^ " Promoting Communications Between Indiam and Nations" ^ I IT II . H | 'w-VMCIONVMBERS* THVRSDA Y. SEPTEMBER 2% 19*4 2Sc Kt C-*y | I 4 Front Paee Editorial of The Carolina Indian Voir* I The State of Things In O/' Robeson Editor's Nate: This is the first of a series of editorials about the suae of things in Ot' Robeson. The articles will, unbluskinvlv. contain opinions of the editorial staff of Hi W J J wWlMrw nVi (VVVHf (Mi newspaper. Yam cam depend am that As we see it, the races have not been so polarized since {? ante-bellum times There are those in our midst, in all three racial camps, who love mean-spiritedly to pit race against race Take the fuss about felons in the classroom it 's not about that at all. It is mostly about, as some see H. the abrasive, independent administrative stvle of Indian Superintendent Purnetl Swett. And, most importantly of all. the likely election of Democratic Indian sheriffs candidate Glenn Maynor in November. Some of our Anglo-Robesomans (not all of them'l believe Robeson County will dislodge and return to the seas if a darkly hued persons becomes sheriff of Robeson County. Itain i so, readers. Honest to God, when Glenn Maynor becomes sheriff on November 8. we'll all get up the next day and go about our business like we ve always done We editorially promise it It's a logical expectation that Glenn Maynor will be the next sheriff Only unbridled racism will keep that historic , event from happening After all. Robeson Count\ is made up of about 105,000 citizens, according to the 1990 Census Ofthatnumber. about 40% ofthem are Indian and M 25?.. Black. Ladies and gentlemen, dear readers, for those I Glenn Maynor to be sheriff A little understanding and < common sense is all we Deed here in Ol Robeson to i straighten out. as we see it. this race-driven county Look ahead, for God's sake! We see people of all hues and | colors in responsible poatioosmdays ahead. Is it heretical i for instance, to entertain notions of a Black register of < deeds in the future, or more Black and Indian judges and 1 commissioners ' Of course, it i&u't Remember, too. Glenn Mavnor. a Democrat, is facu* a white, and a Republican. James Sanderson m Nov em be in the sheriff s race People are saying that whites ar going to abandon the democratic ticket in November W< hope ?ot Aftei all nearly 46.000 Robeaonians an registered Democrats. only 4.165 are ^'publicans Until now, die Democratic Party has heralded itself a the party of the little guy. the working people, the Jowi trodden, yes. and minorities too. Have ihev been fving a ws all these years, and just tricking us out of our voles? Wi hope not. But where are the Democratic leaders in tin Sheriffs campaign' Seme of them have joined tb< Sanderson and Republican ranks, we bear Are the? visible9 Where are the' 'Democratic'' Party ads? What i: the local Democratic Party leadership doing for Gtenr Maynor" Is Lum Edwards, whom Mavnor defeated in the May run off. now supporting a candidate'' We don't know but it has been reliably reported ,to us that Edwards lei Sanderson have all of hits signs from his losing campaign so they could be painted over from 'Lum Edwards foi Sheriff to James Sanderson' for Sheriff That's disturbing, to say the least. When will the \pcal Democratic Paitv speak up for Glenn Mavnor"' As we sum up this first editorial ofase Aesentitled *fh? Stale of Things in Ol Robeson. " let the Democratic Part) be aware that many of us- including map) Indma MX if thai party throws us out with the dirtyTater of racism We speak to the better angels abolt us Let the democratic Party be true to its history. let all Robeaonians urn from the rancor and ill will of our rams! past. In our ipraion. a vote for Glenn Mavnor is a vote for racial larmonv and progress in Of Robeson Locklear to Run at Large at EfAC Lumbee River Electric Membership Corporation has rccei ved one additional nomination, by petition. for the 1994 election of members of its Board of Directors, scheduled for October 18 at Pembroke State University Larrv Locklear. of Shannon, has been nominated for the At-Large seat on the Board Mr. Locklear's nomination met requirements of LREMC bylaws by the submission of ? i a petition with signatures of fifteen or more co-op members not less than 25 days prior to the annual meeting of j members Since recent changes in the co op's bylaws eliminated nominations from the floor at the meeting, the ballot is no* complete for the election Co-op members will be permitted to vote immediately alter registering between the hours of 6:00 - 8:00 p m Following is the slate of candidates for LR?MC s Board of Directors District I Incumbent James Dial of Rt I. Max ton. and Haynes Deese. Jr. of Rt 3. Rowland District 3 Incumbent Ronald Hammonds of Rt 8. Lumberton. and Ambrose Locklear. of Rt 3. Lumberton District b Incumbent John Blebee of Raeford. and Proctor Locklear Jr of Rt I. Parfcton At Large Incumbent Lacy Cummings of Rt I. Pembroke, and Larry Locklear of Shannon Pembroke Day Successful by Elizabeth WiUiumx. nil Intern Pembroke Stale University was the hod to more than 2000 guests at the fifth annual Pembroke Dav held on campus last Wednesday The Town of Pembroke gathered to share information on services available to the college students and faculty v o-ordmator of the event was the Assistant \ ice Chancel lor for Student Affairs Dr Diane Jones. "There seemed to be a great deal more socializing and fellowship this year. " commented Jones "The day was a great success and we were very pleased with the ovefall participation." More than 100 display and activities were displayed this year, varying from Umvemtys fraternities, sororities soliciting new members to local shops and vendors The university had many departments participate including the Baptist Student Union, the Air Force ROTC WPSU-TV. PSU Ambassadors and the Pembroke Haiders. Hope Sheppard. secretary of Development and University Relations at PSU and proprietor of Lanbee ArtsandCmRt to Pembroke., set up her booth at Pembroke Day "I like Pembroke Day because it gives meaehance to um verse wMtrttafjaam Many of the students aren't even . nwawofwhatisoiiiitHTr wmanv Bob's Jewel Shop. Crafts and Creations. Pembroke Furniture, the baited Way. and the N.C. Cultural Center. The health care booths were a hug contributor to the proceedings Professionals from Robeson County and even Cumberland County were there including the American Cancer Society, the Rape Crisis Center of Robeson County and the Cumberland County AIDS Speakers Bureau Seventy one people participated in the blood pressure screening, while 40 people had their cholesterol checked. Other screenings forbtood sugar, bone marrow, weight, eves and breast exams got very favorable responses as well Entertainment abounded at Pembroke Day' Dana Lowery. Miss Pembroke State University, sang the musical selection "Cabwet.' while Loma M c Ne 111 performed three vocal numbers. O.B. Dobie the Ctown was i a towering success with hisantics and balloon creabom while W ilbe Lowery captured the crowd's attention with his musical medleys. A barbecue style lunch was i provided by Marriott Food Services Corp. ICurt Hoffman. Food Services i Director of Marriott, and his staff I -a AgA fti, | ?- * ? served Vj* pounds or med nitdren 560 pounds of BBQ rah and 320 t pounds of baked chicken as well as I baked beva. stew ad brownies. Pembroke Day achieved n.? goal < couUeHMof' 'Vmd. feksaidAn^ 1 Moron Guest Speaker at Writer's Symposium LockWLowery The members of the Locklear Lowerv VFW Memorial Pom ?2S43 of Pembroke. North Cerohae will be ceiebratiatf the Poet s 50th Amuversar. during the Aim week of October VFW Pqm #2*43 began on October V. 1044 with 16 Native American memheis Hie charter member* were all imitate of Robeson Counts The Pom hae no* toowaio more than 430 members ami u now multi-racial The week loop celebration beyiiu with ? VFW Awards Banquet at the Pembroke Jaycee Hut at * 30 p m Tueada> Otiobei 4th The public deatnay to attend should coutaci a Pott matter or Mr. Archie Omadme * Steven. is a VFW Cgapal j!* is^t The 50th Anniversary celebration will cubnioaie with a Flay Raisuiy Ceremonv sad Time C'ep?ul4. Preservation ( ereinowral 2 00 p.m Sunday. October V. 1904 at the VFW Pom jusi north ot the Town of Pembroke oa Union Chapel Road Hnyader General Selectee Jame? T, i a/per. NC National Guard, will be the pnacipal speaker Colonel Carper is the C ommaadtnii Officer '0th infantry Brigade located in C linton North Carolina The tune capsule.*) be stored on I the Pom yiounda. Is scheduled to he opened in 50 years However, certain. Mass ia the capsule are to be restored in another cepimle and opened in the vear20U4 A reception will be held in the VFW Poet building immedtatelv follow my the oeremonv The public is invited tu attend The Pom membership is using the MRh anaivenarv of the Pom to hoaor past and preeatu mamhem as well as paMaadpraeeatmsaibenofthel adlar Ausitlarv Coma oat aad join the commmdty la honoring VFW Pom #2143 on the occaston of this historic event ? " \' t | ' * . I ?* '? ? :V i Walk-a-Mlte-For A'Child Fundraiser To be held Saturday * 4 w if* ? | ' T The Lumber River Very Specie! 4rti would like to mvite you to participate in their Walk* A?Mile- For v > hild oo Saturday, Nov 12 at Pembroke Stale University The walk begins at 1:30 a.m. in front of Old Main and finishes at Old viaio at about 11 30 a.m Each Mrttetpant ie naked to donate S50 to ?alk. Proceeds will bene At the rhtidreti of Robe eon County at the Lumber River Very Spectal Arts FeelivaJ held on April 4, 199$ The I ember River Very Spcuai Mtt enrich the Uvea of people with lisabilittes by allowing them lo 'xpreee themselves Uuuuuh drama, lance, music, iheisiuie. and the vieuai eta For more lofonvutf kit coalict ?heppard at (910) 321-0252 or Roan mmpeoa (910) 321-0254 Neat April's Lumber River Very ?pectal Arts Festival will focus oo wi^^nrteaities for mitv^iiNs ware of^'^the disabled's cconpluiMMKi will N ?tn*d msd vcryoM is tnviitd to Mead Charles Bell Releases Latest Gospel Album: "Message of Hope" by Bmrbtmt Bmveboy-LocUeur Donning a traditional Native American design long shirt and holding a feather fen in his hand. ? Charles Bell Stands on a beak of Lumber River He poses fbrthecamera'seye And for his Lord. Jesus Christ. The scene is the photo shooting session which produced the cover for the recording artist's latest gospel album. "Message of Hope." I Choosing the site was not a difficult choice, because the Lumbee Indian vocalist says he has a deep spiritual connection to the liver and when revisiting it. be becomes a small boy again Tthought of my people and the lifeline of the Lumbee River through our land. My memories were also of die moment in time that Jesus became my Lord and I made a commitment to send forth His word of soug " And send forth the message he dues Bell is a veteran recording artist whose love tor gospel music was nurtured from age 10 by eight older brothers and sisters growing up on a tenant farm in the Powersville community north of Lumberton. North Carolina. It was dtere he often gathered with his extended famil\ inside a packhuuae or around a tobacco barn and sang gospels The 46-year-old native Kobeaooian slate* sologospel album Message of Hope." was released this summer in the United States and Canada. The artist wrote three of the 10 wurtu appearing on the album produced h\ Dirk Johnson and recorded ai Maggard Sound Studio m Bin Stone OapTVuguus and Studio 120. Nashville. Ten The cassette tape is available from local stores and Belt says he was inapued to write the album's title song la* year after observing grievmgfHendi of a teenage suicide victim It toucemt me deeph that suicide i* on the rise among teenager* throughout America and ut Native American communities bitomposmg fee lyrics and must cm fee piece. I was trying to teach teenagers and parents in bringing n meaaage of hope to hrai.Bnl ays fix High now a ?>to moiling arnn Bell original I > performed with gospel I T ' . ? ? groups. He cut his first of three impel album* with the Crystaltte Gospel Singers 14 yews ago ihe group performed throughout the area and appeared weekly on a regional televiaion station where they performed a half hour gospel show. For II years the artist waa the piano player and sometime lead vocalist for The Scott Sisters, now The Singing Scons. Bell has performed in numerous concerts with other entertainers including the Speer Family; Singing Cooks; Tne Kingsmen Quartet. Happy Goodman and others He has performed throughout Canada who* he appears regularly on the syndicated television program. SPIRIT ALIVE which originates in Toronto Bell recently returned to his rural Pembroke home after a weekkmg Camp Meeting gospel performance in Toronto He is currently completingplans fori video produced by SPIRTT ALIVE to be i released and aired internationally in ' late winter . A scheduled performance this winter will take hhn to Oklahoma where he wiU administer gonial sang to fellow Native Americmis. He afoo has an upcoming Thursday night performance at the Robeson County Fair Blessed with a baritone voice strikingly and markedly similar to the late Elvis Presley. Bell continue* to enwy the success that his former album. I'Whea Elvis Reigned Supreme" released last summer brings The album's song. "One Mote Chance" wea recently released nationally to l.soo radio stations. A modest man. Bell does not dwell ?n his professional weeeas. but on his mission m doing what he calls "The Lord's Will" which is witnessing for ( Christ through gospel song and warning sonia to His kingdom "I fch a rani Christian sptrttunl connection recently when I pre farmed for several church audience* in mu? Native American communities throughout Robeson County I waa honored lobe invited tolheir places of woratup lo admiainsr through gospel love all people "Ifali^ success in my racardmg has given nwpeace andcQnamtment would be reward enough for dM wash I've done' ? Margaret Maron. award winning mystery writer, was tbe featured speaker at a recent North Carolina Writers Symposium hosted by Pembroke State Univemty A native of Johnston county. Maron read excerpts from her latest work, answered questions about har writing, and autographed copies of her book at a reception following the event Maron has won The Edgar Allen Poe Award, tbe Agatha Christie Award, the Anthony Boucher Awerd and the Mecevity Award. Her recent novels, including "Bootlegger's Daughter". Southern Discomfort" ind "Shooting at Loom", have e North C aroline Setting This ejmpuefn wee the second af two events, the Ant featuring Lumhenea native Jill McCotkle The North Carolina Himmnitiei : ouaci! awarded Pembroke State JaiversftyagnaHtoMpportths North Dentine Writers Sympodan.