David Weinstein Named Chairman of ?v ; PSU Board OfTrustees ' ??? n ^ The Pembroke Stale Universttv Bawd of Trustees elected a former : mayor of Lumbertoo as its chairman David F Weinstein. who served as Lumberton's mayor from I987 to 1991. replaced Marion Bass as chairman of the 13 member board Bass is a 196S PSL graduate and lives in Charlotte He has served on the board of trustees tor 7 years, the last three as its chairman. He will remain until his term of service expires in 1993 ' Elected as vice chair was Gloria G Williams from Raeford Williams has served on the board since 1989 John C Nicholson of Lumbertoo was elected by the board as its secretary Robert E. Caton from Limberton. Sybil Lowry C oil ins from Ptmbroke. and Fred George from Laurinburg were elected to serve on the board's executive committee Collins was recently appointed by Governor Hunt in August to fill the seat vacated by JoAnn Locklear of Lumbertoo who was elected Robeson County Clerk of SupenorCourt. Board members are prohibited from holding public office The board voted unanimously to commend Mrs Locklear for her contributions to Pembroke State Continuing to serve as Pembroke State's board of trustees are H. Dobbs Gxendine. Sr.. from Lumberton, Jem Lowry from Sunset Beach. Adolph Dial from Pembroke. Ronald C Hammonds from Lumberton. Herbert H Robertson from Proctorville and Lerrence Brewton. president of | PSU's Student Government ' Association Die Scptembei board meeting included reports from Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs. Charles R lenkms. Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs jMMs.a C basis. Vttie Chancellor for business Affairs. R Vci.' .Hast, sai Vice Ciacceilcr fc Development and University Relations. Prudence S. Precourt la his picscuution lo the boaua Chancellor Oxeodioe Mid he hod an outstanding group of vice chancellors and was very proud of their accomplishments and leadership He introduced to the board Professor Sue lien Cabe who is the chair of the Faculty Senate Chancellor Oxendine told the board that The University of North Carolina's General Administration has made plans to upgrade Pembroke State toaCofiipicSer^ivel University based upon a finding by the Carnegie Foundation According to the Chancellor. General Admmistrabon is seeking additional funds to accomplish this The impact of the elevation to Comprehensive 1 status on PSU would mean an increase in the library holdings, administrative staff, frctihy for the graduate programs, and in faculty salaries. Chancellor Oxendine also repotted on the status ofthe Regional center for Economic Development. "Mr. David Weinstein and I went to Washington D C. to meet with Congressman Rose and a delegation of persons that he had assembled." said Oxendine "We asked for $6 million from the federal government and then will need an additional S3 million from the state Outgoing chairman Bass thanked board members for their suppott during the past three years. "1 also chaired three board meetings as vice chairman." he said, "during that time and the last three years, the board operated to determine who we are. where we're going, and how to get there "We hired a new chancellor, we re-defined the mission statement, and we looked at ourselves during the feasibility study." Bass said. 'TV PrnoAnrt nmiwd ttw /vwtM - nvvwuii pivrtvu wv. wvtuu raise money for the university, and we worked towards improving relationships with regional hign schools." said Bass After his election as board chairman. Weinstein complimented his predecessor and said, "Manon Bass has done an outstanding job He has been physically, emotionally and mentalK attached to this (chairman si job " Weinstein pledged to keep the faculty. administration, students and k>04?d itt?mber& ?m ill before adjourning the meeting . Southeastern Family Violence On National Children's Day. Southeastern Family Violence C enter is sponsoring a Free Puppet Show, on October 14. 1994 from 6 p.m to 7 p.m at the Robeson County Public Library Refreshments will be served Lhtertainment Former Little Miss I . urn bee Southeastern Family Violence Center is seeking diligent and caring volunteers to work with abused women and children Volunteer Training is scheduled for October 22. 1994 from 9 a.in to 3 p.m at our Counseling center Lunch will be provided For more information call ''39-8622 and Help Us Stop The Hurt'" Educational Notes \ ) ' In celebration of Notional Food Service Week, September 19-23, Pembroke Elementary cafeteria staff hare honored with gifts, cards, and special treatsfrom staff and students. Vfrv Tracey Clark and Ms. Jeannie Ballard presented two candle aSbangements from the third grade tfbchers and assistants. Pictured from left to right (Seated): Paulette Love, Brendu Sanderson, Katie Chavis. Standing: Tracey Clark, ShelbyChavis, Annette Hunt, Maty Scott, WiUa McNeil, Desser Carter, Kelvin Jacobs, Wayne Swett, Faye Mitchell, Ms. Jeannie Ballard. : VarfiwW Feed Service week wm em September 19-23, 1994. On Wedmetdmy, September 21.1994 Ae fiecnlty end aaff pretemtad rack Materia empteyee *4* a earmge. Alta, the facaky end naffpretemtad e lanckeon in haaar efme cafeteria from Ufi ? right: MMy lactimr, Lucy Lmekhat, Jimmy M * CAn^ LJrt_ J C.. -* ? /(KvNi nmncy Mr twi, I'/fcfrtj amf Limdm ?/?c#*T*/V#I yicfttttd it: AUct Chflfii ? # With His hand on his Bible and a prayerofhope and faith. Harold Glvnn I Dial jusi completed a Write-In Petition as a candidate for the Maryland Fifth Congressional District Dial a candidate ui the Democrat primary received 6.3IS votes He siud that reminded him of the 7.000 son's of Levi "I wonder where the other 685 are. I would like to find them I know they are there, they just haven t beard about my campaign as a B1BL1CIS , When asked why he is following | up this primary with a Write-In campaign, he gave the following confident response " Senator Strom rhurmond went to the Senate with a Write-In campaign If it worked for him w ith the help of the LORD, it can 11 work for me Manv people did not Itnow about my candidacy, but we had to stait somewhere It has been ooe miracle after another In case you I didn t know it. I spent less than S500 i on campaign literature and ads 1 had no posters or billboard and received < 6315 vote, coming in 3rd in a Held of seven candidates with the help of the LORD. God is good I received no i monev frpm an\one and I will not accept any money from anyone. I owe my total allegiance to JESUS ' CHRIST I am accountable to Hid body and seek their ad vice and prayers. Please pray for me. My father always told me.' A winner never quits, and a quitter never wins! We have a new fire started on the political landscape Jkl Wt mod to mt Ik.* Might M M Mag to bin I am a B1BUC1ST I to be the WOI* o iOD* th cm}, B aJ soluti ma re the ooi v ones tfiai wort, aac wili #t thai o d back oa track I aaad i^K-WRiri IN my name DIAL* oa yoar November ballot at our carehdatc for the Maryland Fifth uogn ssional Dictnct And as always KteyQO^a^AMU s^ittsnsas Uui.jtowe pray faror.TW Y?." Dial who cuipii|Bt b kb SoowttMMBf uMfcrau Troop 327, of : . ago ?tdhe lo do so bv Rotoam AdMbuif. Ha ? gotebiy charoctartnd ? the Bitot* hMft?r Kac hrtwi ( selected a> Pureed Swett Hiyb > school's V'arsitv Baseball Coach ( Principal Bill Brewington shakes 1 lauds to congratulate Hodges as I Athletic Director Pope Rovce McNeill stands b\ b> Yvonne Barnes Dial A nets teacher at Purnetl bwett High. Michael Hodges, has been chosen to coach varsitv baseball Hodges, who graduated from Richmond Senior High in lV8v and St AndrewsCollege in IW3. replaces Tommy Lowrv who resigned over the summer "\Ve just want to be competitive in what I feel Is one of the best conferences in the state with teams like Richmond. Scotland, and Anson said Mr Hodges Hodges coached over the summer with the Launnburg Post ."SO American >~egR>n baseball team In high school ?ie was a two-time all MHitheaoeni 4 A conference player In college he was named All District 26 and All _ all of I <*>2 before becomtap assistant MseballcoachatSt Andrews College Shopping Lets ^shopping October 20.1?m to Potomac Mills a Virejua. Pice wilt be S45 pre pereoa end ate group will be traveling aa Bator's Coach Tours The reaaoo for the event is to do some early Chriatma* shopping. The shopping expedition tsbein^ sponsored bv the Committee to Elect Lam Towttseod. District IS. Hurtae of Representatives For more id formal kni contact Rarest Dial at 321-S22S. Diane Coins* at 521-2051. Andreaa Scott at 521 3104. or Leavim Chavi* at 321 -3041 Moaev must be paid bv October 20 Bos will depart Area Ltaabee Bank parking lot at 5 a m and return at 12 midntght II Locked Out. Ctf BuyingAHome> WMiovia Advantage Can OpenTheDooc Vbu don't need a millton bucks to get the attention, respect and answers you need When you want to buy a home, come to Wachovia. We have two kinds of affordable \ homeowner loans that work with lower down payments They're called Wachovia Advantage loans, and one may be nght lor you. \ To get started, just ask yourself if these five N statements are true: 1 \bu plan to live in the house you buy. 2 "nai ve been continuously employed lor the last two years 3. Your credit record has been satis I factory (or the fast twelve months I 4 There are no uncleared judgments / or collections on your credit record. 3. You've never declared bankruptcy or been under a wage-earner plan. These are the kinds of questions well I i. .1 ai i i / / as*. ai ine same time, wen dc nappy to / answer your questions about the whole home j buying process, And we also offer free seminars and brochum So call or drop by any Wachovia office Vk may have the keys youVe been looking for. JPCHOVIA fctow?i ?MI??bulgy IhMBiitiiM^ii^iiiiiiii?iKtiiltiiiio?*mmi?h lp?tn??ii ?? M?d ?????;? L_J ? .? i*m rm? !???#????'***l? ?MM mNMn(>?