If Classifieds j) \mk Lorviin* ( wo of Kokvxtm la the Uemcmt I oan of Jmxiut I Sapenor C imn IMvtxum befurr ik, I i Jerk UyM I ? James IfamuM an*J hi Ik. I AitfM Mum mm anj Brcadu I jtoiUM term amd hmkmmd. Joel ? emUe Lentx. petuumerx I (jumry Hani ami *i/t. inwr I Hani. Kim Coca. unmarried I Durrdl Otnu. wmtimI. /?/? ?V/i? Cuzm V/c Ihuuet. I uwmcJ. Jruwte milium Taylor and nt/c. Rent Tuvlor. respondents I iider and bv v irtue ot an ortler of I i lie clerk of Superior!. ourtof Robeson I i ountv North Carolina. entered on I the I si dav ol September I ***4 made I hi the Special Proceeding James I Morrison, el als vs uumev Hum. e* I als. the undersigned, who wasbv said I ' >rdei appointed Commissioiieiioscii I ihe lands described in the Petitton I a ill on the 3<Hh da . ol septemhei I '004. ai 12.00 o clock noon .11 the I trout door ot tlie Robeson Hint. I courthouse. Luinberton Nitftii I ' arolina. offer tor sale to the highest I bidder tot casli. those certain tracts 01 I parcels ot land King and beuic in I t'einbroke Township Robeson I ouut. \onh Carolina, and inure I partit ulari> described as follow s I ract One Adjoining the lands ot I > R lownsend. Jack Oxendme ami I others bounded as follows \u un I both sides of the Lowrie Road I beginning at a pine 111 a ha. Jack I '.Hemline s North corner and 1 tins as I I his line south 44 degrees East 22 SO I .Itams to an oak Jack Oxendnic sand | s R lownsend s comer, tlience as I said lownsend s line at ,u \>est to I .hainstoastakeinornear lown*etid s I line 1 a pine pointer), thence North 44 I Lasi 22 50 chains to a stake be a large I pine 111 a ba>. thence direct to the I beginning, containing t>7 I 2 acres I and known as the Evans Tract Less and except the five ? acre I parcel conveved bv Deed recorded in I Deed Book k-C at Page 2bo. Robeson ? c ouut. Registr. T rati I wo. On the south side ot I Mill branch, below the Red Bank.-, on I the havener ille Road, beuimuiit: ai a ? stake i>v a pine in or neai tlie Jack lOxendiiir lands, and iuiis North ? degrees West 2 I 2 chains to a stake ? bv a pine, thence North W West 11 ? chains to the Jones line, tlience as 11 I North 7(i W est ' chains to W illiam ? Morrison s comer on tlie upper -mteot ?the road, thence as his line south tu ? East 14 chains to a large pine ?wxendme s and Momc.u. c .w I thence o 1 ivendtne s line South 4k I degree, '.nsi I..IS chains to the I beginning xitaining TIIR^E ,jV^0 marNi -f r ?> t{ 1H .AC.RE.v invntuuessa AnV.triiesi monev deposit equal to ??111 I" 1*1 .cltl ol tile bid price will He leuui'ot -loin the Incites! bidder ai Hhe tinir ol -ale as evidence ot good ^Eaitli 1 Ic- pi open v will he >old subicci He an. .uiu all outstanding liens HtncuiniM.un c? and ia.\c. fin. tin 2nd da. ot sepiembei. ? 1004 -trtii in 1 iih.y ( nmmiwiimer V-2V Help Wanted Earn up to S559.89 per week issembling our products at home! Amazing 24-hour recorded message weals details! Call today! 1-919 143-9305. 9-29 PIANO FOR SALE Wanted, a responsible person to take on a low monthly payment on a beautiful console piano, no mooes dopn Call toll free: I -8IMI-533-7V53 UgdNmct Sum * \*nk Cmviim* CuMMty vfRuUum Nude/ U C nditorx tud IMthur* * CffMM JttLttU The undersigned. ba\ my ipiab tied as Executrix of the estate C oreeua Jacobs, deceased, laie pi loloa County. ibis is ?o notifs all persuns. fums and corporations hawug claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undenipHd an or ketone the vth day of December. IW4. or be baned from their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate are asked to please make immediate payment to the undersigned This the 8th day of September. IW4 Adtlie Mm Lockleur, Dnwrn Rome 2 Bux 139 Maxton, VC 2*364 9-29 UV|(M inNAC State ttf North CaraUaa Kobesun County Malice to Creditors aad % la the Matter of the Estate of Bobby Chavis All persons, firms and corporations having claims against Bobby Chavis. deceased, are notified to exhibit them to Tammy Michelle Chavis. Administratrix of the decedent's estate on or before December 16.1994. or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent am asked to make immediate payment to the above named Administratrix This the 13th day of September. 1994 x Tammy Michelle Chavis, Administratrix Post Office Box 734 Pembroke, NC 2S372 Locklear, Jacobs, Sutton and Hunt Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 999 Pembroke, NC 29372 10-4 Legal Notice North Carolina Robeson County Notice to Creditors and Debtors In the Matter of the Estate of James Author Jones All persons, firms and corporations having claims against James Author Jones, deceased, are notified to exhibit them to Loise Clark Jones as Administratrix of the decedent's estate on or before December 16.1994.or be barred from their recovery Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate payment to the above named Administratrix. This the 13th day of September. 1994 Loise Clark Jones, Administratrix Route I Box 133 Pembroke, NC 20372 si Locklear, Jacobs, ?> ' vri- t iTwanm nnrflhuf Attorneys at Law Post Office Box 999 Pembroke, NC 20372 10-6 Help Warned Part-time receptionist/secretary needed 2-3 hours per day Send resume to P.O Bo* 999, Pembroke. NC 28372 Sale* An Ohio Oil company otfers high income, plus cash bonuses, benefits to responsible person in the Pembroke area regardless of experience Wnte W B. Read. Alubco. Box426. Dayton. OH 45401 Busipet* Opportunity Own your own apparel or shoe store. Choose: jean/sport swear, bridal, lingerie, western wear, ladies, men's, large sizes, infant/pre teen. Petite, dance wear/aerobic, maternity, or accessories store Over 2000 name brands $24,900to$36,900: Inventory, training. Fixtures. Grand Opening. ETC.Canopen 15days Mr. Loughlin (612)888-6555 Sme^^r^SkCmmtkm In*MtMCwf Jehn C.rnhmn, PUnnnff -r%- I To. DrnkmcimtniGraham Take Noacethai a pleading seeking relief against you has been tiled ui the, above-entitled action The nature of the relief being sought is Cusrodv of minor children V our are required in make detenee to this pleading not laaar than October 18. I9*M and upon your failure to do so. the party seekinu service against you anil apply to &e court for the relief aoaght This the 15th day of September. IW4 ' Kenneth Ransom Attorney for Plaintiff Post Office Bag *7* Lumbenan, NC 29359 Telephone: (919) / 7b 9-29 Lepnl AtMicr North Carolina County of Robeson \otice of Service of Process bs Publication To. Meyan huncio Soteboom W hue rs Jerry? Lynn White To Megan Patricia Noteboom White, the above named defendant Take uohcethatapleadintf seeking relief against vou has been filed in the above entitled action The nature at the relief being sought is as follows Absolute Divorce You are required to make defense to such pleadings not later than the 1 st dav of November. 1994. said date being 40 days from the publication of 'his notice, or from the date complaint is required to be filed, whichever is later, and upon your failure to do so the partv seeking service against you will applv to the court for the relief sought This the 22nd dav of September. 1094 Jeffery Wynn Attorney for Plaintiff PO Box 2142 Lumherton. VC 2XJH Telephone: VIO-VM-SSJO 10-20 ^ Mm VACANCY J?b Titic. AMaiWilivt Smlmry luff SP.8S2.M 522,936.06 ^ ^ mwMhin *ock ^*>Si?^*rauvt^officc letatls. As wall as, rcspoosSe forSe complete operation of a housing protect* s - including but not iimiiad to the operation of a piojett office, die maintenance of necessary records, the jod'procedure* 'to^resldentj^'waS rest deal group* Work also involves coasidenble public contact ut giving ? n format ion scheduling appointments leceivuiu complaints and supervision of administrative personnel of the Authority Work it pet formed under the general supervision ofthe Executive Directoi QutUificmiioms. Ability to understand ornl and written nistiiictwos. Must be able to use officer machines including ? computer. Ability to type with accuracy at a moderate rate of spaed. Ability to deal' tactfully and courteously with the general public. Graduation from high school or G .E .D and or Associates Degree in Business ? preferred or an equi valem combination of experience and training The job description is available in Personnel for review .4#ptic*ee*i can be obtwmeJ ut. lobeson County Administrative building. County Personnel Office. 701 North Elm St Lumbettoo. NC .910)671-3016. Applications will be accepted from 8:15 a.m - 5:15 p.m. thru Friday,October 7.1994 Robeson County Housing Authority is Equal Opportunity Employer. Advertise Jn The Carolina * Jnbian Voice! Say You Read It In Carolina indian Voice CM now and get a hte issue of the SnoaaePaper-irt loaded with helpful hints for getting a better nigjjft rest. You'll also receive a , valuable Sominef coupon and news about the latest sleep products. 1^00552-2663 r Jmk Vmcmmcy Lknxtor Indian AJtmts Salarv Kauge (SU.8I3 - W.IW Cteni Dais: October 13 IW4 Location Ralegh. NC This position serves as the Executive Director for the Commission of Indian Affimt. The Executive Director is responsible for managing and directing the operations or the Commission, a state agency located within the Department of Administration The Commission has 39 employees and an annual operating budget of S3 million The Executive Director is responsible for unalaraanting the policy mandates of rae Commission and Department of Aihnirustration Included among the daily responsibilities is the duty of serving as the official liaison between the American Indian cititeasofthe stale and the federal sod stale government Daily responsibilities also include advocacy efforts on behalf of the Indian citizens of North Carolina to ensure that their cultural, educational, and religious practices and rights are protected The Executive Director is responsible for the management of the federal and stale projects housed ui the Commission, e.g.. Title XX. JTPA. ? uji* S Talent Search. Section tighi Housing Program. Cbild Abuse and I Neglect Program. Dru>: and Substance Abuse Prevention I Economic Development This position IS based in Raleigh with extensive travel staiswids Training and Experience I Graduation from a roar-year college or university whh a mgjor I in business administmdon or in 1 one of the social sciences and six I \eais of atlmuustraiive experience in an admiautiative, educational I or community service involving pemapebon in the planning and I management of a business or governmental program, or an I equivalent lOtnbi nation of tnuninu The Executive Director shall not be a member of the Board of Directors of the Crenmimina of Indian Affairs and shall be of American Indian decent All applicants matt com plats and submit a state nmiication for employment (PD-107 Rev. 1/92) "See Resume" it not aooantabie) to: NC Dept of Administration, Personnel, 116 West Jones St.. Room 2074. Raleigh, NC 27603 8003.919-733-4606 EOS/AA lisifitftr - -4 ? UIAMPU V ? (? ai-i-j ?> r i tTj 2 ?1 ? 1-1?1?1 1 w 1 1 ' ' * B OWE ( . I LxTSXE-I^E^^I ? 1414-w^n prrrr'CTWTTTrwTOT?-n I E335PKTI5?TI5?I?5?M5???5!R5W^^^^I ? SHSSffl ? naiMiixo^iMMair ttaM TOTAL I zz&iTXztrz.'zz'Sr: SCORE I 1 ? p^tnrm haMt> and mmk Mhv to mrmrt yow mornMr nttp Fmtl low ? mm Ljwwuil by mtf ttmt am *? wt ( l?*4lhrr??l^ V.?**Mr V If you've got a minute, you've got enough time to take our Easy As UCB Loan Test. Just circle the appropriate answers, and add up your score. A score of 15 or more means you'll probably qualify for a UCB loan. A lower score simply means we'll work a little harder to try to give you the answer you're looking for So take a minute, take the test, then call or visit any convenient UCB office. I "? '* f Say you read it in !The Carolina Indian Voice -v r I Thomas & Son General Electric * Hot point ?Microwave Ovens *Ice Makers ?Refrigerators ?Air Conditioners ? Washers ?Dryers *P-7 Ranges FRANCHISED MAJOR APPLIANCE SERVICE All Major Appliance Parts All Work Guaranteed * Phone (919) 739-4724 James W. Thomas Saddletree Area Greg Bell Attorney at Law 431 N. Elm Street Lumberton. NC 28358 (Located directly across from Courthouse) Work: 738.5530 Home: 739-1314 Native American Sprinklers 'Installing Lawn Sprinklers! REASONABLE RATES f Ctfittl-4411 * 7M7 . . This Space For Rent , Health Arts PC Dr. Rudy Coronado Chiropractic Physician Se Habla Espanol FOB 1117 707F Union Chapel Road Pea broke, N.C. 28372-1117 819-521-7797 521-2826 to Subscribe Say you read it in the Carolina Indian Voice Southern Sanitation Specializing in private home household garbage pick-up in and around,the Pembroke area. Sll Wmt 5th St., Pxabrok* (91*) 521-4771 DwMC.DMn.OnMr /T\ Pembroke. NC Traveling In Detroit? Call DOWNRIVER TRAVEL AGENCY Telephone (313) 313-300* 3100 Port Street Lincoln Park, Ml 4S140 JaHaa P. Martin, Pro. J & O Ta Kwon Do To Kwn Do Lessons Available Union Chapel Road. Pembroke 5-7 p m Tuetday-Thumday- Children ? Cla*e? 7-*# p.m Adult Clu*?e> 521-7.17# Private Lewi>n.\ Available OJ. Hendertoa. Inatructor ?cv Please stop by any VCB office or call 671-6100. Text telephone number for the hearing impaired, 1-600-676-6545. (?) tqual HomingUreter CI*??? Irewd Cwntiiw fcmk ggg&r1

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