Published Each Thursday Since January 18,1973 Ifc/fi'MI CAROLINA PS s C qntftan q>oic^/ It I " Promoting Convmmicttiont Between Indians and Nations " rp^brof,NC I m fteH-M <? I ????.?**"?*l^~*2$c per Copy I | ?QL11MF * M MSFHjUt TNIWUHV. OCTOBER t. IW .1 A Front Page Editorial of The Carolina Indian Voice Glenn Maynor's Election as Sheriff Good Medicine For What Ails Ol' Robeson A Itvm Page Editorial of The Carolina Indian Voke This is the second in a series of . editorials exploring the state of things in Of kobesen This week we're looking at what Glenn ^ Maynor'selection for Sheriff means foi the three races in Robeson ' Counts f. In the editorial opinion of this ^ newspaper. 01' Robeson suffers from ,, the three-sided sickness of racism ( Racism has made all of us Red. " Black, and White -a wee bit crazy Race dominates out collective lives, permeates every social scenario In (v the middle of a conversation, the question will invariably he asked at some point iu time. -but what race ? continuing to exercise their political ' and constitutional rights bv getting r involved in politics and even, from J tune to time, getting elected tooffices like the Clerk of C ourt Remember jj the excitement when Jo Ann Locklear an Indian, was recently swum into " that August position" Blacks, on the other hand, sometimes express the ' sentiment that Indians are greedv . and taking everything." asapromineni f Black said to this editorialist recently r. And. of course. Indians worry about political storms brewing in the wlme ' and black camps all the time All three J .ampsseeiaceasthednvinu torcetm lust about everything in Ol Robeson maybe e v en the production ot buttered bread If it weren't so serious, out racial inachinauonsandmaneuvenngs t would he grist for a comedian gone mad Again we ask out readers to , constderthe racial make upof Robeson 1 ' .*intv 40"jIndian.25".,Black.."". \ vVhitr out it a population hase of about 105.'WO From these figures, n " seems reasonable to expect 40", of ( jut elected and appointed officials to be Indian Right' And. conversely. Blacks deserve at least 25", uul 1 Whites 35". When vou look at a political map f of Robesoti C ountv. how are we douig" Well, we certainly are doing better , than we were a few years ago when even a predominateiv Indian towrr 'j like Pembroke was dominated b\ Whites Fot instance Pembroke did 1 not have anv control ovet its own ' affairs tor man v years and was treated J like a colony by het White political and economic overlords Rev t E ' Locklear was the first Indian elected mayor of Pembroke in I ?M'7 although J the town was incorporated in 18*15 j Change has been slow, but change is > in the wind Now Pembroke, dy namic ' and booming, is managed by an Indian I town manager, city councilmen and I mavor The town, home for Pembroke 1 State University, has not broken away < from OT Robeaon and slid off into the ' sea yet' t Except tut Reconstruction limes, hen Big Jim Oxendine was appouited countc commissioner h> Egads' ,. len Radical Republicans, for a brief i :ason before Democrats crested > jntrol of Robeson back. Indians and I lacks wete systematically denied .cess to the political arena until the 1 ne 1 racy Sampson, an Indian from 11 Deep Branch Community, was < lected a countv commissioner in 958 Now. Indians hold three count\ iminissioner seats 1I 2 % i out ot ight including Bobbv Dean Lockleai hv: is the aunt, .ommission > hainnan the Whites hold three seats P I 2".i and Blacks control two ominissioner slots. i25"?' Rretn l|uitable. Huh'* Yes. but don t forget, took the IV65 V oting Rights Act to easonably the -MM5.25 mix ispectivelv of Indians Whuc> and Hacks Also. Indian and Black oliticai operatises made sure it was one right The same thing was done elan veto our house delegation t)nc ndian 'Ron suttoni. oik Black Prances t winnings, i. and one W lute Doug ionguei tlie public scliools >f Robeson ( ountv Board ol ducation also subject to lustice lepartment oversight, reasonably effects the 40-J *-15 racial ratio \Vt ave 4 Indians. 4 Whues, and < Blacks lobe son C ountv can do it right w hen hevhaceto Its when thev don i have a is when the inequities are glaring nd unfair We see hope in the political .uid acta! realities reflected in our. ounr. ommissiooers. board ot education, md state legislative delegation Hope pnngs eternal' We can Jo things ight' A partem lias been estabiistied lungs work well when all three races ire respected and allowed to larticipate in the political process But there s trouble on the political lonzon Our racial maladies still haunt is and keep us from being the best we an be For instance, right now. there are wo particularly galling and glamtg acial eye sores in Robeson Counts Jne ol them is the racial mix ot leputtes in the Sheriff*s department .ast time we checked there were 42 67% i White deputies. V114%? Black leputies. and 12 tl9%i Indian leputtes Out 40-55-25 racial formula . tas taken a shellacking in the sheriff's lepartment If it was done right and tairlv there should he at least 25 Indian deputies. 16 Black deputies wd 22 White deputies if the sheriff followed uu? 40-55-25 nuni in the {election of deputies \Kr hetieu jlenn May nor s selection as the democratic and Indian Sheriff of Robeson Countv would go a king ways forward fixing what ails us in 31' Robeson. Maynor s election as sheriff on November 8 will be guod nedicine for our racial ills in CM* Kobeson There > another racial eve sore in Kobesoii t ouriis and thai is in the make up or the Board of Directors snd staff. of Southeastern Regional Medical Center 'Formerlv ?southeastern General Hospital ? Last lune we checked there was onh one Indian on the 12 member hoard Bui thai sanothereditonal Wellsa.more about that in future editorials Right now. the os eroding political issue m these pans is the Sheri fT v race m Robeson County There ?e Problems of a verv racial nature vtam whites are abandoning the Democratic *rn and callinu themselves ttemocrais for vanderson the Noblest With that is James Sanderson is a Republican pure and simple We ?oOc noliiicul reason will pre > ail Hie AAMMaL. la, la. 11.1 '^BWIW ihul w^^fWPTfTWntr ^vtwr is defeated on Novemberx. n . h*osand P?,rtl-?l madness in ' Robeswi. bveryhodv will look tor a political ruck to hide undet political alliances and philosophies will be torn asunder and destroyed Indian Democrats will scream bloodv political murdei and right I v so iiui Democratic Political leaders ol al> three races must exert political.nuraut and Inild the pan\ together Recentlv Joe B Freeman the W hire register of deeds, and Frances i uminings. a local Black legislaior refused to join Glenn Mavnor aj id the J? Democratk candidates in a Robeson ( >unt\ Democratic Pam xd Both have their own political reasons ten refusing io suppon the Democratk ticket W e hope its not an epidemic of racial sickness that caused 'hen' holt die partv >nl| Jca, readeis. it i> America l ill/em an! candidates. have a right to -on ot support whomever thev chviose That is true tor Joe B. Freeman and Frances tuinmings And it is true tor me ,ukI vou. dear readers We also have the privilege to vole tor and suppon the candidate! si of our choosing We .house to suppon ulcnn hf Sheriff on Novembc .* We eikoutage out readers wliethei Democrat or Republican io no to the polls and vole tor htm If 0t the Indians. 60% of the Blacks, and 10".. of the Whites vole for Mavnor he'll win handily The onlv hope Mr >?jdw?on has is to split the Indian and Black ranks It's not going to happen en masse Indians. Blacks and Wlutes who care about the tutun ot Robeson County are eomg to loin hands on November 8 and elect Gienn Mavnor. the Democrat, bv a substantial Margin Those who want to return to an I8b0'sorevena lt50'S' Robeson Countv will be brought to their senses, hopefully, bv a Mavnor victors on November 8 Glenn Maynnr it Indian. Democratic neraMable. Talented, and gmtd M*jtelswt tar what ails as here in CM Pembroke Housing Authority Hakes Donation The Pembroke Housing Authority 'donated $400 to the Pembroke Recreation Commissioa This coaMbmioa will go toward* replacing football uniforms and equipment for gsee youth "Oar objective is simple Make a 'quality impressions early that our vouth amy remain drag-free This ^mtrtbutionisontyoM of many steps | that the Authority has taken to j accomplish this objective, said ( Lamart Harm. Executive Director of Pembroke Housing Authors "TlteMMUMMlfiftforaaMll umm autbohtv like Ptaferokt." ?id Larrv McNeill. PembtuM Town ouncilmen The Com hum km conuheadr the Anthontv tor their f iToni ? ? ? ? i,a - LCTUrt Harm snown ien presents Larry McNeill. Commiiuon Tribal Council to meet Tuesday The Lumber Tribal Council will hold their first official meeting on Tueeday evening, October 11,in Room 233 in the Chavis Center on the PSl' campus The agenda inc ludes the follow my Elect officer* Retain legal counsel Chaplain suggestions truni Artutda Locklear Review Responsibilities Goal Evaluation Parliamentary Procedure Federal Recognition Election of Glenn Mayum Tribal members are encouraged to attend Lacy Cummings, President of EMC,Announces Re-election Bid ?-*? rapr? Lac. c ummjjngs. President ot the Board ot Directors of Lumbee River Electru Membership Corporation announces his bid for re-election to the At-Large position. Mr C ummings. a native of the Ml Airv community, has served on the EMC" board tor the past 12 years In making his announcement. ( ummings released the following statement "During my tenure on the LM( board there has been much growth and improvement. I feel privileged to have been allowed to be a part of this expansion and the innovative programs that are benefiting our consumers "From 1982 until IW3 we have seen a growth in the operating revenue ot the cooperative We have experienced a growth in revenue horn if million to $48.6 million Die cost of power has also grown during this period from # 11 million to $33 million During this same time frame we have grown from 944 new services in !992to2.l I1 new services in 1993 Total numbers of consumers served has also grown from 26.065 to 38.493 The milesof line has increased from 2.91 f 7 to 3.605 6 Fhe total utility plant has grown from a business of $28,4 million to $66.7 million "These figures indicate much growth and has resulted in mote tob opportunities and better service fur our consumers It has been a challenge, but the accomplishment of these goals has also been rewardinv Servtnv as the president of the board has been a growing experience forme personally and I have sought hnswers from God while striving to make decisions thai affect all of us on the EMT lines I have felt humbled bv the experience but also confident thai I have performed well as your president and vour at-large member of the EMC board "My twelve years on the board has shown that the number of industrial accounts on our lines have more than doubled. We are proud that we have staff and board members with the innovation to obtain industrial accounts over our competitors LREMC was the first cooperative ui North C arolina to utilize customer , owned peak sharing to improve customer rates and financial standing of the coop I am proud to have been a small part or this ttemendous progress "During my tenure on the board of directors, we nave also implemented innovative programs thai offer assistance to the consumes* We have developed and implemented e program that we call "Help a Needy Friend." This program is designed to help members who ere disadvantaged topay their beating costs. The program provides fends for this need without costing the cooperative or the consumers any additional money "This period of time has also resulted dinthe doubling of foe dollars utilized for weatherization ^ ^ ? V * -.J0; conservation to lower members electric bills We have begun to and continue to change substations from W ICV to 115 KV saving line loss by reducing operating coau. We have alio reduced line Ioas during that period of time by approximately 35 "Another program that I am proud of ia that we are now allowing members 60 dayt in order to pay their electric bills instead of 30 days This it a great help to our many consumers who are on Axed incomes "As we approach the annual meeting on Tuesday. October IS. at the Performing Arts Center at PSU, I humbly ask for your vote If re elected. I will continue to do what I have done over the past 12 yean, making decisions with you the consumer in mind. Being a tenner and s consumer myself I am very familiar with stressful economic tunea and am dedicated to making our cooperative ?he best in the nation without causing ahardahipaa us who are the consumers and owners of our cooperative." Locklear Retires from Navy after 29 Years Master Chief Yeoman David G Lock tear, son of Mr and Mrs J 'Davis" Locklear of Pembroke hai retired from the L'.S Navy after an outstanding 29 vear career David enlisted in the Navy in June l*tt>5aftei graduation from Pembroke Higli school and continued biseducation ir the Navy reaching the highest enlisted rank available Lockleai accompli died this goal b> continually seeking and accepting positions 01 greater responsibility. authority ant complexity Dunne his lustrous career Dbvk has served on many ships and shon commands His first dutv assignmen after recruit training was in tin Philippines with C ompostte Squadroi Five The squadron mission include! daily flights into Vietnam am providing tow target service lor da fleet He next was assigned to da aircraft earner USS bnterpnse am subsequent I \ to Attack Squadroi Fifty-Six where he again depfcrved a Vietnam Maater Chief Locklear ihei transferred to his Am ofasveral Nurt Adanbc Traerv Otpautfion i NATO torn. Commander m Chief Souther Command in Naples. Ital\ After a successful staff NATO tour, he was assigned to independent dut\ on board ' the mine sweeper USS Exploit. He ! returned to a NATO staff. ! Headquarters. Supreme Allied ' < ommand Atlantic Norfolk Va During this lour he was selected km chiei pern officer and remained rut an additional lour as flag writer and oertormed admirable on the j personal staff of two fuur-?ta7 I admirals Continuing his NATO alliance, he went to sea with the staff I of Commander Standing Naval Force , Atlantic, as flag writer and , administrative assistant for an arduous , 13 month deployment, resulting in his , selection for senior chief veornan ] After this challenging lour hs was ' ready for real excitement and volunteered for duty with the Mat \ Special Operations Comnumd at Port I Bragg. NC He as the Sbwor Navy Enlisted person aad served as the " administrative officer Here be qualified as a Navy Parachutist sad ? was selected for Master Chief Petty B Officer After pat over four yeers ' ?****?< he ittureed lo SACLANT whet* he did a superb fob at the ' || command Master Chief aod Senior Enlisted Advisor to the four-star admiral The Master C hief was transferred to hit final duty nation. Navy Management Systems Support Office in February |W|. where he cootiaued. to perform superbly serving aa the Implementation Division Head for ship board computer programs mstallat ions Although the Maaicr Chief has retired from active served, he still wean the uniform in his new position a Association Naval Scitoce instructor m the Navy iuntor ROTC program at Norview High School la Norfolk. V A. His excellent leadership abilities are sure to enhance the format! vt yean nf tomorrow s Navy men and women Dunne his career Master Chief Lockleer has sarasd many awards, including the Dsfoase Mentor tons Service Medal (2 swards). Joint Service Commendation Medal l2 swards). Naw Commendation Medal. Joint Service Achievement Medal. Navy Achievement Medal. Joint Mensortous Unit Award. Navy Unit Commendation. Meritorious Unit Commendnttun. CioodCanduct Msdni ?6 awards t. Natioanl Defoaee Service Medal (2 awards). Viamam Service Medal (3 awards). Sea Sarvice Deplovmem Ribbon (3 awards) i niiued Service Warftt* Spectahst and New Parachutist (gold wings)

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