The II I* 110 IH lit | !!?!? II Imkm W?k! Back yaar cLlnl'lld rTrltT' I Oa Saadhy evening." 11 September, Uk Native American m^MTrtaAiwmd teMiLGaMAaai TMa i year', aaaai ?rpini are AM Loefctear md Raft Locfcfcar. The bM|aeiwiaheheMa*eOUr-<Ma<ky Restaurant ia LaahaM at 7:00 PM Oa Monday. 12 SqaoaW the movie Genmmo wtl be rktaa ia Moore Hah. This ?? Iragaes Wes Studi ia (be rale at Ac uWafew i Apache leader who straggled against ! IbtodSmm* be mid be tad cbnrpHfar bis evens. kcU in Moure raanfnaifcOOPM O* Tncsdny. 13 September, activities begin wnb an Indian blnbn LocUttr. Abo featured daring bis ink session will be tradition! AMhoogb bb program is especially designed for pubbc school undents. beganat KM?" NASOcMnpns powwow wig be held ? *C pit ml between Old Main md tinging! plus art*, crafts ami fuod. Host dntm will be Sloney Creek (recently pictured in National Geographic), and the Master of Cereannues will be Ray Larieumle Abo featured at be powwow will be Maryteiling by Barbara Braveboy Locklear, Mute selections by Tony Clark and traditional craft is so admit* km charge for ike powwow, which feectas ? 4:00 PM Oa Than day. IS September. NASO will bold it* mmmd dtaco dance m PSlXs Chavis Uuiverwty Center The dancing ttwm al lOeOO is SI (S3 for guests). VaufiAn , , HI--*, I. ainnnan ifwuii nonage wees acuvncs oa ike Pembroke State University Aarericaa Resource Comer, Native Aaencn Stodeot Organization. Performing Arts Center, Office of Student Activities. Student Government Association. Lambec and by a grant from ike Grassroots Arts Section of Ike Nortk Carolina Art* Council. The sptnt of Indian heritage is alive and well (and not only in September!) at Pembroke Stale University For more information about Indian Heritage Week activities, visit the Native American Resource Center ia Old Main Building, on the campus of Pembroke State University. I Contest to be held at Biggs Park Mall v ' v % I t alluie ail kids age Ik aud uudet Now iKtt is something ?ou tan do ?.rth ilmsegnibbv. vtoinuw sneakers' Jm panel >t (udges a ill jai^ all sneakers entered into the contest ><? MdcpsMiKflpnr The first place winner will receive a free pan of sneakers(upioaSVO value)from I .jo. Locker id ba i i Park Mall The second place winner wiU receive a vto mail gifi certificate The third place winner will receive a S25 00 mall gift certificate Jusa pick up a registration form at Biggs Pari Mail or at the Ltanbcnon Recreation Departmern to eater bntnes need to he placed in the container ai Censer Conn in Biggs ?Park Mali and will be taken from September 12tfc through 23id Winners , will be notified and the winning sueakers will be ou dispiav at Biggs Park inail fndav September 23rd Sponsoted bv Fool Locker, in cooperation with Biggs Park Mall and the Lumberton Recreation Department Reflections IT aim m? rtiunm? 39 Um Well. I've just observed ANOTHER special anniversatv' Labor Day marled >1 vears since thai extremelv HOT STJCiCY Labor 0*. when I arrived at Pembroke with ail my bekmitmys. after woriuaiilur time years ia Caswell County meat Danville. Vat. I had teased a nice upstairs spartan ui near the post office front Mm SSMfebs Bat it like most houses back ui I936hadau air conditioning Aadldidalcveaowgafrti Whentnv present ooe-aorv house pats HO+ now. I wonder how I managed to survive summertime heat in that UPSTAIRS apmtmna 47 This Sunday is another personal saaiverssrv 67 years since I entered this world at the tiny town of Clyde Path. Montana That day-ftes also Sunday I dual umuiwbu h?irUian tunes at birthday has oome on Sunday But my flfneth was one At church thai day I wailed Suratamily member to mention rt But no one did vo the conprepaiioti sand Happy Birthday" to the others and led me out To me 50 wwa special landman Now I make sure people know when I'm ha vug a birthday Staptai Crimp by the way. m our Singles uroup we amp 'Heap) Birthday" to those k.- --i. li i lili ilni ? -* 1 ska in? miA uAviny Dirrnoayi Wy ok inoiiin As te as I know, well be meetuw this uxnuk' 1 7:00pm. at Fir* Lulled Viet hod i ft Church to Pembroke Che group was tuned bv three ol u* tttembers there, leu vean. ago but mi* open fo ANN staple who would lite hi visa. and perhaps become a part ot Me uruup. Ureummu of tr Wkiie Chriumut lromcall\ the lint tune I ever heard Lung i rosby sing "White Chrisms*" was on what I THEN ? ousidricd a HOT summer day in MaWan.i m the'forties Thai song about mi >w seemed TOT ALLY out of place fot smnmenime But THIS July the idea perncd prern stood' As I went frmn due room to another. I tried to rcmeintgr how COLD the house feh last wiper when the oil furnace coated out, and I had to depend on the wood-burning heater that Leon started using in the winter of IV""t-80. with a little eura help horn a small ejectru Am. Fam ? As miu nun remember, m July of " IV76. m ten FIRST Reflections column began with a tribute hi our a?K fan "Roar Cln. rambunctious attic tan. till this heat wave is past'" It's I h years later. I srill don't know W HAT I d be doing without that treaty attic tan But now. I'm not only dreaming of a COOL "White Chrtstmad* bnt of central AIR ~undKKxuani atoag with anew central HEaTING svaem for next winter i 1othe Citizen* of District 12 foall the Lumbecpeoplein Disui. i ?l_. ? would like to ukethiiopponunitvtfihank vouitx .?w support int>v r?nl tor tribal council tor voui District ? ; inusi torgei about misprinted ballot* even though we uu. led ? uwusi V\e must move on to establish a bettct ?it'>crnroeni uu oui people. In doing so. we must teno ?u? >uppon to out councilman. Mi. LldtoiiO&endmc. i mid vlt Uiendineto be a man of honor and of great uuegi iv I encourage all ol u? 10 stand behind uui councilman I leave you with the*. Ia*< thought* t heat Spirn-I want no blood upon mv land to stain the gia>* t want u jI clear and pure. And I with 11 *o that ail wlw go through among my people may find it peaceful when iik * come and leave peacefully when they go Ten beat? May theOred spirit be with nil the uinbee People Pllrhia Swttt Bravhov ? , .. 'i i ?? i : PROGRESSIVE ; IAVIMCS * LOAN. LTD. ^ ? TMi 1,10000 MMmm Baton Owd*? AcommMom YouTo Wrfta ChMb WITHOUT A BUtVICI CHAMM A* Long At L Tba Mmm Dm Nat Ml Mow f 1004). ?' IT T>w Mmc* Don hM Mw ?10000, A |t00 Mom?% Ow|* And 10* Nr Chedt Is Neewry IMi Ahm? Om Not ; OBom^WPiMULY i?>UWK?TO fltMtMB PROGRESSIVE I IAVMOS ft LOAN, LTD } mmm . _j?L )F : ' ' 4 [ Health Clipboard C arpal tunnel syndrome is the medical term given to a condition ot the hand and wrist that ^anses paw numbness, tingling, stiffness hi tout hand, wrist and sometimes in vow arm The pant and other svmptoms that vuuleel with thiscondtltonvowe tfoni the nerve ol the wrist called the median nerve The median nerve supplies sensation to your fingers and controls the muscle of your thumb I picked carpal tunnel to wnte ahum suice carpal tunnel syndrome is seen in many oi our people in Robeson Count \ This condition is seen in most of our factory workers that work performing manufacturing tasks that required repeated hand movements** . ,f f I, m mAMBA S . , ,fc iM.cAA.cck - .J C. .tpHftc WilHC satire 1 Vpt In IBlRfiHI '*? W ind over again Carpal tunnel svndtome is seen in peotde who use . omputers. * vptst >. pianists. 41 id meai packets go into ihe sauic hoai as the factorv workers performing frequen' repealed motions Kheumaii. .onditions and arThrms. miur. to'the wrist. Xciomegalv.arareiiiseascilui make* the hand grow abnormall. Dtabetes. a tumor on Use median ncrv c work or hobbies that cause vou to use a firm grasping or pinching motion with vour hand. Thyroid Disease, the use of birth control pills or pregnancv both of these cause water retention aud hand swelling , Let 1 talk about the *vinptom* ot ^rpahunuel syndrome iuo get pain 'tngliug. andnuinlmeu in the thumb index middle and ruig fingers This .onditiou leads to swollen finger* ot the lack pf blood flow to the hand Your arms can have a shouting paw with carpal tunnel syndrome This sviMhume makes the handling otsniall objects difficult and decrease* vow abilHv to grasp objects All ot these symptoms become worse at night or when vouawake from sleeping Those symptoms are caused bv direct pressure on the median nerve in the wrist, where the never passes through the tunnel formed by the bones ot the wnst called your carpal bono and a large ligament of the wnst Flic ?sure is caused by inflammation swelling surrounding tissue* ot the wnsi at this median Now if you thing some of these symptoms fit the kind of problem you are having, please see voui medical provider He or she can perform some verv simple phvsical test to diagnose t TS" carpal tunnel syndrome i Some medical providers are now using a diagnostic lest called thermographies Fhisiest detects temperature increases at the median nerve compared to the non affected hand If there is a one degree difference in tissues of the nou affected or well hand vou have CTS N out medical prov ider may want hand \-ravs and ?ir blood tests to rule out other problems ... T ream vent for CTS uswallv starts vumevam mi?dflT'tWi I neutral it shgbt extension spltms These spltms are worn during a work day and at bedtime This treatment is usually tied for three months Just cnouglt h< last a good fishing season i ou can applv ice to the wnsi for the first 24 hours after the symptoms start ( hen ?ou w ant to use moist heat at the came location tor 10-20 minutes out of an hour Kit 24to4K Injurs Although .ou nngnt want to sleep some so you do not have to use this every hour on the I tout I had a fellow one time tell me Bo\. Doc. I didn t get any sleep last night " I asked him had it been humng that mucb worse He said no. he had lust been doing wluu I said to ao and iiad been up 2b hours already \SAlDs like aspirin and Motnn heip reduce the swelling and pain of the median nerve region There are some exercise thai vou can learn to ease the pain Other meds like water pills ?diuret ics i and vitamin B-b reduce the swelling Sometimes and injection of steroids at the carpal tunnel location relieves the pain and swelling, if the other meds are not helping surgery is saved for the severe cases and takes unlv an hour on an outpatient visit The rate of suc cess of the surgerv now is greater than 40"-.. The next article will be on the prevent ion o I carpal tunnel svudrome O Great spirit. bless my people w ith wisdom and courage tor the task at hand H^H^^^^H|Hm|||HH^HV|HHp|HHV ?ATMHI H I^LH p^H ^pY^V^pi ?t^H^ ^H H ? H EHnl 3I ^^HvH^H ^/Mlomeyal^ounselor^AtLa!^^ ARNOLD LOCK LKAR ARLM JACOBS RONNIE SUTTON & *2?L ttRADY HUNT -34131 beck ??ysnar'' ' chiropractic CENTER I AnftO Accident Injuries "AmMNTMBNT PLEASE" mmi ?i Pediatric Pointers By JOSEPH T. BELL, MD May limes parents in dime ask i aw. "Wha Cm I do about my child's behavior' They are m this stage of bmng or hitting or something else " Having a four year old at home with a miad of her vwa. I can sympathize with parents who are distressed bv .ettainearlv childhood behaviors flwy see in the* children For thai reason I thought it would be good to talk about Biting is often one of the first behaviors that causes concent for small children by parents The initial biting eptaode often occurs when the child is teething and usually the parents are the first bitten, they mistakenly may dung it is a cute game Many parents do not respond until the possibility of penalties that affect them arise, such as when their child bites another parent's child Adults must be encouraged to have a rule that interrupts the behavior with a strong "No. we never bite people because it hurts them." which can be extended to include pets and stuffed animals Interruption and prevention before the biting occurs is important It is not fun for the victim an should not been wen as a game The child should be praised tor not biting Temper tantrums are one of the mow predwmbte activities for children m the I* months k> 3 uenreege group These orteo hesuM Ac beginning of die "terrible twos" ia the minds of of the manner in which parents respond, with mistaken rewarding of the behav lor despite vigorously prosest??; of how unhappv they are with the situation It is important for parents to understand that they have not caused the situation that is normal but unacceptable development The adults need to develop consistent methodsof handling these situations Any type of attention can be rewarding The parents niusi understand that ignoring the child, .ontinuing what thev are doing, and nut maintaining verbal or physical contact such as promising, bargaining with, or threatening the child is the best treatment Using "time out" in these situations is a good idea Next week we will discuss some other behavioral problems of childhood My wife Vicki (who is Cobarie ? and I hope you will join us in Clinton this weekend. September 9 10 for die Cobarie Pow Wow Let's support our locnl Pow W ows and don't forget the Lumbee Bill. See you next week i Caroliaa ladiaa Voice a published every Thursday by III ir A IX ?.i-a.i.i _r- l #"? n ?? ? rirsc American ruDWcaQOfis 304 Normal St - Coflege Plaza Post Office Box 1075 Pembroke North Carolina 28372 LRDA Establishes an Indian Veterans Outreach Office n by Jamet Hardin. Executive Director. Lumbee Reitmnal Development Associainon The Lumbee Regional Development association. Inc recent I > announced the establishment of an American Indian \ eteran Services Outreach Program The project was established to implement a needs study of American Indian V ete raits in the LRDA sen ices region and to identify individual veteran client needs and to provide one-to-one assistance in linking Indian V eteians to existing count v. state, and 'ederal veteran services Die needs studv will also he used io collect data on the social, economic and education status of Veterans wlucit couldbeused by the tnbe upon passage ?Jl IBI Lumbee Bill to design speclnc services for Lumbee Veterans a Die Luinbee Bill in its present tonn requires a needs studv ot tlie Lumbee communitv which upon passage would be used to detennmr which services are provided to tribal members If the bill slioukl pass the dale collected would be used to seek grants to provide special social, economic and educational services to meet the unique needs of American Indian V eterans in the LRDA service area Hie protect is staffed by a V eteran and w ill seek to establish an American Indian Veterans Planning and Advisorv committee Tlie staff will assist veterans seeking employment and training and other services in tlieir respective counties Lumbees have a longer historv than most tribes in volunteering to fight in wars and conflicts to defend this countrv ?? The project is designed to hooor veterans sacrifices for this countrv through involvement and recognition in LRD.A tribal events such as pow wows. homecoming and sponsorship ol attendance of delegates to other mbal veteran functions such as the National I ongressof American Indian Veteran activities at the NCAI Convention in Denver. Colorado in November Four American Indian Veterans will be sponsored through the project 10 attend thee onventionin November to represent the L urn bee Tnbe in the Veteran Tnhal Ceremonies "? Mi Adoiph Blue. Chairman of LKDA tSuard of Directors, stated. This protect is deigned to-serveami huuor our v eierans who have sacrificed for their countrv and no one deserves Itouot and recognition more than thein " The Lxet utive Director of LRDA. lames Hardin, stated thai thiseffdrt bv LRD A is long overdue and has the potential to be a model program in Indian countrv for how tribes should reach out to houor and recognize their Indian warriors who sacrificed tor all of us" He further stated that "the programs will assist American Indian V eterans groups in the region to plan, implement, and carrv out their annual events and io help with their annual Veteran* Da? Memorial activities including the annual parade " * ? For more information about the project all American Indian Veterans are encourage to call 910-521-0190iti Pembroke. NC Veda N. Thakur, MID., P.A. Lumbcrton-738-l 174 Now Accepting New Patients Orthopedic Office Practice _ Having Expertise and Special Interest for Over 20 Years ki Caring for Auto Accidents and Work Injury Cases Evening Hours ? Most Saturdays Available : mm*rn i.t r^fcrti. m y hi-mm B,j Phflrmpciat Calcium - don't lose it too probably already know that calcium play* a key vote in vtutaing dom aemity ana preventing Hen's some tin to help boast your cUcium absorption rale: Modify caffebu intak* Etch cup of coffee ceases shoot s 6 me. calcium Ion. Cat heat on tmoking and drinking. Both speed bone loss and . Mate '??ia? tbiofptioa. nw calciutn intake carefully. It ? best not loInletacakhunsupplement J ? ?lik ? blah fll * alnne f* * '?? * wiui m luuiniwi wi*? noer uui inicriciT wiui | eddun absorption We'sr working with yoa, far yo?r pood health! j> i_ *y. Jl ; 1(0** TXmmw I

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