j ^ Published Each Thursday Since JanuMT^M^^ I |j ||?j qtufion ^JJoicc I I - Promoting CommunicMiont Betwen Mtant and Ntttom" ?22>tSum? I I i g ? I ????? j Palim*21Nmmber42 , ^ Braveboy-LockJear Elected to North Carolina Humanities : Council ^T^brt^motaa Humanities will serve a three-vear term which began October 1. A state-baaed program of the National Endowment for the HumamttesfNEH), the North Carolina Humanities Council, founded m 1972, funds projects which use the insights of the humanities to enable people to listen, discuss, question, and critically examine the human experience. The Council is comprised or 23 members. Five members are appointed by the Governor of North Carolina Ms. Braveboy-Locklear. a 8hag raduate of Pembroke State Inivenity, is a freelance writer and a consultant on American Indian Studies. Until recently she was the coordinator/curator of the Indian Education Resource Center of the Public Schools of Robeson County. She has been active with the NC Writers' Network where dw has served on the Board of Directors and beeo a major participant in bringing writing to the public She has developed and led numerous workshops for writers across the stale. In addition to her writing. Ms. Bravebov-LocUear is a storyteller and keeper of Native American myths and legends who encourages others to tell and treasure their own stories. 1 In defining the mission of NCHC Ms Braveboy-Locklear says North Carolinians live in a world defined by more than geographical boundaries The state's culture and heritage are alive in the diversity of its traditions, its people and places, its history and art, its stories and music. "As expressions of culture and heritage, the humanities are all around us, in our conventions, in the different ways we see the world, ia the many ways we shape our lives More than expressing our lives, the humanities offer us ways to ask our most fundamental questions about tbe meaning of what we say and do. about who we are. "Tire mission of tbe North Carolina Humanities Council is to bring Nortb Carolinians together to make sense of this world we share, " she adds. flww above are: Mrs. Agnes Chmvis, Lumber, rectndy eppointeJ by A| President to the National Advisory Council on Indian Education Shawn with her is Supreme Justice Antaain Scabs Agnes Chavis Appointed to Board of National Advisory The President has appointed Mrs Agnes Chavis. Lumbee, to the National Advisory Council on Indian Education She formerly served as Chair of the North Carolina fonsortium on Indian Education and nas served as Chair of the American Indian/Alaska Native Caucus of the National Education Association NACIE was established bv the Indian Education Act of 1971 By law, the Council consists of 15 members who are appointed bv the President The Council assists the Secretary of Education in carrying jut the responsibilities under the Indian Education Act and to advise Congress iud die Secretary with regard to Federal education programs in which Indian children sod adults participate. of from which they can benefit NACIE also provides technical assistance to local and Indian education agencies, institutions and jrganizations. submits nominees to the Secretary for the position of Director of the Office of Indian Education Mrs Chavis was sworn in as a member of NACIE in Washington. DC on September 20tfa Supreme Court luetice Scalia administered the oath The appointment to the NaCIE board addstoa long list of educational organizations and boards that Mrs Chavishas served on. She was hit fi? Chairperson of the North Carolina Consortium on Indian Education. For several years she served both as Chairperson of the Title V Indian Education Committee for the Public Schools of Robeson County, and the National Education Association A retired educator. Mrs Chavis also serves as advisor to the Robeson Association of Educators on the special Cancer Awareness Project . She has been recognized on several occasions for her man v cantribut tons She has received the Henrv Berrv Lowrie Award, the highest award given among her tribe; the National Indian Education Award, and the Creative Women Leadership Award, presented by the National Education Association, to name a few Mrs Chavis isthe widow of George Chavis. also a long tune educator in the public school system Thev had live children She is the daughter of the late Gussie and Flowers Hunt of Rowland. Mrs Chavis is alaoactive in her church Berea Baptist, in Pembroke An Open Letter From Attorney Arlinda Locklear ? ?V ' I 1 mud reputi to von the sad new s that oar federal recognition bill Has died for this session of Congress This past Saturday. October 12. the United States Senate adjourned without having acted on our bill This means that we must stan the whole legislative process all over again for our bill to become law k Two weeks ago, 1 met with Senates 1 Inouye (Democrat from Hawaii). Chainnan of dm Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, to discuss the projects for our bil Under the Senate rales. a vote an a bill, even a vote tt tasakafllibnatar. cannot tafce place ^conduct the rose undcrwhai^ u thrwi^asSSosenaa of steps to hie ? rote an a bill, steps that can take snywhsse foom fonr to eight dayt m complete Because thorn was so note Nbm loh in tfteeeetian. we had lo bs v <? a thne agreement to condnct the rote tcMtredk^tlw niibueter on our As yqu know. Saunter Holme had organized the filibuster on our bill Senator Inouye advised me at our meeting that he had asked Senator Helms to enter into a time agreement for the vote on the filibuster. Senator Hebnsreftisedtodoso Senator Helms there was too little time ^eSuSnhe Msmon for our bill to get a vote on his filibuster Senator Helms knew thai his reftisal to enter into a time agreement meant the death of our bill for thi s session, la other words. Senator lelmr succeeded in killing out hill vithout even having to cast a vote to do a Senator Inouye also advised me at forourWlj?r^^Cn^^ thSTC bill a?sedaertai2n.Wedfocutnd the khaty changes in As Senate as a result of the upcoauay election Senator Inouye indicated that. even though tlv Republican* will certainlv EebeLves that As Dunouian will mil have *t amonty in dm Senate Finally SenatorInouvf uvdicHcdthai ifthe Democrats keep a maturity vole in the Senate, he believes he can peas the Lumber recognition bill in the Senear next session of Congress I advised Senator Inouye that I would peas his recommendation along to the Lumbee people The newly elected tribe! council recently authorized Chairman Dahun Brooks to retain me as the tribal attorney for toe purposes of contmumg the work on the federal recognition bill. I have asked to meet with Chairman Brooks and the tribal rnanril imimulimt ly after the election to aaaeas prospects far fee bill nest session and discuss strategy This is certainly not the news I had' hoped to report to you at the end of Bus session of Connreas Bat we cannot allow our selves to become discouraged and lesson our efforts I firmly believe fan! the Lumbee Tribe Will be federally recognized one day It is not a question of whether, but only a question of when. It ig antral to hasp fee effort alive and stron^ao A Front Paae Editorial of thm Carolina tndifn Vole* Laws and Attitudes in Conflict in 01' Robeson, or can Glenn Maynor's Election as Sheriff blend our Laws and Hearts? This is the fourth in a series or editorials concerning the stale of thints in CM' Robeson There is unbridled opinion herein The Editors do not pretend otherwise The Ism tells us the way we ought to act toward one another, but our hearts, inany tunes, lead us astray In (act. who can legislate the uncut of our collccttvc hearts, banish racism and ill-will front our midst'* It reminds us of a snatch of an old Hymn I hat cries out" what can wash away my sin ' What can make me w hok again'* Nothing but the blood of Jesus .." And that s the truth We can pass a sack full oflawsbut. ifour hearts a re not in it. we'll resist with lots of political posturing and name-calling It's been that way. seemingly since time immemorial in the beginning here along the Luntbcc. and in America, the Declaration of independence stirred the conscience of the world with its call for a country w here all men arc created equal" In the same document. Indians were labeled as "merciless Indian savages " Tliai The Law and our hearts clashed llicn. and llicy vc been dashrng ever smcc Later the U S Const ilnliott in 17X7 gave America a document to live by and later added a Bill of Rights in 1791. Yet that same document allowed slavery until IM )X. and counted slaves as .V5ths of a person Blacks and Women were denied the right to vote until IX70 and I920 respectively Indians'* They roccivcd the right to vote in 1924 by an executive order ofthe president ifthcy were federally recognized Laws say one thing, but. in actuality. mean something entirely different when energized by man s lieart Here in Robeson, the law and the intent of our hearts liavcoAcn clashed In ease yon haven't heard. Pembroke is overwhelmingly Indian, yet Pates Supply Company and Ihrec White churches flourished there until very recent times Even now . Pates Supplv is headquartered tit Pembroke, and not one solitary Indian owns a sliarc of stock in that august (sic) organization One of the White churches, formerly Presbyterian, is now home to Palmer Drug Abuse Program, for recovering drug addicts The White Baptist church meets for preaching every oilier Sunday vv hen the sparse congregation gat Iters to validate its existence Thai brings its to the story we promised y on last week concerning the Wlutc church (then Calvary Methodist Church but now disbanded) in Pembroke tliai gave itself and the church building, to a church tu Liimbcrton (Chestnut Street United Methodist Church), then turned around and sold it to a Pembroke Indian businessman for $60.(XK) First Methodist Church (Predominately Indian) and Calvary Methodist (All White) shared a Pastor for many years in Pembroke It seemed like a Ministry of sorts. altlKMigh the two churches never really shared any thing more (nan the Wlutc pastor usually assigned litem Later an Indian. Rev Jerry Lowrv. was assigned as Pastor to the charge in Pembroke We dion t know if one had any thing to do with the other, but shortly thereafter Calvary Methodist Church disbanded, their membership (All Wlutc) simply dwindled away. The handful of parishioners transferred to Chestnut Street Untied Methodist Church m Luinbcrton. and elsewhere and took their church w ilh litem. Did they offer it to First Methodist'* Not to Our Knowledge Liltk was said about the lamcntabk slate of affairs until Pcmbrokc t leaders later begun lo look around for a possible site Tor a public library Ah here s formerly Calvary Method** Church Match and forlorn And empty In time. Dr JocOxcitdtnc PSU's Personable and dynamic Chancellor. Dr Walt/ Mavnor. Then on PSU'i faculty. and others, leda drive to secure a site for a public library in Pembroke Dr. Mayttor and Dr Oxcndinc led a delegation, including Mavor Milton Hunt and Town Manager McDuffle Cuntmmgs. to a mocting wHh church leaders at Chestnut St rod Unitod Methodist Church in Lumbenon In the spirit of Christian fellow ship and civic pride. Dr Maynor. and his party , asked Chestnut Street l micd Methodist Church to donate the former cluirch as a site for a proposed public library in PcMbrahc Chestnut Street United Mcthodi* Church said "NOT' In turn. they put tltc church on the market and Inter sold it to it Pembroke businessman for SAU.tMMi The facility is once igum being used as a church. New Life Tabernacle l^mbrtjp^stUiu^out ^ornSHc thai the hue Mrt'foSrilcCoSSife married to outgoing shefHTHubeft Stone), an astute White business woman, was in the process of dooming a tract of land she ow ncd in Pembroke for a library when she died iiiicvpceicdly la* year The transaction is now. according to reputable sources, tied up in the probate of Mrs McCormiefc s estate The Bible cries out for peace and brothcrh los e Should Chestnut Sired United Methodist Church have acted so cavalierly, so strictly business" asoacoflhc participants at the meeting put H? We thing not It would hose been more Christian, as we see it. if former Calvary Mciliodi* - Church had given the church to Fir* Methodist or the: community to begin with But then, who can plumb the * depths of our hearts' This it the same church, along w nit' Fir* Baptist in Lnmberton. who spoke to at we see tl.. unlovingly again* ex-felons in a teller to (he editor iu the* county daih a few weeks ago Mat God help us all to nndcratand and forgive one another It there hope for ui' Docs hope *111 spring eternal'' Is hope Mill just around the corner*' We certainly hope so The evil political scheme oC'douMc-yottng" has been con*iiiiuonalh dismantled- six school systems arc now one. the county commissioners, board of education and house dclcgaiion have been rudistrictcd under the leadership of Bobby Dean Lock tear, county commission chairman, and through the auspices of the l%5 Voting Rights Act Political change, slow but change nevertheless continues We can never go hack to the old days when Blacks and Indians w ere frozen out of the poltl tail process It is a ncyy day in Robeson Count. now peopled bv a *?% Induiu. White 25% Black populace We *aud on the ere* of change m Robcton County. in spue of those yy ho rest* the sand ions of law s Mich at the y ot tug and civil rights law s Our hearts Mill lag behind our lasvs We rest*, wedraganr spiritual feet, yyc po*urc and titc God's name in vain often. but. in time lite law and our hearts will become as one When that happens. Robeson can be a great county as it is meant for her to be In our optntou the election of Glenn May nor as sltenfT will do more to mend our broken and battered hearts than am thing else we can think of Can the elect ton of Gktin May nor its shcrtfT change our minds and hearts'' YES> YES' YES! We arc Mill Iwpcful Vie (item* Mmvm* fm Sheriff His elect ton will btnd i*owwounds renew our floggingipirtta. and allow our laggingheartslo catch up with the Democratic promise jtt* ahead of us LocMeer Overcomes Hammonds in EMC Election la a hotlv contested race, newcomer Am brow Lock leer Jr replaced 12 year recumbent Ronald Hammonds oa the Limbec River Election Memberehip Corporation Board of Directors Both men ate from the Saddletree community Lock I ear tallied 640 vote* to HamwondC 310 Newcomer Proctor Lockleer overcame jarianbeat John EUerbe 619 to 461 to become die top vote Lacy Cmmnlaaa. preeidcni of the board, reftacd Ns mm *aurn a challenge from Larry Locklaar Cummreyri^fradered 652 voter to lacambaai Jim Dial defeated challenger Heywr Deem 662 tp4M Tbealacttoa war held w part of the STpSLTpSSmm?*AimVaihu*w e ? Oh frtdm). Okmker 19*4. Seperter Ctmrt Jedfe flnrWf Inwli ?mwv to ? ww wowmti . cm mmmum nw* www in ee e new euemn h$ tka Hekeeen Cenmy CemOmme. He k ihe ten ef Mr. end Mn. MennU Hmmm >m*t ef+elwdSewee II ? J J . J \ / aiHwMfe a^rpi^wf Wake Fermi Lew SekeeL He it tn pHrete prm.Hv* in kemkerten. Anemey Memmtmkt'i metker, Urn* k m meeker m Lnmkenm Htek Sekeel end k vemetekne week m ker detmrme 0 N. C. Am* wC krether. Cetky ml timer. Apr*, ere n Imi * *?iw *i Am i mrtrmty. Hit utter. Aegmt k e tenter el Lemkertem Meeker nk< 4 .A J mphp r ;i?:'

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