:The Coach's | Corner : OeorK^WiiS1 nM Names the I owners, but the point it the players owners. GeurpeWiH is a verv smart columnist. broskajur. nut it is < beyond me why he thinks the salar> cap should not be iusiaUedwidi free -agency in effect. Tome thev sad can bargain tor those ectiemeiv t??jit? ' wanes The players have hurt other ' in the game besides themselves TV selAshaeas is so unethical uu the pun of the players, but it too is apparent oo the pan of the owners. The saddest pott is die msmm desttuctiou ot the st-port But the average person cannot afford to pay the high ticket prices. Selfishness can destroy our ? freedom we have u> our democracy This strike is so out of line when vou . force the issue by striking Unions .an get out of line when they have ?. unreasonableness in their demands as do the baseball players Don t .-they owe something to the game' I I-' Funraiser Planned Ilh: Saini Pauls High School ' -JROTC Bulldog Battalion 'will host tlx first ? Pauls Flea Market and -Auction as a tundraisuig protect All proceeds Mill go to the JROTC Department to detrav student participation coat for field trips and events. The Flea Market and Auction >ill be held in the St. Pauls High school front parking area on Saturday. ?I7 September IW4. from 8a.m. until 4 p.m Everyone is invited to participate in the event Individuals interested in renting space to sell items should contact Command Sergeant Major Kinston . Event Coordinator, m 865 4I"7 extension 33 Space cost is S5 per area E'our Bible 1 And You I \ b y Dan Davis Glorious indeed is the salvation -offered in vour Bible Here are glad tidings of deliverance Dot otilv from the penalty of sin but also from its power And the good news is lor everybody, everywhere in ever, aue .<- Under no condition should .ou teelI thai you am left out. thai tin* - ?movisum is nu?4or vm*?-w. , -r.y.ou- Bible Sav* Uml our -Mvmur. will have all men tohe saved and to come unto tlte knowledge of the truth fur there is one God. and one mediator between Cwd aiKl men. tlte man Christ Jesus, who gave niinsell a ransom for all " 11 Timothv 2:3*ht . Overandoveragatnthisgreai truth is repeated r- Savs the Apostle Paul to Titus .-"The grace of God that bnngeth salvation hath appeared to all men ' tTints 2.11 ? "We see Jesus." savs the wnter to the Hebrews, who was made a little . lower than the angels for the suffering of death, that he by the grace of Uud should taste death for everv man " i Hebrews 2;Vi ,?? He delivered him up tor us all." is Paul's message to the Romans (chapter 8.321, supplemented by the great declaration that "there is ik> difference between the Jew and the ?reek. for the same Lord over all is jich unto all that call upon Itun Tot whosoever shall call upon the name of She Lord shall be saved i Romans 30 I2-I3i Dear reader, can you find vour self t]i these scriptures? God has sent His qua. personally just for vou' What wonder that vour salvation was purchased ai such a cost' \ Robins 1 : Beauty Salon I is proud to announce the newest addition I BOBBK ANN JONES I yjuii- |na ||/a|n|1|||a I WWBpWi*BWIP I m rr fll-II40 I Mr. John Buayon LocUear of ihe Limion Chapel Cemm amity i? \Monm above. He u displaying the i" etui I 2 pound camtaloape he grett this mmm im his garden. What did he do milk M\ cantaloupe? He neve u m the tdiiar of the Curt dine Indian I eiee mho um ht(MM that U HtiV "realh hwhL " iPhmo by ( tmttee Bray hoy) Advertise Your Business In Our Business Directory! * Cameron fs i?" Continent By Pmmi Cmmcrm ASlhTaSl ?WCUttcenMd.puttvcaSOIt ' ended with the PGa championship t et from now utiiiK hristmas ihem > 1 ? pro louruev each week juxotew in the world And hasa t golf become a irue 1 universal sport' No maner the national it \ pollers i Have worldwide appeal Caev Norman. Nick Pnce seve Ballesieros- -as the old TV commercial goes. when thev speak, people listen M> tavorite pollers continue to be the old guard of masters Fur their games and liar their wtt Sam Sue ad once said, if a lot of people (tripped a knife and tori like they do a gold club, thev d starve to death-' ?nn L?etii was known tin Ins lone ice shuts I can airmail the troll hull but sometimes I don i pui the right address on it Wlien tee I rev mo was spotted washing windows at lus home m Dallas, a passerby asked how much he charged tor his services Lad. the woman in ihis house lets me deep with her " Chi C In Rodriguez has plaved thousands of pio-am touniamentsand notes Foi most amateurs, the best wood ui the ag is the pencil i-romtemperainentalTotnniv boh if you are going to throw a club, n is important to throw n ahead ol vou down the fairway so you dun ? waste energv going back to pick it up ' Although former baltunoie Jnotes Manager Earl Weave* has I used this line, the original credit cues to golfs Mister X Miller Barber I Jon i say mv golf game is bad. but if I grew tomatoes they d. come up sliced ffeWay L%ypf[ m THE NEW TRIBAL COUNCIL In Di DwCtavm to Cupvright. I*M Tht tespunstbtlm ui the am ! ribal I hairman and >Im Tribal ruWM.il members ts ^u?>y tu be h)metiuQii wliftch betn iroubiint! Z?7iU >o Mw ii* vur xv fcin TVv have to relate to tht federal nov emmet*. thai pan tsubv tout Thes itavc to relate tu saafc government Ttaev have to relate to local uiv and counts government Aadtbev haveto relate to other tribes. which may not teem so ob s tout But in fact it it other mbes which base kept Lumbers trom l*ing recovnued tor over 21) sears When the Nat tonal Congress u! American Indian* iNC All first voted on congressmanRoee sLutnbceBill over 20 veareago. voting u down 35 to three, a was toe other mbes which were the problem At least thev were a problem in tbe sense thaithev blocked something the Lumbee people reallv Over the yean I have Insetted to tribal leaden complaui about Luntbees in public and in private Their biggest complaint Lumbees do not act like Indians The second biggest complaint Lumbees do not listen The failure toad like Indians is a serious charge, aa far as relations with other tribes is concerned. It means the oeople making the charge are aftahl the Lumbers are so assimilated thai they will Sell Indians out ui exchange for a grant or a job Untortunaieiv.they have some real examples to cite as evidence For everv time we brag about the supposedly targe number of Lumbees who are high federal official*, we htm ourselves with the other mbes They're jealous Every time we talk iguorantlv about water rights, or Indian lights, or tnbal sovereignty, we hurt ourselves Even time we associate exclusive*} urban ladwns. we hun ourselves with the other trthes We tove tu make up our coHadiv* minds who we want to utuoWt or 8p ?v tx*>c. ins the tribal governments the leaden v>i sovereign tribes w ho are elected He the I .ailed Indian water rights'" he ashed mt Wtwi thev are concerned about ts the * meet, docmne I told him Wlut is that he said ? The Winters doctrine is the Mprente Court case which gives Indian, ju reservations the riuht to water, which flow through the reservations.' I told him l ...il d,?H see what the problem ia." he said. Bach horns, all we have tu do i. dig a hole 20 feet aad we have ail the water we want " fcven though i explained to htm that water ?? the caaet for fcuduig cussing fighting. and gunfire to moat of the w est. lie still did not get it. Even when I toidlum about a friend of mine id New Mexico who had to dn 11 down 1500 fort to get waeer. he mil did not get u c | l( people Ituan other aibes. and get abag with them. e all need each other Got A Minute? Take Hie Test. _ . __ ... _ ... - If you've got a minute, | you've got enough time to take our Easy As UCB Loan lest This is a great time to get a loan at United Carolina Bank Car loans. Home improvement and Equity loans. Personal loans. Big ones, small ones. Whichever loan you want, we've made it easier at UCB with our quick and easy 8-question quiz. Just take a minute, circle the ap propriate answers, and add up your score. 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