[ The Sunday School LessonI I by John M. Bruykoy. Sulem Missionary Baptist Chyrck I I EssKSKSS: H : intcM.bMtf*ey?ctMdchotce*w? - :? m atffer the coneetptanca*. Bran ttzgttszrs: 1; : SHbfiSSKS I * godt tanaei had timed front dwKx .i [I ?; gjj* Mar Mm. M mtd to ?t Wtaiw btawipai God. J ta Me wartd't trap Tboee that era v aroond amy jeflmei w mo doing thinga thai are contrary to God. Loei people tad M iHfirimrr to God, ?eretore tbc> have oodcsire to plc<i?<r "? Mhn Therefore what Ovutuo* cbooeetoWtavMpwttten. they ?eve! but era draped down to their God. the devil can point m a pretty I pictaaa of when the world haa to offer, eecaeeeeetodeawe M. ierael et then meed down end forgot the God of MetrtMhen, eo that the pode of their ?eiphboet looked very appealing to (hem Thev tun pi v decided cootrary dray choec' to aerve Peel tin and Aetnroth MMppood crops and fertility. People today are not a whole lot different from Unci They are looking for pleasure and an eaey, proeperoua life, therefore, they will aerve or wonhip wtmavor it tin to pet what day IL Ws I t|i i(V. 14-1 it iia^iTniiT?ita^rag"M' adaageroaetiangiowagiainaityio God'swiile*pecialt> ifvousreschihl ai God Etiij^ag that they <hd or mad lo do weal sour. Altera while if ddngs go wrong long enough one can net distressed. and that's what happened to ind. , UL Gmd'thwiUim efJmAge* (v. it-m Even whan the nnamniarrs >M em rhnaoas comes upon us God r, mcwif we will repeat God's grat e ? accsanhic eves ska we walk coaoaryio His will. Even as judgment was oa Israel God heard their dutrualhl cry. ad made previsions far torn The same God who brought them out of Egypt, that parted the Red sea, that gave me victory at Jencho. Slid that passed j udgment on them was wilting to extend grace to them again whea people m reedy to tiff* it. God gave there Judges with the ipihl of God opoa them to deliver them Israel would not listen to fee judges. Ural ret like May people today they waaiedto be delivered front the* present troabie. bat let them go oa living the way fra> ware. God beiaga loving God been! Israel's cry and delivered thens. Israel s problem was thai they looked to frejadges to help them iaetead of patting their treat ia God. Maay people today look to the paetor or aoaw vary aMtoel pereoa for help whea in trouble iaetead of recking or turning to Ood It is important to heed the man of God when he inetrada ns from the word of God, bat he cannot save or deliver anyone. It is Godwho saves or delivers us. GodheasdlameTs ciyforheipaad ?ft, ******** (V. 19) A lot of people caa go to church srssksss: church if they know thai the pastor will km be than. The question nereis ^the pastor save youordidGod? judgs lived, but wW**h?i?Sd,tW^ turned back to the pagaa god* They became more corrupt than their (token. Like lanel many paopie today want to do their own thing and reftise to follow God. Whaa people make that choice thee they meat free the consequences of their choice. Somaoae said frat the prodigal's son could have turned amend anywhere along the road to the pigpen, and have gone borne, bathe chose to suffer the coneequenoe of eating with the swine before he would go home. We have choices la this life that we must make, and after we make them we must Uve with the consequences. If we choose to seek God's will and leadership ia our lives we will be pleaaed with the consequences and eigoy the blessings of God. If we make wrong chokes then we will not want to reap the consequences. If you are not saved and you choose to reject the risen savtor then the consequences of your decision will be to spend eternity in hell Whet will your answer be? For the saved remember the choices you make can be blessings or can bring disaster May God Bless all of you until next week. I Readers' Forum 1 Reader Cancels Robesonlan Subscription Stating Blatant Racism as Reason Well, the Robeaunianoever ceases 10 wrr me with its. in my opinion, ever present bused reporting The ideology depicted in Sunday's issue (?-25-$41 nuke tapes like "You Kjkj* Ha V?feeslUdnecfcWhen' atopbcst ssller. I would hkcmedtbea* severe! The ftns to grasp my attention was Himorv wiHbe nude in November Nam Monoa should have been nude Sanderson for Sheriff campaign manager. m my way of thinking Throughout his over- vie w of foen fr i candidate. Ciena Mavnor. he ooathnmlly set the tone to down grade and discredit Mr. Mayaor't aptitude and hbiUty On the other hand Mr Janus Sanderson was given a Four SsvsaadTwo Thumbs up summation WMhai the great press Mr Sanderson ucaivad you would have thought he wis waning for Fwridsiu instead of a b V HMS -s If 1*1 I ? Bm menn s position While shaking my head in s in another srtirlanSSch really stuck m my crawl. James Hardin. Executive I Director of LftDA, proposes that the tribal government's role under the coaatmaUu is bnncally to bring home the golden egg^and that t federal fol2uytW>A' oo time does the as solaly federal recognition capacities This is fcfr Hardin's way of r ssnng the buy kin the event federal |1 recognition eflorts folk IbaBevs. The cotdlidte! tttd WWyi' tRttitui vt arssnii of a people aself-racogmtion and their intentions of moving for* ar d withou rt^ard^io^the stnlus of^the wishes to know our newly elected governs em's vision mission and goals Urn government's miasma u 1 defined in aw constitution Hod yon taken the Was to rand dm document youf MfMW could love bcou found wifoui foo coufltdutfon pvooMtdc aoc role description* of government official* Goals and visions must come from the chair aad individual council members You mav not know where ftsraaaafea members the\ could give you some much needed uuigbt This isa formal government not an organization When you speak of do nothing organizations I visualize the Human Relations council, now defrmct. which in my opinion, you helped to bury How persons such as Hardin and Freeman, who appear to have such within. Lumber Society is beyond the scope of logical thinking! I feel they are prime examples of those infamous Indian Crickets Heaven forbid that 1 not mention the O R Lewis, Jr commentary where the Board of Elections, member Mitchell Locklear was crucified,dead and buned. At no time did Mr. Lewis offer quote or any consent thereof to coo firm his allegations against Mr. Locklear Do vou feel your mere word is proof enough, Mr. Lewisto condemn Mr Locklear? The renl truth of the matter is dmt vou can't handle an Indian being in Mr. Locklear * capacity on the board, in my opinion I fori sure that if Mr. Locklear had been a Mr. Britt instead there would not have bean a need for any The reporter who was sarcastically addressed would not have by any chance have bean Brent "Bubba" Chiton now would *? I'm sure the king of Dirty Laandry (as 1 think of Mr Cliffion) must know what goes ?sound comes around, besides you ; have so have feelings in order for them to be hurt By no means is Brent Clifton a lamb! A wolf in sheep's ctodhngmaybe, definitely not a lamb Those thirty pieces of silver were giveo to Judas not Sitting Bull! In my opinion, you, Mr. Lewis. 1 are a most wok of art I'm sure you would have made Catfish Cole proud! In your features article I was appalled to see a photograph which showed Tom Lowry's body proudly displayed by the Wishart Brothers and friend. I have seen photographs such anfcs at my local spotting foods acre. Tom Lowry's body was just like a prized Tea Pointer shot that a hunter proudly displays It is one thing to question ability, aptitude or integrity, it is another to depict a people as a prized KILL Throughout the Sunday issue 1 saw Norm Morton proudly display Glenn Maynor's body. I saw O H Lewis Jr.. proudly display Mitchell Locklear's body then I suddenly saw the big picture: The Robe soman proudly displaying the bodiesofpeople of color All of which were prized KILLS! I strongly urge you to review your lists of subscribers I would assure you that many are people of color; predominately Indian. I am only one of these, but I have grown weary of what I perceive as your continual, blatant racist attitude. I will no longer be a financial contributor to what I believe is such outright displays of bigotry. Therefore my subscription shall be terminated With God's help after November Sth you will be made fully aware that white is not always right, black will no longer get back and Red is not dead; We are Alive. Well and Votii*! Wendy Moore LedwtU A A Pembroke BPWs Organization , - g . < r The Pembroke Business sod held their monthly meeting on September 12th at 7:00 p.m at Pembroke Stale University Chavis Center the highlight of the program was awarding of our scholarship by Cieraldine May nor to Glostoria vDome i Locklear a student at Pembroke State University nugonng in Business Education with a 4.0 average. Ms. Locklear said her goals, was to be able to encourage my students to strive for the highest standards passible and to provide comfortably for my daughter and myself a good education opens the door for tins opportunity to be a role model to my community for individuals who are seeking promotion and advancement through education. 1 am currently a student worker in the financial aid office at Pembroke State University I work approximately 15-20 hours per week House of Representative. Frances Lummtngs. was the guest speaker at the Pembroke Business and Professional Women s club on Monday. September 12th at Pembroke State University Chavis Center Encouraging BPW members to p?t involved in Politics. Ms ummuigs requested thai women seek jffki* ai the state level and let state legislators know that they want to get involved Some issues affecting women have been shared by various women's groups with state legislators As a result, four major concents included Reducing viomnce against women, creating jobs.' promote peace, and protect the enyironmeni 'It has been exciting, stated Ms Cummings fas she shared her experience ugthe political endeavors Her pmsentation ended ?n challenging BPW members to empower themselves with knowledge and skills T Ona year in NC, <20.00 Out of state, $2500 Second Class Postage Paid at Pembroke, NC ? ,r " ; Reflections taAtolfaaQratHtett I I ?' 1 i V '??? < , iSnH - r< i!"*!IMI'odBk* THE U.J. StMKOf* CASE" 1 keep thinking: "I'm NOT gouig to wrech that story an TV today Bel.1 ob eevenl different days. I've done just tint. When this nun was m hit tepotintly witk ? pm to km heed. I found myself praying thai he would NOT take his own life, whather or not he had already takea the hues of two other people. So. kke a lot of other people. I was relieved to hear that he was out of the car. nncaderiag to police at his own home And. seeing ais hct looking more alive has been encouraging tome However. I would not want anyone <including hunt to literally "getaway with minder" By the way. I'm one person who did not keep up with sports at all when he was playing football Until this crime he been committed. 1 barely knew the If we are poare to keep up with this caee. either b\ Tv or by newspaper. 1 perhaps we oat learn some lessons I've been impressed with the court process necessary to even bring the man TOa real tnal Surely this tedious step-by-step process must be a lot more fair than many methods used in other countries And. by the way. even though there were vigilante gTOUpsoutwest, including in v family's Madison County. I do not believe thai many communitiesm the "old West" would have approved of "gunning down" a man just because he had somehow wronged you. I was! REALLY disappointed with the way that KEPT you I was REALLv disappointed with the wav that KEPt vou. I was REALLV disappointed wit the way that KEPT happening in' "The ReturningofLonesomeDove "(much of wfcch was filmed in Monm). . > Wonder how me^ of this will be in i i The Sunpsoo cawtasalso caitad then JSL"?aometiaaes kTtte otkar way wound? I fpiim the fact thnt lots of people tteougb the' years have fch ftec ^confide ia me of yean ago. that as intelligent professor had been the victim of physical abuse on the part of his wife A lot of things work both ways. Often it's hard to figure out which person started things. Likely, in inany cases, ; both partners have done things '7 t perhaps innocently) which got on each other'snerves. Ofcourse violence ?even verbal) can create a LOT more problems than it can solve! I do hope that O J. gets a fair thai There is still a chance that some unknown mail ant was responsible for that tragedy that took the lives of two apparently innocent people. CEDMAS AND ARISTIDE ... According to ad article in this week's Washington Post National Weekly Edition, Jimmy Carter has . said that Cedrasonce saved Anstide 's . life. 1 wish we could get both sides of. .. the story in every situation For seven years I've been trying hard to study all \ \ sides. This is the person I've invested . so much time ( and quite a lot of, mooeyi in my personal reaearcn i f Let's keep the whole world in our ?. prayers! '* '* I LREMC Participates in 5 Educational Grant ' - Program ?'? Lumbee River EMC. in cooperation with Carolina Electric Cooperatives, is participating in an educational grant program for North Carolina teachers and principals in public schools grades K.-12. Lumbee River EMC. headquartered in Red Springs, will distribute more than S 10.500 in calendar year 1995 to teachers and principals in schools in or near its service area. Grants will be awarded for projects in any discipline and are intended to htb pofsonne) enhance their efforts to produce a better-educated work force. The Bright Ideas Grant Program developed by Carolina Electric Cooperatives will make available $225,000 in mini-grants to support innovative, creative and effective initiatives that can not be covered by traditional school financing "Bright Ideas Grants will offer teachers and principals an opportunity , on incorporate creative teaching . techniques in their classrooms without tapping school budgets and without having to cover the expense out of _ ?'* theirownpockets.' said Ronnie Hunt. LREMC's General Manager "This isjust one more way the co op has of showing we are committed to the communities we serve LREMC s Youth Program presently offers scholarships, trips to ' Washington. DC and classroom iimnmion on electrical safety The Bright Ideas grant will be a great ' addition to our program." said Maiketmg Manager. Alan Smith. "We '' hope to have the applications distributed to area principals in the first week of October." Lumbee River serves more than 36.000 members in Robeson. Cumberland. Hoke and Scotland counties of Lumber Bridge. Inc. H *'/? 843-2300(9 A variety of the finest uHL down borne cookin'. NB * Anywhere! JjJ |U Best Barbecue Around! ffflf ?? fines!* cooted. chopped and seasoned daily. If I Ml Straight off the pit! iyfl . IR| Al desserts, biscuits, comtread and llll >; hushPUPPies made from scratch! HI r < |H We have a variety of seafood and it's always t(U 1| ~ ^ FRESH!. VffK tSSMfiewnoSTBirt Mf ? * M0sy 11 nil Tuesday oomr nrir 11 ijn.4 p.m. ?n ft 4 pja.- 9 p.m. inii .. I7.M via ???VMHMHHHHHIHHNMHHHHHHHMHVHHHHMHHMMHHHHHMMHI y The Intertribal Council of Elders ^ is looking for members from al' Carolina tribes, ^ groups, and bands to aid in Traditional Heritage, > Cultural, Spiritual Gatherings. | For More information call SpottedTurtle at (910) 52 M178, PaintedTbrtle at (910) 521-0020 or Wild Turkey at (910) 521-2826. Or write in care of the Carolina Indian Yoke, P.O. Box 1075, Pembroke, NC 28372. Fax (910) 521-1975.

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