> * lit be a pan >t the exhibition Lumber V aiucs is bemv oieanued hx the North i arolma Indian ' uttutai ' eitiei.lire Native Amcncan Resource t eniet at Pembroke ?state I hi tel.sin and the Mint Museum ot An Ptolect tapamlets air paitu ularl ? interested hi pictures tlta; noma, lumber < alues and cultural heiiiaut !lie exhibition ?xill .ompreibetH ilit 'laiioiiallx lountiL1 exhibition Pamai Recall Phoiovtraphsot Natixr Nonn Americans scheduled ha Januar. ai the Mint Museum ( opiesxxillbeinadeotphotoeraphc brouuht lo Pembroke Mates Natixr Ainei ican Resource!, enterhcixxeeng i.m anduoon.and from lto*p.m mi sarurda. sept Uianouti i Inr x il I he placed in rite historical ai. nn c >i tlic North i aiolina Indian > uiiurai < eniei aim ihr Native Anteiuai. Resource l eniet Lumber loumalisi Barbara Biavebox-1 ockleai xvilt allien oral histories ol tire pi it at >uiaph> iHOUClll iii lite "Panial Recall exhibition . umpaiespitotouraplts taken b\ ?tines and American Indians man attempt it> c x plain i nr mrlereiice betw een Nan x e Ametivim- .oitceprs <>l sell and kerttav >> t?piwk#U *>< Hum established n\ vvhitepiHM<>i!iaptieisih die lair 'it. and railv -WHi centuries 'I Wdir" Hue* will locus mi the v alucMHntlk i mice otNorth I <u olma # Lumber ?Ht<c In addition it> Hit phuiugtapb cinlecied at the Native American kcsuuice v enter. Lumber ptkMoiiiiintH-i Ovendme will porrtav win r in polar ? Lumber photograph- tin the exhibition Pfcoiowrrtptiv subtecixmav include education i.tmih gatheiings. ntuals iiuiuJinc unbecoming. spiritual ^ailieim.- in-i;killing, tltr How VVow siorvtellmc sacred ceremonies. and success uhI achievcmeni Hollowing ns showing ai the Mint Museum of Art. Lumber Values will travel lo rlie Name American Resource I enter tt Pembroke stair I mversitv and will nt made i ailablc a> a traveling exhibition ?>> North l arolina art .ukl ?iisivMc . ciiiris. libraries and scliools thtouuitout lie state sept h. ukJ()ct I were chosen as rlie davc i,, collect the photograph* and oral histories to conic Ide with the lumber H"w Aow being held at fembr>>kc sept through t Kt I lot nnar iniorniatioii. call Di >ianle. Mil-kat rlie Native American Resume - v .-ittet at dlb-;2l-t>2H2 Wynn Graduates from Bowman Gray Kimbertv Carol W vmi of Koto* mi C ouniv among 3v graduates honored Annual 13 during the 24th annual commencement ceremum lot the Physician Assistant Program of .the Bowman Cray School of Medu. u* ^ van is the daughter ofJanet W vna of the Saddleiree commumtv and the lase Harold Wynn She holds a B.A degree front ilk Urn verattv of North ( arolma.* tug*l Hill The commencement address *a? given bv Or Stephen ( t rane. executive director for the American Academy of nrysKiatt Assistants The PA Program si Bowman Urav was founded m I Wand is the third uideei program of nsluad ta fee msmm Casting for New Movie An Open l asting call will be held tor Native American men. women and children of all a|tes to appear ai Extras in the television movie Tecumveh' Panther In The Skv " The casting session will be held on hatwdav. lupmnbu 10th from 12 noon to ; p m at the Otullord Native vwwciaiKm in Greensboro which ? hh alect u tiir ureensburo t ultural ? eiMet. 2lit' North Da?ev vlreet. i? ureeusbuto For more informal ion. contact Na Mooh Nichols at t?IOt 74?-9l64 'Tecumsett is the fourth in a series of TNT Alms on the subject of renowned Native Americans It it the epic Mors of the Ohio Shawnee tribe leader. Tecum teh. whosougbt to umfv all Indian nations m the fight against westward Amancan expansion, and the destruction of the Indian way of lite BastOxMlML from ASU Oiita L ^ fctendine of Maxton. nc Has .ompleted requirements tot graduation at Appalachian Mate bntverstiv a total ot *?0 undergraduate and 110 graduate students completed course requirements during the bniversttv s summer Session There is no tormal summer commencement, however students are eligible to participate in the December commencement if Kiev choose Uxendine earned a Masters Degree Her maior was Agetnv ? ounsehng Marriage and Famtlv Hinsehnp Revival To be Held Revival services will he held at I niun ? hapel i otnmunitv Baptist ' hut v n on >undav night xeptctiibet 11. I'toj through FriJa. nielli setv ne w ill beutn on sunda - night d * in? ?' M ami Monda> ihiouvth tridav night at ' Mi P \t Evangelists are Rev Rov t lark and Jem Thompson Special smcing each night Nurserv will be provided Pastor inninv Strickland Or. Do/ton Brooks Becomes first Lumbee Tribal Chairman Mkiwimj a meeting held tu heiu complains .wkJ challenges lortie fltst Lumbn ' ubal Election the i on*MiithM> vssembh declared Ix Daitoti 'in**.* at the rtrsi Lanibet Tribal t tuurman awl We loiktwing winners as rite firsi lumtoee I nbal Council members Lugene Jacobs District.. Joel Dial. District \. Samuel W vnn District 4. Jerri McNeill. District Henry Brewei District 6. Rhonda Lock.(ear, District 7. Robert Locklear. District I. I Garth Locklc.ii Distnct Qar\ W Lockleai Distnct 10. Deltoo D Oxendinc. District 12. Emma L Lockleai. District IV sieve Locklear. Disutci (4. \gg? Deese. Distnct IS. Ehon b Hunt. Distnct 16. Hilton Dense. Instrici P. Dorten Sampson. District ' 8 Zelma Locklear. Distnct 20. and ~*i<.t Harding. Jr District DtsrrTrtT ewTViryinia Jacobs is challenwmy Terrv Smitb in District to Me i 'auto* Hum. second place riniaher in the mce tor Tnhal Chairman chose ft* H) i?JI for a runoff Without anv .ha Hence Dr Dai Ion P Brooks became the first Lumbee Tribal Chairman All oftbuae elected will be sworn in follow ing the September 24 nut off election Patrn taSwett Bravbov challenged the election because he name was printed wrong on Hie ballot She was listed as PatriciaSwett Locklear The ballots were changed at Hie polling sites and Bravbov was hand written on the baJlots The Committee declared Deinm' Hemline the winner in that District when McKetthan Jones refused to call for a ran off Bravbov was thud piece finisher in that five wav race On The Pow - Wow Circuit' ? Hie loth >w my lift nt upconunu powMou. k not intended to br .1 complete list Anyone havniv miormalion about upcoming pwu mum* me lined i? eitcourasted to send diem 10 \A il?l lurkev. PO Box 10***. Pembroke. '?C 2i3"2 or ta x to <uIOi *21 N"4 * Au?u? 26-28 Baltimore vmencaii Indian l enter Pi?.*im >4lot 675-353* * September o-io. ( oharie Pom 38on.( Itntun. NC Contact |9I0? 564 6O0V * September 15-T (nnltord Native American Association |9I9?273 8686 ' 'September 23-24. Native American Festival Durham Technical CommunHv t oilepe lr>3" -on itreer Durham Nt ( all i9I9i 598 9188 or iVloi 470-8000 * Sept 50 ? October 2. Lumber Annual Otd Style Dance Festival and Pom \8om ai the North l aroints Indian 1 uitural? entei Pembroke Nt ?Sept 304X1 I. Indian Trail Pom 38om Indian Trad. NC (all Merrotina AaaocMMion 704-331-4811, kmnalon Sandenon. 7044UI-6361 October I. Friendship Pom Won at the Denver Art Museum Limited Am and ( rafts booths available tor into call 303-830-4830 'October '-?.CumberlandI ounrv Native American 13th Annual Pom Won Memorial Indoor Aiena. Fsvetieville. NC 910-483-8442 ?October U-15-Wacaman-Mouan Pom Won. Bolton. NC For into |9|9| 655-l"*r| * Octobei 14.15.16. 13Tb Annual NAIA Pow-Wom * Fall Festival Nashville lennessee tor more into caU M5-"2r?4)806 American Indian \ endure Traders A UNMet* W.komcd 2111 mom Si StaMman Bkki Mine 9 ?2 Nashv ilk TN fMI I Ml* ?Ociobet 21-22-Mabemn Indian Tribe Pom Won. 38mum. NC * November "M3 Orem American Indian tapu i4IOt 718 orv*9 * November 21-27 Native American Pun-Won. Bahimure. MDi4IO> 6*>5-3533

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